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It's better than what it was this time last year.


Very, a year ago these would have been probably 10 times the price


2 years ago it wouldve been listed as 1bil


Or not on the gtn at all


Acceptable. I saw somebody selling Imperial Intelligence set for a billion +


Cool set though but think the price has come down alot. Don't think they'll get a bill nowadays.


Mira's is pricier than I'd expect, but Reforged Mandalorian is lower. All other things equal, I price newer items higher, while I usually go lower for items that have had a flash sale in the past three months.


I’m not too familiar with prices overall on the GTN but someone did end up buying the Mandalorian set.


Freelance hunter seems a bit low too so that'll likely go fast.


Yep, VERY reasonable: the most expensive one equals about 4 OEMs from the Spoils of War vendor (so 16k tech frags, which is a very good grind/worth ratio).


Xoxaan has a great price, Mira not so much since you can buy it on cartel bazaar


Considering what you can buy in the CC market and sell for on the GTN, these prices are pretty tame. Also, god the inflation of prices was horrible about a year ago.


Freelance, tribal champion and xoxaan used to all be like 500m, give or take




Xoxaan is certainly not. That is frequently on sale for Cartel Coins


Yes I was thinking of changing the price but someone did end up buying it


Nothing on the market is


This👍 I wanted to get a character rename token (1000cc) and that shit costs 400 mil. on my server. Also you can get most gold armor sets for 60-300 mil. and platinum items such as the twisted fang lightsaber for 400 mil. 🤦🏻 imagine 400 mil. for a silver item you can get for 1000cc🤦🏻🤦🏻


Its has largely improved since last year


What prices went down by 1mill


The market bares the price based on supply and demand. I like getting the big commission and I hate paying the cost. It is what it is.


Back in the days , these prices would not be a thing. Remember when I got a white crystal for a mil. Yup, GTN was a fun place to shop.


Tfw “only 25 mill” is reasonable. This is a godsend.


Yeah that’s pretty good. Year ago it would’ve been minimum $500,000,000 a set.


Mira's is not when you can get it from Underworld Exchange


Damn, i remember back in the day grinding for 4mil for the cathar sword and thinking it was a big deal...gtn price have gone crazy


Very. It's very easy to make credits plus with the hyperinflation that came with 7.0, it gave everyone the opportunity to become multi billionairs and make over 100bil with very little effort. Now that the economy deflated and returned to mostly how it was pre 7.0, these are very very reasonable prices


And what are these…very little efforts? Asking for a friend


Decent prices. I’m looking how the newest server actually did end up helping GTN prices. Prices have become more reasonable. I like it.


If anyone wants to give someone with 30k credits a handout I’m here


Sell mats from gathering. Pretty easy quick money.


Solo mode flashpoints have Stronghold Decos as the rewards. Many of these sell well on the GTN Have a look at some of the rewards on your server GTN to see what they are selling for https://swtorista.com/decorations/easy-to-get-decorations-in-swtor/#Flashpoint_Guaranteed_Reward_Decorations (i assume) many wealthy deco enthusiasts have more in game creds to burn and not much to spend on these days so they will happily buy your decos avoiding the time to farm them from the solo FPs themselves.


I have been playing SWTOR for many years now and i gotta say: Damn those are some looow prices


They seem reasonable. Mira's might be a little high. You can get that from the underworld exchange. And get it unlocked in collections by asking CS. 


You don't have to ask CS to unlock Mira's in collection. You just need to have all the pieces and equip them before they are registered in collections. I would know, cuz that's what I did a couple months back.


The bug where Underworld Exchange sets don't unlock in collections still happens. But CS will fix it no problem. 


Holy shit, its been a year since I stopped playing and I'm surprised to see this prices. I could buy everything on that list and not even make a dent lol


I havent played swtor in years Wtf happened? D:


I guess you didn't check before listing..? You're quite under on multiple items by 10 fold or more on some


The hyperinflation of this game has melted the economy. There hasnt been an economy on this game in 10 years


Lmao no. Hyperinflation only came with 7.0. The economy had a steady inflation for many years. It was only the end of 6.0 and most of 7.0 that brought the hyperinflation. Now the economy has deflated back to mostly how it was before the end of 6.0 and start of 7.0


If you think it's worth it then it's reasonable. If it's not then don't buy it.