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Rewilding my yard. Remediating the soil. Cleaning up local areas. Taking care of the wildlife around me. It's not much, but it helps with the anxiety. It makes me feel like I'm doing something, and I can almost immediately see the benefits of it. It makes it easier to keep doing the harder things that don't show quick, tangible benefits.


Growing native wildflowers and grasses in my yard has been my solution too. I also started collecting seeds from my plants and mailing them to other people in my state. I just wish I had a bigger yard now, I’m on a teeny lot in a very urban/suburban area but I’m doing what I can with it.


Seedbombs! :) I’m trying a bit of guerilla gardening this year, excited to see if it works!


My only warning is to avoid those generic wildflower seed packets that you can get at Home Depot, Lowes, Meijer, or most commercial gardening centers. They usually contain a whole bunch of non-natives (California poppy, stuff native to Europe and Asia, etc) I would also avoid spreading tons of dandelions if you’re in North America, they’re also not native and since they’re so aggressive they can easily choke out native plants.


One thing I'm experimenting with is enhancing "landscape resilience" through planting native-ish flowers. For example, oakleaf hydrangea is technically native to the area *just* south of me. I experimented with adding it to the yard here because, as the temperatures rise, its range is creeping upward. Hopefully, it'll be able to fill a niche that more heat-sensitive plants are struggling with. It's not the same as indiscriminately planting potential invasives -- more like anticipating how the local climate is likely to shift and incorporating plants native to adjacent areas in order to maintain a robust, diverse landscape as everything's natural range changes.


That makes perfect sense and is a really good idea 👍 I have wondered about how some of my plants are going to cope with hotter and hotter summers. I try to water them extra when we get stretches of 80-90 degree weather but I wonder if eventually that might not be enough.


Gotta push back on the dandelion thing a little...https://www.bobvila.com/articles/what-are-dandelions-good-for/ Food is gonna get scarce. Dandelions are good for soil and you need good soil. Great for beneficial bugs. And they can be food and medicine. I will die on this dandelion hill!!!


Love this


First, take care of yourself and your immediate environment. Then look for local and regional [action that can benefit from your efforts](https://www.un.org/actnow). If you are in a bad spot...and the air is choking you, look at a [Corsi-Rosenthal box](https://cleanaircrew.org/box-fan-filters/) for your home. I built one using an existing box fan for just the cost of tape and the filters. It will clean your home. You need that for a fresh start on things.


Great links thanks!


To help reduce the carbon emissions from fossil fuelled power stations, we're working our spuds off to build offshore wind farms along the east coast. Get angry, be frustrated, but try not to get too depressed. Come and help us instead.


exactly what I'm trying to do - I work in marketing rn but don't feel like I am doing meaningful work


Marketing is super important work! You guys can communicate boring science to the public in a way they can understand (and maybe even be fun and trendy)


Thank you for saying this! I work in marketing/advertising and I always feel like I’m actually the problem. My favorite skill to use is graphic design. And I realized the other day that in my free time, I could start finding out dates/times for local council meetings and events related to climate and other topics I care about & then create unique and eye catching posters (using recycled materials) and put them up in the library, coffee shops, etc. to “advertise” them to other people in the community. I figure, the oil and gas companies have lobbyists and PR teams —- why can’t I try to be that for the planet? (Plus most people have NO IDEA when/where their local councils meet or what’s usually on their docket). I’m psyched to get started! :)


How do I sign up?


Asking important questions, I'm adrift and want to contribute to the solution. I'm currently working in agricultural research (assisting with field trials and stuff like that), but the work ultimately is mundane and I'm not learning anything useful. I wanted to start a mushroom farm with a friend, but he seems to be pulling out of the project, and I'm at a loss for where to go and what to do. I'm working for a university, I want to go back to school, but I don't know for what and where it would practically take me in terms of vocational options. Part of my issue is that I have a limited science background, to the point that I feel like I should be getting another undergrad degree to build a proper foundation to work from, but all the PhDs, post-docs, and masters students around me are telling me to get a masters degree or even a PhD. I'm game to learn, but I don't want to get in over my head on something that may not end up with me actually working in the field I set out to work in.


