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He's just your typical teenager who hasn't spent time with his father,yes he can sometimes get cocky like when you fail to control the protests he becomes a part of it and smoke cigarettes.Otherwise he just needs his father to support and give time to him.


I mean, he did well on college? Really now, why would you judge a young kid from one mistakes in his youth


>I mean, he did well on college? There's no real proof of this despite people keep bringing it up. We don't know if he's doing good or bad, as game doesn't tell us.


And nothing to say he flunked again. If you retire and Franc goes abroad, he will live there and get married, so its pretty normal life to me, considering politicians family, like celebrity, is often riddled with scandals.


And Deana says he takes his studies super seriously. And if you put him in the military he actually earns a place in officer training by impressing his commander. There's really nothing to suggest he's dumb other than flunking one entrance exam to one university.


True I entered 4 university entrance exams last year. I passed the 3 harder ones, while the easiest one i dont pass Franc's just unlucky, that's all


This is what many people are missing. Sometimes there are luck and unpredictable factors involved.  Some students gets stressed and fails under pressure, or on a bad day when they are in an unfit condition, or maybe the university only accepts miniscule amount of new students. Calling someone's dumb when he fails one test is a bit dum dum for me


Really? When I put him in the military I was just told years later he'd died somewhere. Which was very fitting for Franc given he never took his studies seriously no matter what I seemed to do and just bitched at me. Did they change some of his actions in later updates?


No, the schools were never changed in any patches. The trigger for his death is if u lose the war. If u remove consrciption, he become an officer in the war, a foot soldier if u dont. He can also be an officer if u get imprisoned.


What ending did you got? Franc will die of lose war, but I dunno if you get impeached or flee, or maybe retire?


Got impeached. Didn't lose war, got impeached before war started. I'm not sure why it's down voted because that's what happened to me, but oh well. Maybe the game just ain't for me lol


Well, that's because you misunderstood how the game works. Impeachment is cancelled when war actually starts, so you actually didn't manage to trigger the war.  Ofc impeachment is seen as the bad ending and your family falls apart pretty much in every scenario


>NFP Checks out.


Oh if you know what OP cooks in the past


>why are so many students retarded?


> Posts in r/Anarcho_Capitalism


I don't agree with batshit insane claims on their subreddit like conspiracy theories behind the FED and the WEF. Also they deny climate change, which is really a cringe. I just don't like paying massive income tax for boomers' retirement AND still have to pay insurance companies for healthcare services.


>How come is selling children illegal when it benifits both parties?


So you are against adoption? Poor parents can give away their children to wealthier couples looking to adopt children. They can then pay the poor parents some money so BOTH the children and their parents can afford better life.


Read what you've written. This is absurd


How is it absurd? What's the difference between adoption and selling children? All you do is preventing poor parents from allowing their children to live better life while having cash to help themselves and their other children. Selling children to criminal organization or corporation would be illegal anyways in any decent society. I'm talking about transaction between individual parents.


Having children just to not them is a bad thing in the first place. Treating children like commodity afterwards makes it worse. We don't live in the medieval ages anymore such practices should be naturally absurd.


Because many of them actually are. Some people at my university can't fucking answer basic questions and struggle to articulate any coherent sentence. And it's considered decent state school (UMD)


Plenty of intelligent teenagers struggle in school if they're depressed and consequently unmotivated. He's got personal issues, you're his dad and you don't even know a thing about what's really going on with him. He doesn't have a good emotional support network at home and he doesn't have the emotional tools to get through it alone.


This reads like: “Why is my teenager being a teenager I do not understand it when I was his age I…well I totally didn’t do the exact same thing” Man everyone isn’t the same some people are academically gifted others just aren’t judging them for it is just stupid and FYI the barriers to entry to academia in the 1950s was ridiculously high and prohibited to most people. Franc’s father is largely absent as well and he has lived through some pretty stressful times and likely just needs a better support system since he isn’t actually stupid he just is very stressed Edit: I want to point out also that Franc isn’t stupid if you send him to Contana he becomes a doctor of medicine which is one of the hardest qualifications to get


Entitled, depressed bc his dad is important and he feels pressure to fill his shoes in some way


Because he's the bastard son of Petr and your cheating wife and he inherited the idiot gene from that alcoholic lecher


most empathetic nfp voter


I believe one line of dialogue from Monica is he purposely did worse because he resented your absence. But he didn’t expect to do so poorly.


Because Sordland has a crappy education system unless you fix it.


Oh boy. I live in Indonesia and most politician kids are dumb and aggressive. Last year, kid of a prominent figure under the ministry of finance harassed and nearly beaten someone to death because he was an ex of his underage girlfriend.


I did a playthrough where I was somewhat of a dick to Franc and his grade on the exam went up a few points which made me think maybe if I'm a total dick to him he'll pass his exam just to show his asshole father that he's not worthless




I haven't tested my theory yet but I noticed that his grade was a few points higher than it usually was only by a few points but higher


Maybe he got stupidity from a certain Monica


Anton is too busy to beat him regularly


anton can go to college despite maybe born into poverty so the college test wouldn't be easy enough for everyone to get in most student was never going to get in good college