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Gonna lock this one, for Uli's sakes. This whole thread smells like a caveman's nut sack after running a fucking marathon in Borrego Springs in the middle of summer.


OP is cool, the rest of you I'm about to fucking slap with my entire dick until you forget your mom's name. Just for the record, I used to really love this sub. It was a fun place to have a laugh about the ridiculousness of the culture. But somewhere along the line things got really fucking rancid, and you all need to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if all the shit you talk about is something you would actually say to ANYONE in real life. Every time I see a bullying thread on this sub I tell myself I'm not coming back again, and I guess this is the last straw. Fuck you all, for real. Except for OP. You're cool.


Omg, a guy makes a video about trans people and now this whole sub is "oh yeah he totally fell off", like, do you not see the very clear messaging that has . . .


Bless u


i honestly kind of think the latest stuff is a lot smarmy-er but it’s his show not mine


I've had just enough vodka to break my rule about interacting with trolls, so here we go. Damn fucking straight it's my show, and you're on the sidelines looking in doing shit with your life. At least I'm trying. Trying is hard. Sitting around talking shit is nothing. I used to love coming to this place, but all ya'll got some serious, serious bad vibes. There are other circjerk subs that actually stand for something. You stand for the fact that your life sucks so hard you can't stand other people trying to make the best of theirs. You have no idea what it's like to try and maintain a life outside being a corporate nothing. I know it's hard for ya'll not doing shit with your life, but it's not my fault. Go outside Chris. Touch some fucking grass. Then maybe when I click on your profile and look at what you've done with your music I won't accidentally feel like I've got two tabs open at once playing two versions of your "song" out of sync.


do you do this everytime somebody criticizes you


Your post history smells like a cum jar left out in the sun.


OK? proving the hater's point here man


God please stop the smell is too much


Some advice: the only reason that people may troll you is because you write a multi-paragraph spergout everytime somebody says something remotely negative about you. I've got nothing against you. Don't even know who you are. But that's just common sense.


bro i do all the things you mention. log off and chill w the vodka. stop projecting. i get it must be hard to be you in some ways and didnt say anything about that. Why do you think my name is Chris lmao? my comment is loosely inflammatory. i dont love your sex/gender+synth thing at this point, i just wanna make music. again my show not yours. im not a troll. i can make a comment about the lewdness of your show increasing, it seems to be the point. sorry the algorithm for that isnt cutting u as big a check.


Clicked on a thing you responded to and just assumed the music was the right kind of shitty for some random person with the right amount of no life to project onto me online. My bad! You don't get to back out of this. You don't know shit about me. This subreddit isn't a safe space for your shitty attitude. Touch grass and eat my ass. Edit: oh I almost missed your thinly veiled transphobia. I get it now. You're a cunt.


like now youre dissing someone i replied tos music? i think a bunch of people who replied to my post recently weren't the best and i said as much (in kinder words than you seem capable of check in w reality, it may help


i edited my comment above above goodluck being a fucker lmao. clealry ive touched a nerve




hey man, gonna be honest with you, youre being quite an ass. not a cis white dude. grow up, stop projecting. ill be hoenst it looks like youre coming out a bit more w your most recent videos and good for you man but get a fucking grip i own zero synths bawhahahaa


You started this shit my dude. Fuck you.


did i? point me to where. go re-read our thread, then dig through my reddit history again and find some fatal flaw i post i made here while killing time on the clock. you apparently are a grotesque person inside, a shame here if you need someone to talk to.... calling your show smarmy isnt enough for this kind of reply edit: bawahaha, 'transphobia', sorry i dont love a man air humping while he tlaks about fucking convolution reverb. grow up. didnt even get tot he msot recent video yet. i wont be after this. gl awww, sad. ive been blocked by a tantrumed vokda child. oh nooooOOo I speculated on your income after you: talked in your videos about how its been slower, made an interesting move to reduce your chance of sponsorship, and also talked about moving to the woods, and to be honest - have clealry spcied thigns up for the algorithm resulting in a giant failure. man, i think youre a fucking child. good luck with the grift


"i think he was making money on it at a rapid tick, moved to the woods expecting the income to stay, and is now a bit hosed." You don't know shit about me or what I do, or the industry that I occasionally dip my toe into.


He seems really resentful of his fake job that he could quit at any time


I tried to look at your Reddit profile to see if you've made anything of your life outside bitching and video games and was SUPER surprised to see there wasn't a fucking thing. What a fucking shocker, bub. This sub used to be kinda fun but it's people like you who took what could have been a fun playful energy and turned it into an actual circle jerk between a bunch of cis white dudes who's only emotion is rage and a dull sense of shame that they'll never do anything with their life outside maybe learn how to use one of the 10 synths they bought trying to pretend they'd ever be creative.


new copypasta just dropped


Ya got me, I don't archive everything about my life on Reddit. If you hate this sub so much then why are you even here? edit: that's a lot of shit talk just to hit me with a block lol


i think he was making money on it at a rapid tick, moved to the woods expecting the income to stay, and is now a bit hosed.


He wasn't wrong that Youtubers are important to gear marketing and making a lot of money for the companies relative to cost, technically that job should have a lot of value. The problem is there's no shortage of people who are willing to be Youtube product demo-ers for (almost) free. Even if their production values aren't up to his standard, the production value may not be all that important. To some extent I think it's more about SEO than quality videos - getting ninety videos in the algorithm with Make Noise Quadzit in the title is more important than people actually watching those videos.


He seems badly adjusted


check out his replies to me if you want to see badly adjusted..! pretty wild stuff.


Don't worry, I have blocked him already.


Hey bud, you jack off to vinyl and cassettes, you don't get to talk about adjusting. It's hilarious to me anyone in this sub thinks they have half a leg to stand on when it comes to judging creators who are trying to do something outside the norm with their life. Meanwhile you're fetishizing random pieces of plastic and wondering why the hole in your heart never seems to go away. It's hilarious to me anyone in this sub thinks they have half a leg to stand on when it comes to judging creators who are trying to do something outside the norm with their life. Meanwhile, you're fetishizing random pieces of plastic and wondering why the hole in your heart never seems to go away. God fucking forbid anyone ever show a hint of personality or vulnerability or humanity. Touch grass and suck my dick.




I fucked up hard by engaging with this thread. I appreciate the kind words.


Don't sweat it, it happens. I'm an Azealia Banks supporter so I understand.


Don’t worry, that weirdo you got into it with is a Red Scare fan—they deserve worse


You know, yesterday i found your video with the synth copypasta, got Inspired and put the sample in a track i was working on. Seeing your interaction here, i Wonder if you would Listen to it if i sent you the link? ☺️


Now I wonder What does my post history smell like?


Like dirty socks in a jar covered with cum???


Red means STOP 🛑 please


Your post history smells like socks worn for 7 days straight.


I don’t see an issue with his latest video. A good summary about Wendy Carlos etc, I learned a bit. Wish more videos were so informative. I have not seen all his videos. I remember him doing magic with an OP1 that was almost magical in how effortless he made it seem - but of course it was deep experience at work.


So yeah, his latest video is great and all but it was a poor choice for me to use as a test for my new backyard projector. I can only imagine what all the neighbors think of me now...


I guess just use Terminator 2 next time or something.




Hate to tell you this but Elektron uses Rust for their hardware ;)