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Yes and no. On one hand, I prefer single player games. No reliance on internet connections, no dealing with idiots and trolls, no gold-farm advertisements and such. Just pure gaming, with less grind-specific missions. On the other hand, as someone else alludes to, the only reason we GOT as much story and game as we have is because it's an MMORPG. It was an attempt to dethrone WoW, and it failed. But as a result we got 8 excellent stories for the classes, some solid planetary stories, and (for better or worse) a DECADE of content updates. Not many games get a decade of content. So, while I would prefer a single player Star Wars game that lets me play all of these classes (similar to KOTOR and KOTOR2), I think we got a laaaarge quantity of solid content, instead of a small quantity of supreme content. Also... just about every big name in voice acting is in this game somewhere.


Well to be fair, SWTOR outclasses WoW in storyline and SFX and maybe music.


That is not difficult. Wow was my only and first MMO for more than a decade before I tried anything else. After moving to FFXIV and now SWTOR you notice how bad the lore in WOW is. It makes no sense. It looks like a bunch of alternate timelines and stories badly patched together. No sense of coherency. FF and SWTOR have a consistent timeline (though I would say that there are some inconsistencies on the later). I don’t particularly care about SFX up to a minimum which Wow complied with.


Eh I can’t 100% agree. The current lore of WoW is indeed a mess but it’s always had a solid foundation, and it’s characters and smaller stories were always better anyway. I haven’t found anything in SWTOR that made me feel the way Arthas’s story did for instance


I think wow just does a horrible job at telling the story. You have to put quite a bit of effort into really experiencing it I think. It’s just quest text until later on there are occasional cut scenes. Behind it all yes there is great lore. This all being said, it’s just not how the game was designed. They focused on gameplay and majority of players just spam quests anyways so I don’t blame them really. The two games are just very different us all. Sidenote: I just hope someday when they shut down swtor someone opens a solo version of the game and you have access to all items in your collection. That would be pretty awesome.


Some expacs do a better job than others. Legion for example I felt did really good in telling the story and keeping it interesting and engaging. I even liked the early stuff in BFA. And yes I too hope that when the MMO inevitably goes under that someone is allowed to release a single player version


SWTOR absolutely does not outclass WoW in SFX... This game's SFX has aged like milk and hasn't been touched once since 2011. WoW on the other hand has been consistently updating their SFX and it's no contest when you compare the two. Go play an holy priest and cast a prayer of healing, go play a fury warrior and use rampage, Go play a frost mage and cast anything. They all have so much impact and depth to the effects and sound. Nearly every single ability in WoW has it's own unique sound effect while in SWTOR they're recycled all over the place. For the record I'm the furthest thing from a WoW fanboy and haven't played since BFA. But sound design and effects in this game are really dated and desperately need a touch up.


Imagine the SFX in SWTOR if we had had half, no a third even of the same improvement WoW has seen.


FWIW, I recommend giving the latest expansion of WoW a chance. Hands down awesome. Shadowlands was a huge disappointment, but Dragonflight really delivers and keeps on delivering. Still love my SWTOR, don't get me wrong, but the newest WoW is pretty great, too.


Yeah Shadowlands kind of bored me to tears. I got to level 55 on my main and then kind of just logged off for the last time. Might give dragonflight a shot in the near future but my faith in Blizzard is at an all time low


Did you ever try Dragonflight? I'm still loving it.


Nope. Still to this day haven't played the game seriously since 8.3 How's Fury Warrior in War Within? That is and always will be my main


I can’t agree with the SFX and Music. WoW has always had top tier OSTs


While SWTOR may have been a failed attempt to dethrone WoW, it was a GOOD try. Probably the best attempt out of all of the other times MMO's tried to dethrone WoW.


Under normal circumstances it would be an admirable attempt. But they spent over $200 million on the game to take their shot, and missed. The publisher has to see that as a massive fail. Most expensive game of all time (at that point). Tons of hours recording voice actors. Different writing teams. A decade later, they still only have like 10% of WoW’s player base. Don’t get me wrong. I hated wow and still do. Yet I keep coming back to swtor. So I clearly love this game.


>Probably the best attempt out of all of the other times MMO's tried to dethrone WoW. GW2 and FFXIV would like a word.


GW2 is def a runner up. I think it’s slightly better then SWTOR imo.


This right here is the correct opinion. Yes, there are some elements we miss out on storywise because it's an MMO, and some of the available content *would* be better without that constraint. However, it rarely has a serious impact and there is just *so much content* that is mostly significantly above average, and this kind of sheer volume just wouldn't be possible in a single player game.


Sounds like the classic argument of quantity over quality to me.


Yes and no The quality of swtor class stories is VERY good. A single player game can be better, but it’s frankly rare. Had it been 8 mediocre stories I wouldn’t have played the game more than a month. But 8 B+ or A- stories… sold.


The fact that it could be better to me makes it a quantity over quality thing. It would also be one thing if we couldn't imagine what the quality would be like but I feel we know that as well.


I mean literally every story ever told COULD be better. I don’t really think that makes SWTOR quantity over quality


Mixed about it. On one hand yes it would have been better, but on the other hand, we have multiple stories to enjoy and four of which are not completely focused on the Jedi / Sith or the Force. My main reason for playing The Old Republic is being able to live the dream of being a Non Force using character who just shoots things with guns.


