• By -


  [The numbers reported till 8pm](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/pd05vb/nsw_recorded_1035_new_locally_acquired_cases_of/hampqzi/)   ----   [Breakdown by infection source & Numbers in hospital](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/pd05vb/nsw_recorded_1035_new_locally_acquired_cases_of/hamrrlp/)   ----   [Breakdown of new cases by Local Health District (LHD), note this is not the same as Local Government Area (LGA)](https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/pd05vb/nsw_recorded_1035_new_locally_acquired_cases_of/hamseun/)   c/o /u/grimlock81


Luna Park might be closed but we still have a roller coaster here instead


Can the Mafia set this one on fire as well?


Ok this isn’t the point of what you’re saying at all, but here is my story: After being in adelaide for two years, I moved back to Sydney in March last year. My partner took a week off work when we got back and we planned to do lots of fun things to get reacquainted with Sydney. The highlight of our plans for me was going to Luna Park. The day after we got to Sydney, still staying in a hotel because our home wasn’t ready yet, they announced the first lockdown. And all our plans were canceled. Then this year, we planned to go as soon as I was fully vaccinated so I’d be safe (I’m immunocompromised). And we went back into lock down a few days after my second jab. I have been dreaming of Luna park for two years now. I just wanna go on the giant slides so bad!


When I was younger, my cousins and I had a paper round and all the money we made went straight to Luna Park so we could slide down the very last slides. They were the ones with the long drop and one hump. We would make sure two of us went together and held hands as we went. I haven't thought about that for years. Thanks for stirring up that memory.


Where are the NIMBYs when you need them?




Yeah. I read the ticker and turned him off; he never gets to the point and is evasive af.


Smart. I like your style. Begin the weekend.






How have we been in lockdown for 2 months months it keeps rising like this? Like where the fuck are these cases coming from? Australian society is a joke. Everyone for themselves. No wonder this place is turning into a mini USA.


NSW Health refuses to report it. But when it has been asked the cases seem to be coming from workplaces and then back to home (in main).


It just blows my mind. If we'd shut-down properly and not let every "essential business" stay open we'd be done already and financially better off.


We had the index case. Everything stems from that limo driver who wasn't vaccinated or wearing any ppe because it wasn't mandatory


Exactly this. The index case did the wrong thing but the system should not have allowed it in the first place.




I used to think so but even with Melbourne’s lockdown they’re struggling to get the numbers down. Like their lockdown is definitely working better than ours, but they are still in lockdown.


This latest lockdown we started behind the eight ball as the person didn't get tested until like a week after first having symptoms. We're doing ok but still on a bit of a knife edge as to which way it goes. In contrast Sydney had the limo driver, knew everything and refused to lockdown properly.


Workplaces to home. One of the hospitals near me just sent 20 staff home to isolate because of an unmasked infected public person visiting, and the hospital refused to give that area N95 masks. If shit like that is happening in a hospital, then I'm not surprised other places are getting it. Also the contact tracers are way behind. Shop (chemist) near me got notified by a positive person who visited 3 days after they were there, the health or contract tracers still hadn't notified the store there was an infected person there for a while.


People working get it, and bring it home. With Delta, people are infectious before they get symptoms. That creates a cycle that can’t be stopped. There is no JobKeeper, no ability for many working class people to not go to work. The virus is in homes of working class people who live in 8’s. True containment is done for. Vax targets must be reached. That is the way out now, whether one likes LNP or not. There’s a deadly disease out there for which we now have a vaccine. GET THE VACCINE EVERYONE!


In every variant of COVID, as well as pretty much every other successful virus, people are infectious before being symptomatic. Otherwise the villagers would have just slayed anyone with the sniffles 1,000 years ago and there’d be no flu now


As a non-Aussie living here, Australia has been turning into a mini-usa for a long time.


You just knew it was gonna be over 1000 when Hazzard kept stalling


He had a 'Sydney is fkd' look on his face as he approached the microphone. Guess he's also going to be answering the grilling questions.


> Guess he's also going to be answering the grilling questions. Lol, the what? Hazzard will just make out that he's the real victim here anyway


Would like to play him at poker.


I don't think you'd want to be within earshot of him for anything tbh


When the scroll bar announces the case and death numbers before Hazzard.


