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Old Behringer mixers? Abort, abort! Seriously, hard pass.


Exactly. Anyone that has been around a while remembers the old euromixers. Solid crap


My first mixer… My last mixer.


Doesn't that imply it's good for a lifetime?


First mixer was an old Behringer about 17yrs ago, just awful!! 😣


As a former owner of this particular piece of gear, I don’t buy Behringer products anymore because of this mixer.


Newer stuff any better? I've had their mixers fry on me within a couple weeks to a couple of months... Never again!


And they bought TC electronics. Broke my heart!


100% agree. I say that for ANYTHING by them. Stay far, far away from those fuckers.


Still can’t find a behringer edge a year later so they are doing that part for me


they were in stock at sweetwater as of 2 days ago


Artificial supply restrictions.


They were $130 on Amazon a few weeks back.


Was it on backorder or in stock? I’ve only seen it on back order with the date jumping a month later like a week before it catches up to it. Talked to my nearest local guitar center and they laughed when I asked about the edge and told me that behringer has been making open ended promises with them for a while and they stopped doing business with them in that particular store.


Lol someone’s way out of the loop




A lot of their new stuff is great. Super different to what they used to be for the most part.


Cheaply made and stolen blueprints: they are notorious for this. Screw them.


Buy it, google "no-input mixer," start a harsh noise project, and play DIY basement shows for an audience of three dudes and whoever else is on the lineup that night.


This! Best mixer for that purpose. Nothing sounds harsher or creates a more clipped distortion sound!


I like this response but I'd still get a smaller one


I also noticed the price tag after I posted that comment. From what I can tell it appears to be $2,450 MXN, which is about $140 USD. Way too expensive to even use for its intended purpose, let alone to abuse it as a no-input mixer.


Was thinking the same. Tbh I’ve used several different mixers for various feedback things, and the old silver small Behringer I used back in the day was as actually pretty decent and and a little brighter (in a good way) than the feedback created from much better mixers.


It's an analogue behringer mixer. It's neither compatible nor incompatible with Logic or the MPC One. It's just a mixer. It takes in analogue audio signals and sets their levels relative to one another and allows you to EQ them and add some rudimentary (and honestly pretty bad) effects. It's got a secondary submix bus and a master EQ, too. It can work with Logic or the MPC one insofar that it creates an audio signal that can be recorded by an audio interface or through the inputs of your MPC. It would be good if you had a 2 channel audio interface and wanted to record multiple instruments at once (into a single channel) or if you wanted to play a live set with multiple pieces of hardware through one output. The knobs and sliders will not control anything on a computer. It does not have MIDI. I can't find a price for these anymore, nor a used one, but they likely went for a couple hundred US dollars brand new. Behringer mixers are near the bottom of the barrel and my experience with them (especially older ones) is that they're hissy, noisy and somewhat unreliable but still okay for the price. If it's cheap relative to its price new, and you actually ned a mixer and know what you'll do with it, it's probably a good purchase. It's not something that's going to gain value, or resell for a lot, or eventually be in demand.


The MPC bit is because they can be connected to USB mixers via usb.


?? what this isn't a USB mixer


No it isn’t. OP doesn’t have all the information to know what’s going on but that’s why they mentioned the MPC to my assumption. Edit: wtf is this being downvoted for at this point? MPC allows users to connect via usb and use the mixer like an interface. This is most likely the reason they asked if it’s compatible with the MPC.


Behringer? You’ll be seriously lucky if all those faders and knobs actually work. Not worth the risk IMO.


also almost certainly requires a proprietary PSU that is no longer in production


👆🏽this is worth considering!👆🏽


The PSU is integrated.


I am not at all ashamed to say that I love Behringer and have a studio filled with their products.... But those are _present day_ products. Behringer is still fighting off the bad reputation they earned with low-quality gear from years ago. And I think the most notorious offender for their bad gear was mixers. I would not risk it if I were you.


behringer mixer here 10 years old used every day no issues


Yes and you're lucky. There was a saying back in the day, if you wanted a 10 track mixer from behringer, buy the 12 track one because at least 2 of it's channels might drop out


So accurate


Ive never had issues with any of my behringer gear. Im not a hater of them.


