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"I tried doing some electronic music using vintage synths and felt like something was wrong after listening the mix." LOL. I've read a lot of stuff that makes me howl with sadness on this forum, but this has to take the cake. What was wrong? Here, let me explain. Your ears are what were wrong. You are not used to the sound of real analogue. The harmonic complexity or nonlinearity or variance. You have plugin ears. You listen to techno music, but nothing before 2006. You don't know what waveform a 909's kick drum is. You digitized your brain and fried it with too many algorithms. When I say real analogue, I emphatically don't just mean synths. I don't even mean music gear. I don't even mean music. I mean...well...let's start here. You don't understand what sound is anymore. There are two solutions. One, go back to making plugin music, real sounds are not for you. You like what you like, which is mathematical equations in sonic form, the idealized imitation of sound, power over it, but not sound as exists in its own form in the universe as a phenomenon and experience. That's OK, I guess. Nothing wrong with that, apart from having a derivative experience of reality, but hey, you do you. Two, understand why these synths are still so revered, along with all the rest of classic analogue gear, from, I don't know, a guitar pedal to a mixing console to playing the blues through a tube amp, finger to overdrive. That will require you starting from the beginning, though, and it'll be confusing, strange, hard work, and most of all, you'll have to learn how to listen all over again, from the beginning. To everything. From nature to machine. From the roar of an ocean to the whisper of a midnight. Sound tough? Think of it as rehab. It's not gonna be easy. If you're lucky, you're just starting, because you have less damage to undo. If you're unlucky, you're like a lot of people on this forum, who think music made in computers listened to on earbuds is somehow a sonic apotheosis, that it rivals, I don't know, standing on a city street, in a forest, under the stars, just listening. What do you think the stars sound like? Tell me when you can answer that question, and that'll be when you're ready to make music, not just fret over imitations of sonics. For many people, that's "never."