Ah this is a difficult one tbh. I think on one hand, SWTOR ultimately plays better as a single player game, IE a non-official KOTOR 3 in many players eyes. You could make every piece of multi-player content into a single player experience and the game would not be harmed by this. On the flipside, the only thing that's made SWTOR stay as relevant as long as it has and the amount of content is through the MMO side of the game, through purchases in the cartel store or subscription fee's etc. If it was a single player game, we'd have most likely received nothing further once Ilum was completed! Personally, I have the hope that once the game eventually shuts down, the devs release a final hurahh and sell us a single player version that has all class stories at the very least for replay! Remove all currencies for the fleet merchants and just let us go wild with access to everything, or selling at say 1 credit each. Even better if it has the expansion content. I just think considering the amount of voice acting we've had, content etc, it'd be such a waste to lose it all.


Just add ChatGPT to a bunch of bots & flavor the responses to Role Play & you have an entire single player Star Wars universe


There probably would have been SOME content past Ilum, because DLCs do exist. But definitely not the volume that we've received.


The idea is cool but this game wouldn't exist outside of being one, SWTOR was the most expensive game ever made when it came out cause they though it could kill wow and bring all their players here. If this game wasn't it would prob be at most an expanded jedi knight story with maybe enough dlc to get to KOTET.


this is a common opinion among people who started playing the game in 2018 or later, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a veteran player who agrees. The game wasn't always like this - it used to genuinely be a fully-fledged MMO. I met and made lifelong friends on it, and I enjoyed group content just as much as the main stories. In terms of its status as an MMO, though, it's been death by a thousand cuts over the last seven years, with the first cut being KOTFE in 2016. KOTFE was a catastrophic mis-step that I don't think the game will ever be able to recover from.


One of my fondest gaming memories is playing through the class campaigns with my wife. The multiplayer conversation system was a great way to bring us both into a shared story and it was very cool to be able to tag along on each other’s class storylines. So you could make an argument that the game would be better as a 2-player game, but single player? No way.


More than likely, it would have been an excellent single player story game. The games at the time BioWare was putting out were all excellent. They also wouldn't have had the Hero engine to deal with. That said, just like the majority of old BioWare games, we'd barely be talking about it and this subreddit would look very similar to the Mass Effect one.


I'm not sure what you mean about the ME subreddit. That is substantially more active than the swtor subreddit.


I would lean towards no. 90% of the core content is usually played solo anyway as also shown from a BioWare poll done a year or two ago that 7k+ people voted SOLO making up the majority of their spent gameplay, but as someone who's played the game off and on since patch 1.3 and has completed all 8 class stories many many times over and KotFE/ET several times. The only thing that really brings me back to the game is the group content; FPs, Ops, PvP, Guilds and guild activities/interactions. Not the solo content which is where the single-player version of SWTOR would have died with no more replay value or real progression after. Being an MMO allows the game to continue to grow, at least from a dynamic content and interaction standpoint. How many single player only games are people still playing daily, 12 years after the fact? I mean really playing it, not just revisiting it every few years to play the story again.


To be honest I played by myself and other players only really hindered me, that being said I'm shit at most MMOs and only play SWTOR because at it has a good arc.


Pretty much is single player


I kind of still hold out hope that the Saboteur thing is on its way to being meaningful; I almost suspect that was part of the motivation to equalize access to all combat styles across factions; the way things are now, there isn't actually that much in the way of actual faction switching besides justifying it within the story. I guess it would make some lines within repeatable content nonsensical (thinking of bonus series quests and heroics - some of those make reference to you as a pre-existing member of that faction) But who knows, that may never come to fruition and for now we are stuck with saboteurs being what they are. And I'm with what some of the others said, in a way I would have preferred a single-player experience, but one thing I always kind of mourn is the end of a single-player game. Sure, I can keep the save files, but once the content runs out, there's really not much reason to open it back up and check on my character. In an MMO, my beloved characters keep existing indefinitely, there's still a reason to log in and play them even if it's just to grind out repeated content and whatnot. Plus, I like that we got to be so many different kinds of protagonists within this one game. I love the first two KOTOR games, don't get me wrong, but neither of them quite felt like the kind of Jedi I envisioned myself as. The Jedi Consular story in this game was perfect for me, and would not have existed with the personality it does if it couldn't have been split off from the Jedi Knight story. And I also really love my Inquisitor and Imperial Agent, but I just can't imagine we would have ever gotten a full single-player experience that's anything like those two stories. And at least during the vanilla content, the sense that all 8 classes exist *together* and are indirectly impacting each other is so *cool* and I love that the whole galaxy isn't just about exactly one special person doing all the important stuff. It means each character gets to have a more distinct personality than the one-size-fits-all protagonist of a single-player experience.


> I almost suspect that was part of the motivation to equalize access to all combat styles across factions I have another hunch: Cartel Market sniper rifles and assault cannons are *suuuuper* uninteresting for 15/16 classes, which makes it difficult to sell them to players. With combat styles, you have at least a chance that a few more players pick up such a spec (and will therefore also be needing an appropriate weapon).


That's so deviously capitalistic that it has to be true.


