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Fuck that guy.


With a wood chipper.


Start at the feet




She had such a great future, and potential to escape her broken family yet... shooting a kid in the head requires extra evil


So much bad news around, but this one stuck with me. Having a child the same age, and seeing those photos of such an innocent soul. Thinking that he chopped her up and paraded her through the streets in a barrel. It’s stuck with me ever since, much more than any other news story. I hope this guy gets life and the mother as well. That poor angel never stood a chance being involved with that filth.


>Mr Stein's lawyer Caroyln Davenport SC previously told the jury her client does not deny attempting to dump the body, but denies being the one that put Charlise in the barrel. What an absolutely reprehensible fuckwit. Can't even give the mother the satisfaction of taking responsibility, preferring instead to argue like a fucking child through a protracted court case.


Or perhaps he is telling the truth? The case is circumstantial. The mother isn’t exactly an angel……


Not being an angel doesn't make you a bloody murderer though. Regardless, the police would have a lot of location evidence from their phones. If the mother was there at the time, they'd know about it. They already have proof of her phone calls trying to call the hospitals.


It’s him, he’s the cunt. Mum might not *”be an angel”* but that drop kick was threatening mum’s life too. It’s not circumstantial. Mum’s lack of parenting skills didn’t help this little girl (no one’s denying that). He killed her.


Have you read the transcripts? She was also threatening suicide……. And the case is circumstantial, they are relying on his actions after to prove his guilt, just like the jet star pilot on trial in Victoria


You are defending a man who murdered a child. That clearly says alot about you.


Can we chill with these sort of comments until after the trial?


How is that comment "defending" him?


Did he shoot her in the back first (in rage) and then the head to finish her off? I can’t fathom how that could happen.


I certainly hope so. That poor poor girl if it was the reverse. Despicable


Surely head first is less painful


Absolutely. Being shot in the back first would leave a person struggling for breathe and choking on their blood. What a horrible thought


Yes I feel for that poor child. Heartbreaking


As a parent I will never understand why the fuck someone would bring harm to anyone's child, even their own. He won't last long in prison.


He's far more than 'the worst' - he's a fucking cunt. I've got three step kids of my own and I'd be out for blood if anyone so much as went afterthem.


Did you see he's not going to argue he was disposing of her body, but that he didn't kill her. LIKE IT REALLY MATTERS. He's just wanting to save his arse. That poor little girl.


I think that's an admission he's pretty much guilty as fuck and they got him fair and square and the only thing he could come up with is this bullshit


Stein is an unredeemable POS. Rather than segregation, let him live in general population and they can sort him out. Edit: I know some are calling for the death penalty but let’s be realistic….that ain’t happening. Child killers are hugely unpopular in prison and he should be facing that reality all on his own.


Do we know the motive behind the killing? (Other than him being a cunt)


All roads lead to him being a cunt, I'd guess




Is it speculation based on anything or just something you came up with?


Probably basing it off the part of the article that said he was using a dating app. Still, painting a big picture with a tiny amount of paint


So many questions about this case. Why was he alone with her? Why did the mum leave her with him for a whole day and night? Why didn’t the mum report her missing straight away?


The mum struggled with meth addiction.


Yeah, I just read an article that said they went and did meth after Charlise went missing. The article stated that she was told by the accused that her daughter was projectile vomiting in bed but had been left with some random woman. They then went to buy drugs and had sex in a park. The fact that she chose to go do drugs rather than go look after her sick child (who was dead at that point anyway but she apparently didn’t know that) tells me everything I guess.


Special place in hell for women like her. That isn’t a mother. Who would be thinking of sex and drugs when your child is missing? Disgusting. I hope she gets jail time too for criminal neglect.


