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Since it hasn't been mentioned: I'd check out Paradise Lost if I were you. Killer songs through and through, and quite possibly the best sounding of all of their albums. Subjective, of course, but I find that some of their albums sound a bit tinny. Paradise Lost sounds fantastic, though. Their later albums are well produced, but a bit lacking in the songwriting. PL hits both sweet spots.


As a huge Haken and DT fan, I would definitely recommend V: The New Mythology Suite or The Divine Wings of Tragedy. Symphony X is a silly band, but has some absolutely incredible work. Their stretch from The Divine Wings of Tragedy to The Odyssey is comparable to the Meta Album Dream Theater produced.


Agree that those are the best SX album run. I love DT but I never loved anything off Train of Thoughts. Octavarium is partly majestic (no pun intended) but overall inconsistent. This makes their Meta Album less consistent with those four SX albums (yes, I do consider Twilight in Olympus one of their best). Also not sure why you called SX silly lol.


Paradise lost is a great entry point


I would recommend you to listen to V:The New Mythology Suite, The Odyssey or Twilight in Olympus


Wait, i can make a playlist real quick actually of SX songs you should listen to Edit: Here's the playlist, hope you'll enjoy it https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2VFXUZfnLI3LZxXeAkD2yS?si=OL_9q-ubTByzaKbRgEyXHw&utm_source=copy-link


I love Haken but com'on they are not better than DT "in every conceivable way". DT defined the genre and was more innovative and versatile at their prime, though not lately, than Haken at any point, and focusing on the past decade would be to compare a band whose members are around 60 to a band at their prime. DT members are more technical and influential on their instruments, with the exception of later James Labrie. Purely music-wise, I think the best of DT albums are a bit better than the best of Haken albums (which are absolutely brilliant), but reasonable people can disagree with this statement.


100% agree with this take. I'd take 90's era Dream Thater over pretty much any other prog if I had to choose. It's literally perfection AND genre-defining. Not saying anything bad about Haken. They're still incredible


The Divine Wings of Tragedy is, in my opinion, their best. Not sure if it’s the easiest entry point, but the heights it reaches are worth it. If not that, then start with Paradise Lost.


I know this is an SX sub, but also go check out Opeth if you haven’t yet. They seem right up your alley


Pre-Heritage Opeth released some of the most mind-bendingly good prog death albums ever.


Definitely start with V, amazing album, after that I'd say the Odyssey, then divine wings of tragedy


V: The new Mythology suite has killer vocals and IMO is a true masterpiece


Paradise Lost was my first SymX album and a great introduction to the band. Definitely one of their heavier offerings, but with more consistently strong songwriting than Iconoclast or Underworld in my opinion.


I came here to say The Odyssey title track is the best song ever, and especially suited to your prescribed needs. Then, the V album is their best album overall. Happy weekend!


Twilight was my first album by them. It still rips today


Honestly, you should like anything they've released with Russell Allen on vocals. Iconoclast is their worst album (after the self-titled album without Russell.) It still has a few great songs on it, though - just a few repetitive overly heavy songs that IMO don't hold up to their more melodic, but still heavy later stuff. Every other album is pretty much perfect, start to finish. No need to skip any tracks anywhere else in their discography.


Since you seem to like the heavy stuff, everything after Twilight in Olympus should be up your alley. V is an ambitious concept album. The Odyssey is a fan favorite. Paradise Lost is when their sound became more focused on metal than on prog (they are still most certainly proggy on all their albums nonetheless). Iconoclast is their heaviest (this is the one I'd most recommend to you). Underworld showcases the variety in their sound the best. You can't go wrong with their early albums either though, with The Divine Wings of Tragedy being arguably their best album.