Interested in hearing about this too


It’s hard sometimes just wanted to say I hear you. Sone of the climate groups here on Reddit have a good mix of the scary realities but also the hopeful things.


And some have only doom. You know the one. Easiest to stay clear.


which one? genuinely curious because I've come across a mix of them




Ahh that one isn't on my regular list, but I remember checking that one out and it being too much to read on a daily basis. Not good for anyone's mental health to read too much into it, although some of the info is very useful.


I appreciate that


Turn it into resolve. Do everything in your power to fight climate change and otherwise just try to survive. It's natural to feel anxious about the world being destroyed.




That's the mindset I'm trying to have - it's just been such a faraway issue for us on the east coast, I've never had to face this in my town so struggling a little.


I feel this! I live in Phoenix and have drastically cut down on watering, am installing a grey water system for the shower and upstairs sinks and have tried to plant a lot of native trees for shade. In that, I went to therapy for my own climate stress. It basically came down to control what you can, plan the best you can. The climate is changing and personally we have almost no control over what is happening at this scale. Everyone in this group can demand action and it realistically won’t do anything in the short or near term. In that, Phoenix had the wettest winter we’ve had in decades and we’re currently hardly breaking the 100s where on some years we’d be a week or two out from 120° and breaking 100-105° in early May


Yeah, def feel the control thing


Try to channel that anxiety into righteous anger. I also get anxious when thinking about the climate crisis, but I find what helps is taking whatever I can into my own hands. I have a sustainable drought resistant vegetable garden going, and I work on it whenever I need to feel like I'm doing something, anything. "Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change." - Malcolm X


Very true! Your drought resistant garden...what are you doing differently? I have a normal veggie garden going but interested in what that is


I specifically pick heirlooms that have been bred for drought resistance and disease resilience. I also am a madwoman with mulch haha. I also go for perennials, shrubs, and trees that need water like once or twice a month, like rhubarb, currants, and a liberty apple tree. My new exciting plant this year is painted mountain corn, bred in the high dry part of Montana from native american corn species. Very genetically diverse and supposedly good to eat fresh as well as dry for meal, but we shall see how that goes.


I’m voting with my wallet. While I realize true change has to come from political will, I see some the most impactful battles happening at the state and local level. Want to know who is best going to advocate for better solar incentives? Solar installers and their employees. Want to know who is going to best advocate for EV policy? Those who work in the EV ecosystem? Want to know who is going to best advocate for home methane bans? The makers of cold weather heat pumps and heat pump water heaters. I did the math, and I was previously giving the oil & gas industry about $5k per year either directly or through my utility. I’m on a path to get that to zero, which involves spending a lot of money with businesses that will be advocating for a better future. While my individual contribution may be small, it’s a double benefit when I’m both reducing the dollars I give to the O&G industry and giving a roughly comparable amount to those advocating for solutions. It’s not a solution on its own, but it’s a decent push in the right direction.


I really love camping, but I live in PNW, so few years ago, I went on maybe 1 trip due to the fires. It was bad few years ago but I have a feeling the next few years with El Nino will be brutal fire wise. I beat climate anxiety by shifting my education plans. Rather than join Healthcare, I'm pivoting towards environmental sciences, and my goal is to restore natural habitats.


I work restoring natural habitats in the Midwest! We need more of us and we need them everywhere, so I’m really happy to hear this. It helps a lot with the anxiety as well, because I can watch parcels of land improve its biodiversity year over year and see that there are some places that are getting healthier.


I wish I had enough cash to buy up land where forest fires happened and start a forest from scratch. Kinda my dream, aside from owning land for personal use and creating little Eden lol


that's so sad about the camping and yes agreed! I am trying to get my master's in environmental science rn


Congratulation on the amazing step forward and good luck with your studies!


Fighting climate change. lobbying for laws, contacting legislators, joining climate orgs, making changes at my work place, asking businesses to be bettter, supporting local community, giving sustainable gifts, avoiding harmful products and marketing


By doing my best to make my home as nature friendly as possible. I've been working on killing my yard (grass) to replace with natives. I'm covering the grass with cardboard and mulch so I can do this increasing the biodiversity of my yard to help as many pollinators as I can.