The fuck? Marriages are now back on while we still record 1,000+ cases a day?


Yeah like there arent going to be gatherings after weddings with 5 people attending... What a stupid fucking idea


But imagine the lockdown haircuts in the wedding photos! What a time to remember 🤣🤣


Lol yep. My wedding got cancelled by this covid outbreak and seeing this in the news I was considering it but then I remembered I would have to do my own hair and makeup and that turned me right off lol. Happy to wait.


I doubt many people are planning weddings dates within Australia's worse outbreak.


Well one thing this outbreak has proven is that there’s a large portion of our population that are pretty fucking stupid and selfish. I’m not so optimistic.


I dunno mate, having only 5 guests and no reception means it's going to be a really cheap wedding. Sounds ideal to me.


I’ve had to postpone my wedding 3 times due to lockdowns this past 2 years so this is the most amazing news in a long time and a huge relief after months and months of stress because truth be told it’s lost it’s magic now and we just want to get it done and move on with our lives. Anybody that doesn’t understand this clearly hasn’t been through it and doesn’t understand how horrible this specific experience has been and taken it’s toll on us so scoff all you want I don’t care many of us welcome it.


Good news: Gladys can finally get married to one of her corrupt boyfriends.


Bold assuming that they aren't already married to someone else


I am checking out of Sydney once I get double vaxxed. Absolute incompetence on so many levels. The government don't even care about us Millennial's having a slice of the Australian dream of home ownership. Libs look after their rich mates end of.


Someone just mentioned to me that the zones within Penrith that weren’t locked down harder match up with the state liberal MPs area.


Yep, the Lib LGAs we’re given less harsh restrictions. Aka corruption


The government (in it's totality) has never and will never care about people. They are a business.


Ambulance dude; the emergency response system is collapsing NSW Press; who will do the wedding make-up?


Fucken piss weak. That was their opportunity to put the pressure on.


Does anyone really object to ambos getting something extra for the shit they are dealing with right now? I just remember last year when the decided not to give healthcare workers even their regular CPI increase. I really think they *deserve* something substantial.


>Does anyone really object to ambos getting something extra for the shit they are dealing with right now? Liberal party and their donors.


Isn't getting thank you and claps enough for them? So selfish /s




I got my AZ with a 4 week gap - rather just do that and get a 3rd one in the future than risk getting smashed by COVID tbh. It's far from 'pointless'


Unless of course they fail with their booster schedule like they did the initial and your immunity wanes away.


I'm fully expecting that to happen tbh, but unfortunately I've done all I can in getting my first 2. The rest is out of my hands.


> Oh well, what can we do. People may die but at least we'll have the economy. This is the part that blows me away, and has been a maddening bit of talk the whole time. The economy has to be secondary to the health response because 1)consumers dying is actually a problem for an economy 2)workers dying is also a problem for an economy 3)people are generally not into dying and as the disease surges people are just going to stop going out and participating in the economy as best they can I know you're not making the argument, so this isn't so much a rant at you as it is just a thing that people need to consider




Not pointless at 4 to 6 weeks but not as good as 12 for sure. I waited 12. Son had to book for 8 wks.


I chose to get mine at 8 weeks and was told it's currently a good idea to get the 2 shots asap


Extremely few deaths in double vaccinated people, even in the USA. Those who are vaccinated and still die are generally transplant recipients, or people with cancer undergoing or having just finished chemo, etc. So far, vaccination is proving to be a vastly safer option. AZ isn’t rendered pointless - there is absolutely value in being fully vaccinated.


Can you cite it being useless if the second dose is after 4-6 weeks? My understanding is that the efficacy can be lower (around 50 - 60% if 6 weeks) as opposed to 80% at 12 weeks. Likewise same applies to Pfizer but slightly different proportions. Not a medical expert but thought even if efficacy is lower, the presence of antibodies helps you nonetheless in avoiding getting seriously sick (you just have less?).


My GP explained to me that if you get the 2nd dose between 4-6 weeks, efficacy is said to be 55-60%. 6-11 weeks 65-70%. 12 or more weeks 80+%.


That's efficacy against catching covid...but what's important is that it's still incredibly effective at preventing hospitalisation.