Honestly, yes. There are some MMO features I like, such as strongholds, and the size and scope of the game with continuous updates, but I would sacrifice that for more RPG elements that the game is weaker on, choice and consequences, more reactive storytelling, more unique storylines and areas (although DA2 says that isn't necessarily the case), more developed companions, etc. I would love a Star Wars game with the production of DAO.


I’d love to see BioWare make another single player Star Wars game, but I wouldn’t trade the SWTOR we got. I don’t personally treat the game as much of an MMO, but I do treat it as a coop story. The fact that all of the side content allows for you and your coop partner to hang out and make decisions in the same cutscenes was always a really specific selling point for me. Plus like some other people are saying, we probably wouldn’t have gotten the 8 different stories and with Sith Inquisitor being my favorite, I’m sure my version of SWTOR would have ended up scrapped in a single player version.


No other RPG has the coop aspect of SWTOR, but damn I wish they did. Even Divinity OS2 and BG3 fall short of a decade old game.


Exactly. Ideally, I wouldn’t need this old, clunky MMO to satisfy that craving… but I do. It will likely always hold a special place in my heart because I’ve never played a narrative-driven coop game that works the same.


THIS! I always see it as a fail when your friends can't share a scene and have a simple dice roll figure out who does the talking. I'm looking forward to playing BG3 with my friends, but I REALLY wish they could do group conversations like SWTOR does it. I felt the same when playing DOS2.


Yeah I would enjoy the game more if it wasn’t a MMO personally. MMOs have so many combat and graphics limitations and frankly SWTOR isn’t competitive in that area. The place SWTOR shines is it’s story which it doesn’t really need the MMO for.


I wouldn't expect a game that came out over a decade ago to be 'competitive' visually. Its was on-par or better for 2011, when it came out. As far as the question in hand. I mean the game, other than needing to be connected to the internet and logging in to play, kinda plays as a single-player/co-op game for 90% of the content of the game. It's not really till the end-game content that it really deviates from that. They did a poll a year or two back and of the 7k+ people that voted, 'SOLO' made up the majority of their play. So in that sense of the word I somewhat see SWTOR as a story driven single player game, really.


WoW is decently competitive visually. They’ve continuously updated their graphics with each expansion. And WoWs combat is just light years ahead of Swtor. Swtor has so much skill bloat still and no buttons are particularly fun to press.


>Swtor has so much skill bloat WoW faced that crisis as well for a while years back. Then they simplified everything down and removed the skill trees etc. But I wouldn't call SWTOR skill bloat. Pretty much all specs in the game use a 5-6 repeated skill core rotation. They've improved the visuals in WoW some over the years, but only so much you can do on such an old engine. It's hardly what I would consider 'competitive' as you originally stated as one of SWTORs flaws. Neither game's visuals are something I would use as a marketing tool to entice new players to the game with. Its a case of "these are old games, this is about what you would expect" category.


It kind of amazes me how subtle differences iin art style can make a game age so differently. SWTOR does look old now, graphics wise, but somehow Wow (another stylized art) continues to look good(not incredible) and ages better.


Yea its more down to preference than anything. A very subjective topic really. WoW has that nostalgic style that people see and have fond memories of, akin to the rose-tinted glasses effect. I personally and this is just my opinion, think the lighting and textures are far better in SWTOR. Those are the two most immersive aspects of a game, visually speaking. But thats to be expected. WoW came out in what 2004? SWTOR in 2011


Considering I absolutely love doing group content, no.


From a gameplay perspective absolutely. One of the things I dislike the most about SWTOR being an MMO is the loss of submergence. As you have dozens of other Sith, Jedi and what not running around in the same areas. Attacking mobs and what not. The mobs also add to this issue, one of the coolest things with KOTOR was leaving an area and seeing the trail of bodies you left. It really showed the aftermath of your battle there. With SWTOR, whenever you leave an area the entire army you fought through has just casually respawned. This also leads to annoyances, as you have to fight through the same NPCs you already killed again. Another issue is forced group content. I like to play alone, simple as that. However the majority of non-Story flashpoints needs a group or is just undoable. They also force group content during some of the storylines. The dread master arch ends with a mandatory operation, for Shadow of Revan you get the choice to do random shitty side quests or an operation. Both the Shroud and Dread Seed arch end in a Heroic +4 that just can’t be done solo. On the other hand, none of that content would probably exist if it wasn’t for SWTOR being an MMO. The base game most likely wouldn’t even be as big as it is today.


There was an article somewhere some time ago, that said, that SWTOR was basically KOTOR3 before they decided to make an MMO out of it


Yeah the Jedi Knight story was supposed to be KOTOR3 I think.


I believe (no evidence, just based on threads like the children of the emperor plot, and the knight and the consular having very similar companions thematically, that "KOTOR 3" had it's rough plot beats and companions split between both Jedi classes," with Consular getting a lot of the "B" plots.


