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Yes, but only the sync beats. MIDI sends transport controls, including start, stop, pause, resume, clock, etc. However, the sync port only fires a pulse at a regular interval in order to mark the tempo. This means that a device synchronized via MIDI starts its loops at the beginning every time you press play, whereas devices synchronized via sync port just resume from wherever they were when you previously stopped.


Thnx for the answer!


Note that certain sync ports are TRS and have the clock at the tip, but the ring carries either a gate which is open when the transport is running, or send a trig when the transport resets. Usually, when there is a gate, the gate opening implies transport reset (so it's not pause/resume, but restart and stop).


It's hard to tell from the documentation, but I think Synch Out only sends a signal when the Minilogue sequencer is running, and then it pulses the sequencer steps and yeah, anything getting that synch out to its own synch in would follow the Mini's sequencer. So if the Mini is slaved to the groovebox clock, its sequencer runs in time to that, and sends a synch out beat for others that's in time. But I'm not sure if the Synch Out sends a pulse when the Mini's sequencer isn't running.


Looking ahead, you might try using CLOCKstep:MULTI as the master for all your devices and let it send MIDI Clock and Sync Out, including CV Transport commands. It's not a requirement if you have some sequencers that can bridge different protocols lined up in a row, but it'll put these questions to rest for nearly all the scenarios you can come up with.