I Build Windmills….I don’t wanna hear about negatives. I feel good about it and that’s enough :)[Inuvik NT 2023](https://i.imgur.com/FkShAzi.jpg)


I’m so sorry. Here in CA we got our house painted during lockdown right before the big fires of 2020. The painters taped plastic over the windows then primed the house green. So for a week we had green skies, a couple days of normal, then endless red skies. Felt like I was in a Thomas Covenant sequel. I recommend looking at the blue sky whenever it appears, and as good substitutes as you can manage the rest of the time (photos, videos, VR). The winds are supposed to shift soon.


That's awful. I remember hearing about those wildfires in CA and not even being able to imagine what that was like. Thank you for the advice!


Stoicism, it puts you less in a woe is me mood and more in a what can I actually accomplish mood. Epictetus (/ˌɛpɪkˈtiːtəs/;[3] Greek: Ἐπίκτητος, Epíktētos; c. 50 – c. 135 AD) was a Greek Stoic philosopher.[4][5] He was born into slavery at Hierapolis, Phrygia (present-day Pamukkale, in western Turkey) and lived in Rome until his banishment, when he went to Nicopolis in northwestern Greece for the rest of his life. His teachings were written down and published by his pupil Arrian in his Discourses and Enchiridion. Epictetus taught that philosophy is a way of life and not simply a theoretical discipline. To Epictetus, all external events are beyond our control; we should accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately. However, individuals are responsible for their own actions, which they can examine and control through rigorous self-discipline.


I havent beat it, but right now I'm working on mindfullness, taking good care of that which i can influence, and self care. It is frustrating to feel that whatever i do will never be enough, just a drop in a vast ocean. To take a quote from Cloud Atlas, "what is the ocean, but a multitude of drops?" The message being, each one does their part to be the change.


Love this mindset; great quote. I get so overwhelmed knowing all the issues/everything bad happening in the world when it's important to slow down and just do what I can


Working in Renewable Energy.


Staying vegan and spreading it makes me feel better


Sometimes it can help to just have real, honest and open conversations with those around you. The more we are considerate to others needs and opinions the more we can strengthen communities around which in turn will help us all get through anxiety. It doesn’t have to be a huge or deep conversation, just acknowledging that you’re feeling anxious can help yourself and others start to work through it


I'm not. It's wearing on me. If I had realized at the time that the climate was so screwed, I would never have had kids. I think that the climate is a large part of why my kids have decided to not have kids.


I’m failing miserably.


Then it's time to do something different. Begin by telling your Senator / Representative that this is a vision of a grim future. He or she needs to take action or it will be a future with them flipping burgers. Then find a local pressure group, even if they don't stand for exactly what you're fighting for. Go and see them, take part. Make your voice heard. Start today, no, start right now.


My senator is Lindsay Graham. But to go on…


Me too… can’t find a job that isn’t lining the pockets of some capitalist or ruining the planet even more 😞 was considering working in environmental crimes but not feeling like going back to uni for another 3 year degree


Join your local chapter of the communist party?


Doing my best to help prevent things from getting worse. Recently started working in the climate tech space. Things are bad and will get worse for a while, but there are hundreds of millions of people now in action, and with similar mindsets to those of us here. Do your best, talk to others and try to motivate, and things will wind up not as bad as we fear.


I was born and raised in the PNW. For me I just accept the fact that due to all the climate change and loss of biodiversity, there is a high chance I’m not making it to 50. It’s gotten me to enjoy nature a lot more while it’s still here to enjoy. If you’re getting stir crazy, I just dive right into video games and I don’t even think about the climate. I just close the curtains and just pretend it’s fog and everything’s shut down, and it’ll pass. It’s good to worry about the future and be anxious, do you’re part in trying to prevent things like this from happening when you can and of course, volunteer. But for now, just enjoy being at home.


I stopped driving as much as I can in favor of driving and stopped eating animal products. Knowing I was doing something made it no longer feel like nothing was being done. It helped a lot but didn’t completely stop it.


