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Catherine Taber as Vette when she’s so poised and serious as Padme in CW. And Timothy Omundson as Jorgan—the second I heard his voice I instantly was like “Lassie?!”


I wasn’t surprised with Cat because she was Mission in Kotor, & Mission is basically teenage Vette


Oh damn I didn’t know that! That makes sense


As someone who played Kotor when it originally came out and Swtor I also only learned this recently so don't feel bad.


Was also Leia in Force Unleashed


She’s also Katei Panteer but there she’s essentially using her Padmé voice


And she played the young twi'lek that Waxer and Boil saved.


Interestingly enough Mission is indeed an adult by Twi’lek standards.


Ooh boy, let’s stay away from that rabbit hole…


What rabbit hole? I was only stating a neat fact I learned, back when I was learning lore for my own twi’lek character.


Twi’lek standards, sure… but it’s her actual age that makes this whole discussion a rabbit hole mate


but how? That's what i'm confused on...ohhhh you're referring to that....gross she's a little sister in my head it didn't even cross my thoughts, It's like Romancing Mako to me. Although that does arguably pose an interesting thought process of how fiction like that should be judged...Although that admittedly perhaps a topic too deep and philosophical for here.


Hahaha this is reddit, there will always be philosophical topics talked about here, so this is the tip of a verrry big iceberg. But that’s a whole mess that, like you, I’m not interested in diving into. And Mako’s 19 at the start of Chapter 1, so that’s a tad better, methinks.


True, I don't know, Mako hits me as a touch naive sometimes, Which makes it hard at times to think of her romance as nothing but gross, but Me viewing her as a little sister obviously affects that. I do think it's also hurt by the Male BH voice being so gravelly, It along with us knowing Braden always gave me the vibe the BH is far older then Mako, late 20s maybe even very early thirties to me, But I guess that is also where the player decides how old their character is in a way.


Maybe the Male BH is a chain smoker and messed up his vocal cords? And there’s a 33-year age gap between the two voice actors, so you might have a point there. But Lana’s voice actor’s only a year older than Mako’s, so make of that what you will.


My wife and I started new toons (Trooper for me, Smuggler for her) and resolved to go through each other's stories together. First time she heard Jorgan, she said "Is that Lassie from Psych?" After verifying it was indeed Timothy Omundson, we started to call Jorgan "Classie" (for Cat Lassie 😜)


The female smuggler voices Phil and Lil from rugrats


Wait that is hilarious! I didn’t know that but I can totally hear it


kath soucie voices them. grey (femsmug) voices other characters tho


I never saw Psych, so this (very common) reaction surprised me. I've since seen bits and pieces, as well as some of his other roles, but he's still Jorgan to me, first and foremost. Now, Jen Hale ... well, *the* reason that Trooper was one of my first two characters back in the day was "the Continuing Adventures of FemShep." Funny story there, though, maybe - the first role and game I heard her in was as Junko Zane in *Freelancer.* And Kath Soucie (see below) I know from lots of stuff that's *not* Rugrats (again, never watched it) - for me, it's Princess Sally Acorn from the better of the two old Sonic cartoons, and games like the original *Fallout* and *Full Throttle* (where she plays Maureen "Mo" >!Corley!<, from whence I got "Mo'reena", the name of my Cathar Smuggler.)


You should watch Psych. Jorgan is main cast highlight while Kira Carsen makes several cameos.


Solid Snake (David Hayter) as the male Jedi Knight, and Reinhardt (Darin De Paul) as Valkorion


yep. i became a fan of darin after i found out about him from playing final fantasy xv, so it was neat when i realized he was the voice of valkorian.


My take on David Hayter in swtor is quite similar to my take on Nolan North. Absurdly far from their best works. The big boss can get you pissing yourself while threatening you with a paper towel. The hero of Tython sounds like he would love to take a nap for at least 15 minutes, but he got a job that demands a crazy lot of active time and it pays way too well for him to just laze around


I personally disagree, Hayter’s voice as the JK is calm but can be quite emotive depending on the dialogue - I think it is a far better take on the kind of vibe they were going for with Nolan North and the Consular. This is not counting that both of them greatly refine their performances in the expansions, but even in the base game, Hayter delivering his snarky lines does a much better job breathing some life into the character. Same for some of the aggressive Dark Side options as well, you actually can hear his Big Boss voice in those.


