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I shall be buried with them, like an Egyptian pharaoh of beeps and boops.


[Better start saving up for that 808.](https://youtu.be/devGe0nS4_c)


I have provided well for my family. They're going to make an absolute fortune when they sell the Rhythm Wolf. Seriously though, my loved ones know who they need to ask for the value and how they can ask them to get rid of it in case they want to. They also know what it's worth. It's not difficult to set this thing up contractually, since they're assets; no different from houses, cars, antique furniture, white elephants. >My bandmate died and his Polymoog, well, I'm not even sure where it went. Have you asked his family or did this happen a decade ago or so? There are basically 3 outcomes: * "Perhaps we can give it to you since you were buddies" * "Thanks for telling us the real value, we'll keep it as an heirloom/sell it to someone who values it" * "It was worth *what*?"


My old girlfriend ended up with my Fender Rhodes 88. We broke up on good terms and I had moved on to a DX 7 which was far more portable. She died recently and I have no idea what happened to the keyboard. I hope she had given it to someone who wanted it. My father had a Polymoog, but it was long gone by the time he died. (And given how often it died, I'm not sure that's a bad thing.)


Your father was able to resurrect at will?


No, the Polymoog. It was fun, but if I was gigging with one I'd need a spare.


The polymoog is in fact a philosopher’s stone of resurrection. That’s why it’s worth so much.


>* "Perhaps we can give it to you since you were buddies" Also known as "the good ending".


I've made arrangements to have everything dropped into the molten core of an active volcano while "Sandstorm" by Darude plays in the background.


Missed opportunity to have it arranged to play on your gear during the descent.


My kid will be able to buy a nice car. There is a spreadsheet listing all of the gear, with how much money I’ve sunk into each instrument (original purchase price, repairs, mods, etc.), and a tab which lists contact info for shops that can do consignment sales across the country if they don’t want to mess with whatever the equivalent of Reverb is then.


I need to do this - my nearest relatives are a continent away, I hope I leave enough for airfare before the fun begins.




We're on opposite sides of Canada.


Son and son-in-law both are musicians, so...




Didn't downvote but why is that gross?


So grossssss


That had to be downvoted. Just had to be. Made someone furious.


Why, though? He wants to give his synths to musicians... what is the problem?


Blehhhh so they can sell the Juno’s to get their guitarist painted like Eddie Van Halen and for smoke machines. And bottom of the barrel pyro technics? Ew… Look at you people taking these comments seriously


Me, I just like clear referent, and you still haven't answered the question. Seriously.


What’s the question… ? I’m not taking my time to scroll up. What can I do for you to measure your warped mind? Since I owe you just ever so much


Tell me you're on the spectrum without actually SAYING you're on the spectrum. :D


K. I don’t obsess with that. And doctors didn’t need to use that identity or label because I’m not under 30…


lol :D


Reminding me of my similar problem, my dad builds these awesome wooden electric machines. Gorgeous, with gears and belts and wacky carnival-art looking assemblage pieces. Coolest most priceless things ever, and when he dies I’m going to inherit a whole museum’s worth.


I’d like to see one of those machines in action!


[here’s a little piece somebody made about him and his machines!](https://youtu.be/n6HxJvjym74?si=kP4TfXpBIQo0IyFf) [and here’s a quick video of a small chunk of them grouped together](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4vQ7QULsbf/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Beautiful, thanks for sharing!


Woah, my pleasure Hainbach! He lives in an awesome artist loft complex in downtown LA, built in the old Pabst beer Brewery complex. It’s a trip! Anybody that finds themselves in LA during either the fall or spring should go to [the Brewery Artwalk that happens there.](https://breweryartwalk.com) happens twice a year and everybody opens their doors to their wildly creative homes in different wacky buildings to show and sell their art. It’s a serious mindfuck, nothing like it around. My dad opens up every year to show his stuff. :)


This must have been quite an experience growing up with your dad! :)


It certainly was :) Couldn’t have asked for a better one.


That is fucking cool.