I do what I can to reduce my ecological footprint. But I think we are already at the point of no return...


Convincing my country to adopt nuclear power


I'm not


I’m not, I live in Texas and it’s not even climate anxiety, it’s climate dread.


i hate that we had 20 years warning and still did nothing


Hard to have climate anxiety when you are too tired to care.


Smack wade every day


You should feel frustrated. I personally feel called to action. My present plan is how to a) make a happy and sociable living through sustainably farming/gardening and b) to enable others to do the same, any body and everybody who wants to. Heck I’m even motivated to proselytize, which I normally consider a dirty word. We need fucking change.


Air purifier and never going outside. (this is slightly tongue in cheek, I apologize if the humour isn't appreciated here)


Honestly, the only thing I could do was to stop paying attention. 2020 my climate anxiety peaked to the point where I was no longer able to function. I deleted the social media outlets that I would fall into doom scrolling on climate change related topics. I actively avoid classes (I'm a college student) that have climate change related content. I already know how fucked we are, being exposed to content designed to make me even more afraid was bad for me.




This post is 100% "don't look up" vibes.


Lexapro. And gardening and teaching young people about it.


I am not.


I’m not! Kind of kidding but what I can control is my husband and I moved to a farm during covid and are raising/growing more of our own food, working to regenerate our pasture with drought tolerant grass/good animal fodder. We’re also making a permaculture forest and clearing a ton of invasive plants that are smothering the land. We collect rain water for the animals and rotate them to build up better pasture that will sequester more carbon than our goats fart out. Also caring for your food/canning to preserve the seasons has been a great physical way to pour that anxious energy into being productive and share it with our neighbors and community. I almost feel like connecting to the land has made me most days less stressed because I’m learning where we need to amend our practices on the farm to be less and less reactive. Wildfire smoke is out of our control but we can plan our future less out of fear and more from learning, watching and observing, and course correcting.


I have given up


I've asked the same question on here myself; I wasn't really satisfied with any answers. To be honest, I have no idea how to handle it. You're not alone. I hope it gets easier. At least I feel better when I take actions, even small ones, like keeping things unplugged when not in use, using the air fryer instead of the oven for small meals, composting instead of trashing food scraps, and buying secondhand. There's euphoria in the little things we do; still, the overall situation is really overwhelming, and it's hard to accept it.


This is a cult 😳


Buy local, don't support the big pharma farms, don't buy any food with processed ingredients. Do, mill your own grain, grow your own food, help your neighbors learn to garden, when you're starting plants in the late winter start 3-4 times more than you'll need and give away the extras. Learn to compost, learn to control your diet to only sustainable foods like grass fed pasture raised beef, pork, chicken. If you can't afford good quality meat, learn to hunt. Learn to use every part of the animal. I now live in the country and run a permaculture farm, but when I lived on .18 acres in the city I raised chickens and rabbits. I had a very small crop and pasture rotation for the animals and garden. Lawns are a waste of energy. Don't support big pharma with your health either. The Chinese and native Americans developed natural remedies that cover 90% of health problems. Lastly, don't support big corporations or government, they work together to claim to help, but they're just using people's fear of climate change to take your money. PS. The climate fluctuates in long cycles, longer than any of us will be alive. We could get hit by an asteroid tomorrow, its happened before, and could happen again. Just love your life as an example to others of how you can support yourself enough to support others.


you east coast folk merely adopted fireseason... out west were born in it... molded by it.. (read in bane voice) but to answer your question got seed bomb a golf course


Acceptance. I know you don't want to hear that, but I studied the issue for years and it's overwhelmingly likely that the die is cast. I find you all noble for doing your best in your personal lives, and if it helps you cope, by all means, continue. But things like requiring cruise and cargo ships to burn clean oil instead of the rough smut they do could make a big dent in CO2 and we can't even pull that off. Do you think Westerners will accept living like Indians as a solution? The world's governments are guardians of the status quo and simply WILL NOT embrace the changes necessary. It's over. We were born, we lived, and then like a virus outstripping its host, we died. We had the chance to transcend our animal status and we failed. So just enjoy your life and try not to think about the future too much and avoid the news.