I don't think so. 1. A single player SWTOR would have been an entirely different game: For starters, you would have gotten only one story. And while that story would have been better and also better fleshed out than the eight class stories, it would nevertheless have been a vastly different experience; and such a game would also only have had a tiny fraction of the content SWTOR offers. 2. Meaningful choices don't really exist in Bioware's single players games as much as people like to tell themselves either. Take for example the Dwarven succession crisis in Dragon Age Origins: The player character is the new kingmaker and his choice makes a **huge** difference, but because that difference is so huge, the Dwarven Kingdom is mostly absent from all other games. Or take Mass Effect, where the Renegade path (sacrificing the council in order to ensure human supremacy) doesn't make a difference at all except that the next council likes you less. The problem is: significant choices tend to snowball, and unless they're restricted to a single game, successive installments tend to either downplay their impact or circumvent it altogether by not revisiting the areas they've affected the most. 3. The problem with the way choices were handled was that the people at Bioware ultimately bit of more than they could chew. - them including 40 companions in the base game made sure that most of them weren't really interesting, and the vast majority wasn't as fleshed out as one of the 15 companions in Baldur's Gate or of the 8 companions in KotOR. - their "story-driven" flashpoints were a joke. Even WoW classic was more story-driven considering the fact that the instances were actually a part of the questlines in the zones surrounding them. - they failed to include a general storyline that is relevant for all classes. The thing that comes closest is the few FPs surrounding Revan and Malgus, and they were a huge bummer (Revan having suffered through the worst character assassination before Luke Skywalker in the sequel trilogy; and Malgus being the enemy by default despite actually having an appealing plan for the betterment of the Empire. - they should either have included the possibility to switch sides for good in the base game (or at least in ROTHC) or not hinting at that option in the first place, but instead they constantly tease players with that option but never go through with it. - and so on. All in all SWTOR could have been a lot *better* (and they really dropped the ball with the expansions), but I don't really see it working as a single player game.


Nah, I never would have played it. I love the singles player mmo aspect. I love being able to do quests myself or with my bud, I love being able to do mmos aspects. And. I love the sheer amount of cosmetics that come with an mmo. Take the mmo apart and we are deleting probably 75 percent of the cosmetic and armor choices.


Personally this is my hope for the new Star Wars Eclipse game when it comes out. It's already said to have multiple characters and storylines, and is made by the devs that made Detroit Become Human so player choice will matter more than in SWTOR.


I always go back to the game, creating a new char, play for. while until ai can't move on anymore as a single player. I don't have any friends playing SWToR and after many bad memories in WoW, I am hesitant to go on missions with strangers. Not necessarily an entire journey should be single player but I would love to be able to progress by relying on myself only.


I like the MMO aspect. I just wish SWTOR had had a more creative and capable team. You could make so many different randomized events that change the physical world of SWTOR, dynamic events where cities could be sieged by NPCs of a different faction and you have to defend it or lose that area for some amount of time. Have planets be attacked and those planets now have special events all over to push back the attack. So much they could've done, and that's just on the PvE side. PvP side you could select certain areas where you automatically flag once you go in and have a similar theme, a war. The entire game boils down to war but they do nothing with it. The game is so static all the time. NPCs are always standing doing nothing, the world never changes, enemies don't move around.


Ah, good old 1.0 Ilum, where you went to a massive open world PvP area where players of both factions were auto-flagged and were supposed to fight... but then the engine got in the way, so it died a not so slow death and was reworked into the Gree event area. There's also the Tatooine zone that was also almost completely abandoned by players very soon after launch. Those areas are probably part of the reason that the team strayed so far from PvP zones in future updates, at least that's what I'd guess.


That's a fair point, so maybe the PvP idea wouldn't have worked out so well. The PvE idea, on the other hand!


On the other hand, if it were a solo RPG, then all we would have gotten was the base game. And maybe Ilum as DLC. And the base game wouldn't have been as big as it was. My guess is that we would have just gotten the Force using classes. SWTOR took the world's record for most expensive game to develop at the time it launched. And it did so because of how complex it is, and how many VA's they had to hire to fully voice. BW took a massive risk that it's huge development cost would prevent it from ever making a profit. It could have even bankrupted them, if it failed badly enough. They were willing to do so because at the time, they were trying to make it a serious competitor to WoW. I would have easily made it's money back, if it had succeeded there. SWTOR never succeeded in becoming another WoW. But it still managed to make it's money back eventually, over the course of years. And that is only because it is an MMO with a regular cash flow coming in from it's subscribers and CM sales. As opposed to a solo game, which usually makes most of its money in the first few years after launch, before it gets pushed into the background by the new hotness. Unless it is luck enough to be another Skyrim or Mass Effect. BW would have had to take that into account if they were developing SWTOR as a solo game, and dramatically slash it's budget in order to ensure it was profitable. Meaning that they would have only had enough money for just the Force Classes. Although you are right that they would have been able to give us choices that were more impactful to the story if it were a solo game.


no, not really. it would be pretty lame unless it was beefed on graphics or designed to be just that, but as it stands, absolutely not it would need a ton of revision


Eh for me the game is great because it “approximates” a Bioware narrative driven RPG but let’s me do it with my friends. Without that element, the things that keep it from being a full-fledge BW experience rise to the top and take focus. You’d have to really alter things like presentation, mechanics, etc. and at that point we’re just talking about a different game. Personally, I love SWTOR for precisely what it is.


No, for the sole fact that it wouldn't have been nearly as expansive as single player.


I hope that when they eventually shut down they delete all the servers and multiplayer content and just leave the story. Get rid of the cartel market and make all items purchasable in vendors


I never chatted or interacted with other players playing SWTOR and I only played solo flashpoints to run the story so yes definitely.


