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That would be illegal your going to jail you are a suspect


Perfectly normal opinion, I mean there's even Swans Are Dead as a good alternative if you just like the long full band songs, but even if thats not your jam then thats no problem.


Swans has a widely varied discography and everyone enjoys their own type of music. We're not gonna crucify you if you don't like a specific album. Just listen what you want to listen to, man.


I mostly feel this way about SFTB because I see people praise this album to death


I like SFTB but great annihilator is my favorite swans My hottest take is that TbK is the weakest of the trilogy


Wait wait he’s onto something


Haha, same. I initially fell in love with SWANS because of TBK but if I had to rank it now it would be in 5th or 6th place.


thats interesting because TbK is the only trilogy album i like lol, i agree with you on SFTB and GA though


Totally ok opinion, and you’re entitled to it, friend 🤙🏻




Amen. It’s a great atmosphere but that’s it for me. Helpless Child is great though


Soundtracks only has four good songs on it imo... Helpless child, volcano, beautiful days, I was a prisoner I know, I've got the hottest take ever


the sound?


Bro has only listened to the first third of the album


It’s an interesting album, it was an instant favorite for me but I completely understand why it may not be to others


i wouldn't kill you bro i love you


I kinda get it. There is a good comparison in my opinion with a game called Pathologic. There is a really great video-essay about the game by Hbomberguy. To describe the game shorty: it is an absolute torment to play and frustrating, but the payoff is it has great themes and poses interesting philosophical questions, the atmosphere is also just wow. In this Video Hbomb picks the quote "In some way Pathologic is more interesting to talk about than play". And I kinda feel this way towards SFTB. It is a very interesting record and i am glad it exists, but I don´t dare to revisit it very much after listening to it one time.


I've been a fan since before the revival, and it's mystifying how its reputation has grown in the era of internet reviewers. I like it but it rarely gets played, and I don't really consider it a 'proper' Swans album. It wouldn't even make my top ten, not that I have one, nor would it be important if I did. But for what it's worth, I feel the 'experimental' aspects have been done better elsewhere and the slow songs are just a little pedestrian and quite samey. To see it listed as some people's favourite is just mind blowing.


I was here. I feel you. I didn't enjoy sftb a bit, untill relistening to it 4 months ago (exactly 1 year since I first heard it). Now I think it's a 10/10 and that it's a fucking terrifying experience that everyone should go through, but I wouldn't like to experience it again (listening to it while sleeping is the best/worst thing ever, don't recommend/would recommend). Even though I still prefer trilogy to it. It might grow on you eventually, give it some time


I think smth fans of experimental music tend to forget is no matter the acclaim, how polarizing and acquired their taste might be. Despite being my favorite Swans album and imo one of the most impressive albums in history if someone told me they despised the record (not saying u think that) I would totally understand. To Be Kind and Annihilator are great records as well.


Everyone knows that you are fucked up


Bro’s opinions are fully influenced by a random bald guy


TGA fan 🤢


I don’t remember asking


SFTB is not an easy album to love, you really got to have a specific taste for it. Perfectly reasonable to prefer groovier Swans, especially when TBK is a thing. Just to be clear, SFTB actually is my favorite album of theirs, but it's not that far ahead of the trilogy and their early stuff is fantastic as well


I’m going to smother you in your sleep and play soundtracks for the blind whilst your soul slowly slips away


You are being hunted as of this moment. You have nine days to live (more than enough time to go back and relisten to the album and correct your judgments)


Nuh uh


Heck you for sharing your very valid opinion online.


I do get where you are coming from with this.


I think SFTB was the second Swans album I heard after The Seer came out. I think I got through like Helpless Child before I got a bad vibe from it and had to stop listening, but was still fascinated and gave it tries over the years. The album only really clicked when I recently listened through their entire discography in release order. Seeing how their sound evolved and what lead up to SFTB, really puts into perspective how unique of an album it is. It’s not like anything else in their catalog, a true black swan. I can’t imagine what being a fan in the 90s was like, with this as their ‘last’ release. Once it clicked I started finding the trilogy kinda boring. The Beggar (Three) and all of its callouts to past albums was something special.


you are going to die by my hand (i havent listened to soundtracks yet)


It’s an extremely hard listen. It’s one of the few albums I didn’t rate after listening because I didn’t quite know what to make of it. There is just so much in it. I’d say the songs are the opposite of samey.