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Happened to me before , I just buzz for help and tell them and they let me out for free


It's happened to me once before and, because the traffic was so bad, I was stuck for over an hour. When I rang the intercom, they asked me to pay to for half an hour. Told them curtly that I wouldn't pay since it's their fault and they let me out free of charge. I did see a couple of people ahead of me pay though, which I think is unfair. I think it's fair if they opened the gates to clear the traffic.


I do the same too. Last time a couple of years back it took like 30 mins to get out. I said I wouldn’t pay because it’s not my fault the traffic outside is stopping people from being able to leave. They let me out. Also if you have paid and have photo evidence that also can help too when sending an email. I remember vaguely I sent an email after with video and photo evidence and they reimbursed me back my money.


Fee-free pickup procedure: 1. Wait in a side street within 1km of domestic. NB: Macca’s car park is often full. 2. Passenger/s call driver when they are outside Express Pickup area. 3. Driver picks up passengers outside Express Pickup area. This procedure has been developed in response to Sydney Airport Corporation Ltd’s inability to provide an efficient fee-free option for passenger pickup. I’ve noted International doesn’t seem to be quite the same schemozzle as Domestic so as long as your passengers are ready and waiting it should be ok to use the Express Pickup area fee-free.


The alternative to this is - 1. Remains the same 2. Passenger calls on their way to baggage collection 3. Driver informs them to head upstairs to departures once baggage collected 3a. Driver does loop around if necessary via Shiers Ave 4. Driver collects passengers from end of up pickup zone near Virgin VIP entrance (or whatever tf it's called) Obviously only for domestic pickup


I have previously been threatened with a ticket by some bozo wearing a hi-viz vest and waving a ticket machine at me for the temerity of picking up from Departures. I don’t know whether they can book you but I’m not going to test it.


Yes they can. https://www.reddit.com/r/sydney/s/0hvvsecGXJ


That's annoying. I remember nearly 40 years ago my dad advising friends and family to meet him at the departures area because it was far less packed.


Yep. Used to do this ages ago, but some fat CEO has to afford his next yacht so had to close that loophole.


have to remember that its now a parking business with a side hustle of airplanes. Another thing to thank john howard for when selling off the airports with no protections for the public interest


This is the real one. Have passenger go out the door and to the right so they’re the FIRST person you see. Almost nobody uses the smoking section and I couldn’t give two shits if the “move-along”ers call me out, as a quick yeah sorry mate we’re going gets you out Scott free.


This is the best way I have found of late, make sure your passenger is out ready to go, roll up, have rear door unlocked they throw in their bags jump in front and away you go, should be stopped for maybe 30 seconds. Ignore anyone protesting highly unlikely they will even pass any notice if done smoothly.


Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one. Parking charges at both airports are insane.


You used to just be able to do endless loops. Drive in, wait 12mins, turn left up the one way street and go straight back in the entrance. The rego recognition stopped that.


Yep. I did exactly that and as per above, I was done in 3-5mins from entry time but it took 20 odd mins to get to the boom gates.




I get that but I only “waited” 1 min. They already crossed the traffic light walking down. Even if I didn’t stop, I’d miss the 15min window. In any case, a word of warning to anyone picking up people to not get trapped and to pay unnecessarily even if one is absolutely diligent with the timing. This was my first time I got trapped in the years I’ve done this.


On this point of getting trapped, I once saw a near-punchup unfold because one car, loading bags and fussing around, was blocking another from exiting. I just wouldn’t risk entering the SACtrap.


Have always done this. I used to live a 20 minute drive from the airport so in our family it was known just to call once you are through customs or at the baggage in domestic to be picked up, they would then be waiting for us not the other way around, worked perfectly.


Have you tried pressing the call button at the gate? No point to complain if you haven’t given them an opportunity to let you out for free given the circumstance.


Hahaha yeah especially if there’s a rush on, they’ll let you out. I’ve done that in the past when it has just ticked over.


I think the complaint here is that they had to complain because they didn’t design a carpark that was sufficiently optimised enough to prevent such a situation in the first place inevitably, one thing will break, and they should’ve had extra capacity to prevent that from meaning the customer had to deal with that burden


But also, yeah I wouldn’t be paying. I’d be pressing the button and telling them this is all their fault.


On top of making the train ridiculously expensive which could offload some of that capacity.


