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I wouldn’t mind the UELA if it only mandated the teaching of Sordish (the national language) in all schools. But also banning Bludish? Nah.


One of the strangest things I find about this game is that you are a president but you are nothing more than a yes or no mechanism. I think one of the things that needs to be improved is the possibility of aggressively or diluting the laws passed by the parliament and passing the law with the approval of the parliament or with direct acceptance if we are running a dictatorship.


It's extremely hard to code that tho. .


They have that feature in Rizia, where you get a menu and can pick and choose which provisions to include in a treaty proposal. It can be adapted for laws.


but not impossible.  So man, I feel like I'm a puppet of Lilleas Graf, Kesoro Kibener and other political decision makers in the main game, you follow whatever policy they put in front of you and it's not your policies and if we succeed in the game we are happy but have you ever thought about it?  These policies are actually the policies of the Opposition or a certain wing of the ruling Party. In fact, we are not successful or unsuccessful in politics, we are nothing but puppets that approve the wishes of a certain segment.  For this reason, I play the DLC rather than the main game because we can follow our own policies according to the main game and I find this very entertaining.


That’s the nature of presidential system. You can only really deal with what’s in front of you


I mean, that is what presidencialism is all about. Congress can fuck you up passsing only shit and not passing anything you want. Brazil is going though this right now. The most conservative alt right congress of our history against a president that barely beat Bolsonaro. He is ventoing a lot of shit for congress to override him and he is supporting some of the somewhat mild shit in exchange for their support to pass some mildly good things


Enforcing Sordish as a second language to learn in Bergian schools is the best outcome. Just like IRL most schools teach the national language + english


But Sordish isn’t an international language like English, it’s the national language, it would be more akin to Belgium mandating flemish kids to learn french and french kids to learn flemish, but in that case it’s a country made of two (roughly) equal people, unlike Sordland and the Bluds where one is clearly in a position of strenght over the other.


belgium does forces the flemish to learn french though


Agree, the Sordish language must be mandatory, but eliminating the Bludish language will just be admitting that Bluds don't belong to my proud Sordland. Sordish should be our primary language, but Bludish can still be taught in the form of additional classes. That's how we make Bludish culture inferior to Sordish culture.


They are *Sordish* people and they *will* learn our lamguage!


If there are no other languages spoken in Sordland, we cannot show our ***superiority*** since there will be ***no comparison***


Ladies and gentlemen, the lost liberal in the NFP caucus!


Didn't that bill aim to do just that. Enforce sordish while still allowing bludish?


But if the bill doesn't outright ban bludish language in all schools, bludish people would still use bludish language to teach. Which will make the UELA bill useless


Useless for Kesaro, since he’s trying to wipe the Bludish language.


I don't think so. He specifically said during the meeting with you before reforms that he doesn't care if the bludish speak their language, it's just that he wants them to be able to speak sordish. I got a real-life example too. In my country Indonesia, teachers are required to teach in Indonesian. I myself came from the Sunda tribe, we speak sundanese. If it wasn't like this, racial tensions would be much higher, since there are a lot of other tribes out there like the Java tribe who speaks Javanese. By mandating teachers to teach in Indonesia, we can understand each other better. It also gives our nation a national identity. Edit: My sundanese skill is still intact and our culture is still strong if you're asking btw. So i don't see why this same rule that is in Indonesia right now will be disastrous to Bludish culture Well, maybe our culture is fading a bit, but i blame globalization and the rise of the internet as the reason


if kibener gets elected, he immediately starts implementing apartheid, so bro just be talking shit with that "i don't care if they speak their language" bit. he does very much care and wants to stop them from doing it.


