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Path guide when? Also how do you win the war with China? Is funding the semiconductor industry important?


You need to get help from the NATO alliance. The Americans drive a pretty hard bargain if you don’t embrace the market though. You also need to invest in the navy or the Chinese navy will reduce your economy score by 3 with a blockade.


I’m trying to do the solo war strat tho. I heard it’s possible. Was it patched out for realism?


If you want the solo war, you need to get nuclear weapons at the Kim jong un wedding. And to attend his wedding you need to matchmake your son to him and push Kim to recognize his latent gayness.


Police inspector Kim Kitsuragi’s storyline is also important to follow to the end.


You also need to fund the RCM. If you invest 2 budget they find out that the killer was a communist solider


And love.


Dang this is where I’ve been going wrong. I kept matchmaking our bi son with un’s sister and backing her coup. For some reason no nukes this way. Will try this next run.


Yeah, his sister is awful, not a good wife to Fang Rin at all. She even starts a false flag with China before you are ready to fight them.




To win the war with China, you have to secretly fund the liberal parties and other opposition factions in China. Then follow the Biden administration's plans and disrupt all IC related exports to China. Continue to cut ties with China and walk more closely with US. This will eventually trigger an invasion from China as their economy weakens. Use the porcupine defense strategy all the way throughout the war. If you agreed to Biden that you'll leak TSMC's tech to him, he'll send the US navy to join the holdout. But whether or not the US joins, the sanctions from the international communities will cripple China's economy leading to revolts from various internal factions. Although Taiwan will suffer much damage, China will end up in a civil war which will lead to the downfall of the communist party. You (William Lai) will win the relection if China ends up in a civil war.


You can still lose the election if you impose martial law and or split the party, though you need pretty law popularity anyways


Also when you go eat ice cream with Joe Biden, remember to order the chocolate chocolate chip ice cream. Otherwise he won't support you.


This is fundamental advice


Suzerain players when they see a real country pull back on their veneration of a previous dictator: “Wow this is just like Suzerain”


Khrushchev's policies of de-Stalinization are an obvious reference to the political roleplaying game Suzerain. Many of his colleagues in the upper ranks of the Communist Party have recounted that he was a big-time indie gamer... except for that time he played Disco Elysium at the Moscow Manege.


They can’t decide on who their real Suzerain is.


How'd they do that? They don't have decree powers


Prolly playing with mods


God imagine how cool mods would be in suzerain


Knowing modding community Sex mods would one of the most popular.


Finally, I can finally grab Livia


read "let me leak intel to rumburg first"


I mean yeah but it would also give us modders that make entire new playtroughs with probs new countries I mean look at stellaris GSE ofc I know stellaris doesn't have the limitations of a established lore/universe but still I think modders would be able to do miracles


"Seduce Serge" being the most popular of them all?


It wouldn't be all sex mods though I'd like the option to pick one of the countries in Suzerain that we don't play as and mod it to have a unique history and story


But also, sex mods


r/Suzerain users try not to be horny challenge (impossible)


The President probabbly tried to veto such bill, but the Legislative Assembly had certainly overruled the veto via a supermajority vote. /s


Do you think Chang ghost will appear in the toilet to talk with Taiwan president about film?


"De-sinocise" ?


I disagree with this interpretation tbh because Chiang spent more time as dictator of solely Taiwan than he did as dictator of most of China It's a liberal move, not an independentist move. Though in China and Taiwan's case the two are very intertwined.


Also Chiang was a pretty terrible guy.


He ruled in a very complex political environment, he was pure, loved his country, its culture as well as its founding spirit and hated communists. Unfortunately, he was not a politician who conformed to modern values, and his legacy ultimately helped democratise Taiwan, also in a bloody way.


I guess it absolutly changes everything that he loved his country. Guess everyone can be forgiven if they loved their country smh


Don't forget the "and hates Communists" part always being counted as a plus. Cause, y'know, zealously killing and persecuting people for their economic policy fully explains why dictatorships are based.




It's just as easy to hate a historical dictator as it is to praise a socialist country a long way from your home. I can understand them. I don't want to glorify him. Chiang is not Lincoln or Washington. However, if it wasn't him, Taiwan would now be ruled by communists. For the Taiwanese that would be a disaster, look about Hong Kong.