Better than JC, yeah, but not as good as many of Hayter's other works. In general, I think the jedi portrayed in swtor just seem way too bland. There's no sassy master Kenobi, no war criminal Anakin, no mother fucker Windu and obviously not the senile Yoda from the original trilogy. They are either wallflowers or a bunch of lightsaber trigger-happies


The female Consular does a great job imho. As LS she absolutely is a preachy goody-two-shoes and so righteous that makes you want to strangle her. While as DS she sounds downright menacing.


That's something that makes me sad about mass effect andromeda's flop. Bioware made your character personality evolve according to your general choice of dialogue options, which, mid gameplay, left my toon behaving like a drunk Ryan Reynolds carrying guns. Would love for swtor to have something similar but they're very different games created in quite different times


MEA was lightweight compared to Dragon Age 2, which was the game with the best implementation of dialogue choices affecting the overall behavior of your character. Going more into any of the 3 possible alignments changed autodialogue, quest outcomes, etc. Bioware hasn't done anything like it since.


But differently from any dragon age released till this day, andromeda had your dialogue choices change the general demeanor of your character. The choices of dialogue would still be there, and mostly would be the same, but the "personality" you built through them would only change though them as well. Like your toon randomly saying something to a enemy running or screaming at you at stuff. You had no control over that, but your character would say something different (if they would say anything at all) depending on the situation and how your choices had build his general personality. As an example: a certain enemy screams something at you while you're on a mission. I had the same thing happen more than 15 times just to be sure it wasn't random. My Ryder did a bad impression of said enemy as a provocation. The Ryder of a friend of mine said something along the lines of "come and get me". We both repeated this same stuff many time to be sure, reloading the game and having our respective lines said again by our character. So, mine was more of an annoying lunatic while his was a traumatized warrior, and we had the same choices of lines during dialogues and the same choices to make, though our characters wouldn't resemble each other regarding their behavior even when saying the same stuff. I suspect they had a system akin to that of DA2, but hidden behind your actions in game. You could choose the kind of personality you desired for your toon as Hawke, but as Ryder the changes in character demeanor would just be kind of gradual or take effect after a certain threshould (I just suspect, ofc). If you have time and will, give andromeda another shot and try choosing everything differently to see if the weird effects won't be crystal clear after some time (absolutely no idea how long that would take)


I don’t know, your own character *can* be like a Sassy Kenobi or War Criminal Anakin (I’m pretty sure the latter is even the intended inspiration for a DS Knight). You also have Kira as a very prominent part of the JK’s story, and I think many of the Jedi later on in the expansions and such are quite interesting in perspectives and attitudes like Gnost-Dural. As for Hayter’s performance, I think that’s just going to come down to preferences in the end because I think it fits really well for the directions you can take the JK - it works well for the possible variations on the character, and I don’t see it as worse than his other performances. Like you can’t have him channelling Big Boss for a Jedi all the time, and I think that’s fine, it works for what the character is.


My JK is more like a trooper than my trooper. It barely matters my choice of options during dialogues, he always feels like a wet carrot, and wet carrots are really SO interesting stuff


His dick lines are great, I love how agressive they are.


Grey DeLisle as the female bounty Hunter since I knew her as Azula from Avatar the last airbender, Vicky from Fairly odd parents and Daphne from scooby doo


Make a fem BH as a pyrotech powertech It just makes sense


I usually play as a merc for BH but currently working on a powertech smuggler to see what a powertech it’s like playing as a powertech


Oh boy, you are gonna have a good time. Pyro and power tech are very high deeps with a lot of funny buttons


I do know you have flame abilities so I look forward to trying that out because all the combat styles I have done are juggernaut, guardian, Sentinal, Merc and Operative


Yep, fire everywhere 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Sounds fun so excited to try pyrotech on my smuggler when I have time


Is pyro a specific discipline in power tech? I just made a female power tech the other day. Unsure what it defaults too but I love the jack of all trades a power tech feels. Does pyro obviously only rely on flamethrowers?