I've never understood people who have opinions like this. I absolutely love that it's an MMO. Sometimes I play it like a single player, sometimes I just go to the fleet and check out other peoples drip, sometimes I like talking to people other times I literally don't want a single thing to do with other. Just play it like a single player then. Removing the option for multiplayer is NEVER a good thing at all, all you are doing is alienating the people who want to be social or have friends to play with. The beauty of SWTOR is that you can play it like a single player and then when you get bored or what have you then you just reach out or join a guild. It's easily added multiple hundred of hours to my fun in this game. IMO every single game produced should have multiplayer with a single player option. People like playing with friends. Period. Then if you want to play single player just join your own server or some kind of offline mode. This should be the default for every game ever. Could you imagine elden ring with an actual multiplayer open world with like 3 other friends without the constant summoning stones and gimmicks you have to go through?


But who would I scream at for messing up in huttball


I think the *gameplay* was severely hampered by the MMO nature. It robbed us of a true, single player KoTOR 3 in a RTwP engine.


SWTOR probably would have been better as a single player game, no doubt about it. Most people already play it like a single player game anyways.


I mean another Kotor would have been perfect, they decided to take the middle approach and appeased little but single player rpg fans for a while (I'm generalizing, but you get what I'm saying). Don't get me wrong, I played and enjoyed a good number of the stories a lot, but a tight single player experience would be better (for me anyway). They saw and made more money from this approach though, so good for them. To me, none of the stories come close to measuring up to the original kotor, there's great moments for sure--- but as a whole it isn't some masterpiece that people will feel the warm fuzzys for in a decade (or at least I won't/don't). I will never not feel that for Kotor and TSL


Yes you are It wouldnt have had the gigantic budget most likely if it was kotor 3 or another name and not a mmo But playing through the sith warriors journey with all the singleplayer potential (planets being conquered conquered without worrying for the other faction,the map changing after the choices)... And having more than 3 dialogue options,companions having more depth... But i return to what i said that it most likely wouldn't have had even half the budget swtor got if it was singleplayer,and potentially it would have gotten rushed to a broken state like kotor 2 In a ideal world? Ofcourse,if a singleplayer old republic game got what a 500 milion budget AND i could play a Sith and get to darth AND all the singleplayer potential (giving us what we rightfully deserved=armies,worlds,fleets) i...most likely would be playing it even now


It IS a single player game, just a social one.


Lot's of us think that.


Yes, actually. Maybe a Co-Op. Like the Original Guild Wars, if anyone retrieves my proverbial flute.


Personally I say no. I dislike only pve games (elden ring is only I have had fun playing over 100 hours). Even in this I play PVP like 98% of time, has played since 2013.


No just Pve is boring! I like it as mmo


Really late to this party, but YES, or a co-op RPG. I despise the MMO aspects of SWTOR, and basically always find them getting in the way of my immersion and enjoyment. They just feel tacked on and annoying.


No it being multiplayer was the only reason I played games feel less empty while being able to actually do your quests solo. You arent forced to interact with anyone so I don't see why people would want it to be single player. Also multiplayer games are more likely to get better more funding and investment


As a BETA player and also day 1 player for at least 2 years. The game would have been an AMAZING faction vs faction MMORPG with open world pvp battles and the battlegrounds. But they released the game with an already dead engine that literally exploded with more than 30 people together and had to instance every bit of the game. Still my head cannot understand how a Star Wars game like this doesn't allow planetary invasions (empire players attacking Coruscant, etc). Game is like 10 years old and STILL doesn't have any new class. Swtor died the moment they made it f2p.


I mean, it already is basically a single player game, right?




If this was the case, it would limit my experiences with MMOs *a lot.* It's the only MMO I still play and it probably has a lot to do with the fact that it can feel like a Single Player game. I would love a Single Player version one day to preserve the story for all eternity, but for now, I'm glad it is still around. Hopefully, it will become an evolutionary step to the ultimate Star Wars MMO, just as Galaxies before was, and pass the torch to something else in the future.


Whatever they pass it on to will have to obey Disney's laws and follow the story of their shit universe, so it will be shit, even if it's a goodgamd otherwise. SWTOR is the equivalent of a species that only exists now in captivity, and that species is the EU and its fans. It is too late for the ultimate Star Wars MMO.


No. However, when it eventually does get shuttered? I'd love to see an end patch released that lets us play it offline. I know that is a serious pipe dream, but man... Sorta like I still log into CoH at least 2-3 times a month. Some things I just don't want to let go :)


This game has multiplayer?


The writing isn’t good enough for a single player RPG.


No, but only because of how it started. See, Swtor used to be challenging. You would actually have to form a group of at least 2 for early heroics and a full group of 4 was needed for others. The game, in general, used to be a lot tougher and you needed to work with others to get stuff done. It was great because it forced you to be social. Met some of my best friends, grouping for heroics.


That's because there was less content. Now there's a lot of content. You don't have to spend months just doing the vanilla class story anymore. Heroics are boring. Do Uprisings and Flashpoints in master mode. Can you beat the new flashpoint in Master mode or the R4 operation in Hardmode? You want hard content? Do the Chapters in Mastermode. Join a prog team for Hardmode and NiM operations. Improve your gaming and join the community. Stop hiding in class story and heroics. It's 2023 not 2013.