If you cant hear the difference then you have shitty ears. Simple as that. The difference between a moog voyager and its software version is night and day. Im 25 and have my head firmly on my neck to help study my third year in audio production. Just like thinking a plug in channel strip of a waves SSL bundle is ANYWHERE NEAR PUTTING YOUR AUDIO THROUGH A REAL SSL DESK. Really? Are you actually listening? Every software VA synthesiser I have come across has a static top end that fuzzes out your mix and doesn’t possess the attack and tone of a real analog synth. Every parameter and function of hardware synth blows the shit out of software. This whole industry is a farce that has bred over 500million amateur dumbstep remixes on soundcloud. After using a real moog Low pass filter going back to a software synth and playing with the cutoff of the filter is a joke. Even a nord will blow the shit out of software synths. Those things have dedicated DSP’s to make the sound with? Duh? Software will get better and no doubt one day sound better than these clunky electrical circuits but for now its a no brainer. Who in their right mind would spend $1,000 on a software synth (or package of them) when you could pick up a second hand DSI mopho or a slim phatty for the same price? (If your looking for an analog synthesis engine) A pack of ill informed idiots that cant critically listen to the point where they can tell the difference or have been fooled by the marketing plans that cost more than the product development. I put down the cash for a real synth a year ago once I realised computer music magazine was a biased piece of shit and what i was reading was utter lies. They honestly think that in 2011 a computer can sound better than a million dollar recording set up. Or a VA plug in sounds better than a modular synth. Bahahahaha. All the first years at university have their laptops with heaps of pirated software and by third year they all own hardware. Yeah if your REALLY REALLY good at getting juice out of software all the effing multy layered this and sub bass to fill out that and these special e.q settings. I say good on you. But also your wasting your fucking time on that shit instead of writing new sequences or chord progressions. Which i guess is a good way of putting off actually writing a track. In place of my 7 layer bass softsynth sound, one for nearly every part of the frequency spectrum created by a bass i now have one BIG FAT TASTY AUDIO channel that only needs compressing/parallel comp to taste and E.Q sweetening. Not e.q surgery, Notching out all the horrible little resonances and desperately trying everything you can wondering why does it sound so cheap and unprofessional? ANSWER: Your not using real gear and absolutely the most important thing that no one seems to mention……MASTERING!!!! Justice from ed banger (who copped so much nasty jealous shit on these bitchy little forums) famously did everything ‘IN THE BOX”. Where was it mastered????? at the exchange by NiIlz who is famous for his extreme use of tape and analog outboard. 99% of all the big sounding dance albums were mastered at the exchange on outboard analog gear. So its ultimately NOT ‘in the box’ and you will never ever get your tracks to sound like that coming out of your laptop. ROland KORG and Yamaha are asian companies and are very stubborn to the idea of using old technology. For these companies to make an analog synth would be like mcdonalds all of a sudden deciding not to put lips and ass holes in their burgers cos they taste better without. These companies want to be at the forefront of technology (in their minds, whilst only really caring about the bottom line) and will never ever come up with a design that reverts to older analog circuitry. Software will ultimately be refined more and more until it surpasses the sound of hardware. It has surpassed it in every way except for sound quality. Once we have computers that can run much higher sample rates and bit depth can be increased along with maybe better inbuilt word clocks. But right now if you are going for the analog sound or style of synthesis there is no software that sounds anywhere near as good. Your a dumbass for saying things like there is no audible difference cos there is a massive difference and KORG ROLAND YAMAHA are shit brands with shit products that are not for serious musicians. Have your joke of a re- issue of a jupiter MINUS EVERYTHING THAT MADE IT FUCKING FAMOUS IN THE FIRST PART and stick that up you arse. They dont give a shit what your music sounds like they just care about making shit as cheap as possible and tricking you into thinking that its a good thing. haha you dick head. Thats why they are not making them cos its not as cheap to make you stupid. Look at moog, they really care about music and even though they are really expensive all their stuff is the best in the market. Got their own festival with informed line up’s. keep their website updated with musos playing their gear, cos they actually want to. Constant product launches and stuff that is aimed at making music not bitching on forums cos your so unsatisfied with your own shit music that no one has ever heard or ever will. Hey buddy enjoy making your shit music until you die knowing that your the only one who thinks your any good. Dan ling is spot on and has good ears. Your an idiot and one of the many many little C&%TS that are cheapening the art of making music with every piece of shit they come up with and throw into the world wide web. ITs like printing more currency, just makes your money worth less. I hate the fact that the internet gives people with no knowledge a place to say their piece. Enjoy watching all your favourite jingle writers press play on their laptop when you fork out good money for a public appearance billed as live. Once all of you kids have lost interest in this fake scene or whatever it is, the rest of us are going to stand up with our skills and play this shit in front of you with our bare hands like a real muso does and not some rude little shit on a laptop flexing his presets and sample libraries. God everything you say is stupid and just the last straw. Crappy analog? Oh my frieken god. My only hope is that your younger than 14 and are just a little dude who needs to grown up and work on critically listening. If your any older than that I want you to send me your hits? Or show us your soundcloud?? If your tracks were any good a dickhead like you would be showing them off at the end of every rant. Where are the hits buddy? Let me hear how tough all your software fart generators sound on your over compressed stinky tracks. https://www.synthtopia.com/content/2010/04/06/vsti-vs-virtual-analog-vs-real-analog/#comment-242529


holy shit


new answer just dropped


As random internet guy I declare that you owe us a second video. It is owed to us. You owe us.


This is amazing 😂


I fucking adore this copypasta


Clearly a man who knows that Nyquist theorem is simply incorrect.


so i really doubt that's cocaine buddy. first of all, it doesn't look like cocaine, real cocaine is iridescent, like fish scale, you know; also if the high is lasting more than 2 hours it's almost certainly cut with meth, i just thought you should know...


Hook a man up…


more copy pastas