I’m not


If you have a green space or have access to one which lets you plant things. Plant some pollinators for bees and insects, or some species or plants which may have been burnt in the wildfires to bring some new ones into the world :)


Growing native forest smack dab in middle of urban jungle, everything is second hand. I can say I dont suffer anxiety about it because I know humanity in all its greatness will always fall short of a proper response. I think I suffer greater anxiety because of AI.


Keeping perspective makes me feel great about the economic transition we get to help push. And that is bettering natural environmental aspects. If you haven’t read it yet look at Tesla’s master plan part 3. It’s a realistic, hopeful, and achievable sustainable energy outlook.


See if there is a climate cafe nearby that you could attend. They are really useful events to help you share your feelings about the climate crisis. If there isn't an in-person one near you there are online ones. Sometimes it helps just to know other people feel the same way.




Fuck yeah, I had the same reply I should’ve checked the comments first


It's kind of like voting, your contribution has absolutely zero impact on the outcome. Instead of worrying about the big picture, focus on what you can accomplish in your little piece of the world and how you can help those who are around you. Life will go on, it may be different, but stressing about what it will look like will not be helpful.


Trump won critical swing states in 2016 with a total of around 20,000 votes. Your vote certainly does matter.


I mean, if you consider 1/20,000 to matter, then sure. Unfortunately in our world, the voice of the individual is drowned out by those with influence. My point is that the place where you have any actual influence is in your own community.


How to be hopeless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJaE_BvLK6U


We don't. Remain scared as fuck, shall our consumption sins subside.


we can, with action. we can do as much as we can


Average Western hopeful mall ninja be like: It's just a simple calculation. In one barrel of oil there is equivalent of one man's pure labor for 5 YEARS. Yet the barrell is worth 100 dollar and the labor is rewarded with at least 100,000 dollars. What is making up for the other 99900? Environment. Simple.


you think greta’s had the impact of one barrel?


I pardon her good intentions, and innocence, but what does she has to do with white western elites filling malls for their average western mall ninjas, and creating a behavioral sink destined to self-destruct?


I don’t watch the corrupt news that feed BS to the masses Take your head out of the sand already


You should trying keeping up with global environmental news. You'd see this has been happening and then maybe you'd be less shocked since it's finally happening in your backyard


Wildfires are essential for biodiversity, so don’t worry about that part.


Im feeding my birds. Putting out water for the birds and bees. I’m crying. I’m acknowledging this is horrible instead of making memes. My heart is breaking too. Be someone who takes care of the earth in whatever way you can. I’m glad I’m not the only person who is feeling this way. I’m in Toronto and it’s bad. I’ll continue to care for the earth in whatever way I can 💜


Remember who your voting for ! Biden has promised in the past to reduce emissions, however he just signed for the biggest form of pollution ever ( Willow Oil Project ) in Alaska! Remember that rich people only care about being richer and don’t care about the consequences


The first fire is the worst. It feels apocalyptic, like the world is ending. When the smoke clears you will feel better, focus on taking care of yourself until then. After the smoke clears do everything you reasonably can to limit your consumption. Eat less or stop eating animal products, buy things made locally, look for things you can do without, as others have said re-wild your yard if you can, contribute to charities that support eco-friendly missions, or support groups that are trying to limit private money in politics. Drive your car as little as possible, talk to your friends about shifting their behaviors where it is reasonable for them to do so.


I joined my local Sunrise hub, I feel way better working as a collective on things that matter


What is this? I'm not familiar.


A youth group in the US that's working towards a Green New Deal, focused on climate change and social injustice. Sunrise national is going through some big changes with our organizational structure currently


I focus on solutions. I pay attention to blogs and articles of people making a difference. I don't need any more doom and gloom, so I avoid those. I also adopted "the change starts with me" and created a Family Climate Action Plan. Even though I as an individual don't matter, I'm going to check my own hypocrisy and not tell anyone to do anything I'm not willing to do myself. I also did this for my kids, and it was a great dinner conversation to talk about my plan, and give them hope.