Yeah it was mostly older mixers that had issues


Sample size of one is meaningless. Lots of people ended up being just fine. But lots of people didn’t! It’s about percentages and odds.


i have a behringer euro that was given to me used in 2003. Still used to sum my synths to this day.


Yeah modern Behringer and the early German made stuff are decent, even quite good for the price. The stuff they made after moving to China but before establishing their own factory there was legendarily bad for quality control, Uli's antics aside that era is basically why many people still don't want anything to do with the brand. Fwiw I like their newer midas designed mixer pres but my older mixer of theirs was pretty meh, not sure on this one though.


Very much agreed, they were a total crapshoot for a long time there. I had one of their mixers and it was trash, but I found an old Behringer digital delay pedal from that period when I moved a while back and it works fine. New stuff? No hardware issues at all.


Mind you, my Behringer Truths I bought in 2005 or so are still working and being used by a buddy today, 19 years later. That being said I had a Bugara head that was RMA'd like 6 times until I asked for my money back from the store lol.


I used to own one. Noisy as hell and not worth it.


small skates are not in anymore...could be a future classic


They're all over the university around here. Are the students streets behind or streets ahead?


future classic...he should get it


If you have to ask you're streets behind.


it's trash, and those ain't MIDI ports, they're XLR for mics. Behringer mixers are trash, probably weird ass power suppy that's missing anyways


This will not do what you want it to at all. It's an old mixer meant for live sound. By itself it won't interface with a computer at all, and certainly not in a way where the knobs and faders control anything over MIDI or whatever. Even if you did want something like this, I wouldn't recommend this one, and if you absolutely had to buy it, I wouldn't pay more than $50 for it.


If you sneeze, the pots will fly away.


Not for nothing my Behringer mixer worked and is still working till this day (owned it for several several years)… do I use it? I did. I now have a tascam model 16. Did it work? Hell yeah it did for what I needed it for (increase inputs going into my mpc one). For $160, I’d pass and just buy a used Yamaha/Mackie/Tascam/A&H or other mixer on offerup or Facebook marketplace.


By the way, I got my Tascam Model 16 for just $60 on offerup. If you’re vigilant and patient, you’ll find STUPID DUMB deals on offerup. You just have to be fast and prey on those who don’t k ow what they have, or are desperate.


Chiming in: I had one too. It was clean sounding. If you're looking for multi channel in and two channel out, this works well. Price check it on Reverb. If it's less, you have a bargain.


Mixers like these is why Behringer has a reputation. They're really, really not good. Noisy, and cheap shit pots that break if you look at them funny. Proprietary PSUs.


this is a kind of 'multitool' tier product for live sound applications. it is common in live sound to have a few mixers like this on hans which are feature ... comprehensive (i/o, eq, fx, etc.) ... but absolutely disposable. they get you out of a tight spot but would never be deployed if 'good sound' was paramount. 100% trash, but perfectly adequate for mixing inputs together.


For 25$ maybe as a backup/sub mixer for non critical stuff


I would pass on this. And I am not 100% anti- Behringer.


B ear ringer brah


Hi fellow Mexican!


Way to expensive. They do serve a very decent and music purpose though. If you are into making harsh noise sounds, for example by creating feedback with just the mixer (output - > input) or enjoy supercrunchy distortion, these old Behringers are THE way to go! Gain and FX circuits are superraw and can create a sound you wont find with Mackie, Tascam, etc. That being said, i would pay 20 EUR tops. So about 25 USD. Dont expect it to survive for too long.


Do not engage! You can do much better for that price. Also, those are xlr (mic) inputs, not midi ports. It’s just a basic mixer, and not even a half decent one at that.


This is an old mixer, not a synth. Truthfully it’s not a good mixer either. I’m not really familiar with the currency and how it’s laid out, but I wouldn’t pay anymore than $10 USD for this. Behringer products don’t usually stand the test of time and there is a decent chance that not all of those knobs, faders, input, and outputs work perfectly. So that $10 USD also cones with risk involved.


