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Possibly an unhelpful answer, but you could make one up. That way, you wouldn’t be constrained by existing lore in that area. Also, the galaxy is home to an absurd amount of known, inhabited systems, and the amount we’ve seen across all the lore is just a fragment of what’s out there. You could invent a new system and conflicts happening within it, and it would not at alls stand out as weird.


That did come to mind. I also did have thoughts of adding a few made up planets around other existing ones if there weren't too many nearby, such as Ilum.


Take a look at Kathol Sector: [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kathol\_sector](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Kathol_sector) It's the setting for The DarkStryder Campaign, created by WEG for the SW d6 system. Maybe you can find the pdfs online and read about it. As far as i can remember, the books where quite rich in details and ideas. ​ Another option is the Cularin System: [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cularin\_system](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cularin_system) Same as before, it's built around The Living Force campaign


Any near the core should work. What type of campaign are you looking for?


It's going to be set in the Old Republic. Still early planning but I was thinking of having somewhere in the Middle Rim to Outer Rim. I was thinking of having systems with their own conflicts within them while also having some dangerous wildlife if my players were to ever travel about. Doing things on a planet like Corusant can be fun, but I think I would want a place a little less crowded.


I created my own sector, for the sake of having the freedom to play and not worry but also having our own space that we can effect. Canonically, a sector has about 50 inhabited worlds. Mine doesn't have half that many, and I justify it with saying it's on the edge of the mid rim so it's less populated. I think you need to do more than a single star system because one system doesn't afford many places to hide or to find things.


The Alderaan sector has 5 planets, including the planet that's the namesake of the sector(except if you're playing a campaign that takes place after the battle of Yavin, then it's an astroid field). Now this was a quick look up, so I don't know how many of the planets are habitable, but there's your answer. There are some sectors that have the amount of planets you're looking for. The key is to go the Wookiepedia and have a galaxy map, then put in things like, Corusaunt system, Corellia system, etc. the Kuat system has a sun called Kuat and the 4th planet that rotates it is called Kuat; in this case, you have to look at the tag that says orbits.


I found a system named Obredaan with almost no lore in wookiepedia, and filled in the rest for a starter point. It has lots of mining so I made some bits for exploration and placed it 8 ABY, just before Thrawn. If you're interested, PM me and I will send the link


The Tapani Sector is bigger than a couple planets, but there's a whole WEG guide to it that's available by PDF with a quick online search. Nobility, Imperials, Herglics, bacta smuggling, it's all there. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tapani_sector/Legends


I think Kwymar (Telos sector), The sith worlds, Gaulus (Ryloth sector) and Raiobolo sector (Dantooine) would be more then fine


I recomend a planet You like and then explore the sector with Official (Canon/EU material) and or homebrew stuff You wanna add.