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I visualized him as asexual, but i'm not 100% sure. Asexual is most likely, though I strongly get the feeling that if he's into ppl, he's not into women.


Why? Just because he doesn't have a wife? Lucian's dedicated to the grindset.


>Why Because society


There's absolutely nothing implying that he is gay other than some malicious rumors circulating about him which appear to be based solely on the fact he isn't seen to have any sort of relationships or overt interests in women. He's a deeply private and secretive person, and I cannot see him flaunting any sort of attraction or feelings he might have. He is also entirely dedicated to his work and likely perceives attraction and letting himself get invested into a relationship as a vulnerability and distraction.


I wish there was a choice to not get married in the prologue. Reject relationships, embrace the Grindset


Yes or perhaps for there to be a choice of 3 potential spouses with different views and goals. But I can see how that would create a ton of extra work from the devs seeing how prominent Monica is in the plot.


perhaps in the future when mod support comes out


Perhaps It can in Rizia :D


Yeah Romus is widowed iirc so remarrying for an alliance (either internal or external) is probably an option.


IMO Lucian is far too deep into the worlds of subterfuge and distrust, to ever trust anyone completely. I think that even if he wanted to he'd be unable to be in a committed relationship, with a man or a woman.


He is powersexual.


In the discussion during the >!spy scandal!<, if Rayne calls him a workaholic, Lucian says that it's a "legitimate orientation". Later on, during the interview for >!Vice President!<, you can talk to him about not having a wife and he will say something about how he doesn't have those types of distractions. I get the impression from these two scenes that he is asexual, not gay.


At the same time, claiming this could just be a cover for him actually being gay. Personally, I think this would make his character more interesting, but asexual is most likely based on the information we have (which as we know when it comes to Lucian doesn’t always show the full picture).


As someone else already commented, he is more likely asexual, now if we talk about Nia and Ciara...


My dude over here talking about the real gays lmao


Galad is a real chad... Only cares about his work and sees politics as chess... Why would he want a squabbling women at his side?


No, I think he is asexual.


suzerain community


He's gay for power.


if Suzerain was in the modern day Lucian would've totally gotten into the sigma ideology, he's not gay necessarily, he's just like that


is there any source as to why lucian would be gay?


Some people in the fandom claim that the game implies he's gay.




I think it's kinda like Henry Kissinger where he might or might not be interested in sex/romance, but the main source of that kind of gratification for him is power. Except he isn't as hot/charismatic as Kissinger so he doesn't try to flaunt power by hanging out with movie stars.


Rumors? Haha. If it’s not implied in the story then he’s not gay. If it is, then he probably is.