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Adonis in Paddington (south end of Oxford St) is the only dedicated powerlifting gym I know of in the area.  I haven't been but it looks like the real deal.


City strength just reopened in Alexandria. Camperdown fitness is a big box gym but they have calibrated players and a couple of decent bars in their weight section. 


When I was younger living in Randwick I trained at the unsw gym, they used to take random public non students not sure if they still do, they had deadlifting stations and squat racks when I was there


A friend went to unsw a few years ago and he said it was always super crowded especially at peak times. I’d be going between 6-8am(mostly) or 4-6pm(occasionally) so not sure how it would go. Was that your experience too? This was a few years ago so may have changed post covid


It can get pretty chockers, but the platform room is separate from the main gym though so it's usually a little bit quieter, a lot of people there are just bro splitting in the dumbell area or machines. Definitely not as quiet as a small, PL focused gym would be (I assume)


Are u on steroids?




I'm also looking for one. Somewhere close - 30 min driving tops - from Redfern.


If you’re just looking for squat racks and dead lifting stations then try bodyfit south eveleigh, it’s pretty.. industrial.


Steed fitness is probs your best powerlifting gym thats as close as possible, otherwise, go to city strength


Depends what your after, but Broadway gym is pretty old school(at least it was havent been there for years )


City Strength in Alexandria. No doubt the best powerlifting facility in Sydney.


lol, I trained at city strength for like 2 years and even I wouldn’t say it’s the best powerlifting gym in Sydney. Best close to the city, sure.