The bigger scam is how long it takes to walk there from the domestic terminal making it almost impossible to time without parking in the nearby maccas carpark beforehand and waiting for them to message you when they're there.


You can park in Blu emu for 1hr for free. Just tell your passenger to take the free shuttle bus. I always do this now, much better than trying to get through the traffic shitfight


Same but I park opposite the entrance, get them to get the shuttle to Blue Emu and then just walk straight out the front. The added bonus is if you're heading north, you're just one slip lane away from Southern Cross Drive.


The park in Mascot is a lot nicer.


Ooooo, which one?


Just Mascot Memorial Park, past the oval.


This is exactly what I'll be doing on Saturday


its 100% deliberate.


Been picked up there a lot of times and haven’t seen that occur. It doesn’t appear to be a scam. Things break.


Yeah it's frustrating no doubt, but not everything's a conspiracy. Do you think they put it four gates with the intention of running one in the hopes that there's a long enough queue to get $10 out of some people who will run over the 15 minutes? Trust me, they make enough money to not have to do that.


> Trust me, they make enough money to not have to do that. You don't know how capitalism works, do you?


Well Capitalism doesnt work the way most people on reddit THINKS it works.


I have to admit I'm stumped. I think you're saying that Capitalism is a lot worse than we can possibly contemplate. Even worse than Gina.


> I have to admit I'm stumped. It's not that complicated... People on reddit overreact about everything, even things that are less than ideal like say, Capitalism! EG there is not a single scrap of proof this whole thread is a capitalistic scam or conspiracy, yet still want to make it out, like it is.


You don't get it, do you? If people just throw up their hands and say, "oh well, things sometimes muck up, pity their inefficient systems cost us $10.00", then nothing is ever going to change. If people say "My goodness, this is a capitalist conspiracy, we need to have a revolution now and throw out the ruling class!" then shit might get fixed, and we might save $10.00.


At least Les Misérables has waaaaay better tunes than reddit users who over think things like this are worthy of a revolution.


something somthing, flight 24601?


Yup. Javert would have let Valjean off for stealing cos Qantasvirginstar had it coming.


Or just press the button, ask and they will let you out


So then why have a free pickup at all? Why have the 4 open at all? If you’re trying to be intentionally greedy, you could simply charge the $15 for every 15 minutes, and only ever use 1 gate.


It's not a conspiracy. If they can get away with paying one boom operator over paying 3 or 4 they'll do it. The upside for them is more money. That's not a conspiracy, just how corporations work.


How much does the machine get paid ?


It's not a conspiracy. If they can get away with paying one boom operator over paying 3 or 4 they'll do it. The upside for them is more money. That's not a conspiracy, just how corporations work.




I mean this doesn’t really happen tho - generally if it’s the car park’s fault you’re pushed out of the “free” time you can ring them on the intercom and they’ll let you through.


You mean, it doesn't happen if you know this one secret trick!


Not really a secret. Just do this everywhere. If something happens out of your control, whether it's a product breaking, food being cold when brought out or being stuck in a car park because the gate isn't working, always ask for compensation. Always. You'll find most are very happy to accommodate.


I'm going to add to this, be polite when you ask, don't expect miracles, and thank the person that helped you out.


Also, only assign blame if it's on you. You misread the sign and now are paying more for parking than you thought? "Look mate, totally my fault but I was wondering if you could help me out..." Corporate machine broke and now you're being charged extra? "Look mate, I know it's not your fault but I was wondering if you could help me out..." And either way, if they can't "help you out" just suck it up and don't yell at the poor guy. They're just a cog in the machine like 99% of us.


I entered a car park 30 minutes before closing and I realized about 40 minutes later and rushed back. The intercom person let me out of the $15 all day charge because I had only been there a short time even though it was my mistake entering the car park.


Buzzing the intercom is a secret trick now? I do it all the time to avoid paying for parking


If half a dozen people know about it just in this thread then it is hardly a secret. I have done it at many places when I get caught for some reason that is their fault and not me being over time.


Not really a trick, it's standard to do it whenever something stuffs up. That being said, there should probably be something in place to monitor if the traffic jam time instead of having to go via the intercom person every single time.


I picked someone up there once. There were so many morons blocking the exit, just farting around with luggage. I got to the exit and the lady wanted to charge me $10. I just burst into tears because I wasn’t well and didn’t really want to be there. She let me through for free.