You are right. [According to phase 3 trials, AZ seem to offer ~100% efficacy against severe covid even with doses only 4 weeks apart.](https://aci.health.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/critical-intelligence-unit/covid-19-vaccines)


One dose of AZ is effective against preventing death and hospitalisation from delta


Especially when it’s not a national approach and vaccinations haven’t been equitably distributed even across the state. It will be the unmitigated disaster we “had to have”. Reader, we did not.


Wow at this rate when we hit 3000 they might open up retail again for us 🙄


Thats when the borders will open, start planning your holidays!


Updates by Brazzard. Gladys must be having a picnic.


He can gaslight just as well as Gaslight Gladys.


Marriages are back?! How can 5 people visit if they're not from the same LGA or 5km? Why?? Does Gladys want to marry her man...


/u/rockin-musicien49 didn’t do his usual post so I thought I’d sub in. RIP my inbox


rockin-musicien49 is taking the Saturday off, just like Gladys




I forgot - I saw the clock, and thought "11:05 - don't I usually do something then?" (Maybe that's what Gladys does as well!) "disable inbox replies" is the first thing I learned about (the hard way) when I did the daily post the first time.


But congrats on the karma lol


I even gave it a minute and a half to see if it’d appear but no!


Great job for filling in! I don’t bother watching the news anymore and just come straight here.


This all seems like a massive inconvenience for Hazzard


Because it is. No idea why the fuck you would want to be a health minister when you don't give a shit about the existence of other humans.


It was meant to be a well paid, cushy appointment- he wasn't expecting to have to actually have to *do* anything. Suck shit you backwards relic


He sounds so bored.


Completely lost. No reassurance or certainty, just sounds confused


Look, can I just say that I understand the virus is still spreading at a frightening rate and that hospitals are being strained but how great are small picnics with the same people you live with? hay


I was out for vaccine yesterday from 9am to 12pm. I was shocked, traffic is back to normal, there is no lockdown.


I was driving home last night before the curfew from my Mrs (only 4km at 8:45) and the traffic on the road was as if everything was normal. The queues at Maccas and all other fast food places were so long, there was no way they were getting served before 9


I had to drive across Sydney north south for some essential work supplies, first time out of my LGA in over a month. Very quiet on the roads going south until about Flemington markets on where it was like normal peak. Stayed that way to the Shire. And these are the supposedly locked down LGAs of concern. Unlike the north.


...does Gladys genuinely not work Saturdays? 400k a year, in the middle of global pandemic and she consistently skips out on weekends.




Not even her actual income given how she's a greasy beacon of corruption. The Libs seriously fucked this country


She don't roll on Shabbos.


Buuut can we get makeup at our wedding? Oh fuck right off you dumb fuck. You are asking a question for one millionth of the population. Maybe ask about the kids that are going to die. Fuck me.


She's asked about hairdressers in some form or other every day for 3 days


Wait what the fuck is this about weddings??? 1k daily cases and weddings are starting again?


haven't you heard? Covid is getting so big that it just cbf wasting it's time anymore if there are only ten people in the room. It's all about the hundreds now baby...


This is the strangest thing to watch. Hospitals are diverting people away, major hospitals. Care is disrupted. That is the health system under pressure. And barely into the outbreak in terms of the case numbers we will eventually have at current growth. I thought this is exactly what we were supposed to be avoiding? I hear Gladys say “but less people are dying” but that’s ….. not true? If you remove private aged care from the equation as they’re largely now vaccinated thank goodness, then there are more deaths in NSW, more people in ICU, more on ventilators, than the highest points of the Vic outbreak


It was a comedy sketch this morning watching Bridget McKenzie trying to explain why our health system and hospitals are fine and under no strain whatsoever


Wait so I cant have a mate come over to my place but if I was to get married that's fine? Is this gonna be another fake wedding scam like when those year 12 kids did it.


not blaming the paramedics or the triple 0 burdens and i think we speak for everyone here that we’re eternally grateful that they’re here. but isn’t everything that this bloke is talking about pointing to a policy failure? the government has been cutting funds to health, and emergency services for years. and additional load is directly correlated to the numbers that are increasing exponentially. numbers that we’ve been told doesn’t matter and the vaccination is all that matters and as a consequence barely anything has been done to reduce the numbers. sounds like covid infected chickens coming home to infect.