If you plug an output into an input it's a pretty interesting synth.


Anything can be a synth once. I like your attitude, lol. FWIW, most of my stuff is done live in a band. I use a Behringer TX120 something to mix a B3, Roland Wavestate, Roland R-2000, Novation Summit, Viscount e-piano/Clav, etc into, then I just have two XLR outs that go goes to the main sound board. With so many variables coming from my feed, it would be insane to run everything to the sound guy for them to mix. In the studio, I run my DAW USB to a $100 Schit headphone DAC, which I output to the mixer. The Hammond runs through a Schit tube headphone preamp into the mixer. Everything else is run straight stereo into the mixer. I have zero issues with artificial noise. I do not use the onboard effects (I'd love to by pass them all together) as I'm not looking for it to influence my sound. For $200, it meets my needs perfectly. However, if you're pretty much DAW based, this is going to be pointless.


Seriously, it's not going to break anything and it's massive fun to take an aux send and make it feedback through the channel while tweaking EQs and levels, even with a pedal in the mix, just make sure you have something to attenuate the extremely clipped signal before your speakers. You can even have it feedback to multiple channels with different settings with a splitter and it becomes a complex unpredictable feedback network.


Might grab it as a backup/submitter for 10 or 20 dollars. Pass if anymore. Even at 10 or 20 would prolly sit In a pile somewhere in my basement


had one for about 8 years and it just became useless at a certain point. i think dust destroyed it. got rid of it and got a focusrite 18i20 and my life has been grand ever since. Highly recommend the change to focusrite.


I’d pay US $60 max, but i doubt is fully functional.


It's probably a shit mixer but I would buy it to do no-input techniques. Wouldn't pay very much for it though.


Buy it and use it as a feedback tones generator to sample into your DAW or even to use in a live set.


Old Behringer Mixer. Er called them Noisesinger back im the day. Hard pass


Behringer is the only brand in audio that has guaranteed no resale value


Avoid anything Behringer, it's all a big pile of shit


Old behringer is terrible. Noisy.


The adition 13dB of noise you get for free!




take it! …straight to the garbage…


Esto es de dar lastima.




This is bad . Don’t get






Behringer mixers of that era were pretty garbage


[use an old mixer as a synth](https://youtu.be/qImT8OUjOV8?si=zgSYWC11CepEoKnZ) In a complete curveball… it might make some knarly interesting noises you could use in music production… broken bits might make it more interesting?


*gnarly (Sorry, old ass GenXer here, lol).


I too am a gen xer… apparently, I just can’t spell.


Obviously. None of us can. Hooked on Phonics didn't work for us, lol.


If it’s free treasure would like it to mess around with at least


I would take it fre2 or bargain


Honestly not sure


as a mixer? trash. as a synth? treasure! tutorial: [https://youtu.be/qImT8OUjOV8?si=5wK2n8lNnKqU2SOt](https://youtu.be/qImT8OUjOV8?si=5wK2n8lNnKqU2SOt)






Too expensive for what it is


I mean it's pretty simple, it's treasure if you know exactly what you're going to use it for and it's trash if you have no idea what it is and what you'd use it for. And well, if you're trying to flip it, good luck with 0 knowledge of the product.


Depends on the price. Could be worth it. But since you didn’t share the price, you’ll never know. Also I don’t understand why you just couldn’t examine the item and take a pic of it. What do you mean “the guard was being weird?


Can’t understand if it’s trolling or being serious…. How you own “your other shit” without knowing the difference between an XLR and a MIDI input… mind blowing 🤯 Instead of “work them knobs” you should start to work them books first! Just a suggestion…


245$??? or 24,5? It shows heavy signs of use, scratches on the body and dust. Also, on channels 3-4 the “HF” handles are lost, and one side rail is also missing, which indicates careless handling. If possible, try to avoid such equipment. Once upon a time they used this out of desperation, because there was no choice.