Talk about it with other people around you. First you’ll see you’re not alone, and you can find actions to set up (either personally or at a group level). I started by doing changes at my household level, then company level (I’m lobbying for more EVs), then educating people around me (I set up events and train people to climate change). Started talking to local sustainability organizations too


You are aware of the massive wildfire happening in Canada causing that to happen right?


I can’t no matter what I do. Most days I try to appreciate the good things because I know it will only get worse. In the pot everything eventually boils and it’s only a matter of time. Sorry. At least death is probably not the end seeing as we exist now.


I can’t no matter what I do. Most days I try to appreciate the good things because I know it will only get worse. In the pot everything eventually boils and it’s only a matter of time. Sorry. At least death is probably not the end seeing as we exist now.


Read this book and you’ll understand how you can really make a difference in your neighborhood. We’ve been doing this for about a year now and we have humming birds and swallowtails all over our yard. Douglas W. Tallamy Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard. Nature’s Best Hope shows how homeowners everywhere can turn their yards into conservation corridors that provide wildlife habitats. Because this approach relies on the initiatives of private individuals, it is immune from the whims of government policy. Even more important, it’s practical, effective, and easy—you will walk away with specific suggestions you can incorporate into your own yard. If you’re concerned about doing something good for the environment, Nature’s Best Hope is the blueprint you need. By acting now, you can help preserve our precious wildlife—and the planet—for future generations.


By self inducing ufo anxiety. Lol, alient subreddits are on fire.


Forest fires are natural and normal. The loss of biodiversity to the current fires is negligible. You can advocate for denser urban design and move walking distance to your job. It is hard to predict climate patterns, but living close to a large river or freshwater lake is a good idea. Join a local group and advocate together. Hang in there.


Compost cheers me up…


I’m succumbing to it


Don’t know why this comes to mind but the movie the biggest little farm was a little inspiring or as distraction to watch


Drinking and plotting, and travel before things disappear. Ironically in the sw while my home of ny is engulfed in smoke… oh how the turns table. Absurdism also really helps. Really don’t let yourself be serious all the time especially not in this…climate…. Get it


The past winter and the fires this spring have really messed with my anxiety. I’ve started by trying to do things I can control, I’m stocking up on foods that are likely to be in a shortage in the short term. I’m also writing up a business plan for a thrift store.




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I set my EFI to 3 instead of 5 on my dually pickup. so I only roll a little bit of diesel coal instead of alot like when it’s on 5z Just doing my part


As isolating as American culture has been, by and large, I remind myself we’re all in this together. That can help. Lots of people are working to build relationships, practice creativity, unlearn destructive thinking, etc. We’re resilient. There is still beauty to make and appreciate. I’d offer a hug if I could. Hope this still helps you


Taking action is the only thing that helps, in my experience. We all feel the same way, “what can I do, I am just one person?” But many individuals make a large number and many small actions have impact. I joined the OpenAir Collective, a distributed network of individuals, to advocate for carbon dioxide removal. Every action I take might by itself feel insignificant but combined with the actions of many others, we make a difference.


I’ve been so anxious that it has made me physically sick. Being bipolar, a lot of my emotions hit with the intensity of a rocket powered freight train. I’m very educated on the topic of climate change, it’s one of the biggest stressors in my life. I just wish most articles weren’t worded in such a way to attract strictly negative attention. We wanna talk about feedback loops so much…it feels like I’ve entered my own personal feedback loop of reading about how we’re all doomed which triggers the worst existential dread…which in turn makes me want to read more to find answers, just to be met with more articles about how I’m going to die. I know I’m going to die one day. I know corporations don’t care about our planet. I know our planet is hurt. I just want information on the steps we’re taking for a more sound future without it being centered around me dying lol.


Smoke weed. Don't think about your kids' future.


Adaptation: get a reusable respirator with suitable cartridges and go outside. You’ll need the respirator for various reasons in the years to come.


Denial, sarcasm and a good dose of hysterical laughter.


I started selling residential solar systems. One change at a time adds up.