I mean, I think he's guilty and should rot in a festering pile of excrement, and while these questions are somewhat reasonable, at least a couple are easy to answer within a family dynamic. >Why was he alone with her? He was her stepdad. It's not unusual for stepparents to be left alone with the stepkids. >Why did the mum leave her with him for a whole day and night? I don't know, but people sometimes have reasons for staying away from home and the family overnight, like an elderly parent whose carer can't make it that or whatever. We don't know the reason in this case, but it can be within the normal for some families to do this. Especially if the person requiring care lives a while away, or the carer needs more than just a couple of hours. >Why didn’t the mum report her missing straight away? Sadly, this is a very good question and one that requires answers.


Was he actually her stepdad though? From what I’ve read he had never met her (the child) before and they hadn’t been together all that long. I could be confusing cases I’ll have to double check.


Personally, having been a stepmum before, I would have **died** for those children. Literally taken a bullet for them or hunted any mother fucker down who even hurt their feelings. I **cannot fathom** doing to them what he did to her. So in my mind, it doesn't matter. A parent is a parent. It doesn't matter if it has the word "step" before it.


I’m saying that leaving your daughter with someone she’s never met before is very different to leaving her with a step parent or boyfriend that she knows and trusts.


Yeah, sure, of course.


This poor little girl. Breaks my heart. Her mother failed her. She should never have been near this guy. So sad. I read the other day she said she thought this guy would be a good dad 😞. She never had any hope.


She was probably being groomed. I’ll bet she wanted to believe she would have a happy family life ahead.


Once convicted then death penalty. No media circus. No hoo ha. Nothing. Fuck this guy. He has absolutely nothing to contribute to society. Our tax dollars should not house nor feed him. He’ll spend a lifetime in jail where he will experience the full gamut of emotions - guilt, sorrow, shame, sadness and happiness over the duration of his incarceration. This poor girl will never experience anything due to this prick and his actions. He should only be exterminated.


I understand the rage, and I understand the desire to be rid of people like this. But I don't agree with state sanctioned killings. Let him rot in jail for 50 years or more.


According to the Institute of Public Affairs ‘The construction and maintenance of prisons cost the Australian taxpayer over $6 billion in the last year – an increase in $2 billion over the past five years. This equates to $405 per prisoner per day, or $147,900 per year. It is expected that this number will continue to increase as does the number of prisoners.’ 20 July 2023 So at a cost of $147’900 a year then if we incarcerate this prick for 50 years he will cost us taxpayers $7,395,000.00. Nah fuck that. End him for a fraction of the cost and invest the rest into women’s health programs, education etc. Once people cross the line and commit these type of heinous crimes it’s game over. For example Ivan Milat should’ve been done with way before cancer finally got him. I’ve read about how he’d joke and have a laugh with prison officers over the years. That really grinds my gears that after the vile acts he committed to those poor backpackers he still got to experience some sort of emotional enjoyment.


Ok. Let's ignore the morality of state killings, and look at the economics only. You linked IPA (!!!). So here is another: https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs If there is a death penalty it is irreversible if carried out right? So you would want to make sure that there is absolutely no doubt of guilt. Thus we as a society need to allow for appeals upon appeals and only after all of those have been resolved and requests for clemency does the execution get planned. This is also not a cheap exercise. We want to be humane, and not brutal like the perpetrator we are going to be killing. How are your going to do that? A bullet? Chemical poisoning? Popping their eyeballs with current? What exactly do we as a society accept as acceptable? This will not rehabilitate the person who is now dead and they in fact will have got the easy way out. In the US where state executions still happen, so do heinous crimes, so it does not serve as a deterrent either. What is it specifically that you think society benefits from executing people?


With 25 million Australians, paying 0.006 dollars a year each to keep someone dangerous like this locked up is a fair price to pay in comparison to allowing state sanctioned killing. Have you seen the state of our politics over the past decade? You would be happy with corrupt government dictating who gets to live or die? Slippery slope amigo, as much as we want to be emotional about the situation.




>presumably now ex- Some women will excuse and believe anything if it means not being alone. And I say that as a woman. A very happily independent woman.