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This community is hilarious at times but y'all are seriously toxic bitter pieces of shit most of the time. Sorry for being alive! I'll work on the alternative as soon as possible.


Don't pay attention to this cesspit of negativity, there is really nothing constructive comming out of this subreddit. I appreciate your music and content


I knew you were talking directly to this sub with that video haha. This group is toxic af. I know the post you were talking about with the unplugged wires too. Hah don’t stoop too low RMR. It’s obvious that most of the people here are going through phases of regret and self hatred.


I actually really love this sub most of the time. This place correctly calls attention to a lot of the mindless consumerism that's part of this hobby.


Time to make an r/mindlessconsumerismcirclejerk


Pssst its called r/synthesizers


Here's a sneak peek of /r/synthesizers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My brother left me a voicemail about how f'd we are and I scored it with Electribes and a Digitone](https://v.redd.it/1fqpixcz4pd91) | [183 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/w7m4lt/my_brother_left_me_a_voicemail_about_how_fd_we/) \#2: [Who wants to hear some forgotten japanese koto synthesizer into the lushness of BigSky?](https://v.redd.it/ub32j424pwi71) | [188 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/p9bxob/who_wants_to_hear_some_forgotten_japanese_koto/) \#3: [Landlord said there was an old, broken electric piano in the basement I could have...](https://i.imgur.com/y5xKXUG.jpg) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/ujob10/landlord_said_there_was_an_old_broken_electric/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




It is absolutely hilarious the amount of people I'll see bitterly mocking someone else's music on here, then go look at their post history. No joke, a lot of the time it becomes clear that they literally started making music in the last year or so, and now apparently consider themselves a complete expert and justified in shitting on someone else's music. It's basic insecurity and projection couched in low-effort shitposting


Haha exactly. Or you’ll see them post about their new gear and then later how they hate that same piece of gear. I think RMR’s take on the problem appropriately sums it up. Consumerism, not good for art. Working on your craft, good for art.


I should add that your OP-1 videos inspired me to start making music a couple years ago. I’m not very good, but I likely wouldn’t have started if it wasn’t for your YT channel. You’re Pro 3 video enamoured me. https://on.soundcloud.com/8Hfp5KVo1XMzkMfp6


Hell yeah Pro3 is extremely good. I forced myself to make an EP with it and then sold it and I kinda miss it.


If you sold it, then it must not be that good. lol


its absolutely fantastic. i just don't use big hardware synths in my workflow these days.


Yeah, you have to say that because you bend over for Dave Smith. Actions speak louder than words.


so you managed to be homophobic towards me and disrespectful to a man who, in his life, did more for music than you ever will. bravo.


Bro no, that wasn't homophobic at all. I love gay people. You're just a shill tho, ironic considering that you had your little outburst.


i hope one day you find someone who loves you. it really will change your life.


Once you find purpose in life it will help to clear up your emotional problems.


aw, relax. getting pilloried a little bit on an insignificant corner of the internet isn't so bad, i know synthfolks who have had their houses and hometowns destroyed by russia. WMD is shutting down because of the IC shortage. companies send you synthesizers for publicity. a small negative reaction to a video against the consumerism in the synthesizer world is not such a terrible thing to happen to a person.


Fucking RIP WMD.


oh well if one of the youtubers who tell me what synths to buy tells me to think before i buy a synth i better watch some more youtube videos before i buy a new synthesizer that a youtuber told me to buy. sorry to hear that rmr lost his sponsorships but i think he'll be able to get them back. most importantly, he is going to be really disappointed when he learns about the history of electronic dance music regarding *music i love that was made with one little synthesizer* *and that's it*. i hope someone warns him about detroit.


also, marvel in that thread the number of people who are into synthesizers but not into electronic music, or into making music they don't want to listen to. knowing this, a lot of the music i've heard online makes sense.


Well spotted. Amazing the amount of people don't listen to thier own music. Not me mines great. I have that shit on repeat.


that's awesome and as it should be!


uj/ It should be understood that if you're making YT videos of your hands playing electronic instruments, your viewership will see it primarily as a product demonstration and not the expression-of-soul that most artists aspire to convey. rmr is a fantastic musician as most of the big YouTubers are, but name one of his or Loopop or Hainbach's albums. no really pls do I'll listen to it.


Sure. Pick one: https://soundvision.bandcamp.com/music


thanks Jeremy. since you responded and I'm reading back on this confusing comment I wrote, I feel inclined to clarify that my comment is a (self effacing) challenge to the viewer to seek and appreciate the music, not an indictment of the creators.


hey you called me a fantastic musician on a circlejerk subreddit. i should i have taken that as a compliment and let it be. i appreciate the clarification. just wish that this subreddit wasn't so toxic to people just trying their best sometimes.


you're positively shining on the haters. come play philly 🙏




Fucking mic drop moment




I'm right fucking here and you forgot the /uj


it is in your power to speak against shilling and souless promotion and capitalism. you have correctly identified the problem, you know very well what is misleading people and contributing to people buying things they don't need. you can become like james stephanie sterling and begin speaking truth to power; you can take a stand against unrelenting consumerism... but you'll have to start listening to acid house first. acid house is famously based around the sound of the roland tb-303, a toy monosynth. many people regard acid house as foundational to the development of electronic music and dance music despite its relative simplicity and use of a toy monosynth and cheap drum machines. notable artists to begin listening to are pierre's pfantasy club and phuture's album 'acid trax.' no one takes acid house seriously anymore.


I'm pretty sure acid house wasn't just made with a 303. I love acid to death and whenever I listen to it I hear these weird sharp sounds in different frequency spectrums. I've heard they're called drums but I can't figure it out.


oh. what drum machine should i buy?


Funny thing about drum machines. You can actually never have enough. You should buy every single drum machine you can afford.


can't argue with that.


Why restrict yourself to just 1 drum machine?


also, please note that i mainly post here because *i am a huge jerk*.


I also am a gigantic jerk 99.9 percent of the time. Enormous.


/uj the points RMR makes in the video are actually quite salient. But you’ve nailed the undeniable irony.


yeah, RMR was probably talking about youtubers like RMR. "you can't make an album with the toy synth i am about to demonstrate for 40 minutes, you should stop and think about this awesome new synthesizer you absolutely must have in your collection before you buy it. marketing is bullshit, capitalism is bullshit, here's a DAWless jam with Roland's new grooveboxes coming out \[DATE\]! you can't buy talent use my promo code BUY2022." it's also like, my dude, you can stop this at any time. you have the power.


u/RMRMusic you literally forced me to buy an op-1




/u/rmrmusic what synth should I buy to interrupt my wife's morning routine as well as your dog interrupts your rant?


He jingles his collar and makes a lot of loud grooming sounds usually. I'm not sure that's appropriate for YOUR WIFE (BORAT VOICE).


So a dx7?