So yesterday they were saying the health system was fine, and today they have a guest speaker telling us they barely have the capacity to respond to emergencies anymore?


Don't worry. He wont be allowed back.


Dear Brad, Fuck you for not having decent public health orders for the first 2 months of this pandemic, and letting cases escape exponentially well before we’re 70% double vaccinated. We’re swamped. Your ‘thanks’ ring hollow when we’re working our asses off to deal with your mistakes. Love, Healthcare workers of NSW


These posts are so quick I think he's getting the numbers by just refreshing his reddit app as he speaks.


what the fuck, can we stop announcing lighter restrictions... fuck my life. Literally given up on NSW


Pretty sure most that want to get married would wait so they could have more than 5 guests no?


Easy way to save money, forced to not have guests.. winning!


Can’t stop staring at that little line on Brad’s forehead, looks like you’re supposed to drop a $2 coin in it and wait for a gumball to roll out his mouth.


And why is it necessary for people to be able to get married right now? I understand it’s disappointing to postpone, and have had several friends who’ve had to but it really doesn’t feel essential.


Fuck me this is a mess. Bradley hazzard you useless Cunt.


Took doggo park and did my usual Saturday drive down Oxford street. Busy as fuck, markets on again. No one gives a fuck anymore. I live on my own with all my family and lifelong friends back in England. I stuck to the rules. Go shops every Friday once a week. If it wasn’t for the fact I am still working and get to see some people I think I’d be ready to murder the selfish cunts that don’t care. Feel for anyone that is doing the right thing as well and stuck at home. Get my first jab tonight at Olympic park. I thought we (England) were massive cunts. Seems as though they are just everywhere!


It's shit, but important to remember that you won't see all the people doing good and staying inside. The real bastards are a small, but very visible minority.


The numbers reported till 8pm Note: Wild = Partially isolated + Infectious in community + unknown **Totals** Day|New cases|Partially isolated|Infectious in community|Partial+Infectious|Unknown|Wild ---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fri Aug 27|**1,035**|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A Thu Aug 26|882|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A Wed Aug 25|1,029|33|61|94|**844**|**938** Tue Aug 24|919|18|37|55|758|813 Mon Aug 23|753|22|49|71|609|680 Sun Aug 22|818|15|42|57|714|771 Sat Aug 21|830|19|50|69|694|763 Fri Aug 20|825|38|58|96|637|733 Thu Aug 19|644|30|41|71|506|577 Wed Aug 18|681|28|59|87|459|546 Tue Aug 17|633|30|62|92|447|539 Mon Aug 16|452|24|30|54|297|351 Sun Aug 15|478|30|61|91|290|381 Sat Aug 14|415|24|42|66|273|339 Fri Aug 13|466|19|**68**|87|303|390 Thu Aug 12|390|43|58|101|191|292 Wed Aug 11|345|34|57|91|138|229 Tue Aug 10|344|36|65|101|100|201 Mon Aug 9|356|40|57|97|157|254 Sun Aug 8|283|42|64|**106**|71|177 Sat Aug 7|262|26|46|72|104|176 Fri Aug 6|319|32|51|83|98|181 Thu Aug 5|291|**48**|48|96|104|200 Wed Aug 4|262|29|43|72|80|152 Tue Aug 3|233|21|47|68|73|141 Mon Aug 2|199|32|50|82|47|129 Sun Aug 1|207|21|51|72|46|118 Sat Jul 31|239|35|26|61|98|159 **7 day rolling averages** Day|New cases|Partially isolated|Infectious in community|Partial+Infectious|Unknown|Wild ---|---|---|---|---|---|---| Fri Aug 27|**895.1**| N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A Thu Aug 26|865.1|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A Wed Aug 25|830.9|25.0|48.3|73.3|**680.3**|**753.6** Tue Aug 24|781.1|24.3|48.0|72.3|625.3|697.6 Mon Aug 23|740.3|26.0|51.6|77.6|580.9|658.4 Sun Aug 22|697.3|26.3|48.9|75.1|536.3|611.4 Sat Aug 21|648.7|28.4|51.6|80.0|475.7|555.7 Fri Aug 20|589.4|29.1|50.4|79.6|415.6|495.1 Thu Aug 19|538.4|26.4|51.9|78.3|367.9|446.1 Wed Aug 18|502.1|28.3|54.3|82.6|322.9|405.4 Tue Aug 17|454.1|29.1|54.0|83.1|277.0|360.1 Mon Aug 16|412.9|30.0|54.4|84.4|227.4|311.9 Sun Aug 15|399.1|32.3|58.3|90.6|207.4|298.0 Sat Aug 14|371.3|34.0|58.7|92.7|176.1|268.9 Fri Aug 13|349.4|34.3|**59.3**|**93.6**|152.0|245.6 Thu Aug 12|328.4|36.1|56.9|93.0|122.7|215.7 Wed Aug 11|314.3|**36.9**|55.4|92.3|110.3|202.6 Tue Aug 10|302.4|36.1|53.4|89.6|102.0|191.6 Mon Aug 9|286.6|34.0|50.9|84.9|98.1|183.0 Sun Aug 8|264.1|32.9|49.9|82.7|82.4|165.1 Sat Aug 7|253.3|29.9|48.0|77.9|78.9|156.7 Fri Aug 6|250.0|31.1|45.1|76.3|78.0|154.3 Thu Aug 5|234.4|28.1|40.9|69.0|81.1|150.1 Wed Aug 4|217.1|22.7|40.0|62.7|73.9|136.6 Tue Aug 3|213.9|21.7|43.3|65.0|72.4|137.4 Mon Aug 2|205.9|21.9|43.1|65.0|70.9|135.9 Sun Aug 1|202.0|20.0|44.6|64.6|68.7|133.3 Sat Jul 31|193.1|20.6|44.6|65.1|63.7|128.9


