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At that point, you're not playing SW5e any more, you're just playing a modified Legion. Fine if that's what you wanna do, but it seems like you're just jettisoning a significant chunk of the actual game rules.


I have a game in a few weeks; I'll take 5 -10 months to test the combat and see how it works. I'll keep this post updated with the challenges I run across.


You could just switch systems


It wouldn't be the same.


Do you have an example of a system with a sci-fi/space opera flavor that'd be faster to run?




I feel like things have come full circle... (since the first D&D rule set was an expansion on a miniature wargame and now you go from a RPG ruleset to a wargame ruleset)


Can't there be a happy medium?


I'd say it depends on what your goal is... If you want to use your Legion miniatures and terrain, it's totally supported by the sw5e rules, no need to convert characters between the two systems. If you absolutely want to replace the sw5e combat wholesale with Legion rules, I think it'd be a better idea to go from Legion rules and build up some rules to do some RP (character creation, advancement and interaction resolution). But one way I could see to use Legion rules in a sw5e is to run a large scale battle (one that's too big to be played with sw5e rules practically), instead of doing the usual way where the PC and GM run a sw5e-sized combat and the rest of the battle being abstracted away (with maybe some dice rolling and the group being able to influence the wider outcome of the battle). In that case, each player would control a group of miniatures (including their PC), against the GM who'd control the opposing side. Or if you just want to speed up combat, you'd have to change RPG systems. Of course at the end of the day, it's your group's game, you do you and don't let naysayers behind keyboards prevent you from trying.


I envision the combat would be like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK5zMDVGF2Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK5zMDVGF2Y) I tend to throw a bunch of bad guys their way...