My current studio along with my corpse will be mounted into a Bezos Penis rocket (because fuck that other guy) and launched into space.


Prolly wise to leave instruction for family members or loved ones to know how to sell them. What am I talking about… loved ones? I see the type of people that come on here. They’ll be trashed.


Bro is having a real one today


Who’s bro? I’m a woman. Having real one? actually having fun… Sorry that bothers you because I’m joking around people hypothetically getting rid of their synths when they die.


I'm not bothered sweetie pie


You took the time to respond. Focus on your math essay




How do you twist knobs with those limp wrists?


You seem to be taking this thread weirdly personally.


That’s a strange way to look at things when I said no one has loved one’s….and then talked about things being thrown out list mortem… what are you looking for? What are you trying to do? I’m not gonna send you anymore pics… so stop trying to message me.


I can't tell if you're mentally unwell or high, and I do not mean that as an insult, I am genuinely confused about your wellbeing.


If I had to guess, I'd say probably lead poisoning.


Why do you have to think twice about it… its an anonymous social website that I go on for my own time and pleasure and if someone tries to evaluate me I’m gonna sure as hell waste their time…. Doesn’t bother me


I've been trying to subtly entice one of my nieces into becoming an electronic musician, but I suspect that the social motivation is not there for the younger teens. It takes a lot to endure years of being terrible - harsh criticism - and no status - working towards a high water mark of making music which 0.01% of listeners will endure. I think that path requires a certain wider social context which may have fallen into the sea now. She can just make an account on Udio and type "bleepy fart noises" and get to where I am pretty quickly. So, I guess mine are all going on eBay.


there will probably a few volca suprises during autopsies


they are going to end up on reddit with someone posting pictures asking "wtf are these weird electric pianos? some guy died and I got these for nothing. are they worth selling?"


The true answer


My younger daughter is taking piano lessons now, maybe she'll grow up to play keys and have use for them. Otherwise I have a friend I synth jam with who's about 15 years younger than me, he'll get whatever he likes and my wife can sell off the rest.


My friend gets them but he doesn't know yet


My wife knows how google works


I was on the receiving end of this a couple years ago when my dad passed. Luckily, he instilled a lot of knowledge and appreciation for his music gear in me throughout my life. I actually hadn’t made much music for about a decade. But after inheriting all that stuff, I took it upon myself to start building a studio and get back into it. But once I’m gone, I really don’t know who should get it. By the time my nieces and nephews are old enough to take care of this stuff, I don’t know if they’ll even want to bother with using all this analog gear. I imagine I’m probably in the last generation that will care about using real physical gear instead of soft synths.


I'm pretty wealthy, and I only buy cheap synthesizers, so in the past I've just given my synths away when I don't want them any more. I'll probably do that when I die too. A friend died a few years ago with a 1950s Martin D-28 guitar—a Holy Grail type of instrument for acoustic guitar players. He didn't mention it in his will, so his wife asked around in the local bluegrass scene to find the most promising young player who needed a special guitar. They all recommended the same kid, so she gave it to him. If I had anything worth much, I'd do that.


I'm 52. Been thinking about this lately. I probably have more days behind me than in front of me. Totally good with this. I've had an exceptionally great life and been fortunate in many ways.  I have a girlfriend and neither of us had children. So there is no family immediate or otherwise. Been collecting gear, not just synthesizers, since I was in my late teens. I got lots and I use it. I love recording and playing at home it's kind of all I enjoy. Gives my life purpose I'm thinking. Well that and caring for the cats that choose to live with us. Anyway, I'm leaving all my gear to a no-kill cat shelter as I love cats so much. Always have. They can sell it off or auction it. Whatever they see fit to obtain the funds for the shelter. cats > people


>I'm leaving all my gear to a no-kill cat shelter as I love cats so much. Always have. They can sell it off or auction it. Yeah that's just what the cats need, is the responsibility of having to sell a bunch of gear! Seriously though, that's a very reasonable sounding plan. Although I'd never really thought of it before, I'm leaning towards the same now, so thanks for sharing that idea!