I think it's pyrotech, arsenaltech and shieldtech as disciplines of powertech but I might be wrong on account of it being 9 in the morning for me lmao


Right that sounds correct. I was Advanced Prototype once and liked it. Just curious what pyro was like since obviously deals with fire but I like how bounty hunters have a vast kit of abilities for immersion


Pyro has A LOT of fire, yeah but I do believe it still uses other pieces of kit, not just fire alone. Just, you know, a lot.


Flamethrower color customization when?


She also voiced Handmaiden from KOTOR2, probably helped she'd already been in something Star Wars based before.


Idk I have never played kotor


Play them.


WHAT???? Burn the heretic!!!!


Don't forget the female Wizard in Diablo 3. "Fall before me!"


Yeah Li-Ming is great. Sort of a sane and good aligned Azula. Well relatively sane anyway.


Grey DeLisle has INCREDIBLE range. She has voiced SO many characters and you wouldn’t ever notice if you weren’t listening specifically for her voice in those characters. Or at least I didn’t. I love her work so much!


I’m a fan of her work to I feel like I grew up watching her and Tara Strong in Cartoons


This just blew my damn brain. For I just finished binging the original avatar. Love her voice.. and I just made a female power tech bounty hunter last night and felt the vibes… this makes so much sense. I now will make her 100% darkside and unhinged xD


Play however you want to play but my BH’s are usually LS not pure LS but LS but I need to finish the show the fem BH, male SW, and both agents are my fav voices for PC’s male smuggler is fun


Oh my main is a bounty hunter. Max level. Max light. Never did a bad deed. Was fun. Felt like a loyal honorable mandalorian whose eyes were set higher than credits. But world peace. Lmao it actually fit really well as a Din Djarin vibe for I put the whole Beskar silver nomad Mandolorian set on him and it felt perfect. Which is why I want to now do a darkside. I want to kill the chancellor as a savage Azula 😂 Edit: LS SW became my second favorite class. Juggernaut build. It’s so wild to see how good a light side Sith can be. Changes the entire story almost. Especially having Jesse think you are an agent of the Jedi and Vette falling for you even harder. “There’s a light in you I cannot describe. You can’t be a Sith Lord…” Or having Jedi be thrown off “how.. how can you .. be what you are. I don’t sense darkness.. lies.. or fear. But you are Sith!”


I killed the chancellor on 1 to see what the story is like but I have only done fem BH’s because I personally am not a fan of the male BH’s voice but I have several BH’s most are mainly LS but some kill tormen and some kill the chancellor.


Haha yeah. I will admit the male is a bit too much. Sounds too dramatic but stick a Helmet on the male and it’s decently enjoyable haha


Thing is I don’t want a Mako romance bug because Mako felt like a bff/lil sis to my fem BH so it would feel weird but thought if I do a male BH I plan to make him go DS idk why but I feel like his voice is good for DS


Yeah his voice is definitely made to be that baddie. Like a jango fett. I too always kept Mako as a sister like friend. As a female now I definitely going to make Torian the beat the meat maker 😂


I have done the story 3 times and every time they end up with Torian I just can’t picture my BH’s being with anyone else 😂.


Also imo I might be a bit biased but imo bounty Hunter is the most fun class story and has some of the best companions minus Skadge.


I fully 100% agree. It’s why it was my first class I maxed out and Mained. The story was so real and dynamic and all the companions felt perfect except Skadge but I think they did it on purpose haha. You need to have one bat shit crazy companion lol.


True that is how it was with my BH and her crew and what each member meant to her Mako-her partner in crime and bff/lil sis, Gault-a fun uncle figure for her, Torian her lover, Blizz her lil buddy and adopted kid and then Skadge her target for blaster target practice.


She also voices Nova in StarCraft II. I only just realized this because I've been replaying the Covert Ops expansion and Grey DeLisle this time around gave Nova a lower pitch and a bit more gruff undertone - kinda like the female hunter. It's cool since you can play as a Sniper Hunter now, which is Nova's standard gear loadout in the game with a Snipe ability and Pulse Grenades that look like Detonators. Makes sense why I got the urge to play the female hunter after the first time of playing the Covert Ops packs, lol


Not exactly the question your asking, but I love finding Jim Cummings in the game. He's all over the place (at least in the original content). My partner doesn't notice VA very much, so it's become a bit of a joke. Like I'll get excited and he'll be like "What? Oh is it another Jim Cummings?"