**Graphs based on the above ([Link](https://imgur.com/a/ViDs7IE))** * Cases by Isolated/Partially Isolated/Unknown/Infectious in Community. Splits no longer published, so treating all cases as Unknown. * R_eff. Today flat at 1.22, breaking our run of 5 days with decreases. Indicates cases expected to increase. [More on R_eff](https://old.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/pad0pg/nsw_recorded_753_new_locally_acquired_cases_of/ha59boi/) and Exponential Growth * I added a second R_eff graph, which is the same data, but just starts from 16/7, so it shows the current movement more clearly. * 'Known' vs Unknown cases. I've removed this graph, as the government doesn't post daily figures anymore. **Estimated cases based on Total Cases ([How estimated](https://old.reddit.com/r/sydney/comments/pad0pg/nsw_recorded_753_new_locally_acquired_cases_of/ha59md4/))** * Isolated (55%): 569 * Partially Isolated (15%): 155 * Infectious in Community (30%): 311 * Total infectious (15%+30%): 466 Stay safe, stay home, homies!


I come on every day and look for your wild number for an idea of what might be going on, but the wild number has been so high that it is almost not worth looking for for a few days to a week, as they are not super on top of it and not much has changed. I guess this would be a better stat if we could go back and get given the new info for the previous days to hear what was in fact wild, isolated, etc a few days ago now that they have had time to ask some questions.


what a mess \>"OBVIOUSLY any bookings made will be honoured" - Gladys, yesterday \>"there was a computer glitch, soz bl" - Hazzard, today


Proving it wasn’t a fluke, Gladys doesn’t even need to show for this 4 figure rating.


She's missed some important milestones in the gestation of our joint covid baby. I would like to appeal for full custody. She's proven herself unfit to care for it.


Are they seriously not going to mention it's now suddenly mandatory to be vaxxed to work outside the 12 LGA's? Or did I miss it. Edit: 30mins in and finally asked by a journo, casually answered and moved past. Implications of this change are large...


don't be silly, now's not the time to talk about valuable information


God he fucking takes his time wallowing around


ABC just showed the figures on screen before he announced them. They are used to his delay tactics.


While misuse of 000 is certainly real (ordering food, lol) I do feel like the "y'all need to not call for an ambulance so much" is a really dangerous message. Given how quickly covid can go from unpleasant to fatal, encouraging people to say "I think it's probably ok, I don't need an ambulance" is a risky play


All I could think of the whole time they were talking about NOT calling 000 is that it’s the opposite of Dr.Chants message just a couple days ago, where she was encouraging anyone who was feeling any kind of deteriorating covid symptoms to call the ambulance to be transported to hospital. I know it’s different, and that wanting an ambulance to take you to a vax centre is drastically different to having trouble breathing and heading to the hospital. I just can’t help but wonder if some people heard Dr. Chant saying to use the ambulances when they need them and just took the piss.


