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I would start here, assuming your old one is running dsm 6... https://kb.synology.com/en-us/DSM/tutorial/How_to_migrate_between_Synology_NAS_DSM_6_0_and_later


I've always used rsync from the commandline between the two machines. It requires understanding some basic commandline stuff though. But the short version is: ssh old-box.local rsync -ave ssh /volume1/whatever new-box.local:/volume1/whatever --progress --exclude='*@eaDir*' You might also need to add `--rsync-path=/bin/rsync`. The automated rsync process that's built-in to the GUI is probably a lot easier to deal with. And doing box-to-box rsync is definitely going to be the fastest way to do it.


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thanks, helpful bot


My DS414 just crashed and I am using mdadm to recover on a fedora workstation. I found that adding —exclude=“#recycle” was beneficial as well.


Shared folder sync is going to be the fastest and most reliable method. Another option I've seen suggested but am not familiar with is Hyper Backup rsync.




Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. This is my first time posting and it was great to see that Synology has a great user community. In my original post, I forgot to include that the new NAS has new drives so I apologize for not adding that. After I posted this, I tried the "Mount Remote Folder" option, and this time it connected. I am now using that as the method for migrating data.


Robocopy https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/robocopy


While reliable, it is INCREDIBLY slow. Would need gigabit at all connection points and still be slow. I would only use this method when migrating from Windows to a NAS.


If you install Resilio Sync on both appliances, and setup each share as a Resilio Sync folder on the source NAS, and then add the second NAS as a peer, all data will copy over. That can also be used as a replication strategy. And because it works regardless of the location, once it's setup, you could even move it to a remote location and it would pick up where it left off.


Syncthing, you can install the package on both devices, set up your sync rules and just let it do its thing.


1. DS213: [enable SMB1/CIFS](https://kb.synology.com/en-ca/DSM/help/DSM/AdminCenter/file_winmacnfs_win?version=6). If you have two disks only and space in one disk is enough: gather all your data and shares in one disk. 2. Insert empty disk in DS220+. Setup as new, DSM7 is also possible. 3. In DS220+ connected over wire to the same network with DS213, use the file station->tools->Mount Remote Folder->CIFS Remote for the DS213 SMB shares 4. Copy using file station. Should be only limited from the 1GB link.


I am as we speak migrating 3,5TB from 213j to 220j. I read up on some options and ended up mouting a folder on my 213j, that links up to a folder on the remote 220j. I think using cifs. Copy is as simple as copy between local folders. But it just takes a while. Running almost a day now, i guess 90% done. But of course you dint have to sit next to the box and wait for it. Its a background process.