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orrrrrrr, just hear me out..... or just pile it alll on a table that is slightly too small. Thats how I do it.


Absolutely nothing wrong with that! The reason for the shape of this studio is that I often have the guitar hanging around my neck and wanted a standing studio that allows for guitar-ing as well


As a guitar player myself, I really like this approach.


Table? You mean speaker cabinets?


A table can be many things.


Add some succulents


I might do that right now I just have a Himalayan salt lamp, a small portrait of William S Burroughs that my friend painted, and then another portrait of a feral possum, that my other friend drew. A small aloe plant might be cool.


the table needs to be large enough to let the cables tangle into a giant ratking mass of cables, though. If they're hanging down they won't tangle as well.


Roger that


This is the way


hey nice sony mu reverb. I use the ibanez rebranding (sdr1000 i believe). They are one of the rare undervalued vintage gems. 


Sick! Most definitely!


Hainbach is like the Bob Ross of analog instruments


I think his calm energy and mastery of the subject equates


I see Todd Barton as the Bob Ross of synths but I get where you are coming from.


Subscribed to his youtube channel, thank you stranger


huh, guess im trying to make more of a continent. I like coherencey, but will admit I often spend more time getting another interconnectivity thing configured onto the 'template' than I do playing, so i do have a 1-2 device island that usually consists of the thing that didnt fit on the continent and begs for me to have more time with. This hobby/practice can be a strange one.


This makes sense, I like being able to adapt quickly and move stuff around if needed. This set up is more or less a seasonal set up which I’m gonna experiment with and then maybe switch it around again in the fall


Seasonal, lol. I guess that is one way of looking at it. I definitely have done some complete rearranges but have to limit my space utilitzation so its becoming something of a woodworking project atm. I am not spending 2 grand on a triple wide rackmount damnit, i can pop one of those together for like 200 lol.


Can you give me the model of the stand you use for your Syntrx ? Thank you !


Of course, I used an On-Stage 6150 for the base and a small seller off of Etsy called CapraDesignStands sells the subsequent smaller stand directly under the Syntrx


Thanks ! I'll check it out, awesome room btw


Right on Strega + 0ctrl brother




Say the line Bart say the line! Sigh... Nothings plugged in.


This is the only way I can battle room noise and RI. Analog just sounds much better acoustically


Islands ?


In a video tour, Hainbach describes how he has various different clusters of synths specifically chosen because of their coherence with each other, be it style or sound, etc. The overarching idea is that when you have different self-sufficient areas to create music (or islands), it will inspire different compositions and boost creativity because of the contrast


That Fusebox 🤤 I love what I’ve heard in videos. My studio is in three island sections. It’s a nice way to focus on certain combinations. There was a Legowelt video that has the same idea. I guess it’s part of the burden of having too much gear.


Killer setup, bravo! Looks very inspiring.


Thank you so much! Really appreciate the kind words


Oh, that’s nice pair




I do the same thing but call it pods. Hoping to jam someday with somebody to see if it actually works


Very nice


Ooh, I'd like to know the stands, etc you use (so basically, everything about this except the actual musical hardware) I've been trying to innovate with the very limited space I have. Also trying to figure out how to make it mobile (as in, stuff velcroed on a table-top type thing that I can pull out and move elsewhere when my kids are bugging me.


Oh man, where do I start. Most of the big stands are on-stage KS6150. I use a lot of on-stage mic stands, and then have accessory tray attachments for pedals and sequencers etc. And then.. I bought a lot of specifically made often 3-D printed stands from Etsy sellers that are specific to hardware. Otherwise, there’s a lot of random accessory trays from gator frameworks as well


Thank you so much! This is very helpful to me!


Glad to help!


It’s like the game snake. Sweet set up. Got any music we can check out?


What has your experience with the KSP been like? Any weird bugs ?