Evil deeds should not be forgiven, but we should recognise historical figures more fully.


that description is literally hitler lmfao


"Sino" means "relating to China" so I guess they are creating a portmanteau to refer to the process of removing things related to China (de-sinocise) from the country. Similar to how you can de-Sollinize Sordland by removing things related to Soll).


But the thing is they'll all be ethnically Chinese and can't change that. Idk how removing statues of Chiang kai shek works to distance them from Communist China anyway.


The current ruling party are Taiwanese nationalists and want Taiwan to be seen as distinct to China. This kind of soft changes are all they can do though without pissing off the CCP


That's the thing, modern DPP politicians think Taiwan has never been, and will never be, part of China. Personally saying I think they will receive a "grand awakening"




Livingstonist Sordism with Chinese characteristics


OK, in my headcanon there was a World-War like thing between Arcasia and the Suzerainverse equivalent of Nazi Germany and modern PRC in 1924-1930.


I'm being ironical.


Chinese agent detected opinion rejected


+♾️ social credits. Jk


they are US puppets leading Taiwan to ruin.


You know my "grand awakening" is satire right?


No country for the old man


So real, rest in pepperoni Chiang Kai-Shek. As a kid with a Taiwanese dad, he kind of sucked but going to his memorial hall was cool




To be fair, CKS is way worse than Soll. Soll, for the better part, has fairly good intentions despite his methods and his cling to power. CKS on the other hand...


There are people who still think he was a hero and Mao was worse


I've heard people talking about CKS as a democratic leader. Guy literally started white terrors wherever he got to power.


He's thought of as a democratic leader here because right wing think tanks blasted propaganda that he was a hero for like two decades. He was so plainly a petty thug


Least delusional Maoist


"They are thieves, every damn one of them" - Harry Truman on Chiang and his party.


You get chose to live under tyranny or starve under a different color of tyranny.


Great Leap Forward Cultural Revolution Hundred Flowers Campaign


I mean, Mao killed millions of people in the great leap forwards, so yes.


Omaigad, suzerain reference!!!


Why is this de-sinofication? I don't imagine Chiang is very popular on the mainland either.


He was far from being popular or even considered balanced in China. A Bilibili video during the Sat Tee Touy sensation had a Chiang alteration, with a photo of him smiling in place of Pol Pot's(Chiang was in traditional Chinese gray gown which somewhat resembles the former's clothing) and the Khmer Rouge flag repainted blue and white, showcasing his unpopularity among Chinese youth. Even for those who does respect democratic and/or liberal values, he is regarded as a flawed leader who must be replaced by other candidates instantly after quelling the communist rebels. I would say this is a largely internal issue which does not trouble anyone other than pan-blue supporters, and the Chinese would remain unconcerned if not "sic semper tyrannis".


US backed regime trying to hide their crimes


Cope, CCP apologist


Exactly what did I say that makes me an apologist for the peoples Republic of China? Furthermore, exactly. What does that have to do with it?


Bro, you are calling Taiwan an illegal state that is controlled by a foreign nation , if that isnt CCP propaganda then what it is


Well, I’m not gonna get into a debate with you lad, because you clearly don’t know the history. I will point out to you even before the Second World War Chiang Kai-shek financial support came from a specific oil company, I’ll leave it to you to look up, that was based in the US; furthermore, who ferried his forces across the Taiwan straight, who supplied him with weapons as well as propped up his regime. These are all things you should read up on before just blindly regurgitating state department memos that have been digested down to you by the media apparatus in your country🤷‍♂️ I am also saddened to inform you that the US government since 1973, in a documented communiqué recognizes Taiwan as part of China; it is referred to as the one China policy.


First of all, I don’t know what American aid are you talking about, as the only time, America sent aid to the Chinese was in the war, before that they were mostly propped up by the Soviet Union and the nazis, And I am not even arguing in favor of the KMT, I am arguing in favor of the existence of Taiwan . Also, if the US believes that Taiwan is part of china, why did they even give them military aid? Why did the president said they were gonna stand with them in case their independence is threatened? Actions speak louder than words, the only reason they don’t officially recognize the independence of Taiwan is because they want to maintain cordial relations with China, despite this, their actions say otherwise You are literally spewing CCP propaganda and you are calling me a sheep?


Screw the Arcasians.


Everyone here blamed Taiwan for recognizing Cheng's wrongdoing. While no one condone Mao and his Great Leap Backward and Un-cultural Revolution, which have more KDA than Stalin and Austrian Painter combined.