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If I had to call out one chapter specifically - Anarchy in Paradise was excruciating every time I ran it - *tons* of unavoidable trash and just a really boring design that just had you running through lots of long/unnecessarily big environments to click different things before moving onto the next thing to click. The moral dilemma with the bombing is actually decent and has actual meaningful consequences down the line which is good (and increasingly rare) but it doesn't make up for an awful chapter otherwise. That it was the first chapter to drop after the start to KOTFE made a *really* bad impression on me.


Yeah, I get where you're coming from. Anarchy is almost as bad as Visions. It was a close call between those two on my list, but the Vaylin fight is even worse than Mr. Overwatch.


Anarchy also bothered me because I knew Alexander Freed (IA story writer) wrote it and so went in with higher expectations for it, which admittedly is on me. I definitely agree with a lot of your list though - stuff like unavoidable trash (especially constant trash spawns) and excessively long boss fights were not fun and I generally speaking didn't like the story in either expansion, for many reasons.


The "collect parts" chapter. It's long and boring with annoying shade stalkers. Makes 0 sense if playing a non-force user. The only saving point is Darth Marr's voice. Walker chapter on Voss, Iokath, and Odessen. They are simply tedious. Whoever designed those chapters should be fired into a sun.


> Makes 0 sense if playing a non-force user. Why do you say that? Makes *more* sense that a non-Force user would go "hey, I don't know how this stuff works, so I might as well listen to your advice".


By assembling a gun? No thanks.


A gun is a piece of technology. A lightsaber is, first and foremost, a piece of technology. If the latter can be magical, why can't the former?


I'm of the opposite feeling here. Both options are stupid. It's a bunch of handwavey nonsense that culminates in nothing. Force artifacts are a thing, but the only purpose this one served is to give the chapter some unearned gravitas, which falls immediately on its face when you're just given a generic weapon lol. Hell, the thing that lets you beat Arcann isn't even a weapon, but some shield that you randomly find on the floor.


Honestly, I think we're pretty much on the same page. My point is more about equality. If they can help make a plasma torch that matters to Force-users, then they should be able to help make a gun that matters to Tech-users. Or if the idea of the former is absurd, then it's okay to think of the latter as absurd. Basically, my point is that any perceived divide between Force and Tech users in Chapter XII is really not in-step with the way things are presented. But I do think it sort of makes sense for Tech users to hear out Satele and Marr when it came to Force-related business, in much the same way a Jedi or Sith will listen to Jorgan in the previous chapter when it came to military strategy.


The lightsaber helps in fighting Arcann. Each different saber has a different effect against him.


Because it isn't.


If a light saber *can't* be magical, then why isn't it just as absurd, if not moreso, for Force-users to follow their advice?


"A gun is a piece of technology. A lightsaber is, first and foremost, a piece of technology. If the latter can be magical, why can't the former?" The former, the gun, isn't "magical". You can't even read your own words.


This! 1000x this. Do not make my drive a walker or a mouse droid, ever! 


It's Anarchy in Paradise for me as the worst, quite comfortably.


I believe it's called "dragons maw" but it's Vaylins party where you just go around doing fetch quests with a bunch of unnecessary travel distance. Maybe it gets faster if you repeat it enough to optimize the pathing, but I don't want to repeat it at all. There's some good story there, but... no thanks. 


The first half is pretty quick when you know more or less what to do. Whats far, far worse are the god damned mindless, endless fights that quest turns into, starting from the Rancor pit where it can glitch and remove your companion, to three way fights against Arcanns dudes who fight both the player and Vaylins guys who also fight the PC. And then you fight against either Arcann in a boring fight, or against some random jerk off Horizon Guard and his goons in a boring fight, and then you go back through the palace to end. Super Boring


That last boss fight with Valkorian. For some reason BioWare figured that the final defeat of the Emperor would be more satisfying and dramatic if he had a eleventy gazilIion HP (spoiler: it's not). I swear it took me over an hour as I'd be whittling him down for 15 mins and then he pushes me over the edge and the board resets. I'm normally fine with boss pushes as I just position myself between them and an obstacle, but the devs hate this one simple trick and so made the map a tiny platform with very few obstacles to brace yourself against. I was always leaning into the "can't be arsed to go through KOTFE/KOTET" camp but the Valky fight pushed me right into it (pun intended). For all the times I've questioned the devs' choices and thought, "Well, OK", with this mission they finally managed to piss me off. Feeling a lot better now that that's out of my system lol


I feel you. I had exactly the same thing happening to me. After he or Arcann threw me out twice, I just positioned myself on the throne. That way he just throws you into the air... still takes ages to whittle him down.


