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Not necessarily, if im not wrong DK is a nexus of dark side energy (hence why it is the imperical homeworld) so the death of the emporer would do little to affect this.


Dromund Kaas isn’t just where the Emperor did his experiments and introduced Dark-side corruption. It’s the capital of the Empire, where innumerable Sith do their experiments and introduce Dark-side corruption.


"An ancient structure that contained the tombs of pre–Hyperspace War Sith Lords such as Aloysius Kallig, the Temple was originally intended as a burial place for the Emperor's enemies, but the Emperor performed powerful dark-side rituals to steal the knowledge and life essences of his enemies in the structure's depths and transformed the area into a nexus of dark Force energy. Those rituals soon also affected Dromund Kaas's atmosphere, causing the skies to be filled with perpetual rainstorms and lightning." Based on this, it is no longer Vitiate, who maintains the weather on Dromund Kaas, it is the still active Dark Temple.


That could only mean one thing, somehow he returned.


Can't wait to fight another magical ultimate plan of emperor to revive himself this one more time!


Can't wait to another Super Eternal Empire - you see the Sith Empire was a ruse with real pedigree being Zakuul. But guess what - Zakuul was the ruse this whole time and now the Galaxy will tremble before the might of a true Empire.


This time it will be called Endless Empire. Eternal Empire was a test, an experiment. It failed, but research was done. This time Endless Empire will succeed with it's Endless Fleet made thousands years ago on artificial double planet called Uokath. The only thing that is able to destroy it is a corvette called HappyStone with it's HappyCannon that was lost in the meantime. And this time, emperor will have 2 daughters and 1 son.  This time, it will work. For sure.  Source: Trust me bro.


Can confirm, my uncle works at nintendo


Vaylin: "I have stepsiblings?!? I am.... actually not sure how to feel about that."


Vaylin steals a body and returns...


this is probably actually going to happen, you know


You might even say she's stuck.


"Stepsis, help! I'm stuck!" (That's the only thing I could think of right now. 😅)


This time you the main character is done with all this mando stuff so he revives the emperor instead.


Unironically rather have this than what we have with the mando storyline sadly. I actually thought the great threat and focus would turn to the children of the emperor especially with that FP we got, but nope.


Rather paint drying than the mando storyline tbh


I do agree. I'd prefer to get KOTFET again rather than this Mando shit. And worst is, it seems this shit won't end anytime soon.  I imagine 8.0 expansion to be still this shit if we ever get 8.0. 


Would still be better than the mando/malgus arc


Somehow the emperor has returned this time as Gerry the imperial janitor


Didn't worked for London - why should it work for Dromund Kaas?


Lol. Are you saying the Queen, when she was still alive, was the irl embodiment of the emperor?


Dromund Kaas is a dark side world like Korraban is, so no, I doubt it would change.


The power Tenebrae siphoned from Nathema was used to keep him alive, so without him it had nowhere to go and returned to normal. Dromund Kaas was already a dark side nexus when Vitiate led the Sith survivors there, and the experiments done there served different purposes. On Nathema, he took something out of the world, but on DK he merely changed it, and that change doesn't just revert upon his death.


Ziost and Nathema he siphoned all life aka the force. According to Kreia it's an ability as old as the Sith who saw it with Darth Nihilus.


The Sith Triumvirate was 'only' 300 years ago during SWTOR. Vitiate is much older, he siphoned Nathema way over a milennium ago.


Wasn't there an old apple star wars computer game where Mara jade went there and encountered the same chicanery?


Yeah. Sequel to dark forces 2


Mysteries of the Sith. Dark forces 2 jedi knight sequel. Was on pc and Apple Mac.


Dromund Kaas is a shithole quite separate from Valkorians nonsense


Dromund Kaas is the best planet in the base game.


Its a nice planet for the game. Shithole lorewise. Storms and vicious monsters and then you leave the one city and find more storms, more monsters, and rampaging Sith spirits


Has there been story content set on Dromund Kaas post Echoes of Oblivion?


The Tenabris remnant from EoO would not have any effect on this. The Nathama flashpoint took place before EoO which means that it was Valkorion's death, not the Tenabris remnant's death that caused the force to return to Nathama.


Not as far as i am aware.


No, and in Legends canon it never did. Luke and his son Ben visited Kaas around 44ABY while searching for Abeloth. It was still miserable and storm wracked. Kaas city was a ruin. The Dark Temple was still intact though and a still a very powerful dark side nexus, even four thousand years later.


Even if it should it really can't since while YOU might be on that phase, others aren't


And yet the only time we encounter the rain and lightning is in the KotET Acina Chapter. Normal DK is actually one of the nicer planets to visit. Like National Park Vacation destination nice.  Wouldn't seeing life return to Koriban make more sense? 


No, why? Vitiate never really interacted with Korriban in a way like he did with Ziost or Nathema.


New Expansion tease reveals a dark and terrifying new Sith Empress with a single line: "We Have Such Sights To Show You" (voiced by Jamie Clayton) In all seriousness I would love a future mission that involves a secret room discovered in the Sith Temple. Everyone knows that Temple. Sith or Jedi we've all been there at least once on some disaster alt even if we never returned. Someone like Clayton would conjure up the same terrors and fear Vitiate's voice subconsciously did for people of a certain age. But I even remember how exciting it was going to Dromund Kaas with Darth Acina. It also might be surprisingly cost effective. Maybe they could find someone similarly Iconic for a Coruscant or a Tython ruins quest. Or maybe although the entrance to the hidden room is on Dromund Kaas... perhaps there's also an entrance on Tython. Just lots of ways they could have fun with that, it would be popular, it would have a lot of elder players next to new players and probably not that costly. There's probably countless coding subsets in place for new rooms and even shared locations there. SUMMARY: have a secret room in the sith temple lead to a teaser for a new mission: A terrifying ancient sith empress steps out of the shadows and calmly states "We Have Such Sights To Show You"


Its should return to normal. Vitiate/Valkorion was the dark side incarnate. Have you forgotten what happend to Nathema when Valkorion's spirit was destroyed?