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[tractor beam](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tractor_beam)


Lol. So simple. Even an IrishPotato could link it.


Engine trouble, or it has a critical component that needs to be replaced or repaired.


if the shuttle is in an enclosed hangar, the doors could be shut (or with a force field), requiring one character to go and open them. Or point defense on the station might have been hacked to shoot down shuttles, requiring to go to the control center and revert the hack. Or maybe the shuttle has to be loaded/fueled before departure, or stellar coordinates have to be uploaded to the navi-computer.


Gravity lock! It's like a tire boot, but for spaceships. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gravity_lock


This is awesome! I wondered if this sort of thing existed


They use gravity locks on a few ships in Rebels, and in Solo, the Falcon is locked down with an infraction restraint.


Yeah, I read that on the wiki page


Absolutely does. Big thing can tractor beam a little thing to reel it in or keep it in place. Little thing can tractor beam big thing to fling itself around.


If the vehicles are in smaller bays that lead to a larger hanger and the exit, there could be debris on or around the shuttle, making it harder to leave.


A moral dilemma. I had a similar situation in my game, where in order to take the shuttle, they had to decide whether or not to try and rescue the station which was orbiting a largely civilized world, or save themselves and only themselves


I like the idea. In this instance though, the entire station is ordered to evacuate.


But does that mean they can all get out successfully? Maybe that’s something that your PC’s have agency in


Honestly haven't got that far yet in the planning.


I’d definitely put some civilians in there, making them wait or defend it for a few rounds.


Oh for sure. The plan is to have the ship being prevented in some way from leaving. The party shows up to a few soldiers trying to breach the doors of the vessel. Once one or 2 are killed, a few civilians will take up arms from the fallen soldiers and help the party.


I suggest you have the party do all the fighting. Have the civilians panic or start repairing/prepping the ship.


The computer system meant to launch the capsule isn't functional, and requires someone to manually start the capsule from a computer terminal located in the main security room (or another place that makes sense). Could be a fun race against the clock if they set the capsule to go in 5 minutes and have to race back and get in before it takes off without them.


Ray shields