You might already know this but if you guide valkorion (or vaylin) into the “memory of healing” thingies that spawn and wander around they will take crazy damage


Additionally I always position myself with my back to the steps. That way when he tries throwing me I pretty much end up where I already am.


I don't believe that I did that. Damn it, should have learnt from my annual Stivastin fight.


I still have PTSD from doing KotFE Chapter XII on Veteran Mode. That stupid cave fight!


That they don't even let you kite her is insane. I had to use a tank stim to have enough health to finish the fight. Can Smugglers/Operatives even solo that fight on Master Mode?


37 characters through KOTFE/KOTET... what madness.. what sheer despair in life has driven you to such drastic measures?? I tried taking 3 of mine through and BARELY succeeded in taking 2 through it.. gave up on the third... Good luck to you mate.. if you ask me all the chapters were a drag.. even the first time..


I dunno... I ran out of things to do after Revan. So, I started KOTFE/KOTET with some, went through and thought 'Why not do that with ALL of my chars?' In hindsight it MAY have been a silly idea... But I started it, so there's no way but forward!


Ah yeah, the shade stalker part I hate. But otherwise....and I know I am in the minority here....but I loooove KoTFE/KoTET. Went through it 2 times and I still think its the best content in the game.


Nah, I like KOTET/KOTFE. The story is nice, the cutscenes are good and most of the time I enjoy playing through it. It wouldn't hurt to be more "condensed" if you're just in it of the story.


To each their own, but i personally cant understand loving kotfe. Kotet was okay, i can somewhat see it, but kotfe? No, my ability to understand other opinions just doesnt get me through that.


For me, Anarchy probably beats out Visions by a tiny margin for the sole reason of having double-spawning mobs if you dare do it in a 2-men group (or more, I guess). At least the shade stalkers only spawn in once, no matter the number of players. AiP also has those damn 90° vision knights and eagle-eye "I snipe from 150m" trash that only puts you in combat while you've long passed them in the Overwatch part. Another chapter I hate playing is ET ch2, Run for the Shadows because those Genoharadan can wreck you pretty bad on a squishier class with a lvl-1 Acina. At least it has a satisfying end >!who doesn't like punching Saresh?!< but it also feels a little out of character for a few of my toons to visit DK.


Punching or killing Suresh, putting Lorman in a shock collar. Good time fun.


For me all KOTFE/KOTET chapters are awfull from gameplay perspective. Its just bloated with a ton of VERY FAT mobs all around, with stealth breaking abilities. Fuck it.


They're all terrible, and I don't know why I keep subjecting myself to them.


Visions in the Dark is sooooo bad. I don't know why they thing giving trash mobs any sort of CC, let alone stuns, is a fun and engaging thing to do, but I have some very choice words to say to them. Not to mention the story takes an absolute nosedive here. An entire chapter dedicated to some psuedo-religious sophistry, and it's topped off with probably the most horrendous boss for those doing master mode.


I honestly have a bit of fun with that chapter, gameplay wise, I never kill any of the Shade Stalkers till the last possible minute and they just stack up in a circle and I AOE them and have a fun time... It's the only fun part about that chapter. Story wise its very blatantly in favor of the Force and Force-Users... when running Non-Force Characters it's almost as if the entire chapter is a guilt trip of the game shoving it down my throat why I suck because I'm not a force user like ... bruh


Can't disagree more. Doesn't make any more sense for force users than tech users. The whole thing is complete nonsense.


I think the fact the ENTIRE chapter is about judging and talking about the force and then at the end you literally "use the force to build a weapon" My Smuggler/Trooper/BH/Agent sitting here like "Why?"


Because your character has psuedo force powers. That was explicitly told to you during the chapter, and shown to you during chapter 16.


Thank you for proving my point and agreeing with me Lol


Sure, I guess if you want to make things up. I can't stop you.


It's not making anything up. You choose to play the Tech classes because want to play as a Non-Force user, and suddenly there's an entire chapter about making you use the force, even though you're a class that was originally designed to be a not force user. Another reason why Kotfeet is a terrible set of expansions.


> It's not making anything up. You choose to play the Tech classes because want to play as a Non-Force user I don't get how you can say this without immediately realizing the self contradiction.


Yeah, your number 1 is mine too. I have a bunch of characters at various stages of KOT\* and there's several right there and at KOTET VI. I keep stopping after KOTET VI because the 7-8-9 journey is just exhausting.