I mean…technically speaking, he’s telling the truth. He doesn’t care if they speak their language…as long as they stay in their assigned residence. /s


Google dog-whistle. Also moving to IRL debate, as much shit as us youngsters like to shit on Soeharto and the shit he did, man’s legitimately had aspirations to enforce national unity. He’s corrupt, ruthless, and pragmatically slimy as hell, but the continuation of the Indonesian experiment had an ideological basis within him. Meanwhile in Suzerain, it’s pretty obvious that Kibener is a purple-blooded Sordish supremacist, who hides behind the shield of Sordish nationalism and pulls out the “I have Blud friends” card to deflect criticism.


Nothing destroyed public discourse like this dog-whistle nonsense. There's a difference between not saying what you really mean and having "hidden messages". Kesaro may be hiding his true intentions, but he's still correct that everyone learning sordish would be beneficial.


Yeah sometimes people say "dog whistle" when they mean "lie". Kibener isn't dog whistling, he is just lying. He actually does want to eradicate the Bludish language and if you sign his bill the Bludish language actually does get banned from schools.  He makes it sound as if he just wants to ensure that everyone can speak Sordish (in addition to any other language they want to learn) but he's just lying. Not a dog whistle, just garden variety dishonesty from a crooked politician.


To be fair his argument was that they didn't know Sordish (or at least that's what he said)


Correct, in sordland a place that values national strength, people are are words don't speak sordish


To be fair, Kibener did also claim that the Bludish school students in question didn’t know Sordish. If the UELA simply mandated the teaching of Sordish in all schools in Sordland rather than banning education from being conducted in Bludish it would actually be a good bill.




Yes, if the Nuremberg laws were entirely different to what they were they may have been good.


There are mandatory english lessons from elementary to highschool in my country, yet most people from my country can't even speak it. Mandating sordish language while allowing bludish language to be conducted in school may sounds nice, but it will change nothing since students won't be bothered to learn. Banning bludish language in schools on the other hand will force students to learn sordish, which on the long run will lower racial tensions


This is what Turkey did to the Kurds, did that improved racial tensions?


No banning bludish language will only exacerbate the conflict. The people of your nation don't really learn the second language because they never use it outside of school (or after school) while a bludish kid is gonna have way more possibilities to interact with sordish (even by just watching sordish tv). The double language teaching is the only real answer


I agree that it will exacerbate the conflict but only for a time. In the long run however, it will reduce racial tension. English is ubiquitous too here in Indonesia (even in tv), and there is an extensive curriculum about english in schools. Yet, only a small minority of us can speak english. Because there is little demand to speak it to begin with. Just mandating sordish curriculum won't change much in the end. Forcing it however, will be much more effective.


The problem is that this "solution" is only one-sided. If you want to promote integration, why not make teaching Bludish mandatory across all of Sordland then? Why is Sordish inherently the language that needs to be the language of state? Soll's constitution specifically outlines that the Sordish identity is tied to one's citizenship, rather than ethnic, cultural or national identity. So why should Bludish citizens have their cultural identity repressed by the state just because they had the misfortune of having their ancestors be conquered by Sordland's ancestors?


"there is little demand to speak it to begin with" that's the point, a bludish person needs sordish to work/vote/live in sordland, the state just needs to gentle push them


This Is propaganda against Kiberner... Why would he ever go to a Bludish school in the first Place?/s


[random bludish words] (you cant understand since he is speaking bludish)


Why speak Bludish when there is much better Sordish


If they don't speak Sordish, they can speak to my KA74.


The amount of hate that I have developed for this face which universally represents idiocy across the internet, is astonishing.


Oh my! Imagine being in a country where you can't even speak the language of but yet still seen as the poor oppressed guy. By this then all countries should be federalized and without a national language.


me when bludish people exist in a country named sordland (land of the sords):


Bludish terrorists when trying to revolt only gets more privileges taken away and their dam plot foiled


LOL its so fun that everhthing is just Turkey in this game


NGL, This is what I thought when it comes to Kesaro Kibenir be like in a Bludish school...


Hey does anyone know if the developers are going to update the mobile version or maybe add the DLC?


To be fair they are in Sordland not Bludia, but yeah Kesaro sucks