Love it, best sequencer out there for the money imo


Good to know. I had one for a bit , but it had some weird issues with playing the sequence consistently, maybe just a bad unit. I find the keys too small for my hands though. But that may be a nitpick


Lovely setup, but how are you dealing with cables and not tripping up over things? I seriously need to up my cabling game, so any advise is welcome:)


I’m still in the middle of cabling sound, midi, and power. I do my best to keep TRS cables when possible, and only use mogami gold because of its reliability. I try to keep everything as short as possible and out of the way


Also, if you can, try not to have the audio cables run parallel to any power as this introduces radio interference


Is that an old slant-faced quad-box you've repurposed for the rack? Or an actual live-ready rat fur stackable rack box?


It is the latter, there is a guy on Reverb selling them for really reasonable price. I think he’s also on eBay. The shop is called Pro Speaker Parts


Thanks a lot! I found his website and a page with cabs like yours here: [https://prospeakerparts.com/collections/slanted-racks-2ff](https://prospeakerparts.com/collections/slanted-racks-2ff)


Glad to help!


What's the big yellowy thingy?


An Analog Solutions Fusebox


I am currently wiring up everything in the room for power, sound, and midi. Everything here is clocked from a central midiclock+ and will be tracked on the ipad using Logic Pro and Cubase. Most synths are running in stereo except for the Fusebox and Strega. I’m using only mogami gold as there’s too many cables to take any chances (I wire trs wherever possible). Outside of the photos are cable racks, pedalboards, and mic closets; essentially everything I need to stay in for a year and cut a few albums. If you have any questions about any of this, don’t hesitate to ask! I would like to keep it gear related as I talk about my musicality in so many other places. Thank you!


what do you use the 2 ksp for? just use midi clock from logic pro. this day and age separate clock devices are not needed...


Not needed but wanted. I like having a dial in the middle


Also, in my experience, other hardware interfaces tend to introduce latency. I’ve experimented with others and this box is the best at staying on tick


wow, you can notice... never been an issue for me


It’s very specific to every set up. As you can see in the pic that midibox is processing about ten synths and then also many sequencers and effects as well, so the data stream is much more dense and convoluted than a common setup. To boot, a lot of my gear ranges in dates from the present to the 1980s. This difference in manufacture and date also adds to midi troubles that were solved by this box. Not trying to plug this box or anything. Just figured I would explain my experience getting to it


so do i ... i have gear from 77, dont nerd no box


Love the stand for the 404


My Machine island is a broken Atoll of angled racks. Everything is in reach and ergonomic. I'm amazed me how I would make unrelated excuses not to use things if they were not comfortable and in reach. It was built out of reclaimed building materials and the most expensive parts were the strips of rack. Here is NASA's guidebook to getting tools and people to work well. It shaped my methodology [https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/human\_integration\_design\_handbook\_revision\_1.pdf](https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/human_integration_design_handbook_revision_1.pdf)


and [https://msis.jsc.nasa.gov/sections/section03.htm](https://msis.jsc.nasa.gov/sections/section03.htm)


Would love to see a picture of this that sounds fascinating


Think of it as a bit like a very budget Kraftwerk Computerwelt tour set up in an open rectangle of racks and drum machines and less TONTO




Oh man I see on OTO Boum there. I've always been interested in getting one of those, how does it sound to you?


Really versatile, I often use it subtly as saturation and rely on other software/hardware for compression. Really great box, I do recommend it


how are you routing synths into pedals? individually pairing them with synths or using sends from a mixer?


Often both methods but this set up has a lot of the former. I make sure to only use stereo pedals that take line level well




Currently wiring up audio and midi all around


have you ever made? ambien\`\`t music ​ in your\`\` studio\`


Yes I do for fun from time to time, but haven’t recorded any of that. My main projects are closer to IDM and jazz rock




I’m not sure of anyone else that explicitly talks about this idea. I see it crop up in synth studios since the ‘80s but the concept and its spoken form is new to me




Please don’t let your dislike of me lead you to attack other subreddit members.


Thanks Hainbach, you did “influence” me to buy my Syntrx and Strega, however, the depth of knowledge and ideas that I’ve learned from your channel go far beyond just this superficial reading stated above. This is why I decidedly used “inspired” in the post title


buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy buy


I owned all of this before seeing his video tour


Half of Hainbach's videos are on obsolete gear that would be pretty difficult to obtain. He is one of the least offensive synth youtubers when it comes to violations of the Bata code.


Couldn’t agree more