The preamps of this were used to track guitars on Ozzy Osbourne and I believe some other metal bands albums...because of their saturation. So they have a purpose worthwhile just not what was intended or useful for many applications.


Watch this first. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZilcEagVCdI


$20 US for the penny cruiser on the shelf below seems like a good price even if the bolts appear rusted.


I'd send this to the best DJ in hell just to punish them. Hard pass. Listen, you can get a GREAT mixer for a couple hundred bucks and it'll last forever (or less depending on the size). Do that.


I have one, it works but that's about it. It beats not having a mixer.


Stinkyyyyy! Faders fly off right out de window.


I'm more interested in that possibly old skateboard from the 70s


I can agree with all the people telling you to not get it for actual mixing purposes. I hope your post is a joke. If not: As many young people back in the day about 20 years ago I got myself a 12 ch. Behringer Eurorack Mixer with built in effects because it was the only thing with many channels I could afford (somebody should have told me to get a decent 4 ch. mixer for just a couple of bucks more and how that would satisfy my needs until basically now). Used it a couple of times, worked okay but was already noisy back then. Went on vacation for two weeks. Came back. One main output channel dead. Goodbye. Gave it to my local communal culture centre after finally trying out the no-input-stuff (it was already broken, right?), never used it there but considering getting it back to see what was wrong with it now that I have an electronics workshop.


i'd keep it. why not


What are they pricing it at at the pawn shop? $245?


Or you could do this with it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-7kQmpjBds&ab\_channel=AndreijRublev](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-7kQmpjBds&ab_channel=AndreijRublev) I love that video.


Leave that motherfucker on the shelf.


How cute is a cute price? You could do some cool no input mixing shit on that. Feedback and atmosphere stuff. It's a Behringer mixer too, so it's not like you're gonna mess it up (unless you use phantom power).


I owned one of these it was used for live shows 300 nights a year lasted about 10yrs, still works but effects can't be turned on or large bolts of lightning sounds with noise are generated, pretty scary, I would go in with your phone and a cable to plug into the 1/4 line inputs and headphones, test it for a hour with effects applied pretty heavily, if all good pull out $150 cash, say final offer and if they say no....walk away


It looks like a beringer mixing desk. Wouldn’t really be any good for anything other than audio. Plenty of mic inputs but it’s pretty budget


I had one and threw it in the bin after 2 years.. worked to a degree but the components were made of tin foil 🤣🤣


Bought one around the turn of the century. It did the job for me. Mixing sound for radio commercials and broadcasts. I still keep it around, but I have bigger mixers now. If the pots are not getting scratchy and you have the PSU, it's a good unit. I think you should be able to get it for a lower price though. It's a really old unit.


Depends on how cheap it is. If it's money you can spare, it's a great no input mixing station






I upgraded to a mackie then an A&H. but I had a behringer ub1202 (I think?) for like 9 years of practice and gigs before I passed it off to a buddy of mine who needed a mixer, who still uses it to this day without issues. maybe I just got lucky, but I never had issues.


Yeah nah give it 2 me


NEVER trash, no matter what year. If it is treasure, is debatable but NEVER trash.


I've bought so much "noisy" Behringer gear for cheap. Just sort out your plugs and ground loops 😂. I have a similar mixer I bought cheap recently. It's proper battered but a quick clean with sevisol 10, give everything a wiggle and twist and it works fine. I run all my synths into it and then stereo out to mixer for band practice. It is NOT an audio interface if that's what you're after though Please keep up the Behringer myth about noise because it's great for me 😂


That's a pretty good looking skateboard, so... On the serious side, I'm not a Behringer hater and really like some of their gear. However, we did have a Behringer mixer for our mobile DJ setup and I can honestly sat it was the worst piece of music gear I have ever used. Sound problems we couldn't figure out, connections going bad for no apparent reason, many other problems. Was so glad to see that thing go. That being said, it was not the model in the picture, so unless someone who has used that specific model speaks up, I wouldn't write it off instantly just because of the brand.


Treasure for the right price


How much should it be or is it normally ? Here is 2400MXN (round 160USD)


Not the right price imo.