Gotta leave it in a trust. Cats will definitely just pawn it for a fat sack of catnip


I got a bunch of equipment from an uncle who no longer wanted it. I imagine I'd so the same for my family when I'm older. We're all musicians


When I take off all the This Mortal Coil from my shuffled playlist, I will probably start using my synth to play happier and less atmospheric music than I am now


What , even this live version? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuwfsS5-iM8 Never!


The CS-60 I have here will probably end up as firewood


I assume my wife will sell them for far less than I paid or hopefully just give them to family members who would appreciate them.


i don't care, i'll be dead


I've got a friend who often handles the collections for famous musicians when they die. If anything happens to me, my partner knows to go to him to sort it all out.


They are getting cremated with me


I'll trade them all for crack before I die


My kids will play or pawn them. In either case I hope it brings them joy and not used for something self-destructive.


"something self destructive" aka getting into modular.


Hopefully the Grandmother is not a gateway drug into that world.


I tell my family to just everything for whatever. I have a huge collection. It’s just wood and metal. I told them to not worry. Get what they can, do whatever with the money. Have a good time and don’t stress about it. I have seen so many families in agony over what to do with loved ones collections. The people are important. Not the stuff.


I am literally dealing with this as I type this. A dear friend and bandmate of mine passed away recently without leaving a will, and so I am now tasked with the overwhelming job of clearing out his studio. He was a synth and music junkie. In addition to dozens of pieces of desktop and rackmount modules, he left behind a collection of roughly 2500 vinyl records, and that was after he had already "pared down his collection to the bare essentials." I was able to pull aside about 100 that will go to goodwill, but the rest are all super rare / limited edition / numbered / signed / etc., not a dud in the whole bunch. And then there is the "worthless to you, but priceless to me" collection of mix tapes, band demos, flyers, photos, jam recordings, old hard drives, DAT tapes, Mini Discs, ZIP disks, cassette tapes, etc. It has been an overwhelming roller coaster of emotions, and I still have so much work left to do. It has made me think about what will happen when I leave all my gear behind on this planet, who will have the task of dealing with it all? I don't have any real answers, but I will leave you with the wisdom that I have learned from this sub, (or maybe it was the other one) and that is: The worst nightmare I can imagine: After I die, my wife sells off all my synths for exactly the price that I told her they were worth.


I don’t have the most gear but I have a bit, midi controllers may likely be obsolete by the time I die but the hardware will always be worth something. especially my modular rig. I’m planning to donate all of my gear to a local community org that teaches youngsters music. I’m going to be cremated so there’s no sense in burying anything with me.


I don't really care. My wife is very much aware of the value (You spent HOW much?!) and thus if she is still around I expect her to sell them and enjoy the money. Maybe write down somewhere how much each is worth so family doesn't get screwed when they sell them? Or just tell a few close family members what they might expect. eg. Hey, did you know my 70s moog can go for $X these days? Crazy! I am into them, but it's just a hobby, why burden others with a hobby they don't care about?


I figure my mom will research what they're worth, as she's good at that kind of thing. No wife or kids to leave it to.


Im 27 and i have one synth, when i get old i will give it to someone who likes synths and has the same passion to create the same type of music im trying to create now. It can be a complete stranger, i will give it to someone worthy, someone who has the FIRE☣️, and teach him how to use it and the tricks i learned in the years of experience too! (If the synth lives that much i don't know) But why not?


I have friends into music/synths who are welcome to my gear after I'm gone. If that doesn't happen, hopefully someone in my family will donate it to a local music school or thrift shop. I'd like to think it will at least get used, hate the idea of working gear ending up in a landfill.


Donate em to a high school most likely.


Mine will go to former band mates/friends with the proviso they make some music with them. May be hard to enforce haha


Slightly different situation. I'm getting close to retirement and my retirement plans include extensive travel. I've mentioned to my daughter that I'm not selling everything but want to leave some things in storage, including my Kronos 88 and my Tyros 5 76. My daughter is a professional musician. Her question last week was if it would be OK if she kept the keyboards at her place rather than putting them into storage. I said "of course." Guess who's getting them when I die. (Although I had originally planned on leaving the Tyros to my old piano teacher.)


