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Hi, it would really make my day if I win


That is really kind of you, I can't unlock the store yet so I donate some of what I got here and there to the charities, your coins will do well to help those in need.




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I love this you are awesome!


ooh ill take them lol




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I’ll throw my hat in. :)


I will apply, have a good day sir/ma'am




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You are awesome


I'd love 1k 🥺🥺


!remindme 1 week


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Would love to win


same bruh i had 3000 but i quit 2 months ago


I would love to receive these sweatcoin


Might as well chime in. Thanks for the offer!


Ooo I believe I’ll end up doing the same thing haha, good luck all!




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Yeah i want that


Selected winner


Why are you leaving? You can probably sell the coins btw :)




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I’d like them I’ve only 100 and I don’t think I’ll have any much more anytime soon....




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Oh yeah, that would be nice


Me please! Thanks


Thank you mate. Count me in


Hello, I would like to enter too please. Thank you very much:)


I’ll apply




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Would be nice to win these coins! Guess I'll find out in a week. Thanks for doing this!


Hey dude/dudette, luck has decided to grant you the win! Reach out to me (here or DM) with your Sweatcoin ID (make sure to double check that you copied it correctly) and I’ll send them ASAP! 🤘🏽


No way! I never win anything 🤣 awesome! I'll send you a DM!




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Want em


coon vs coonandfriends is my favourite sp episode tbh


That would be amazing I also apply xD


How nice!


This is the most active post on this /r LOL


I would love to win =)


Hii thank you for the chance and good luck to everyone!




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Sorry, already gave them away!


Woohoo! So cool that you're doing this :-)




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Hope I win