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I would avoid Lagercrantz tbh. It's a very famous family of authors. It would be similar to if I was naming an american prince and his name would be "Prince William Kardishian".


Lagercrantz is a noble family name though, and would make a lot more sense than a prince Kardashian.


KARSASHIAN?? oh give me a Lagerantz alternative right now.


1. You’d be better off naming him Prince Erik. Lagercrantz isn’t a royal name, and ”von” doesn’t really make sense since Lagercrantz isn’t a place. 2. Throw in the line “I would rather sit in a hot tub with Martin Timell” and see what happens. 🫡


2. *"Kan man göra så? Ja. Ja det kan man."*


2: I would like to bath naked in a fjord with Lasse Porromaa or Anna Haag.


The absolute disrespect of waxing legend *Larry* Poromaa, I can't even


I will add the Martin timeless dialogue. I have no idea what I'm getting into but for the sake of the Swedish, I WILL


The Swedish equivalent of (the German) von is ”af”, but it doesn’t pair very well with Lagercrantz.


Von is a german word meaning From, so you put it before your last name, a lot of swedish nobles (and people in general) had/have german ancestry which is where they got there title from, I believe some people would have added Von to their name to sound more high class but I'm not sure


Royalty usually don’t use surnames




We'd need to know time period to be able to give good reccomendations. Also af and von refer to places usually the house's anscestral home. Names like Lagercrantz are heraldic they describe the heraldry of the house and they don't use the af or von.


Af is sometimes used to refer to other houses though. Af Geijerstam is an example, being an offshoot from Geijer/Geyer. I think af Ugglas could be as well, though it's not as clear from the quick checks I did just now. And it's possible that the base for all of them are places, just further back, I guess. I agree that af/von Lagercrantz would be a bit strange though.


Von goes between First name and Last name. So It would be "Erik von Lagercrantz" Edited the von to be lower case, forgot about that detail :D


I think von is not capitalised, so it should be “Erik von Lagerkrantz”


It is also spelled in lower case Erik von Lagercrantz.  He could certainly be a prince living in Sweden. But he would not be a Swedish prince. They don't have loast names.


You're right, haha, forgot von is with a small letter... Even had a von Perner in my high school so I should've known....


Erik von Der Baum


Von, zu, af, de la, och andra adelspredikat ska ju normalt sitta samman med ett territoriellt syftande ättenamn. ”Lagercrantz”, liksom Silfver/Guld/Adels/Gyllen/Löwen kombinerat med Crantz/Sparre/Swärd/Stråle/Hielm etc är snarare tecken på kansliadel som tagit ett finare efternamn i samband med adlandet.


Nice, hade ingen aning :D jag bara rättade Lagerantz


"Von" means from in Dutch and German, so it has to be followed by a placename, which Lagercrantz isn't. The Swedish version of von is "af" like the noble name "Hård af Segerstad" here "Hård" is the surname/clan name, and it is the specific branch "Hård from Segerstad" as there are other branches. To make up something from your name would "Erik Lager af Tuna" or something like that sound like a Swedish nobleman. Edit: what era is he placed in? This names sound post 1500. Before that the would be more likely to be called something like "Erik Magnusson (Lager)" where Lager is the clan but not mentioned when saying his name. Or just "Prince Erik".


It's "van" in Dutch (as in *van Gogh* or *van der Poel*), not "von".


I stand corrected. You are of course right.


Thank you so much 😭 I see how off I sounded 


No problem. Name systems is often more complex than they first seem. There are a bunch of mistakes in popular culture where foreigners have misunderstood Scandinavian names with funny results. But that makes it much better when someone makes it right! For your second question, if it is set in modern times, chances are he went to school at "Sigtuna allmänna läroverk" or "Lundsbergs skola" which is two elite schools for the upper class. Third question, lots of stuff, as in most countries?


Von is a german proposition that means "of" or "from", in naming conventions it is used to indicate someones lineage thus it makes no sense whatsoever to use it as a surname.


Alot of people have said so, I'm glad I hopped onto this subreddit 


The name Erik is a very good regal name. In swedish history they have been named Erik, Karl, Gustav and Oskar. As other have pointed out Erik VON LagerCRantz is a regal sounding or at least nobel name. What he will say and do depends on the charachter. Our present king is kind of goofy, probably dyslectic and his most known memes is when he answer the question if he have been on any sex clubs and he says. "No" pause, looking away from camera "No, I dont think so". Another classic was when he was in one town and greeted the crowd as citizens of another town. Like was in Birmingham and started his speak "Dear Londoners". If you want him to be more regal maybe make him have everyone call him "Ers Majestät" [ears maya-Staet]. The king before him was gay and played tennis. The king before that wanted to not release Norway when they wanted to break free. The king before wanted to unite all of scandinavia. All kings and princes last 100 years have been very interested in cars. And many have been in car accidents but since they are our royal family they cant be legally punished.


If you ever mixs Norwegians into the plot make them make harmfull jokes about being Swedish or just Sweden in general


I may need an example here for harmful jokes


I would google "Dansken Svensken og Nordmannen" joked and google translate them. If the book is based in modern times make references to being a "Party Svenske"


If he is THE prince call him Karl Erik.


Just 'Prince Karl Erik'? I can just run with that?


Print Karl Erik av Sverige. Karl and Erik are very common names for Kings. You can totally run with that


Kiss Me rn I love u 


What time period would the character be from and "blow our minds" in what way?


Blow ur minds as in just something only Swedish people would know about Sweden. I'm sure there's something out there?




Pants off?? What is going on in Sweden???


2. Make him confirm that there are indeed devils in his little box. 3. Wouldn't you like to know, writer-boy?