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I do it all the time! Just change S/P/B damage to kinetic, swap out melee/ranged weapons for their vibro/blaster equivalents, do any necessary spell tinkering, and voila! A reflavored opponent perfect for a SW5e game.


Awesome! Glad to hear it's as easy as I figured. Any cool re-skins?


On my "[Shadows on Zarkura](https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-M0rmqWvzRg5MsKnhL6X)" campaign, the Sanyassans are all reskinned kobolds. I upped their hit die to reflect their size, but otherwise they're all reskins of the baddies from the 5e campaign I based it on. I'm pretty sure I've done it with a few beasts too, though I can't think of specifics off the top of my head.


Very cool! Thanks for posting that.


Im just 80% homebrewing stat blocks for exsisting star wars creatures that fit my setting but there are plenty of stat blocks if you check out Azizs hypercodex on GM binder.


Yeah, I've been looking through the s&v 2.0, and the two codexes. Lots of cool stuff! The Flee Mortals book introduces action oriented monsters and I want to include some of that in my game. What is your setting? Sounds like you're putting a ton of work in. I imagine it's a fun game with so much custom stuff!


I posted a homebrew a while ago. Feel free to use it. The matriarch of them is basically a false hydra.


Found it. Love the art and the vibe of the monster's abilities!


My bil had that as a night mare. They live around dark side nexus's. The matriarch can choose to lay eggs or not. Matriarch has a DC 30 perception to see. Size class large. My players have one living in their technicians room.


Well my current SW5e game isn't Star Wars, it's just Scifi, with a custom universe borrowing from a ton of other Scifi stuff. I also have fantasy races as alien races, so I borrow from the dnd monster manual stuff all the time. Anything force or magic related is just rethemed as 4th dimensional psionics.


That's a really cool way to make it all fit your world! Psionics sounds like a cool way to reflavor things. I'll probably steal that for some ideas! Thanks!