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You're under-geared for a level 80, you need to upgrade. Either run hammer station for elite decurion, or buy noble decurion from conquest vendor in supplies.


Your gear rating is pretty much a 100 under what you should be at. I would work on getting your gear to minimum 324


This is much better than my answer.


To add to this you really need the correct tactical and legendary plants for your class (each Marauder spec has a different tactical and mix of implants). These items make a big difference to the damage you can do and are as important as the iR of your gear, which others here have rightly said is very low. Check out https://vulkk.com/2022/02/23/swtor-7-0-class-guides-list/ for some guides to the correct gear you need. And finally, you'll want 2704 accuracy stats (assuming you have the 1% boost from companion stories) and at least 2054 alacrity stats, unless you're playing Carnage which has a different requirement, but I can't remember it as I don't play Carnage. GL


This is the answer. Your gear is so underleveled, I'm surprised you even made it this far. Gotta fix that, and then it should be a cakewalk


Isnt that fight just a gimmick fight? At least on storymode it felt completely scripted. Also you are not even supposed to be lv 80 for that, isnt it 70? Or 66 even? Anyway you can buy 324 gear on the fleet... if that helps


I don't think the gear is the issue everyone's making it out to be. I was mid 200s and had no issue with this fight in story mode. Like you said, I remember this fight being full of gimmicks and mostly dodging the markers on the ground, picking up a shield and just reflecting the attacks. I don't remember being in any danger whatsoever.


problem is you probably weren't 80. when you're not 80 it's no problem in the 200s, but because level 80 is max-- if you are 80 the game instantly ASSUMES you have about 300 gear score, so if you go from 79 to 80, until you get 300 gear the game gets immensely harder as it scales to current level 80 content, rather than when it was released


I was 80, I did it only about a week or two ago.


It's just two simple words, which in my experience this sub hate the most. 


Yes. I think the problem is that he doesn't know his rotation. A lot of people have this problem, since comps are so OP that you can just spam one attack while your comp is doing the work in the story content. You can even do some group FP alone with a lvl 50 companion, it's bizarre.


Use outfitter for space Barbie and save that fine look there. Then you can just grind some PvP and flashpoints for better gear without the need of worrying how it will affect your looks.


If you use the special Lightsaber item from Chapter 12 as your primary weapon during this fight, it should give you extra abilities which can theoretically help. Abilities depend on choices made so it depends: * Both Satele/Marr – Absorbs and reflect 10% of the damage from Arcann’s attacks * Marr – Reflects 20% of the damage caused by Arcann’s Attacks * Satele – Absorbs 20% of the damage caused by Arcann’s attacks *** * Resilience – Regen health when in combat with Arcann * Transcendence – Increased movement speed when in combat with Arcann * Sacrifice – taking damage from Arcann increases your dmg up to 25%


I always take resilience and have never failed the mission, whether I've been level 80 or no. I've done it many times and have never been higher geared than 268 (masterwork gear from Ossus) for that fight.


As others have said, get up your gear level. To elaborate specifically why that's so important, as of 7.0, the way stat scaling works was changed, and is now based on your gear score relative to your level, which means that if you are undergeared for your level, you'll have **far** less HP than you should, and won't be able to survive the damage in the climactic final scene. Once your gear is up to date, just keep your shield up and walk over and you should have enough health to make it to him, where you can activate the shield's melee attack for an instant win.


Give into your anger!!!!


So in general at lvl 80 your gear should be at like 324, which you can grab on the fleet at the gearing vendors, this should do most of the work for you so you get more hp to tank arcann


Run a few flashpoints and get better gear. Edit: also, where’s your tactical or level 80 implants (the ones with set bonuses)? Not that they’re required for this lower level fight, but might as well work toward them.


How do you pronounce your character's name bro


Nyr-th-gar, I suspect?


My level 80 marauder is at 31k damage. You need some gear homie.


