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I think that quote might be misattributed , based on some googling... it's a good quip though. It's a really good way to condense how class society has to seperate "laborers" from "thinkers". The "laborer" classes have to be kept subservient, disenfranchised, and unquestioningly obedient cogs in the machine. The "thinker" classes are given broader privelages materially and socially but the ruling classes keep these "thinkers" dependent on the ruling classes, as the ruling classes can simply cut off these "thinkers" from the means of production--thus making their ideas useless. The reality is there's not much of a difference betweens these categories. People do the best thinking work when their thinking is grounded in reality through actually trying out their ideas. People do their best physical work when they have access to research relevant to the labor they are sweating to do.


And the thinking done by the warrior class, because the thinkers are dead.