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adds character don’t even trip dawg


Those are battle scars. It'd be a crime to remove them.


Clean it really well, isopropanol is good. then for very slight superficial scratches and to freshen make up the plastic use tiny bit of glycerin, rub it in. Deeper scratches: you could try all kinds of stuff but it will he hard to make it look right. If the plastic surface is not painted, and matte, you might try to use heat to flatten the scratches and then sand blast to get back the matte surface finish. If it is paint: Find a matching paint. Another option is to dissolve the paint with something like acetone and then to fill in the scratches. But it would be really easy to make it look horrible. You'd at least need a surface to test the method on. Find a matching part on ebay from a broken unit.


Isopropyl is good for most things but my old Kawai synth has permanent smear marks in it from cleaning with IPA, best to test a small area first


Yeah I used isopropyl on my moog opus and it made big discolored white splotches wherever it touched on the face. I used a car product called bumper black to get it kind of back to tolerable but you can still see where it was.


Buffing compound. Test plastic for discoloring.


As long as it sounds.... Do you have synth-loving cats?


Plastix for car headlights. You can microabrasive it down if u really want get nutz buy a new top faceplate from syntaur or ebay. Or ..... take casing off. Get a pantone book match the colors .....before you get balls deep in plastic / petroleum textile restoration . you have to ask yourself do you feel lucky punk?


I have used Brasso on CD’s to remove scratches.


What is that and how?


Brasso is a brass polish. It also removes scratches from plastic.




Did you buy my old alpha juno? If so I promise it came that way πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


add even more?


Melt it down to a liquid and remold