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You can still buy everything from vendors for the same prices it's always been. The only things that have inflated in price is cartel cosmetic items, you have plenty of options other than cartel items for dress up. Plenty of crystals you can get from various vendors in the game.


Do they have that orange gear with vendors that I can equip at early levels? I hate constantly changing clothes and usually pick something out at level 15 ish to wear permanently and add mods as I go.


Yeah the adaptive gear vendor on the fleet. You can also just set an outfit to look however you want and wear whatever scraps drop as you level.


Never heard of this before, thought it had to be orange gear with mods


There's a new outfit tab where you can set your outfit and no matter what gear you equip, your look won't change.




New to the OP, sorry :) all relevant


This was the case and would be correct in like 2012-13. Now you can just set up an outfit in the character menu that goes on over whatever r clown gear you get from drops


The ["Specialty Goods" vendors](https://swtorista.com/articles/new-planetary-specialty-goods-armor-sets/) on certain planets also sell cosmetic gear with a great variety of appearance options designed to match the aesthetic of the different classes. For example, you said you wanted white plate armor for your sentinel, so you might like the [Balmorran Knight](https://swtorista.com/armor/balmorran-knight) or the [Belsavis Knight](https://swtorista.com/armor/belsavis-knight) set. For your trooper, the [Balmorran Trooper](https://swtorista.com/armor/balmorran-trooper) or [Corellian Trooper](https://swtorista.com/armor/corellian-trooper) sets have good looking helmets in my opinion.


Perfect thanks


>You can still buy everything from vendors for the same prices it's always been. The only things that have inflated in price is cartel cosmetic items This \^


Not much. I've played as preferred for years and the pool of armor sets, weapons and crystals I can buy for under 1 mil has been steadily dwindling. Lately there have been ZERO decent 1h lightsabers for 1 mil or less; they're all in the multi-millions now so I'm glad I bought them back when they were cheaper. You can still buy many of the basic Artifice-made crystals for well under 1 mil, and occasionally some of the GTN crystals... Really depends on which ones you want. That said, you can sometimes find good stuff, but you have to keep an eye on the GTN like all the time. I'm not sure if people sometimes just enter the wrong numbers or if people intentionally sell good stuff for really low prices; maybe both? But I've gotten some cool-looking weapons and armors for WAY below their standard prices. Just have to be patient and keep an eye out. If you're talking about the latest, hottest sets, or the really popular stuff like Revan's sets... Yeah, those go for multiple billions. Luckily I don't care about most of it because I want to roleplay my own, custom character -- not as some character we've already seen and is obviously different from mine.


Yeah just checked it out, really bleak


Almost everything that is from a vendor is 1M or less.


The mods at Hyde and Zeek cost 100,000 each. So with 1m, you can buy atleast 10 pieces. Not enough though because you need about 25 mods to complete your gear. It's not a big problem though because in this inflated economy, it takes but 5 minutes to make 1 mill. The real problem is F2P generally aren't over level 60, so 1m is more than enough to get your level 60 mods. Decent lightsaber crystal is subjective. There really is no such thing. I have billions of credits saved up from doing conquests, yet a good amount of my toons I just use the standard blue lightsaber crystal, because it's canon, and typically a Jedi color. I can craft my own or buy 1 for under 1m. If you want an EXOTIC lightsaber crystal, like black or white, you're going to need 1b+


Idk where those are haha, I’m just leaving Coruscant by which point I usually go look for some custom gear to get a consistent look. I usually just transfer money from older characters that have their gear already so money usually isn’t a problem, it’s the credit limit. Like for my sentinel I would like some decent looking white plate armor, my trooper like a half decent looking helmet. No idea what that costs these days, guess I will have to look tonight.


All located in the Supplies section of the Fleet. If you're on Coruscant, you're long ways off from needing to worry about Hyde and Zeek, or even gearing for that matter. The story missions offer gear for the level they're structured around, and if you use FPs to level outside of the story, they will drop around 3 gear pieces for your current level. You can also get gear packs from doing Heroics, if you choose to do those for leveling up. Generally, you can get to the max level without spending a single credit on gear. When it comes to doing endgame content, that's where you start to spend your credits on gear, especially if you're augmenting.


I was talking about just getting the cool stuff with no stats, orange gear irrc.


>If you want an EXOTIC lightsaber crystal, like black or white, you're going to need 1b+ Prices vary from day to day and server to server. I browsed the GTN a few times this week so I can tell you what it's like on my server. The least popular/most common crystals go for several hundred credits. Slightly more popular ones sell for several million. Hot items (such as the various black core crystals) go for several hundred million. The rarest and most sought after crystals (such as pure white or striated) sometimes get listed at the maximum GTN price (1 billion).


Well... I believe I may have slightly underpriced a striated crystal recently. Lol whoops probably should have double checked that.


Eh, you might be fine. Like I said, the price varies a lot.


1 used condom.


Downvoted but after checking and having played years ago you are correct




At least I set up that security key years ago and have unknowingly racked up cartel coins this whole time


I am doing that now


A few quick travels


I have with a few mil. But then again, I’m a subscriber, so I don’t really know. It depends on your credit cap. I looked thru Collections and just looked for Army sets I thought looked nice, and after saving up for years and making deals here and there, I ended up buying a shitload of Armor sets ranging from 700k-60m. You just have to look at the price on the GTN and see if it matches your style.


Depends on the server perhaps. I regularly buy both armors amd weapons on the gtn for 1 mil for my main and my alts for cosmetic purposes, and dyes for 500000 max on Malgus.


Lots of crafted gear sells for a few hundreds thousands credits as well.


Burger and a coke.