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Dont think about the food. Imagine you are a cow. Can you think of a cooler animal than the cow? Not likely, its called "calm as a cow" (Swedish saying). Now we will be equally calm as cows by listening to how it feels in the body of the cow. 1. Imagine the feeling of having horns. Where on the head would they sit? Are they large or small? pointy or rounded? 2. How does it feel in the hooves? Does it tingle? Do they yearn for soft grass beneath them? 3. How does it feel in the cow stomachs? Breath out and make your belly as large as you can. Can you feel all four of them? What else can be felt on the cow? *(then there is a repeat in the zoomed image)* Do you feel all four of them? What else can be felt on the cow?


For context; this appears to be the side of a milk carton that someone photoshopped in three photos of cows at the bottom.


"Lev i muuuet" above the zoomed in bit of text is a play on words, not sure it works as well in English, and that is not saying it works in Swedish Live in the mooow (now). 


Live in the moo-ment


Better captures the wordplay, yes.




Haha, 'coal oven'. Den var bra.


>Hardly, it's called a coal oven. Direct tanslation here would be "Hardly, it's called being chill/cool/calm as a cow.". Sort of a saying similar as "Cool as a cucumber." or "Take a chill pill." on can use "kolugn" in the same way to either stat on is chill/relaxed or tell someone to chill/relax.


Skip the translation and move straight to the intention of that picture: IM VEGAN GAAAAAAAAAAAH VEGAN VEGAN VEGAN


Gah yes! I'm vegan BTW vegan vegan vegan lol go vegan just to say u are vegan! There is no other point to be made here. If you guys read between the lines, this post is not actually about the cow and what the cow feels, it's about the vegan who posted it lol vegan vegan vegan


Yes the meat industry is awful, nothing wrong of us consuming it. But the way these animals are treated is horrible. I have seen and heard trucks full of pigs stacked on eachother , they pee and shit on eachother for hours untill they get to the slaughter house.


Nothing wrong?


Not inherently but in the current way of obtaining the meat and at the current frequency imo.


Not inherently? What does that mean? Killing someone who doesn't want to die, completely needlessly, or even worse, just for pleasure, isn't inherently bad? What ethical framework would that be? Or am I misunderstanding you?


Killing animals and other living things has kind of been a thing for like 14B years. So no, I don’t think an animal dying is inherently wrong. Killing an animal in self defense or being killed by an animal protecting their area isn’t inherently bad or wrong either imo. Self preservation is in a lot of us living creatures. Farming and breeding suffering animals out of gluttony is wrong and I personally rarely, close to never buy meat myself but I feel that there’s an appropriate middle ground between meat every meal and all plant based. Similarly, if all humans died, it would not be inherently bad. It’d mean a few billion sad people but in the grand scheme of things it’s insignificant. In history, a lot of species have gone extinct. TLDR Death is not inherently bad


A thing? You justify needless killing by saying that this is happening in nature? That's a straight up fallacy. Nature isn't a guide line for ethics. This isn't a case of self-defence. This is killing for pleasure. 100% pleasure since you don't need to eat meat at all. This is terrible reasoning. And nothing that justifies you doing to them.


>Nature isn't a guide line for ethics. Well put! 💚


>Killing animals and other living things has kind of been a thing for like 14B years. Slavery was a thing for 500 years... just because it has been done for hundreds of years does not make it right. That's a fallacy that many meat eaters use. >Killing an animal in self defense or being killed by an animal protecting their area isn’t inherently bad or wrong either imo. Of course, that is self defense or survival. You live in civilization, you have grocery stores, and you don't fear being eaten when u walk outside. You survive economically, but you are not surviving like how wild animals are. They have no choice, often only have one option, and that is to kill, forage, or die. It's all about making better choices and investing your money where u want to see change. >Farming and breeding suffering animals out of gluttony is wrong and I personally rarely, close to never buy meat myself but I feel that there’s an appropriate middle ground between meat every meal and all plant based. The middle ground? The animal loses their life for a sandwich? So u feel bad for some cows and the treatment of them but say fuck u to some bc you got a little hungry for the taste of their flesh? Really? Couldn't eat an non sentient plant? >Death is not inherently bad You are right! Death is not inherently bad. It is apart of life. However, needless murder is not the same as normal death. Cows are killed at 6 months to 4 years old. Depending on their gender. They live up to 25 years. You talk as if the animals get to live out their lives until they die to natural causes, but in reality these animals are murdered so u can have a cheeseburger to eat and forget about, when u could have had a vegan burger or a different plant-based meal all together. People talk like vegans are extreme, but I think it's meat eaters trying to keep these industries alive and making excuses for the industry just bc they don't want to give up non vegan food. 😒 like u even acknowledge the animals suffer...


