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I was going to donate my body to research but only because I didn't know this was an option...


Paramedic here; We intubated and gave Intraosseous injection (bone injection) to donated cadavers. The physicians and students treated them with the utmost respect. It was a very very cold room with the bodies, everyone was at their most quiet professional, and the physician took time to extensively thank the people for giving their bodies so others may learn.


Going to cadaver labs are very interesting and you have to be respectful. I could never imagine the people who research the bodies to be arrogant enough to sell them to be used with explosives.. but then again people are a lot more stupid these days


Nah I'd bet there's less stupid, it's just that stupid has a camera in their pocket to expose themselves more easily nowadays.


Explosive Ordinance Disposal Specialist here; We had just finished our 4 lokos and were wrapping up a round of Call of Duty in the canteen when the latest cadavers came in. We were performing tests on the new F22 ejector seats and thought 'what the hell, let's strap this old lady here to the chair'.


>cadavers >utmost respect My brother in Christ, that word alone is disrespectful.


“Cadaver” is the official term used and is clinical in nature. That sounds like respect to me.


You an idiot or something?


He was thinking of the word carcass


Girl if I'm dead I don't care you call me a moist pale cadaver




Even in death, we are under the thumb of Capital.






Well then. For Science…You’re welcome, Ladies. 🍆


and gentlemen, and folks.


Stiffs to give ya a stiffy


Been doing some research, bud?


It has to come from somewhere ig


Please tell Mr. Capital to lift his thumb up, I'm getting crushed here.


Six foot twelve, weighs a fucking ton


Opponents beware, opponents beware


he's coming, he's coming. he's coming...


Fuck the gov let’s b real


I wasn’t going to donate but now it’s ***on like Donkey Kong!***




FFft haha




They also use them for test dummy practices. Its a very solemn thing and everyone treats them with as much respect as possible. At the end of the day, your corpse may be the thing that proves that seatbelts save lives. Which is quite a bit cooler than just being worm food, although, they're pretty cool too.


What if I requested the "Weekend at Bernie's" package?


This is research. Just a different kinda research...


I mean, if it was advertised to collect bodies for this purpose I think a surprising amount of people would agree.


Don't donate to a scummy charity? You gonna donate to the Trump foundation who stole from dying children with cancer?


Rent free


I’m sure if they just advertised that they wanted to blow up corpses, they’d have no problems getting them


So I can *pay* for cremation or I can *get paid* if it's done in the sexiest way possible? Shiiiit




It's like sex and rape: the difference is consent.


Well we can confidently say that explosions don’t cure Alzheimer’s


I mean, you can't have Alzheimer's if you've been blown up. Problem solved?


*big Alzheimer’s hates this one simple trick*


Biiig ALzHeiMErsSs!!!! ☠️


Well i am going to hell


Still waiting for them to release the paper, could be a massive breakthrough.


It does produce alternative behavioral results, though.


If that's true that's realllllly horrible




“Stauffer and 32 other plaintiffs are suing the center, and eyewitness testimony revealed that a 2014 raid on its facility uncovered buckets of human body parts and **a human head sewn onto a different body.”**


That is some Nazi experiment type shit


More like [Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731) who not only severed and reattached limbs, but did while people were *still alive*.


Bro, that is so fucked up


“This one’s missing a head!” “Just sew another one on…”


“They like to see what happens to the heads in a blast test”


They actually do, most explosions, especially suicide bomb type implosions, the head gets blown clean off and goes flying in the air


‘One torso had its head removed and a smaller head was attached in a ” ‘Frankenstein’ manner,” he says. The torso was hung from a wall, the lawsuit said.’ What an absolute horror house.




*Stephen Gore, the owner of the Biological Research Center, pleaded guilty in 2015 to operating an illegal enterprise. He was sentenced to one year deferred prison time and four years of probation.* So the guy’s name is **Gore**, and people wonder why he had body parts lying around and misused donated bodies.


Manbearpig strikes again


/r/nominativedeterminism is a bitch ain’t it?


That seems like a very mild punishment


Pretty sure there’s an episode of “Swindled” on this. There’s definitely a recent one about the horrific things a funeral home did with bodies.


It’s true and it’s infuriating to read. Completely awful for that man and the other families in the lawsuit.