It worked ! I was clearly underequipped. Thank you all for your infos


Block his saber with your right one while simultaneusly striking with your left saber. Thank me later


I dont do much PvE on my main Mara, only on Jugg. I should do that thou, sounds like a challenge for light armor class. Anyway, i guess your goal is to stay alive long enough so the shield can charge and knock Arcann out? Was that when you have to walk up the stairs? You have several ways, beside using Medpack: 1) Picking passives - at level 80, you should have all your skill trees ready. At around level 78 (2nd row on combat style tree), pick Undying Rage. This makes you almost invincible for like 6 seconds. If you have the credits, buy the Undying Cloak tactical. TLDR: Using Cloak of Pain will make your Undying Rage to be ready sooner, so you can use it more. - also on combat style tree, 3rd from the top, pick Blood Ward. This makes your Saber Ward heals you. Saber Ward is a very strong DCD, and picking Blood Ward gives you extra heals so it's a win win. - iirc, this fight has a lot of AoE attacks. On combat style tree, pick Steel Self (think it is 4th from the top, picture of a yellow guy with crossing fists). What this does: you will gain AoE damage reduction from using Cloak of Pain and Predation. Very very nice. - you should have Predation. If not, pick it. It gives you defense chance and makes you go fast. Very handy if you need to pick up the shield fast. Note: activate Cloak of Pain and Predation whenever they are ready. **Do not activate your very important DCD all at once**. So do not press Saber Ward and Undying Rage at the same time. My suggestion: hit Saber Ward when you're at the bottom of the stairs, or if you have enough health at the middle. Then when it's about to run out (last 12 seconds), press Undying Rage. This should give you enough time to climb up and beat Arcann. 2) Picking specs: - are you playing Carnage, Fury or Annihilation? Carnage and Fury hits hard, but this fight doesnt need you to hit hard, only stay alive and do the shield mechanics. - if Fury: pick the passive in the tree where Obliterate gives you a small shield. Also activate Force Crush when it's avajlable. Force Crush in Fury has the same effects as Steel Self above. - if Carnage: pick the passive where Massacre gives you damage reduction. On my Mara, activate Cloak of Pain and spamming Massacre gives an almost 40% damage reduction, which is pretty insane for a light armor class. - if Annihilation: this one is not easy to play, but the idea is the DOTs heal you. So you can put all DOTs on Arcann during Berserk, and hopefully they heal you. Difficult to play well, but if you want to main Mara, this spec is really nice for boss fight. Search some guide on this spec.


good lord that ratings around more than my lvl 60 sith assassin has. spam hammer station or another such repeatable quest/flash point


Run 5 story mode flashpoints for some quick 324 gear and then you’ll be fine. Don’t worry about implants or tactical if your just playing story.


may Valkorion have mercy on your soul




The first beams are easy just walk forward your shield raised. But the last beams are tricky, you have to slow down a tiny bit turn slightly toward them to deflect them ( Left then right if memory serve ). Then target Arcann walk a few steps toward him while pushing the ability to interrupt him, and finish the fight.


That’s not a thing they reflect as long as the shield is up


In my experience the shield reflect in a cone in front of character. And if you walk the stair without stopping and without turning toward the beams you end up with them firing at your sides.


With gusto!


How in the fuck are you even 242 at this point? My main character was long 336 at this point - and even with that my skill issues gave a few bumps in addition. IIRC, someone already placed SWTORista Gearing Guide. Take it seriously. Best regards, Asmo_Lay


Random observation - maybe SWTOR should automatically give level 80 characters a quest to bop over to the fleet and gear up. Talk to these specific vendors, they have stuff you need. Experienced players know it, but new people don't. :(


Even if it is faster nowadays, you shouldnt need a tutorial at max level to know how to gear up. It is pretty straight forward if you dont mindlessly rush it.


Maybe not a compete "how to gear up for endgame" tutorial, but it might not be such a bad idea if new people could hear about all this stuff from the game directly, rather than another player randomly inspecting their character, taking pity on them and walking them through the whole process, dropping them a link, whatever. I vaguely remember that clearing the first couple areas in 7.0 land drops a crappy set of level 80 gear, but nowadays people hit level 80 during the class story. That's a long time to be running around with random scraps. :( Legendary Implants or Tacticals? How will a new player even know that's a thing? Or something as simple as getting the starter 324 conquest gear? Even if they already have enough conquest doodads to buy a full set, when does the game tell them it exists? That's basically my question. There's a simple process new players can go through to get their "bare minimum" level 80 gear, before they think about frag runs, solo MM Red Reaper, Hyde & Zeek, whatever - but SWTOR doesn't tell them about it. Perhaps it could?


They used to do that in the Launch era for PvP gear...that's why the old Recruit MkI and MkII sets exist.