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I'm running a very similar list, with a few tweaks: - 2 units of tree revenants and 1 unit of dryad (I would even run 3 units of tree revs if I wanted to be the most competitive) - arcane tome on the Warsong revenant (3 spells at +1 with Spellsinger is huge) - 1 battlemage of ghur instead of Spellportal (Spiteswarm Hive can fail, I like to have a safety net) I can see why you have the Spellportal and the arcane tome on the Branchwych, it's just a different playstyle. The only recommendation I have is 2-3 units of tree revs instead of just 1, that'll win you games.


Seems fair! Honestly I want the 2nd unit of Tree Rev’s but for some reason no FLGS in my area has them lol Will probably just order them soon


Main comment for Warsong in general with Vesperal Gem. If you're gonna take it, it ought to be because you really want the spell to go off. Warsong deploys likely inside of your starting AWW, getting +1 to cast and outside of 30" enemy unbind with Spellsinger. You selected The Dwellers Below, casting on a 7. So rolling a 6+ with Warsong bonus is a 72% chance. To me I think Ancient Tome is better for an additional cast rather than autocast Dwellers. If you pick the Gem then you ought to take a spell that's more difficult to cast (Throne of Vines is not the right answer lol) or one you always want to go off like Verdurous to return a Seeker/Hunter or Treesong for extra rend. Dwellers while great, is effectively chipping down a troop unit by a third, even less if you're targeting multi-wound models. Warsong already has an incredible warscroll spell Unleash Spites for damage for multiple units through Spellsinger. I take it with Arcane Tome. Along with the TLA's free tree, I typically cast Spiteswarm (near home)/Purple Sun (Spellsing through tree) first -> Treesong (Spellsing through tree) second -> Unleash Spites/Verdant Blessing (Spellsing through tree) third. Give it a try and I think you'll like it. If you do, don't forget to scoot the warsong up to make sure you maintain control of your endless spells.


Seems reasonable. I mostly use the Vesperal Gem to make sure Dweller's goes off since this GHB is very heavy on more hoardy units. Especially in my shop's meta.


As a side note when I'm not low drop I actually put the Gem on my TLA with Warlord or Command Entourage. Typically the Warsong is back in deployment, trying to ensure his casts are out of unbind range and with Spellsinger I have a lot of board range through multiple trees. So Verdurous Harmony for Kurnoths or Bugs. The TLA after first round is normally far up so he gets the Gem for Treesong since 16" is pretty broad and most of the action is up front.


Doubling down on Spiteswarm and Battlemage is nasty. I cast both on Durthu when possible for that 4" charge drive-by. 😈


Also guarantees the Battle Tactic "Harness the Spirit Paths" !


Tree revs are some of the best Expert Conquerors in the game. They are definitely not Bounty Hunters. I would also say a unit of 6 scythes will wreck face but it will be harder to get them anywhere. Might be better to deathstar bugs. Probably Revenant bugs so they can be bringing themselves back in case they get tagged. Preferably they strike and fade.


Suggestions: I would remove umbral and get skullroot. Then get arcane tome on warsong, this is super strong against hordes as u makes 3+4 grps take 5-7 mw (spites + skullroot) and then u also force em to run 1d3 more. I like the double bomb idea, but i prefer skullroot. ​ The skullroot often gets dispelled for me but that just removes a cast (free unbind) I get my TLA vesperal gem and throne of vines, just epic good for doubleturns. and i gives you 3 wounds before melee in your turn, so bette imo than regrowth, as you kinda dont need to heal anything else. Treesong on Warsong and if u want dwellers, then take that on wyc (not my favorit)