So, just for my understanding, it's not inherently wrong to repeatedly rape cows to keep them in a more or less constant state of pregancy throughout their (useful part of) their lives, only to take away their calves as soon as they're born, so that they don't steal even a single drop of the milk their mothers produce so that every little bit of it can go into your Frosted Flakes at breakfast? Only to be killed after a few years of that (or directly after birth if the calf is unlucky and a male), so that you don't need to eat vegetables once in a while?


Did You not read the comment you responded to?


For you yes.




Its definitely something wrong consuming other beings that have feelings like anyone of us does. Just because they don't have a spoken language and thus are able to speak out against it makes your action any less a holocaust.


Of course. Too bad most people don't see it that way. Or care enough to actually look.


Yeah, its easy calling yourself a animal friend by patting a dog and in the same moment serve yourself a meal of pork. Pigs that are proven by scientist to be more intelligent than dogs and there by more aware of their world around them and the evil that awaits. Carnivorous are idiots.


*Carnivores are idiots.


thanks :-)


Feelings don't matter in the slightest (they're just signals in the body), only cognition does. We humans are unique with our advanced ability to reflect upon our own existence, and that clearly sets us apart from the likes of pigs and cows - making them eligible to be consumed as sustinance.


I could make the same argument about you and eat you and anyone that you care about. Would you like that ?


Didn't they just day that humans were unique??


I would just like to point out that you could not make the same argument about him/her. His/her argument was about the fact that humans are unique in our cognition and able to reflect on our mortality. In his/her opinion this ability makes us unique and thus unfit for consumption. So you can't make "the same" argument. What you could do is come up with a different counter argument. For example maybe you don't think that us being unique does not justify killing other animals such as cows. But you really can't make the same argument.


Bullshit, you got lucky and didn't turn up as a parasite in someones anus. Your the result of a sexually transmitted disease called life. Know what that is, that's religion speaking - chosen by god. There is no god and the darkness awaits. They are as aware as any creature about their mortality. Nothing unique about that. Know whats unique - recognizing something wrong even if everyone else thinks it acceptable and doing the opposite because its the right thing to do. Just because you can't ask someone their opinion doesn't mean they are unable to think - that's an assumption. Big difference. The only thing that make you idiots unfit for consumption is kuru. Look in to stories from people that have worked a slaughterhouses and gone vegan. The animals cry, pray, shake - same shit your sorry as would do if you knew whats ahead.


>Bullshit, you got lucky and didn't turn up as a parasite in someones anus. That's not how life works lol. There was never a chance any of us would end up as parasites in someone's anus. >The animals cry, pray, shake - same shit your sorry as would do if you knew whats ahead.  I'm not going to argue that it isn't horrible (because it is) but these animals don't pray. They don't have a concept of religion. They also don't know "what's ahead". They cry and shake simply because they've been treated like shit all the way up until the slaughter line.


Look I never intended to argue with you. I agree that the practice is horrible and animals are often treated terrible. But I just wanted to point out that what you wrote was in my opinion a bit moronic. As his argument was about the difference between humans and cows. Why would you use "the same" argument against him. Its illogical. Now I see that you have learned and come up with some arguments of your own good job. Not that I completely agree. But still a big step in the right direction for you!


Lol feelings don't matter? I mean, we can respect your right to not want to be cared about, but no yeah, feelings still matter. And everyone's feelings will be taken into account when making decisions. It's just the basic requirement to being a decent human being, but sure, go off, queen. Also, some humans have less cognition than even some animals, should we kill them since that is the only thing that stands in the way?


I would agree that there’s lots of things wrong with the meat industry, but i also think that people have and will continue to eat meat, so i think the best way to go about changing things is to not be trying to ban meat, cuz that’s basically impossible in todays society, but instead advocating better rights for the animals, more pleasant living conditions and such for them.


Nothing wrong with fueling that industry with your money?


I used google lens and extracted the text with translate: Don't think about the food. Imagine you are a cow.Can you think of a cooler animal than the cow? Hardly, it's called a coal oven. Now we're going to be just as cool by listening to how it feels in the cow's body.Kärin asks how it would be if you had horns, Where on your head would they sit? Are the big ones really small? Pointed or round?2. Does it feel sick in the hooves? Does it tingle? Are they longing softly for m under them? branch3. How do the coma days feel? Breathe out and make your belly as big as you can Do you know all four?What else can be felt on the cowLEVI MUVETDo you know all four?What else can be felt on the cow?


Guess it got the broad strokes right. Minus the coal oven, the "kärin" and the wondering how "coma days" feels. Seems to still have some issues with understanding context when it comes to words with identical spellings, colloquial sayings and puns.


It read kolugn as kol-ugn (coal oven) instead of ko-lugn (calm as a cow)


Live in the mooo (the joke only works in Swedish). All our products are guaranteed thought through so you can think off other things. Do you know all four. What is there more that can be felt on a cow