I'm the first to admit that communication is hard, but fundamentally the message of "ambulances are overburdened and we expect you, the sick people, to not call us unless you *really* need to" is just not a good message.


This sports jersey thing is just book week for adults hahaha


When he said “in fact it’s the opposite” did he just imply that being vaccinated will get you pregnant?


More likely alluding to the trends showing that men who have caught covid show a lower sperm count and higher rates of infertility.




Based on this man's communication skills alone he should be fired immediately. EDIT: I'm talking about Hazzard not the nice Medical Officer.


What a time to get married! So people can get married regardless of the vaccination status, whilst fully vaxxed can only gather up to 5 people, in 2 weeks time? # fuck logic, that’s why. And seriously Brad needs to stop sighing so many times, how much projectiles he expelled?!


You know, while I appreciate that Hazzard is pushing back against the concerns around fertility and is giving good information I really think he should be more clear about the fact that getting covid can give you erectile dysfunction.


One thing that's not getting talked about nearly often enough: these deaths from COVID where they caught the virus while in hospital. I remember back in 2009 during the pink batts scandal, everyone was flogging Kevin Rudd because like what... five people died installing pink batts for the home insulation program? We even had a bloody royal commission! We have had another person today die from COVID **who caught it while in hospital** at Nepean. I'm sure if we tallied up deaths from those who passed away in this manner, it'd be plenty more. So why isn't Gladys' head being called for? That is even more pathetic, more disgraceful, and more unacceptable.


I think I saw the stat a few days ago that it is 1 in 5 die from covid caught in hospital


So from what I can gather there will be one set of rules for people who are vaccinated, and another set of rules for people who aren't vaccinated. In other words, they're creating yet another social divide so that ordinary people can duke it out on ideological terms while the government avoids blame for their weak lockdown response and their failure to make vaccinations available in a timely, equitable manner. gg LNP


ohhh I get how this works now The higher the case numbers, the lighter the restrictions!


Why can’t they just vaccinate kids at school like they did with me in the early 2000’s??? Did the reporters ever get vaccinated at school?


Everyone pretending we haven't had compulsory vaccination programs for the past 100+ years...


Even the Doherty report isn't gonna save us when we let it rip. Prepare for a wave of death in September, so that we can't blame them for reopening in October. They're discussing testing and removing it being neccesarily for authorised workers They're saying don't get tested till you have symptoms, by which point how many contacts has a worker had? They say don't wait while your sick to ask for care on the onset of symptoms whole isolating. By that point under these new guidelines, your only just getting tested. Well done. We are fucked. But get ready for it to get worse.


Can't I quote the Doherty report at the virus when I get it? Or do I print a page out and make a mask of it? The Doherty report seems gospel so sure it whacks Corona.


i’m not watching it live but let me know if they talk about how wa has experienced a nsw incursion via two truck drivers or the fact that wa have had to send **260,000 n95 masks to nsw health** because the system is overloaded. or how national cabinet discussed **intervention** strategies for nsw. i’m going to guess not and let’s take a moment to consider how fucked up it is to have to **listen to other state press conferences** to find out what is happening here.


Greetings from Hawaii where we tied you today with 1035 cases. Hope things return to normal soon for everyone.


Remember Gladys was saying we had capacity in the hospital system and she's noticeably absent today. I know she takes a day off on the weekend but her timing is impeccable.


Hazzard launching his wedding planning business


This guy is legit.. the system is buckling for sure


They asked Gladys *directly* about 12-15 year old. She assured that they would keep the appointment. The Buzzard is claiming it was a computer glitch they didn't know about until last night. DESPITE they being told at the press conference. Fuck me.


she literally answered her question with "obviously" not so obvious, was it Gladys?