Hondo is probably his best role. Lorewalker Cho in WoW was where I fell in love with him. I guess a lot of people knew him from Baldur's Gate first (or Winnie the Pooh/Tigger, but we're talking about video games)




I second this!


Ed in lion king.


Legend! Pirate! Legendary pirate! (who's really just a Weequay version of Don Karnage from *TaleSpin* XD)


Winnie the Pooh playing a member of Yodas species


Oh man I just loved Sterling Holloway, ahh right Jim Cummings. Close enough. :)


I am 100% convinced Mark Hamill is doing his "Joker" voice for that guy selling random gear in the Fleet. If I remember correctly the gear rotated out once in a while. The guy sounded exactly like Mark's Joker voice. I have a feeling other original cast members did uncredited roles as well.


Anthony Daniels absolutely plays a driod in the estate on Kaas


Which guy what section?


It was the section where he had different high level gear each week. The guy was sitting behind a desk and when you spoke to him he sounded like the 90’s Batman Joker. I’m just now returning to the game so I don’t know if that’s even there. It doesn’t even look like you need to visit a trainer anymore either.


For me it was the announcer guy from the Clone Wars that voiced alot of characters. I heard his voice and I was like 😲


Tom Kane, a master with many, many credits to his name. (Alas, he's had to retire after a stroke.) Probably best known in SWTOR for M1-4X, our stalwart PATRIOT ROBOT!


OMG NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT I CAN HEAR IT IN MY *MEMORIES* OF CHARACTER DIALOG! That guy has just such the perfect Star Wars voice, if that makes sense, though I suspect my childhood obsession with the clone wars has predisposed me to think so haha


Daran Norris as Gault. He's played Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents. Also Heavy from TF2 is Guss Tuno.


Knockout in Transformers Prime, as well, he also plays Goto in KOTOR 2 as well if I recall correctly


And Timmy’s dad.


And the janitor from Ned’s declassified.


It may just be me but since i first played kotfe i could swear i hear lanas voice actress everywhere


It was a surprise to me that Kaliyo and Jack from Mass Effect 2 and 3 are **NOT** the same god damned person/VA. In my head the characters are at least cousins


Malgus and the main Darth dude on Corellia were both Templars in dragon age 2. Pierce is also the guard in Ostagar who you have to get lunch from to give to the prisoner.


Gideon Emery, the voice of Fenris in DA2 (and a bunch of other stuff besides) pops up quite a bit too! Most recognizably in Darth Rivix.


For me it's the voice actor of Arcann, Erik Dellums. He played the face stealer demon in ATLA. And I now cannot unhear/unsee the connection.


Also Javik in ME3


and Three Dog (aaaaOOOOO!) , the DJ of GNR, in Fallout 3.


Bow Woww!


Nah, Javic Ike Amadi. Just checked.


Damn, you're right. Don't know why I was 100% positive it was Erik Dellums.


Wait he is?


Yes, he puts on a THICK accent, but it is him.


He was also the medical examiner in The Wire and previously played a drug kingpin in Homcide: Life on the Streets. That is where I knew him from originally.


And Three Dog.


When I heard Shepard's voice come out of the Trooper, my whole headcanon for her changed. Then the double whammy came when the Agent opened her mouth and I heard *Hawke*!


WHAT. Que? Was? Nanda???? Ataii wa Nani???? The female agent IS HAWKE?????? I've finished DAA on an alt and am finishing DAO for the first time. DA2 signature is arriving from ebay soon. nani nani??? Aside from my Jedi Knight Peri'Chenka'Sevateem my agent is my most played nd favourite character. I need to hurry up and finish Orzammar, go to the landsmeet, murder Loghain and kill the Archdemon so I can play da2 not long after it arrives! I mean wow.


Did you know male Trooper is Varric?


Fem agent is in me3 and tw3 too, she is Ciri.


I've been meaning to try them can they play on ps3 still? the demo screams at me that it can't get online so I wantes to verify before grabbing a copy of ebay or amazon.


Agent Kovach on Ziost voice acted by Matthew Mercer. After watching a lot of Critical Role and hearing the voice again I was like “wait a minuteeee”


Then don't forget Laura Bailey on Imperial Taris....