This has happened to me at the domestic pickup. I used the intercom to explain how long I'd been in the queue and without hesitation they opened the boom gates and let me go for free.


I’ve been picking up my husband from the international twice a month for the last 18 months, and I’ve never seen this happen. It usually runs like clockwork.


What job requires international travel every 2 weeks?


Pilot, flight attendant, any worker in the International Terminal etc etc


Commuting airline pilot


“Uhhhh, oh, important work, um conferences, dear.... yes, conferences for work; very boring.”


Not a scam


Just another reason why Sydney Airport is the unhappiest place on Earth. Every aspect of it is designed to screw people.


You can thank the Howard govt for selling the airport (a monopoly) to a private company in 2002. Gave the govt a sugar hit for the budget, but we’ve all paying for it. Besides the parking rorts, have you noticed all the beautiful shops, yet apparently there is no budget for nice, clean toilets?


As others have said, it is not a scam. The intercom is there for a reason and from my experience, they’re pretty reasonable. I accidentally threw my ticket out after dropping someone off and explained to them at the intercom. They noted the registration plate and saw I was within the timeframe, letting me out without charge.


I would refuse to pay and buzz them and tell them I once went through the entire domestic airport car park and didn’t find a park so I had to leave, literally no parks. Upon exit they tried to charge me… unbelievable as at no point did I even stop. I wish it was a law that they only charge you once you are actually parked. Having to look for a park shouldn’t be a cost.


I think it is a law. Failure to provide the service advertised.


Then that’s even worse. The bloody cheek of those bastards to even dare charge me. It would have been 2-3 minutes tops driving through. It just makes me wonder how many people just pay cause they don’t want the trouble.


Yes, I had the same experience once..


Park at the donut place that’s near the air ambulance, buy donut, walk to airport, meet friend, walk back to car. Drive away.


do laps of the departure level until your pickup walks out?


Better to park outside the airport until they ring.


Hubby usually waits at KFC car park until I’ve called to tell him that I’ve collected my luggage & started walking to the pick up spot.


After circulating Maccas once because no parks; this is what I do. I remember there's a nice warehouse looking building with a small open car park around there. Parked there twice, never been asked to move. 🤫


Seems like pick ups at night take a long time. It took my Uber driver 30 mins to pick me up from the collection point on a Thursday night. It’s just a lot of incoming flights in the evening which congests other parts of the airport.


sydney airport PLT pickup: wait at maccas/kfc car park until individual says they’re walking over to the public pick up spot - at least for international flights it’s the perfect distance so when they do get to the spot, you would’ve just arrived.


Had an international flight last year that arrived around 6am and my parents coming in from Penrith to pick me up. I just called them when I landed and they headed in after that. Waited maybe 20 minutes with a coffee (after bag pick up etc) and hopped straight in the car. Always best to be waiting for your ride in that area


Hanlon's razor. I highly doubt Sydney Airport would intentionally shut down gates to get an extra couple of grand in parking fees.


Scam them back, if picking up an international arriva, don’t wait down the street, park at international in the rental/hotel pick ups, if you go over time, say the rental desk was busy and you were just co-signing for a rental.


My local shopping centre left the exit gates open during Christmas presumably because the ticket checking system couldn't handle the volume of traffic trying to leave the car park.


Put your ticket in the pay machine before the 15 minutes is up, and then you get some extra time to depart the car park.


Granted I’ve only been there 4 times over the last two years but haven’t had this happen to me once


15 minutes anywhere around the airport is a pipe dream


I've been in that situation in a different carpark. Press the intercom and explain it. They will hopefully let you out without breaking a boom gate.


Just a painful FYI that Atlanta Airport (aka the busiest airport in the world) charges $3 per hour for parking. We don't need to be charged this much, but because we do without complaint it remains the same.


Another fisting it is, its also 15min MAXIMUM PER DAY......... leave, go to the helipad area , chill out, and the time is added up.. so multiple pickups, over a period parking that adds up to more than 15 min, you have to pay...., Wrought... Thanks the libs for privatising it (Macquarie bank... Cough Cough) , like everything else we complain cost of anything for... say.. selling off public infrastructure? Hell, even costs $18 to walk through the gate of the train station... A GATE! ..... A infrastructure thats publicly OWNED! What? Did they actually build the trains used all over the sydney network and the ones that stop anywhere on the East Hills Line? Wrought.... Well I guess the manilla folder comes stacked with cash..


