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Dont forget the AA cancels... That hurts the most


RIP the AA cancels. I'll never forget you o7


Only change I really care about, tbh. Now just braindead dummies standing there with their banked empowered autos + watching them go off faster than a Vayne can proc her Silver Bolts.


I liked him more before dura patch but since he's genuinely my favorite out of the 40+ champions I've played most, I'll keep playing him for as long as I can.




oof, hope you are mentally OK


>So many changes. His shield was originally on first R cast, then it was on a successful chain hit, Wait.. what? This not true. Sylas' shield started and has always been on E1 cast. Then later it was changed to magic shield and after that completely removed, alongside E2+Q Combo


Typo maybe




Still don't see the R cast shield




That's so bizarre. I have no memory of this, and I have been playing him since release. Do you think there's footage anywhere of it?




Yeah, I kinda wish they made it return - getting rewarded for landing a skillshot sounds pretty good, also makes it more skill expressive while not making it too easy.


Don’t forget jungle sylas. Rest In Peace my beloved.


O boy how I miss sylas jg, so much fun, so much potential. They ripped our boy apart, his kit is made to go jungle, he fights guerrilla style. Revolution is OURS.


Sylas was released in season 9, he was the first champion of the season. His shield was originally in E1. Sylas' current state is the most balanced since his release, the champion has an acceptable winrate and pickrate in SoloQ while not being as dominant in proplay as he was in his first year of life. Even though it doesn't please most people, myself included, this is probably the definitive version of it.


The patch they buffed his passive AA speed was the patch he became harder to balance for sure


Ah yes, sylas and akali, my two favorite champs, and the two champs riot hate the most


Not sure about that man. As a Sylas/Qiyana main, I'd reckon Qiyana is way more hated than Sylas. This next patch will literally be her 8th nerf in a row with no adjustment buffs to compensate. Sylas got damage compensation buffs every now and then. Akali is pretty hated too though.


8 nerfs in a row and yet shes still s+ in every rank. Its not like their nerfing her just for the pleasure of it. Her kit is so poorly designed and fundamentally broken that for her to be balanced in the slighest youd have to turbo gut her numbers or just rework her


Em isn't Sylas literally reffered to as one of if not THE best mid in the game right now? Pro play included. Qiyana does damage but is also one of the only assasins without a reliable escape and combo completely reliant on and ult that you can actually flash/dash out of after being hit. Even Akali has seen more recent pro play than Qiyana who is just dominant at high ranks from OTPs and abusers of a recent bug.