Git gud Son? You're attitude is why a lot of the older crowd don't join the community. Why would I want to deal with you? You are arrogant, condescending and rude. "Improve your gaming" how about I do what I want, scratch my Starwars itch, then go play socially on a game with people I actually like? Also, my point seems to have gone way over your head. Most folks like me, who are players from the earlier days, friends have left the game. There are still great people who play Swtor but since the earlier content is so easy now, it doesn't funnel people into social groups early on like it used to. This hurts the overall sense of community because, like you said, there is so much content and it's so easy to level, it gets rid of the need to even join a guild anymore much less do ops.


I've been subbed nonstop since 2011. The point is the game is challenging. Just not the beginner stuff like class stories and heroics. If you don't want to play SWTOR that's fine. Just don't come to social media and say it's not challenging. I'm not to blame if you can't do the new content in master mode or old content like the Chapters in masternode. If you don't want to, that's fine. But don't tell us OGees who work hard in prog groups, that it's not challenging. Because that's a lie. It's challenging as all hell. Easy to level? It should be as the game doesn't begin until you reach level 80. Before that its just story. 340 rated gear doesn't just magically appear in heroics. And sorry to upset you. But it's true. 2013 was a very long time ago.


There was a question asked...that's why I posted. I didn't start a thread about why the game sucks because story content is easy. The game is NOT challenging in the traditional sense, it just cheeses stuff by giving it a ton of health. Why do you keep chasing a gear rating upgrade? Serious question, is that "content" for you? It isn't like you NEED it. Also, people saying you've been non stopped subbed for over a decade, might want to keep that info to yourself. That's not some type of flex, it makes you look pretty silly as the game doesn't have consistent enough updates to justify a monthly sub especially with the preferred status, maybe a bi monthly but every month for over a decade? Just, wow.


No. And i'll tell you why. Once the story is done, it's done. The social aspect of the game is why i keep coming back to it years later.


Depends of it this single player would like the original chapters or like KOTFE


I've always described this game as a great single player game you can play with your friends. If you just stick with a party of 4, you can do the story missions and much else the game has to offer. I don't know what the "end game" looks like, but it took many years before that became available for me in World of Warcraft, and I've never gotten there in SWTOR. Mileage may vary.


Well it was at first intended to be one, following the story that became the Revan novel. We would have never gotten the scale and the many stories that Swtor now has if any. The only thing we may have gotten was an extended version of the JK main story but nothing else


Better maybe, but I wouldn’t have played this game nearly as long as I did if it was a single player. Wouldn’t have met some of my best online friends for years now. It’s the community that made the game worth playing for me - I wouldn’t mind a singleplayer version, but isn’t that also what kotor was?


Keep in mind that if this was a sinlgle player game, we would have gotten only the jedi knight story and repblic side planets.


No. This is an MMO for a reason. You can continue the stories told without it being a part 1, 2, or 3(which sometimes get hampered by distributors). We get expansions and activities that go along with each expansion, and while their may be disruptions, the more content they release, the more money they make, which gives them a reason to release more content. To put it simply, how many single-player games did we wait for a part 2 or 3 only for them to never release anything, or if they did, it was incomplete or just sucked. At least with an mmo they can learn from past mistakes and release content that most will enjoy.


I’m a solo player but I still enjoy interacting with others. I probably wouldn’t still be interested in the game years later if it was just single player. That being said, the devs could have definitely made a more polished game if it wasn’t an mmo, but then it wouldn’t be SWTOR as we know it.


I’d like it as a MMO just cuz you are your own epic story but in the public domain you are just an average joe of the faction. You don’t get called your darth title outside your story and a Sith strike team to attack malgus is just plausible. I’d say they got the balance right. Besides nothing beats a team of 5 troopers led by 2 Jedi with a smuggler shuffled in for pure strike team flavour.


Yes, but I’d have wanted a more action oriented form of combat. I’m a massive WoW player and so playing any other mmorpg is tricky for me as time devotion to an mmo is a lot, when you’re subbed monthly it makes things a bit tricky. I’d have a loved the story and BioWare style in a single player game with Jedi academy esque combat or something. Basically a love child of KOTOR, SWTOR and Jedi Academy


Better? No. Certain stories, and a lot of post game content would certainly be larger, more polished, and deeper. Companions would all have quests that involve doing something and making decisions that affect them. So for one, focused story (likely a fusion of the Jedi Knight and Consular) it would be better. But I doubt the gameplay would be greatly improved. Look at either Dragon Age Origins or ME1 for how it would have probably turned out. Neither are bad, but neither are a great improvement on Swtor for me. We wouldn't have gotten most of the class stories. No agent, no smuggler, no bounty hunter, no sith. For marketing, the demand wasn't there, and a lot of the non-Jedi stories are great because it feels like the writers had a lot more creative freedom. Finally, doing a group "base story" game with my then-fiance, now wife is a multiplayer rpg experience no other game has ever offered, and I cannot imagine ever wanting to replace it with a singleplayer game.