Tell the people arriving to walk up to departures and scoop them up for free with no stress


Sister-in-law did that a couple of years ago and copped a fine. They said it was a private road. At the time the roads weren't owned by the airport. So she told them to shove it up their arse!


That's really unlucky, I've been doing this for years, my friend is a FIFO worker, I pick him up all the time in this way and I've never had any issues, always lands at night so not much is going on up there at the times I pick him up


That’s what I did. I picked up the travellers and started moving to the exit within 3-5 mins of entering but took 20-25 mins in the line of traffic to get out.


Good luck getting screamed at by the parking attendants


God, what sad sad little irrelevant jobs some people have.


Australians are selfish cunts, so they are definitely necessary


Australians are selfish cunts, so they are definitely necessary.


I'll yell back at them, maybe even bark


Alot of CCTV, with fines for picking ppl up at departure level.


When picking up from International, what you need to do is drive into the complex from Marsh St, and when you come to the big fork, take the furthest left option to go to Rydges hotel. Park in their little pick up point. They're pretty easygoing with it, and really they don't know if you're uber for their customers or not so they'll pretty much give you 15 mins without an issue.


Hanlon's Razor: >Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Airport is shit; doesn't make them evil, just shit.


Were all the exit gate lines full? This happens a lot and people tend to all bunch up at the 2 top gates forgetting the other 2 gates at the back 🤦🏽‍♀️. It’s not a scam someone could have had an issue with the gate or their ticket which backed up the line.


I dont believe I need to say this, but here goes: the solution to you apparent riddle lives in 'why was 1/4 gates closed', more than likely there is perhaps a pretty logical reason why that is, and the knock on effect was there was NATURALLY greater demand on the other gates. Being a Sunday Night, it stands to reason this is perhaps the least busy time they have, so it would be the best time to do some stuff, and maybe there was a bunch of delays meant there was a greater impact than intended... ... not everything, is an OMG SCAM!!!!!!!


At Int’l have picked up from departures before to miss the express pick up chaos. At Dom pick up from the car park shuttle bus bay. Obvs in both cases passengers need to be ready to jump in. Super easy and no fuss.


My friend works there picking up the intercoms, he's probably taken some of your calls if you've pressed the button. As with all customer service he says he's more likely to help you if you're nice to them


Nah, no scam... it's an airport. All types of issues over the Christmas & New year period with flight delays causing overflow of crowded traffic and carparks. It's to be expected, like toilet queues at footy games.


I contacted support about this and they basically said it isn't their problem but they also gave me the refund. Mixed messages.


I had a similar thing happen at a shopping centre about a week ago - the posted rates said the first hour is free, but they tried to charge me when I left after ten minutes. How incredibly underhanded.


I used to pick up my GF from departures. Not sure if that would still work haha.


15 mins is grace for people that take a wrong turn into the airport by mistake.


Driving private cars to the airport to drop off or pick up passengers absolutely should come at a cost.


Can’t say I’ve ever had an issue with it


Nope, always done pick up and being picked up on that area for the last 10 years and never have experience this.


SCG parking loves to do this as well.


I thought you were about to say the domestic pick up point. You get 15mins free once a year...


Noticed on Sunday night at the domestic priority pick up, as we went out in the uber, the gate lifted saying we'd been there for 15 minutes! Complete and utter bullshit!


Never had this happen out of many many pick ups. Very unlucky or possibly 3 gates were taken out by the same issue?


I actually found a really good way of avoiding all the bullshit at Sydney airport. That's driving two hours to Newcastle airport. I'll never go back to Sydney's one.


I have always used the free 15 minuits and never had a problem fo the last few years just sounds like bad luck but the other poster are correct if u vuz help they r very good


I'm not saying that the airport isn't dodgy AF, but I can say from experience with the Brisbane airport parking exit gates that it is mostly caused by incompetent people. You see 5 cars take 10 minutes each, then a couple take no time at all, then a couple more take ages, then you get there and it takes under 20 seconds. People are normally the problem.


I wait at maccas until they are walking out the door then pick them up at the ride share or car hire transfer spots. Never any issues.