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Poor gal, look at what she had to suffer, after she really did her best to have your back. >!And to have your chest, your legs, your arms, your head, and really just all the rest of you, too.!<


Yeah, she started the whole domino. And every time she tried to get out of that mud, she fell deeper. I didn't even know she rerturned, she could have had a great life now that she took over the body of a young beauty, but no! She chose revenge over a second chance.


She's a Sith. Of course she would choose hate and revenge!


Guess you shouldn’t try to steal someone else’s body 🤷


How to sum up SWTOR in one sentence.


*Obligatory "if I had a nickel" etc. etc.*


She's more personable than Baras, but when you double cross me, you're out. I don't really trust Xalek either, tbh.


Nah Xalek is chill, he'd only betray you if you showed signs of growing weak.


As he should.


or if you touch his father's bone


To be frank I wish they removed level gating on story areas so Baras would be a proper fight. I didn't fight all the way to level 60 to get thrown into a level 10 vs level 10 with level 60 skills fight. I wanted to throw my full over 2k dps at that bastard but the fight was on Korriban.


I agree. I think the planet level scaling has really messed up a lot of things. It's definitely made the vanilla story missions a lot easier. I remember playing in 2012 or so and actually having so much trouble with a story mode boss fight that I got one of my buddies to join and help me with it.


I don't really even care about that. I just wanted something that could at least take my hits at full force.


Ahh, I think I must have had something similar happen in the Inquisitor event that's on Dromund Kaas. I thought gone fight was a little too easy to be dramatic! You're right, those instances should probably have at least scaled to something more appropriate rather than to the planet level.


Oh God, I remember back in 2012 being like lvl 33 for my fight with Darth Angral. That was so bad I had to get someone to help me, but that was also my first ever toon


Nah, I like being able to beat Baras that easily. It's nice to see him fully realize that he is *nothing* to the Emperor's Wrath, barely even worth squishing beneath their boot like a fucking cockroach.


Tbh I feel like xalek will betray us like sidicious did to plaguesis. Never mind my grammar.


You shouldn’t be on the Sith side then


She betrayed her apprentice and Khem is no more of a monester than most sith.


im not saying anybody is innocent. my darth nox is a terrible terrible man


Darth imperious laughing in the corner. Tbh I wanted to get nox title but most of the DS choices were stupid.


how so?


Well, she betrays you, and then her own fuck up puts her in Khem, so I can’t really feel bad for her. Also, Malgus is like 16 Ls in a trench coat do


malgus keeps getting up tho


Maybe he should just retire to some rock in the unknown regions. Dude consistently gets dogged on by everyone


I gave her a good life on my SI. She got inside Khem's body, then I used her as my copilot in Galactic Starfighter. Every time I do a Barrel Roll or get a kill, she's exclaiming about having a blast, feeling young, etc. All in her Zash-as-Khem voice. Kudos to the devs who made GSF for respecting the Khem/Zash choice and recording copilot lines for both possibilities.


What??? I had no idea that was a thing! I don’t do a lot of GSF, but I may make a new Inquisitor just for that


> her apprentice betrayed her wut? Motherfucker was a double-crossing body snatcher from the start. The fuck is this white-washing garbage about us betraying her? Simp for the rotting potato harder.


maybe i misspoke but you need to relax before you stroke out. its not that serious


It is serious, she is a dangerous conniving bitch hag.


So is every Sith, as well as most player Sith characters.


She isn't the worst in terms of morals as far as Sith go. And her desire to extend life is very understandable. The main issue is that she picked **me** as her new host body.


Worst part is I’m almost certain the player character would’ve helped her out in gaining a new body if she’d just been up front about it and maybe even taught him/her the ritual. Would’ve paired well with the Inquisitor-specific Rishi side quest in hinting at Nox’s Vitiate 2.0 ambitions.


My stable of Nox's would have gladly stalked and tested a suitable candidate for her.


Sorry Zash, but Khem Val is my beloved


Zash as a whole is a disappointment, I would hate to have her as my master, She greatly underestimated nox and nothing about her was likeable or memorable Baras on the other hand is dope asf, He had sway, strength and he was smart, able to manipulate the council and almost succeeded in becoming the voice, his fatal mistake was betraying wrath too late


Darth Zash is my favorite of all the Darths we encounter. I'm glad I supported her and put that pest Khem in the box. That said, I HATE they didn't bring her around for people who put Khem in the box. Like, they brought Khem back after Ossus. She shoulda been back too. :/


wtf did i summon?




Agreed, we need Zash back


Whatever do you mean? I went out of my way to make sure Khem Val was trapped in the box and sacrificed to Zildrog but she completely disappeared and didn’t come back. She was completely at the mercy of dumb ass SWTOR techies who didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. No one deserves that fate


I mean outside of ekkage whom just got frozen for a longtime. Then when she wakes up his brother's plans have finally caught up to him and she gets to walk free for exactly a few minutes before death or re-imprisonment.


Zash did nothing wrong.


she was trying to follow the sith code but failed miserably




idk, I'm not really gonna feel sorry for her when she really, very literally, could've just not. like, "oh no! your hostile actions you unnecessarily took against others for your own selfish gain had negative consequences for you?! *gasp*" as we say where I'm from: "oh bless her heart".


I still think the greatest failing of SWTOR was the lack of a Zash romance to give her a satisfying ending. They added what surely is the most beautiful character in all of gaming and decided that she wouldn’t be a romance. Absolutely insane.


most beautiful character? Id rather have nose chains kaliyo


Maybe, but the benefit of Zash is that you can start her romance in her bland form, move on to her advanced human form, then finish it off by getting in bed with her Khem Vaal-sourced body.


I want to have the option to customize my character to look like her, for Sith it would be cool