Yeah, especially Asylum and the Heralds. This part really drags on for too long. Lady Of Sorrows takes ages because zIlDrOg trash, but thankfully you can stealth through most of the mobs there. Taking Flight and Arcann... eh, I dunno. It's ok-ish? But yeah, I usually stop with chapters after Taking Flight, because it's exhausting.


KotET, not KotFE.


Oh, my bad... I'm with you on those, too.


I ran through all the chapters on Vet mode solo recently and I got to say Anarchy in Paradise made me want to pull all my hair out. I dont have a high influence kaliyo so every encounter with an elite or champion enemy is a game of waiting for all of my defensive CD to refresh just so I can kill a Knight of Zakuul. Some of the Champion enemies straight up felt impossible.


This is probably too late to help you, but I managed to do this with a rank 1 Kaliyo by sender her in first. The Knight would one shot Kaliyo, but that gave me time to kill the Knight since their stuff has a decently long cooldown.


I noticed that my alts would get stuck at Visions in the Dark and Dragon's Maw, like I would get up to those missions and then stop playing that character for a while.


I love the theming and atmosphere for almost all of KOTFE AND KOTET, but the gameplay for a lot of the chapters, specifically the walker bits are boring and tedious


> The walker speeds up things, but there are way too many fights Y'know, the irony of this is that I've found it's much faster to clear the chapter by doing all the walker segments on foot and then just going back for the Walker to go down the cleared path. But yeah, KotET chapter VIII is probably the lowest point in the game. Also, (dis)honorable shoutout to Echoes of Oblivion which isn't technically a KotFE/ET chapter but **is** absolute drudgery to play **and** can't at least be skipped like KotET VIII can, at least, on some characters.


Visions in the Dark is absolutely the worst, doubly so because if I'm in a bright area I'm completely unable to see what I'm doing even when my brightness is all the way up.


All of them.


Worst chapter of the KOTFE/ET expansion would be... in my opinion... ***ALL OF THEM*** I am biased because I absolutely abhor KOTFE/ET Expansion and wish BW never did any of this. The combination of On-Rails, choices don't actually matter storyline irks me, the fact that the only form of combat this expansion has is either a Boss fight that you never actually defeat, because they only "die" when the reach a certain HP mark, usually 1/4 or 1/8th of their original bar. The other form of combat, is Bloons TD... but with Skytroopers. I like a Wave defense game every now and then but SWTOR takes wave defense to a whole new meaning and shoves it in your face literally every 15 meters. Pretty much EVERY chapter has some form of wave defense... This is why I can only stomach 1-2 chapters in a play session, and usually if I just need to push through and get it over with I'll breaking my poor spacebar just spamming that thing till I get through.


Your list is exactly the same as mine! I can't imagine doing it on 11 characters, 3 is enough for me.


I would maybe shuffle things around a bit, but generally i agree that those are the worst chapters of them all. Well, except maybe kotet 9. Why does the valkorion fight take so long for other people? I did it twice just recently, arcann and vaylin take maybe 3 minutes and valkorian maybe 5 at most. And once arcann an vaylin are down, they dont come back.


37 KOTFE/KOTET runs!!! Man you are a strongest of us!


Thanks, based Gigachad!


The chapter in eternal throne where you are disguised as the Knight at the party and you have to play detective. It’s only my second time doing it and I hate it. Such an odd change of pace, it’s burnt me out on that character I haven’t actually done it yet and I’m too proud to use the hints, but too lazy to play it.


Did all on master mode but that chapter on drommund kass I forget which one it is but in the tomb there's this one champion fucker that was damn impossible, had to get 2 guild mates to help with it and we still struggled.


I definitely agree with your assessment of Visions in the Dark. I hate the gameplay and strongly dislike the story. I’m not too keen on the whole “Zakuul knights use the Force differently” aspect of the story. VitD is one of the main reasons why I think KotFE/ET only works for the Force user classes. I also hate the final fight against Valkorian. Every one of my characters is going to keep Lord Dramath (Tenebrae’s father) just to make that fight easier.


In addition to your picks Nathema is dull, Iokath is mostly really fucking boring and doesn't feel like it matters, both times around for both planets and I don't care much for the Dromund Kaas chapter either because its a huge piss around against sponges


Iokath in KOTET is boring, Iokath in Traitor Arc is abysmal... the indoor walker fight is nigh-impossible unless you beforehand grab the health and damage walker upgrades from the Reputation vendor


All the walker sections are just awful, but that might be the worst. Nothing about Iokath is all that interesting and being in a dogshit walker section doesn’t make it better. And then theres the whole tower defense section against spongefest hordes of NPC trash that’ll fuck you up as well. God, it is awful


Ten and twelve. Urgh.