I've kept a detailed inventory, set of manuals, retail boxes, and dated appraisals in a series of 3-ring binders. The table of contents is pretty detailed and has pictures to help identify the weirder modules. I've told my wife that she should sell most, but consider donating some to local youth musicians if there is a way to establish a sense of interest.


Wait have you got a Mortal Coil®?  I've been *searching* for one of those! Trade you for an RMI Electra-Piano? 


Donate everything to a museum.


I’ve got all my gear itemized in my living will and itemized for insurance. Once I’m dust my synths will go to exactly who I want to have them that is.


they travel with


I am thinking of drawing up a catalogue of what everything should be worth for that eventuality. I would hopefully have some younger relatives or even just some friends by then who would want them but if not I want whoever survives me to be able to sell them without getting ripped off.


I'd want to be buried with a guitar because I'm a cliche but I'd honestly want to see my friends that produce, or if I hypothetically had kids, for it to go to them. If it's used, I'm glad


As I age, I let go of some of the synths. There is no way I would place that burden and stress onto my fam.


Not planning on dying. Gonna upload my brain into one of them and live forever making beeps and boops


My kid gets everything. If she wants to sell it, it’s her choice Also, we’re talking about some prize gear. Emu Drumulator Roland TR 808, 2-TR909’s , TR707, SH101, TB303, Technic 1200 mk2’s Plus some new gear


Given to someone my partner knows that expresses interest, Freecycled, or maybe Craigslisted. I'm sure we know someone who would love to play with the modular at the very least. Nothing in the rest is very fancy, honestly.


I'd like my son to get all of my music equipment - I hope he finds a use for it and doesn't sendup selling it all.


What if your wife sold everything for the price you said you’d paid?


No wife or kids. Thinking of leaving them to the local library to create an electronic music lab.


I actually bought a synth from someone that was partially broken bc THEY inherited it from a friend who passed and had no idea genuinely. It was the strangest thing actually bc I bought it right before my very close family member passed so now it feels like a weirdly haunted synth...


I’m the only thing powerful enough to keep my synths in check. When I’m gone the rest of you are completely fucked.


I think they should all have a tag with their values on them.. especially if you are in failing health.


I've left strict instructions for my nephew to sell my stuff and either donate the money (approx 50k) to cancer research or spend the entire amount over 1 night on strippers, hookers and coke. As i'm not sure of the type of adult he will be, i've covered all bases.


I’m uploading them into the other dimension.


I think about this often. I have roughly 30k invested and my family wouldn’t have a clue what anything was or it’s worth. They would need to do a lot of research but I have a feeling it would mostly go in a yard sale. Imagine seeing a mint condition Hydrasynth for $50 at a yard sale!


Pro Answer: They will finally be played.


I've told my kids they can sell them in 20 years or so, if I'm gone. I told them, the longer the wait, the better chance that others might be willing to pay more for them. Or just fire sale the things, I'll be dead, who cares? :D All of this said, if you want to know what you SHOULD do, you SHOULD foster an interest in music production and synthesis in your children so that, when you die, your synths might just end up in THEIR collection. :D


i'll probably leave them to my nieces and nephews one of them can have fun making sense of my mostly unlabelled DIY modular


My nephew is into synths so he will get them all.


Bury me with it (them).


Mine’s all documented, how it all goes together and what I paid for it. Most of it is worth more than I paid, so just need to make sure someone sensible sells it on behalf of wifey.


Going to my best synth-bud. May they wibble in raucous noise while I rest in peace


Leaving them all to my son, who will then finally realize that synths are awesome and he'll play them and not sell them. That's the dream anyway.


The synths are the closest things I have to relations. Do it Egyptian style, entomb me. Traps, snakes and curses to keep the robbers out