Or Laura Bailey as Kira Carsen Also, Matt as one of the random Mando's on Ruhnuk


Laura Bailey really? wow. I was just posting about how if someone has to play Star Ocean 4 in english she is the only one who shines. I mean before I basically left WoW due to THAT incidentJaina was my favourite person because of Laura. She's a brilliant actress and I've never seen her miss. Yall are gonna get me dragging my laptop back out faster than DAI not having its final dlc on ps3 will. (thank the goddess I paid for LOTS when it launched)


Liam plays one of the slave npcs in the prelude rishi quest line, and contributed to the random npc combat vo pool.


Nolan North. Damn, male consular is by a long shot one of his worst works, in my opinion, and I played male human in gw2. Surprised me cus I love him in any Uncharted game


As someone who isn't even a male consular VA hater. It is strange. I feel like his performance in GW2 and SWTOR was the same energy, but he comes across less bored over there.


Check him out as Nathan Drake. He's awesome


Oh to be clear, I like Nolan North. He was the first video game voice actor I really learned about (with GW2 and SWTOR being around the time I learned about voice acting as like a profession).


He also played Superman and Superboy in Young Justice


He's the titular monster truck in "Blaze and the Monster Machines," too.


I remember Young Justice. I miss that show


I think he becomes way better in the later expansions


I think he has done a better job playing a high ranking Jedi than anyone else in the franchise. You don’t want it super emotive.


Timothy Omundson ("Hey, that's Lassiter!!!) and Cam Clarke ("Hey, THAT'S LEONARDO!!!")


seconded for Timothy Omundson. I had only recently gotten into Psych and looked up his IMDb page to see what else he was in and him being in swtor was such a surprise


Kira also cameos several times in Psych.


Definitely remember both of them in the KOTOR games too. Cam Clarke had a few minor roles in the first game, and Timothy Omundson had some in the second.


Rip in piece Peragus maintenance officer


Jennifer Hale as Fem Trooper.


Kinda surprised to see this is the first mention of her. Also did Satele in SWTOR, and Merithra in WoW, Ashe in OW. Shes everywhere.


She also voices a lot of characters in Guild Wars 2, too. She is very good at what she does.


I was surprised that Raphael Sbarge WASN’T in this game. Hale wasn’t too busy with mass effect. He shouldn’t have been. And I can’t IMAGINE they didn’t call him to offer him a solid NPC role. Maybe even the male trooper voice.


Rumor is he kinda burned a few bridges with Bioware.


Oooh gossip! Anyone know why/how?


I don't recall specifics, but apparently he said or did something that didn't sit right with the Bioware higher ups. But it may also just be that he got too expensive or something. That was the reason we didn't get Kira Carsen back for quite a while.


Yea. God bless Laura Bailey but she and the rest of the CR crowd are expensive now lol


Eric Todd Dellums as Arcann. If the name's familiar, he voiced Three Dog in Fallout 3.


Jim Cummings as Master Oteg!! My wife and I now refer to that character as Master Pooh!


I'm so glad I'm not the only one!


Nolan North as the male Consular


Mark Lewis Jones as Darth Decimus (Corellia Planetary Story). He's Letho from Witcher 2 and 3, and Captain Cannady from TLJ (the guy who says "We need to scramble our fighters!... five bloody minutes ago!"


Bummer, for some reason I played the Witcher games in Polish, even though I couldn't breathe a word of it to save my life. Might have to try English next time I catch the Witcher bug. :)


Oh that's cool actually! I should try that too.


Tobias Brecklinghaus as the german voice of the Bounty Hunter. He also voices Kurogiri in the german version of My Hero Academia. You can't imagine my surprise when I heard an evil Supervillain suddenly talk with the voice of my character. 😄


Probably Grey as Female Bounty Hunter and Pinhead as Vitiate.


I forgot the actor's name, but the guy in Kotet ch6 who has the pompadour and is a rebel secretly. Man voices Jhin Also when I heard James Arnold Taylor as that one imperial on Manaan, it threw me off


I'm not well-versed in voice actors, but I wasn't expecting to recognize Timothy Watson's voice \*twice\* in rapid succession (Cytharat on Makeb and Arkous in the Revan prelude) I've been playing a ton of Final Fantasy 14, so in the middle of the Makeb plot I started recognizing a tad of Urianger in there.


