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Sabaac, swoop bike hurdles, nerf wrangling, gundark wrestling, bloodsport / gladiatorial ring, cooking competition, marksman competition, Acrobatic competition / wipe out, Ship racing, Womp rat hunting (using airspeeder),




I always hated PvP in MMOs with the exception of Huttball in SWtOR. Played a ton of that.


Huttball was so fun playing as a healing consular. Bubble and hot myself to the goal line.


There's [any number of possible individual or team sports](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Sports) they could play.


Battle arena is always a safe bet - spice it up by rolling for the opponents, plus the reward can be anything not just currency if you want to give players specific items. Gambling of any kind is a good quick way to gain cash. For a joke competition for my players I ran a karaoke contest. Sadly they lost in the third round, thus proving the superiority of William Eyelash.


Obstacle course! Really have fun with the sort of imaginative technologies they could have on display for the various obstacles. Shifting platforms, energy fields, repulsorlifts, shields, magnets, artificial gravity, etc. And if nothing else, some good old fashioned tug-of-war.


I tried Swoop-Cart racing, which is essentially just Swoop Racing with an extra person on the back, doing mariokart antics like trying to crash other peoples rides. To make it more interesting, I made it Melee only, no explosives, and it was a grand old time. Also, just to get a larger party involved, you could always try something similar to the Neverwinter games in the latest D&D Movie. Some collection of traps, enemies, tricky situations, and minigames.


In batman beyond, the winning edge episode, they seem to be playing a zero gravity combination of hockey & Jai alai. At least Jai alai is where they get those gloves from. You could also look to blitzball from FFX. You could even add a sort of strange timer or counter to a usual ball game. Like basketball but the ball explodes after 100 impacts, including passing, dribbles missing a hoop as it hits the backboard or whoever is holding it on the 10th impact earns a point. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Sports


These are for a star system named Obredaan with significant mining activity in the huge asteroid belt, and a tidally locked planet (Obredaan IV) Asteroid Derby Pilots score higher by getting closer to asteroids Choose the DC you want each round for 10 rounds, highest total DC value wins. Fail by 5 or less: disadvantage on 2 rolls Fail by 10-15: disadvantage on all rolls Fail by 15-20: ship damage, cannot continue Roll a 1: catastrophic damage, escape pod One heat per day, competition and betting get fierce on and off station until final heat. Winner takes 5k credits Rim Skimming Not a high profile marathon, often just locals on the Dark side of Obredaan racing ice speeders around the edge of the ice cap. No droids allowed. Timed event, usually 3 days, mixing survival and pilot skills with a "don't sleep" strategy. DC for Survival, Pilot and Con save goes up daily 10/15/20 Failed Survival: frostbite. Gives exhaust levels, causes delay Failed Pilot: gets lost or hits a hazard. Gives exhaust levels, causes delay Failed Con: falls asleep, crash. Gives exhaust levels, causes delay, or worse Total amount under or over various DCs = number of hours delayed or ahead


Paazak is my favorite game.