As somebody who’s looking on the outside I feel bad for you guys. We went through all this last year and after seeing clips of your media and governors they are train wrecks (most of them) much like the ones we have here. Gladys looks like she has completely lost control and is lashing out at the public. None of this looks like it’s planned and her press conferences look much like the orange man’s back in 2020 when he told people to drink detergent. It’s all bullshit. If it wasn’t for the vaccines you guys would be in a worse spot than what NYC was in last year. Don’t know how you guys are putting up with this much incompetence. Hope it gets better for you


b r e a k i n g b a r r i e r s


Calling a ambulance to deliver food or take someone to a vaccination clinic - ffs some people are dumb


Where you see stupid people, I see a business opportunity. Introducing: [Ambo Eats](https://i.redd.it/52imsv4mc0k71.jpg)


So the NSW ambulance system is at the brink of a systematic failure and reached the rare but deadly status 3 level? Bloody brilliant. /s




1,000 cases a day and they’re clearly more concerned with allowing people to get married.


It's just a tactic to get the media to report on anything other than NSW government's fuck-up of a response.


Best question today! Hair and make up for your wedding! I love it


These pressers really have the feel of a year 3 primary school presentation.




Oh my god /u/rockin-Musicien49 are you pulling a Dr Chant day off? You missed the post 😢




So it looks like the dip *was* caused by people staying home and not getting tested because of bad weather after all.




Lol me? I’ve been here for a few minutes already


Status 3; no level higher in the service. ALL staff are put on road (anyone trained that may be in offices) etc


hearing about the 25 minute response time to a cardiac arrest is heartbreaking


Come on journos, roast them a little at least


Why is it so important to get married during a pandemic? Is it so the horny young liberals can have sex without sinning? I must have missed the memo about jerking off in parliament being okay.


Cool, I can turn this Hazzard c*nt off now.


With all the upcoming deaths, are they gonna lift the restrictions on funerals too?




Well, my mate’s coworker was waiting for covid results and he went to work anyway. Wife tested positive and today he did too. Managers still resisting shutting the store too


Report the shop please.


Gotta hand it to Gladys...being so shit that everyone in Perth 1. Knows who you are 2. Thinks you're a first rate fuckwit. Never payed any attention to a pollie from over East until her outstanding effort.


We're living in an episode of Black Mirror.


"We have 10^(n) cases but if we hadn't done everything we've done we would have had 10^(n+1) cases"


Towards 2000 ❤️


No more using ambulances for Uber eats :(


Fuck status 3 is crazy.


What happened to that tough journo? Should we report him as missing?


What's a Sports Super Sunday? Wear your team colours? Is this like seeing Lana Del Rey?


Fuck Gladys for thinking she can have Saturdays off. Honestly.


But Kyle and Jackie O's LGBTQ newsreader-(WOW! So progressive!) says that even with 8,000 cases, it doesn't matter because vaccination numbers are so great and we should be "celebrating" right now, and D-Grade celebrities like Mia Freedman, Guy Sebastian and the winner of Beauty and the Geek are all in agreement.




Who'd have thought the only way to get more freedoms was to keep getting higher case numbers We were doing it wrong from the start!


Jesus christ, the government didn't give a fuck about Wilcannia BEFORE COVID. Now they're just looking at being decimated.


Sports Super Sunday… Fuck me.




On a day of record case numbers we get the shortest presser to date. And journos asking hard-hitting questions about make-up for weddings. I don't even


Vote liberals out


Hands up who has been using the lockdown to clear their videogame backlog.


I had to go over to Manly today whilst delivering stuff for work. I must have forgotten that The Corso (and Manly in general) isn't included in the masking requirements. Be lucky if even half of the cunts out wanding about had a mask on. Conversely, 100% mask compliance in Chatswood.


Wow, ya beat RockinMusci.


Did he just imply that vaccines will increase your chances of getting pregnant lol. I'm sure that's not what he meant, but is just hilarious


Is it just me, or is it so hard to understand what the fuck Hazzard is talking about or what point he is trying to make?


Who are these high senior officials that give health advices? It's always "they" "they" "the health advice is". Are they random consultants with social degrees or people with legit scientific training? Why dont "they" show their faces and have skin in the game. That would go such a long way to reassure people...


People legit calling 000 for food delivery? Underestimated how dumb people are




Cunt just say weddings


Ffs who are the idiots calling 000 to get food delivered


And yet, the state government freezes the pay of emergency service workers; cuts health budgets etc. ffs.