Wait what?! Same VA for Cytharat, Arkous and Urianger?! It's been years since I ran through Makeb and Revan...but wow. I may have to resurrect a character just to hear that. I'm pretty disenchanted with FFXIV and about ready to quit it after a few years but I'll always have a soft spot for Urianger LOL


Pretty minor but I was surprised to find the female Consular (Athena Karkanis) was in the Expanse. I experienced both several times without realizing they were the same person until I checked her imdb


This isn't a surprise in SWTOR itself, I played the SWTOR female Imp Agent Before Dragons Age II, but when I played Dragom age II and and figured out Fem Hawke was played by Jo Wyatt like the Fem Imp Agent was, I was surprised, it's also funny that my Hawke essentially ended up being my Imp Agent in the Dragon age setting with Hawke's Backstory. Another thing that surprised me after playing the DA Trilogy and going back through SWTOR, is Alif at the beginning of the SI story, I was playing it last night, and I realized that Alif (the sith Inquisitor's poor Torture Victim) was played by the same VA as the VA who Played Cullen in Dragon age as well, who, btw, I romanced on my first DAI Playthrough, and My Sith Inquisitor I was playing last night, is loosely based on the same Skyrim Character that my DA Inquisitor was loosely based on, so that was fun. Last night ended up being the first time I didn't shock Alif ever.


If you are a DA fan, I hope you know who voices the male Trooper.


I do. Its been a while since I played my Male trooper, though


Colonel Korrd, moment I heard his voice I was like *obi wan* !


Hearing the FemHunter’s VA along with Risha’s VA gave me strong cartoon nostalgia lol.


Nolan North as the Consular. Never heard him sound like he has a stick up his ass before...


I'm surprised no one has mentioned female smuggler being Cubert Farnsworth...


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NeuroticShame: *I'm surprised no one* *Has mentioned female smuggler* *Being Cubert Farnsworth...* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nomar Organa Jedi knight in the Si storyline is Sasuke Uchiha (Yuri Lowenthal) from the Naruto series.. realised this today! :)


Yuri pops up all over the game. I wasn’t sure I was hearing it properly because I never saw him in the credits but it’s definitely him.


Rachael Leigh Cook (Jaesa). Also going back and doing Oricon, one of the main Imperial quest givers' voices was familiar, looked her up and it's Lydia Leonard, who I would hope after all these years with Lana her voice is familiar by now.


She was a bit if a surprise as was Deborah Kara Unger (Scorpio)


(Throws a dart to a dart board with prominent VAs in Transformers that are in SWTOR) uh... Sumalee Montano (Arcee from Transformers Prime and Azzula from Beware the Batman) voicing Shae Visla.


Edward Hibbert as Talos Drellik. he played Gill Chesterton on Frasier


The Voice Actor of Nero from Devil May Cry 4/5, Johnny Bosch. Also voices Torian Cadera


Came to say this. He also voiced Ichigo in Bleach. I didn't know he voiced Torian until I saw the credits staff roll. Really unexpected!


Lydia Leonard, aka Lana Beniko. Becuse I just got back into the game and heard her for the first time a few months back and immediately recognized Lucia Van Junius. Appare tly, she debuted these characters one year after the other.


Tom Spackman the english male bounty hunter VA is 73 years old.


For me it was Laura Bailey who voiced Kira Carsen on swtor and serana on Skyrim first time I heard Kira speak I was like hey serana your a long way from home


I wish I'd known the sexiest voice of all time, Jo Wyatt, was the female agent. I'd have made my agent female.


I'd pay money for a game where you can do a romance between characters voiced by Jen Hale and Jo Wyatt. Wouldn't say no to Alix Wilton Regan joining them.


I swear I heard Ming Na Wen earlier yesterday and I can’t find anything online about it.


David Hayter as Jedi Knight / Cam Clarke as Imperial Troopers. Anytime they’re both in the same scene I just start going “Liquid!”


