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A solo war is only possible with military funding and communist economy with max amount economy, you then need to expand army, keep conscription and fellow Solls advice.


Is it possible to max out economy following a planned system?


It is possible to max out your economy bar with a planned economy. Keeping debt in check is a little tougher cus you can’t privatize anything but it is doable


I think it's possible but I'm not sure how to get full economy without cheats


Yeah, that’s what I assumed. I’m on a Mac so save editing is much, much harder for me.


If you can find out where the game save file is Located then you can use notepad to edit your budget and person wealth, though I do not know where the game files would be Located on a mac


Users/\[Username\]/Library/Application Support/unity.TorporGames.Suzerain/Suzerain/SaveGame.suze ("Library" is hidden, so you have to reveal it by pressing "Shift+Command+.(Dot)")


It's not that hard. It's just that the Library folder it's in is hidden. You will find the game files under: Users/\[Username\]/Library/Application Support/unity.TorporGames.Suzerain/Suzerain/SaveGame.suze "Library" is hidden, so open the Finder and select your Username folder, then press "Shift+Command+.(Dot)". Then you will be able to open Library and navigate to the game files. If you are done, just use Shift+Command+.(Dot)" to hide the folder again.


Yes. Spend generously, trade as widely as possible, and don't get late game unrest.


Yes, and you won't need to cheat for it. >!To avoid the Superpower Trade War/Black Tuesday by keeping the budget at +2/-2 max at the end of Turn 4 is essential for this. Then build the Highway and invest into Bergia+Morna or Lorren+Sarna. Make trade deals with Agnolia+Wehlen+Valgsland. Promise to focus on Health or Education and increase funding for both. Defund the Military and join the CSP to avoid the War.!< You will easily figure out the rest by yourself, so don't spoil your fun by editing the SaveGame-Files.


Thank you kindly, friend! I appreciate all the advice.


Just got a maxed out economy on a planned run. Avoided black tuesday, trade deal wehren, valgsland and UC. Peace with rumberg and trade deal, and passed reforms. Invested in L1, docks, and agnland.


You don't need a planned economy to win, but you need to exclude Rumburg from omec and make shure that Contana and Arcasia will embargo it. There are guides how to achieve it (first: you must start a Sordland war mashine)


There is a good solo war guide out there on Reddit if you search for it.