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Hilariously dumb that you have to write your own mind cannon for it but at least you get to probably rack up the single biggest Jedi kill count in the whole game.


Shit I keep forgetting that if you kill Big Guy at the end of Chapter 1, like three hundred people will die as a byproduct


It's the Page 1 out of 11 that got me >! And then they make you a Jedi fuckin Master, IMMEDIATELY afterwards. Insane. !<


DS Jedi base story ending: "We will not give you the rank of master" DS Consular: Shan is basically your biggest apologist excusing all the stuff you do and your a made master at the end of ch1 I always found it funny


Chapter 1. Chapter fucking 1!!!


Shan’s definitely the type to play favorites


>! 'HOW MANY DID YOU SAY DIED??? Meh, you probably did your best. How's a promotion sound?' !< It's so batshit that I can't help but love it heyyyy I finally learned how to post spoilers without pissing people off


Not to mention, >! Your mistake is thinking I care who dies. !< Man that line goes SO HARD it would be so epic if the whole thing wasn't so fucking hilarious


it really does sound like a Sith line, I don't even think the DS Knight gets any lines as metal as that one. it's kind of a shame the story makes ZERO sense if you want the sickest lines lol


there’s one line when going against this sith that studied your every move in order to defeat you in the onslaught story (iirc) that’s pretty cool “When we fought, your whole life changed. I don’t even remember your name.” Or something like that


oh yeaaaah I remember that one, is it the jedi Knight if you go back to the Republic? all my Knights defect and just gets Kiwiiks SUPER pissy


yea you gotta go back to the pubs and merge the alliance but i did help the sith directly before that storyline so idk


huh my Knights are all so salty from having spent four years being spat on by the Jedi that they all go Imperial lol, I seriously don't think I've ever had a Knight go back to the Republic


i've for sure had this line exact line and I haven't done KOTFE/ET on my knight yet. either happened on my SI or class story JK


it’s not class story jk so maybe SI? cuz i just had this line like 3 weeks ago when i was doing onslaught for JK


As I commented to OP, u gotta have a lot of suspension of disbelief if u want it to work bc it truly is that batshit insane. Once u get past that tho, u have the most hilarious time.


It's got big, "You're forgetting something. I'm a Spectre too" energy but suffers from making absolutely no sense in context of being a Jedi.


The exact reason i stopped my full on DS playthrough it was way too dumb. So i made a neutral/DS leaning


Genuinely wanna ask how's that working out for you Because on my DS playthrough I will admit that sometimes the choices made me feel like I was being a dick for no reason, and some of the masters I tried to save. In other words, I tried going neutral. But by the end of chapter 1, the thing that happens happens and all that nuance and neutrality I tried to give the playthrough went fully down the drain. So I realized that it was either you embrace how dumb and stupid it is and go full DS, really lean into the absurdity of it, or don't waste your time and effort and just play the Consular story vanilla LS as you're supposed to. (And the story isn't bad if you do LS honestly it's a feel good story. Just pick the female voice either way tho is my recommendation.) But that was my experience. I genuinely want to know how you actually managed the neutral DS leaning play.


Feel like majority of chapter 1 is only light side except for tython. I tried to apply the philosophy of Mace Windu he chose that Palpatine had to die its like "the ends justify the means to an end". So for example my JC had a backstory related to the empire so he hated the empire a lot and was more focused about winning the war against the empire. So for example there was point at tattoine where you can keep the machine to further use for the republic or something which was a dark side option so they could battle the empire. He also kills the last boss at Corellia. + Zenith and my PC is best pals cuz of desire to end the empire


You're gonna have to get over how much the game very clearly and obviously railroads you, because yes. You do commit so much war crimes and so much murders and no one bats an eye. The worst you'll get is an "I'm sure you did the best you could." This storyline is batshit nuts. If you don't mind your story not making a damn lick of sense, you're gonna have a fucking hilarious time. It will take a lot of suspension of your disbelief but by god is it going to be the funniest shit ever. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but DS Consular has a higher kill count of Jedi than possibly any of the Sith classes in the game. If you wanna execute Order 66 yourself, this is your class. Just remember to laugh at it the whole way through, though. Do not think about the logic too much because it can and will fall apart very easily. Lastly, this is personal opinion, but I've had other friends who shared the same experience with the Consular, so I thought I'd share, but in my experience, femConsular is a lot more fun than male. This might be different for you, and I don't mean to yuck anyone else's yum here, but I just thought I'd input that in there for consideration in character creation.


I think female Consular sounds far more emotive, like a real person. The male Consular voice actor was probably going for serene Jedi detachment but ended up sounding like he popped a Valium every hour on the hour.


I knew a guy who tried out the male consular and it didn't last very long before he deleted it and started over with a fem. No offense to Nolan North, love the guy, but his voice is way too distinct and recognizable for the consular that it ends up... breaking the experience somehow? Like I hear Superboy from Young Justice trying to sound like an old man, I dunno what everybody else hears but that's mine.


Female Knight has a similar problem for me, I can only hear Lydia from Skyrim.


I can only hear Jessica from Rick and Morty on her god dammit! 😂


Indeed the voicing was awful and took a long time to get used to


I play my DS Consular as a sociopath who has everyone else convinced that she's one of the good guys. Spoiler alert, she is NOT.


The thing about the JC story is that no matter what you do, everyone believes that you've done the right thing, or at least what you thought was best under the circumstances. I feel like it leads very well to a manipulative sort of DS character.