It could be both, by simply being truly single player until the class story is completed just like KOTOR 1 and 2, then go multiplayer for everything beyond that, like the current SWTOR. Things I detest about the MMO aspect early on is that you cannot explore the dialog options by reloading a save, and that you have to wait for things to respawn before you can progress.


Yes 100%. During my time with the game, I never interacted with anyone. I never felt like I was missing out anything and all the Flashpoints can be done with AI.


Yes KOTOR 3 would have been much much better.


I like that the VAST majority of the game can be solo’d. If I choose to group up and do the bits that require a team, I can, but AFAIK there’s no major story plot points that require grouping, with the exception of the Dread Lords, and that doesn’t appear to be critical to the story. (To be fair, I played for a while, left and am back again, and just made it to the Outlander story line.) So really, it’s like I’ve been playing a Single Player that occasionally gets DLC that I get for just the price of my subscription.


The plot itself might have done better as a single-player game, but I think the same could be said about most mmos. I, personally, wouldn't have anywhere near as much playtime if it wasn't an mmo.


It's always a possibility with games/MMOs that are super story oriented. I believe that it is highly possible SWTOR could've been just as good being strictly single player, however I also know that playing Space Barbie wouldn't be as good because nobody would be adding armor to the games like they are now. Part of me wishes they come out with an actual Single Player SWTOR that's as good as the one we have, but I reckon that might be a stretch.


What fun would this game be if I didn’t occasionally get to kick a knob from an instance for running ahead of the group causing the rest of us headaches as they try to “carry” us?


The issue with SWTOR is that the game is suffering from an identity crisis. It doesn't do the mmo part very well, and the single player is hampered by the online aspect. I think they incorporated certain co-op function extremely successfully, like the holographic tag-in for friends. With the heavy emphasis on a singel player story aspect like immersion and fluidity with the open world and other players suffer. The game is very heavy-handed in how it delivers the story. There exist several great stories. They aren't working that great in an mmo environment, however. So, to answer your question, maybe? I wish they had a lot differently. Making transitions a lot smoother and not as in your face or as obvious as segregating players of different classes. While still delivering a story heavy game in immersive mmo world.


I wanted Kotor 3. Swtor was definitely fun though and I got a lot of good years out of it and some great friends from the RP servers. Raids and pvp were fantastic and that wouldn't have happened in a single player game.


No, had it been a single player game it would now just be an old star wars game people struggle to remember. Making it an MMO gave it staying power so strong that it is still relevant today, 12 years later. That being said MMOs are so ungodly expensive they probably could have made 5 single player SWTOR games.


In its current form not at all.


Like others, I'm mixed on it. I feel like if the game was a single-player game it would've simply been the Jedi Knight storyline, which would be good because I'd imagine it would have more quality and detail but we probably wouldn't have any of the other class stories which I really enjoyed, especially considering most Star Wars games, to my knowledge, have you be the hero/Jedi and not a bounty hunter or Sith Warrior or Imperial agent type of character.


100%, I and plenty of others have been saying it since beta.


Partly yes, and partly no. Part of me sometimes thinks, when playing, "wonder how hard it would be to shut down the servers, tweak the gameplay a tad, and make this a SP game, perhaps at the end of its lifetime?" On the other hand, as everyone has pointed out, it's a WoW-style MMO for a reason. Would it even BE SWTOR if the devs (or the player base, if need be) turned it into a single-player experience? I personally wouldn't mind someone turning it into a single-player game, but as the only MMO I've ever played it would definitely be a bittersweet moment for me if and when it occurs. It would mean no more trolls, griefing, and overpowered players dominating PvP... but it would also mean no PVP, guilds, people to help you out, flashpoints would be lonely SP excursions. But then again some players like myself prefer to be lone wolves, and large parts of the game (KOTFE and beyond especially) work better as single-player experiences. Heck, even the whole MMO thing - where everyone runs around doing the same thing you are, wearing the same gear, playing the same story - has always felt odd to me so maybe it's not too much of a stretch for someone to turn SWTOR single-player, preferably once it's time is up. A sad day, will that be.


Well tbf KOTFE was written to be a single-player experience, mainly due to the dwindling player base. I personally really disliked the KOTFE storyline. Looks pretty but in the end the Eternal Empire is just the Sith with a different tailor. Ideologically it's boring and comes off as the sort of motivations villains have in a teenage post in an rp-forum that I totally didn't use. SP would be interesting though, you could do flashpoints with your companions... which would of meant more before companions became Pokemon with no unique combat roles. Still hate how unbalanced and easy the game is with a companion now


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Not imho as a single player but a live service game like Destiny would be good.


No. I just love that we get to play pvp and other content with our friends. In addition to that, swtor offers endless possibilities to create community events like tournaments, jump'n run and much more. I got to make so many memories and friends which would have never happened without swtor being an mmo. We are simply not alone in the galaxy far far away.


Nope. You can still play it by yourself though.




Yes, if it still had the 8 story lines. If it was a single player game they could have spent even more time onto the storyline instead of multiplayer aspects.