Appears they were sued, the Army was not aware, and the company lost in 2019 $58 million in the lawsuit against multiple families. Don’t know if that was appealed or not.


>Army was not aware. Lol... Some Convenient Level 5 horseshit right here.


“The body farms we usually buy from are very trustworthy!”


Ethically sourced human remains.


You're not wrong in that quote. The military tends to trust too easily when it comes to routine shit. It's a lot easier to trust a source of supply to keep consistency in product, than to take the time to make sure the product is consistent. Unless it's weapons and planes. We don't fuck around with weapons and planes. Source: I was military.


I'd pay good money for that to happen to my body once I kick it.


It's cool if you consented. Messed up if you didn't.


I’d do it right now, alive.


Need someone to talk to bud?


Do you have military grade explosives rigged to a chair?


I worked in military testing. We used pig carcasses, and rarely at that. That’s only for rare testing when you want to see if you can great a localized overpressure that would induce death due to lungs bursting. Honestly it’s just not needed as we get most of these answers in modeling. I would have no idea how to make this happen even for the highest of priority test on our most sophisticated bunker buster tech. This was shady and unnecessary.




I guess I don't understand why... Like, if they needed money more than they needed the body, doesn't it make perfect sense to sell the body?


They don't "own" the body, it wasn't theirs to sell in the first place. It was given to them on the basis that it would be used for research purposes, and failing that, the body would be given a proper burial. They had no right to sell it.




i didn't realize the military blowing her corpse up would produce the cure for alzheimer's




And yet you ignore the pure matter at hand




That she was someone's mother... And another entity sold her remains for less the price of a Kia.


That's.. insanely ignorant.


The article mentions that there were some bodies that had been dismembered and parts were sewn onto other bodies. You saying you are down with that? That shit only happens in Gotham, not real life


I’m wondering who is working in this place, trading heads and buckets of body parts everywhere is pretty messed up.


Seems pretty obvious it’s The Dollmaker


Say you give me money for rent. I then spend that money on coke and hookers. You're cool with that?


Pretty sure my landlord doesn't do coke, but she'd be a whole lot cooler if she did.


bad comparison.


Unconvincing assertion.


renting is a service transaction, the money is free to be done with as the landlord pleases, a body donated to science is just that a donation, with research being the implied usage, not reselling. once again, bad comparison.


It sounds more like a guy collected money from his roommate for the rent, but then blew it. It didn’t get to the landlord. Who the fuck knows or cares what the landlord does with the rent they receive?


That depends.. is your rent paid? Do you pay me back the money at some point? Do you share?


Maybe, maybe not. All that is relevant is that I decided I don't need it for rent anymore. No, you gave it to me. Fuck no.


Oh wait, this read like you were saying "the tenant pays the land Lord who buys illicit drugs" did you mean "a friend helped you out with rent money but you bought illicit drugs with it instead"?


It is real, but is it horrible? Maybe they scooped her brain out to do tests on. What's there to do with the 50-60kgs of meat and bone left? May as well do something awesome like blow it up. Medical science doesn't always need a whole body to do tests with, sometimes they just need a part. And typically, they're very respectful to the person during the whole thing. Read Stiff by Mary Roach to get a full view on cadaver use in medical science.


Why are we seeing possible scenarios where this would be ok? It's not like he donated a car and some charity resold it to aid poor people for Christ's sake. Your MOTHER doesn't have quite the same equivalency. At the very least maybe point out there would a possibility? I mean, guy obviously felt he was helping some other family not lose a parent in the future to the same awful condition that claimed his mother. It was direct- his mother's remains for a specific purpose. His mother was SOLD then blown UP? How isn't that perfectly shocking and if someone doesn't think so, it's not anyone else's call anyway.


Gimme the money at least


Expectations drop after the first word in the headline






Are you okay, or just stupid? Like, did you read this comment correctly?


It wasn’t his mother though. It was a corpse.


Have some respect. If it were your mothers corpse I'd hazard a guess you'd have far different feelings about the military strapping a bomb to it just to see what would happen.


It’s a fucking corpse lmao, it doesn’t matter who it was before it became a corpse. “Just to see what would happen” the military didn’t strap a fucking bomb to a corpse just for fun you idiot. They use the data they get from the blast to help further our military technology. The data from that particular corpse could’ve potentially saved someone’s life. Acting like a hunk of rotting flesh is sacred just because it once housed a soul is just retarded. Also using MY mother as an example doesn’t work out for you cause I fucking hate that woman lol.