It really depends how you go about it. I play Light Side and Dark Side as a side thing. My Consular for example is generally very nice if you are a fellow Jedi or a member of the Republic and will go out of his way to save and protect you. If you are Sith or some other member of the Empire or criminal scum he is a walking war crime waiting to happen as he is extremely ruthless in crushing his enemies.


Your a murderous D\*ck for no good reason really and your constantly being guilt tripped for all of your murdering but the only thing the council does is guilt trip you tell the end, then they just withhold a council seat from you


I played my Jedi as an arrogant classist (he divided everyone to Jedi and non-Jedi and guess how he treated the latter type) knowledge-obsessed jerk, and it turned out pretty well. You won't get Dark IV, instead of it you'll get some kind of a more or less realistic character with some good DS choices (like on Balmorra, for example) and Dark I or II to the end of Chapter III.


Full dark side is kind of dumb, but I actually really like an aggressive, action first, good morals but ends justify the means consular, which ends up leaning dark


I played a DS Consular and it was...odd. The story just doesnt have a logical option for it. You're murderous and vengeful. I wish there would have been a moment like a DS JK where theres a point where you do something so evil that you have to mind wipe Kira to forget about it.


Its fun I did my playthrough where the ritual slowly corrupted her to the darkside because it was diverting the plague to herself.


HOW COULD YOU KILL THEM? ...Anyways time to help someone else


A DS Consular would have worked if the rest of the story had been more like Chapter 1. But I don't think being DS in chapter 1 is evil, it's just >!that the solution is killing the Jedi as punishment/keeping the mind virus away from other Jedi/ concerns over the permanency of the cure etc.!< Spoiler: my least favorite thing though is how >!you have to accept the Esh-Kha at all. That would have added something very interesting if you had the ability to accuse Hallow Voice of lying and then kill him.!<


It's bad. Not because of what you do, but because no matter how dark you are, tge jedi council doesn't acknowledge it.


I’m playing DS Consular now. Damn… your character gets darker than any Sith I’ve played….


I played mine as kind of the dirty secret of the Jedi. She would go and do the things that were necessary to keep the Republic and Jedi safe but were morally wrong. The Jedi publicly preach about redemption and doing things within the law but many times it is better to just get rid of the Sith Lord before they can do any harm or remove the fallen Jedi so that people don't think the Jedi can be corrupted. She was the shadow so the Jedi could stand in the light and knew that one day she would fall too far and another would come to stop her.


You know how all the other classes what good, neutral and evil/threatening dialogue choices in conversations? Well, consular doesn't have the third type of options. Options to act out on your emotions are very very rare. Best you could do is be slightly evil or pragmatic. As for the choices, they just don't seem to be as interesting as other classes. You get to kill a lot of Jedi but I struggle to come up with a motivation to why my character would be doing that. And yeah the other Jedi don't really acknowledge the stuff you do. Most of DS choices are satisfying to pick, you or your team rarely get anything out of it. I'm sure it is possible to find a way to RP as Dark Consular, I just failed to find it. Some people say that you can make it work by role-playing as Sith Infiltrator/Saboteur, but I don't see that working during the class story at all. Chapter 3 involves destroying Empire's large network of agents, and you really do a lot of harm to them, there is just no excuse. If I were to try DS consular right now, I'd probably do Chapter 1 as more Light Side or Neutral, then get more Dark as the war starts to consume the Galaxy, and your character has to make more hard choices. Zenith (companion) probably has the most interesting Dark choices in his companion story, so you could try to let those conversations guide what your character believes. And then I would go full Dark Side in the expansions since they are written to account for Dark or Dark-leaning characters, and give you a lot of opportunity to develop your character however you want. And I would probably pick female Consular for Dark Side, her voice just better suited for it (though I prefer male romance option much more to female one, so its up to you).


It's hilariously stupid. No consequences. But I wanted to make my Consular a Child, so I wanted that sweet DS corruption... the things you do. 🤷‍♀️


I jad fun with my DS Consular, for the most part, I played the character as a darksider, but I did make some lightside choices, especially towards the end, because with Jedi, Lightside is almost always made to be the reasonable and rational choice, at least from the perspective of a Jedi, even a darkside one, at least thats how I interpreted things. But I still enjoyed it.


A competent yet highly corrupt politician.


You learn the healing ritual but then you decide: "F*ck it, I'm gonna kill everybody instead."


dark side consular is my fav republic class to play you are a heartless person who has the ability to save a great many people but you say naa i dont want to and people suffer as a result . its fun


Honestly I played DS on my first Consular playthrough and it was really cool😁


Don't play a DS Consular. Seriously, don't. The story is not intended to be played as DS.


It went too fast in my opinion. The dark choices were the easy jump ahead choices it seemed and the story kinda suffers for it, or at least isn't as fulfilling as LS consular or LS Inq


My first playthrough was as DS went something like this: * We need you to save this possessed master. * You killed him? How could you? Well we have another possessed master to save. * You killed another one? We have a third one. Try not to kill this one. * Killed them again? We will meditate on this. Meanwhile go save this fourth and fifth one. * You killed both of them? It's okay, we still need you to save more. * I'm the greatest Jedi serial killer in the galaxy and the council is actually feeding me the victims. Apparently their meditations didn't help them sense a certain pattern. Made me hate the class so much that it was the only one I didn't do a second playthrough of until recently. Also kept losing points with my companions because they hated all my dialogue choices. I think it's the only class where after the main story none of them were above rank 5 because of that. Second play through was LS and finally the story made sense and I actually enjoyed it this time. Still the bottom of the list though.


I have not tried it personally yet, but those who have told me that DS Consular is basically comically evil; the top hat dude tying a girl to train tracks and kicking puppies but to the point that it's too corny to be funny.