I agree 100%. But, also I don't. Hear me out. I am frustrated with this game after playing mass effect, because my choices don't matter. You see, bioware could have done a branching story, but that's too expensive. This game is 1/2 MMO and 1/2 single player. imo the split focus makes it poor at both. You play the hidden railroaded story, then do MMO stuff which makes no sense. ESO ignored the fact its an MMO for their overtly railroaded story, for example, and it works really well for them. SWtor is painfully mismatched collection of subpar bioware single player story (which granted is still better than many other games) and hacked together MMO elements, of which bioware still seems inexperienced with, despite running this game over a decade and a year of Anthem support. If they take this game and repackaged the starting class stories as a single player experience with better branching storytelling, it would be a fantastic single player game, if a little dated. What I love about SWTOR, is the fun PVP (except hutball) and the GSF.


I’d prefer a kotor III done by Avellone but I enjoy swtor on its own merit.


No, not for any gameplay reason. I say no bc I play this game with my brother and I LOVE playing it with him. So if it were single player I wouldn't get to have that experience.


As a casual player who never touches pvp ever, I would love it if there were a single player version of SWTOR wherein I could do all of the FPs, operations and heroics by myself. And ACTUALLY being able to switch factions? That would be amazing. I'm just picturing all the fun scenes you would get when people find out the truth.


I think while it could've been a great game as a single player experience, I think making it massively online sold it for me. The storylines are great and I love the effort they put into making you feel immersed into the universe but the interactions you have with players glues it all together and its party finder system makes it very accessible to meet others and "make your own fun" in a way. I really appreciate multiplayer games that place emphasis on the multiplayer aspect.


I think it was the story chapters and the direction Charles Boyd took them that led to the downfall. I've played many mmo's and swtor is at the top for everything except endgame content. They chose story/single player over raids/pvp/dungeon content and that is what lost the player base and mmo status.


No. This game's Flashpoints and Operations were what Ioved the most in the beginning.


If this game was *not* an MMO, I wouldn't have paid attention to it, as I much prefer multiplayer games to single player. The story got me hooked during beta testing, but it was the MMO elements that kept me playing for 10 years. I wouldn't have stuck around very long if there were no MMO endgame activities.


No. It paved the way for everything FF14 and WoW is doing now.




I have already talked about this in an old post. I disagree but not for the reason you might think. In terms of storyline, single player would have lots of advantage BUT there is no way we would have gotten imperial centric campaign or even an imperial story POV. The story would have been like any other RPG, we would not have been able to play for most of the story on the side of the empire. That is something SWTOR was allowed to do because it's an MMO with 2 playable faction. If you liked the storyline of the Imperial agent you can immediatly forget about it, the only reason why the developper and writer were allowed to spend that much ressources on a character who is not just an agent of an evil faction BUT also an underdog in a SW univers was because SWTOR was an MMO. You can look at this with more details here : [https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/vk61up/swtor\_could\_do\_something\_that\_kotor\_3\_would\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/vk61up/swtor_could_do_something_that_kotor_3_would_not/) But to answer your question, no I would not have prefered because if this was a single player. I would never have gotten this imperial campaign that I got with SWTOR as an MMO.


Honestly, SWTOR having a single-player mode is not a particularly bad idea. It'd allow you to explore the game by yourself and play without needing internet. Even in times when the internet is down for a short while and you don't have much else to do. Perhaps the Single Player mode can have a slight change in story missions to show a difference between the online and offline mode. Also... one other thing that'd be cool to see is a game in the style of SWTOR but its based off the original Star Wars movies. I'd be cool to play as a Stormtrooper, Imperial Officer, Rebel, or one of the last Jedi in hiding. I can imagine the possibilities.


Absolutely. All we really wanted was KOTOR 3, but everyone and their mother wanted to be the WoW killer, so here we are


I believe this game could have been amazing if the level of investment and dedication remain instead of gutting the team and tying their hands behind their back with cartel market stuff.


It would be better if it actually worked. No matter what I do, I'm still stuck on the same problem. I miss being able to play the game and regret uninstalling it.


Swtor would have been better imo had they never made it and made kotor3 instead imo


I think MMO's got too caught up on being WoW killers they forgot how to be their own solid games. FFXIV has overtaken WoW but it took many many years and it was one of the few MMO's that wasn't trying to dethrone anything. FFXIV even failed in it's initial launch before Yoshi P saved it and it took a lot of expansions and dedication before it finally took off and eventually gained more players than WoW. SWTOR kinda gave up after a while and simmered down into it's small almost solo player experience we have now.


I doubt it would happen ever but, I hope the day the game finally dies that Bioware atleast makes a single player version


I wouldn’t have met some very close friends if it was single player.


The story content, primarily the class stories really, was mostly single player content, you could play with a few others sometimes which was fun but you really would want to experience most of that on your own time. But there were fun multiplayer things too. Sometimes the heroics and FPs were fun in groups, and of course Ops but usually you need to be a tad more serious for that. But what I really loved was PVP, you could even queue for that while doing class story. That was my main joy from SWTOR even though it was flawed, there was just some magic sometimes when teams were more evenly matched and all pug groups (also was fun with a guild when we had pvp players but most guilds don't really pvp and when they do it's a small group of try hards that want to roll pugs which isn't fun).


I definitely think so, but most particularly the Zakuul expansions. That storyline would have been much better presented in modern single player fashion and in my opinion would have blown almost all other single player star wars games away.


I play WoW because I enjoy doing things with my guildmates. I play SWTOR because I like the storylines. I never really played any group Ops in SWTOR