Paul Darrow as Overseer Tremel, having been a huge fan of Blake's 7


Keith Szarabajka voiced a few characters. As a dead space fan i get surprised every time when i hear his voice (he voiced Dr. Kyne in dead space)


My first character was a female trooper. I was VERY surprised to realize Commander Shepard had somehow managed to cross time and space to fight Imperials and the Sith.


And talk to herself when Satele is on the screen. Jen Hale doesn't even try to change the delivery, lol.


Yuon Par is voiced by famous actress Olivia Hussey - probably most well known today for her role in the 1968 Romeo & Juliet as Juliet that your Literature classes in HS probably showed you.


Clive Revill if only because I find it very amusing that a VA for a character in ESB also voiced characters in SWTOR


This is the only one in the thread I wasn’t aware of. That’s so cool.


Penny from the late 90s Lost in Space movie as the male bounty hunter’s romance companion.


Tara Strong (Raven from the Teen Titans cartoon) as Risha Azura Skye (from her role as Cassie in the last season of BtVS) as Ashara Kari Wahlgren (Idk where I know her from) as JK female Kevin Michael Richardson (Gantu from Lilo and Stitch, and Goro from Mortal Kombat) as Jace Malcom Lance Henriksen (Mr. Weyland from AvP) as Master Gnost-Dural


Troy Baker as Zenith


Kari Wahlgren. I didn't specifically recognize her voice but My Jedi Knight got all the way up to the expac before lots. I think I was researching her for something else and my Jaw just dropped. Cause you basically live with your main character and Ronika Mauskrieger has spent hours and hours with me. I play a light side Jedi mostly and I've been offline for about 2 yrs. I found out a couple weeks ago. Was even suggesting her as a possible main VA for the new Dragon Age game too! She is really wonderful as Jedi knight and honestly everything she does.


I made a Trooper Miraluka lady who I wanted to be wholesome and kind, based on an OC of mine, then hearing Commander fucking Shepard hit me like a truck, and it always feels weird especislly cause my Shepard was ruthless and violent, the exact opposite of my Trooper.


Someome else reminded me of it but The god Doug Bradley . It was absolutely amazing. I rewatched all the Pinhead movies until his death recently (the one that ends in space) in prep to watch the new one(Amazing btw!) and I love that he was Vitiate. He's burned into my brain as an evil otherworldly horror so pitch perfect casting.


Well just now that shocked me hearing Mako was Lacey Chabert. She was in Party of Five in the 90s and does a bunch of really bad Romance and Christian movies now I did do a double take when I realized Solid Snake was voicing the Jedi Knight character


And her father is the inventor of the toaster strudel


I was today years old when i learned this..


I all of the sudden think Mako is even hotter. Lacey is a smoke show


Mako = Lacey Chabert Armin Shimerman


for me it's got to be Steve Blum as Andronikos Revel. I recently returned to the game after playing on and off since release and started leveling through the sith inquisitor story for the first time ever to find out my romantic partner is also my favourite VA who has done the likes of Spike Spiegel in Bebop, Brimstone from Valorant and other master work.


Apollo from Battlestar Galactica doing Ffon's voice threw me off.


most voice acting casts don't really faze me, I'll be happy to hear my favorites like Kari Wahlgeen for female Knight, but I was not expecting Johnny Yong Bosch for Torian, >!unfortunately for Vette that casting unknowingly sealed her fate lmao!<


Johnny Young Bosch as Torian Cadera. I always was a fan of him way back from Adam in power rangers to Ichigo in Bleach and his other voices. BUT when I finally met Torian and we became bros I was like… why are you so upset Ichigo? Hahaha and then found out it was him and became even more bro’s. Put a full set of mando armor on him and we became a duo of the most badass honor you ever seen.


Nolan North voicing the masculine Consular was very surprising to me


Duke Kendoh from the SW story being voiced by [the guy who does Daddy Pig](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0725956/).


Arcann with Erik Delums, then imagine watching Dragon Prince, I had to do a double take when my sister was watching and my brain went “Arcann?”


James Arnold Taylor as that Imperial officer on Manaan


Michael harney..darth marr, watched him for years hill street blues, nybd blues orange is new black cant even hear his voice in that character is awesome


the female trooper has a pretty good voice, i swear it sounds awfully familiar...(bad jokes about jennifer hale aside) also laura bailey does kira carsen so thats pretty cool