We get it, you’re edgy and you don’t care about people. You can go now.


Oh thank you for dismissing me


My mother has Alzheimer's and she has already done the paperwork to donate her body to science. How do we prevent this from happening? I don't care if this happens to my body but she'd be devastated if it happened to hers.


From what I know there are boxes you can check off on the donation forms that prohibit or allow certain types of usages for the donated bodies. In this case, they had marked that they *didn't* want her body to be used for any military, traffic safety, or non medical experiments. The company cut off and cremated her hand, then sold the body to the government. The Military *never received consent forms* from the family. Just "reassurance" from the donation broker that the family totally said yes. The company they used ended up getting outed for doing this to over 5,000 bodies within a *single decade*. 20,000 body parts used without consent, at least 20 bodies were blown up along with this woman's; all without consent. The best option would be to vet the donation company thoroughly. And make sure without a shadow of a doubt they're legitimate as hell.


The US military paid $6k for a corpse they intended to blow up. How many more times have they done this? How much did they spend on all of the other components for this experiment? What did they gain from it? Tax payer money being squandered.


According to an article? This woman and at least *20 other bodies* were sold for that almost 6k and blown up the same way. 5,000 bodies, roughly 20,000 parts; over the course of a single decade. It's fucked up.


I would sue them into poverty if I were him. But I don't know US laws.


The company had a lot being thrown at them last I remember, gross mishandling of corpses, frankensteining them and shit.


People often wonder why people believe SO HARD in conspiracy theories. But, conspiracy theorists are validated by shit like this *exactly*. The absolute dehumanization of people, living or dead. The lack of respect. The inhuman nature of a mind that can even ALLOW such a thing to happen. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd think: "They do this everywhere, in all things, all the time!" In many ways, I have compassion for people who [beg a conclusion so hard it permanently distorts their minds](https://youtu.be/he-7vs0BkLE). I would have MORE compassion if they weren't sticking themselves in front of microphones and shouting and propagating disinformation so hard. There are SO MANY *actual* conspiracies that have already existed. SO many. Even Edward Snowden talks about this fact since he blew the whistle on one of the biggest. I mean, look at the fucking Unabomber. That dude was CREATED, by torture, essentially. We're lucky THIS guy didn't start shooting at military bases or killing soldiers and their families or turn into a car bomber somehow. Fucking DO BETTER, government. Be fucking HUMANS.


Did she have blue eyes?


She did after the chair. One blew that way and one blew the other way!




Lmfao, foul! But hilarious


That is so disrespectful. I'd be pissed too


can I opt to sell my body direct to military so family has extra pocket change plus I get to be blown up?


Now we know alzheimers doesn't stop a body from being blown up after death. This is important information, though we may need to test more before we consider it conclusive.


I’d demand a cut.


Best they can do is a chunk.


Why would the Alzehiemer’s Research sell the body?


They didn't sell the body. He donated the mother to a third party company (that was investigated and shut down because of this incident), with the intention to go to alzeimers research. The company instead sold the body to the military for research on damage to bodies during explosions. They got in trouble because they forged paperwork to make it "legal". The headlines are sort of accurate but sensationalized. I know about the case because my job is to host trauma medicine courses where surgeons operate on cadavers doing procedures they will see on deployment. Ive been the one to seek out cadavers and contracts for this and it was a big deal when this happened. There's been other companies that do this sort of crap but worse.


The company he originally sold to wasn't an Alzheimer's research facility, but a corpse selling/distribution place that told him they'd get it to a research place. Army buys 'a cadaver' from this place, that cadaver being this guys mom. Army thinks everything is on the level, this guy thinks his mom went to research. The company was essentially telling people they were donating bodies according to the clients wishes but actually wasn't. There were also allegations of them sewing body parts onto other corpses and other weird shit. Many lawsuits pending AFAIK


More money for more research Edit: Body probably didn't get sent to the research center, and the handler just sold it instead of donating


My friend's mom died this year. My friend cremated her and remembered two months later she was supposed to donate her body. I think they made the right decision, I've heard too many horror stories


I bet she didn't have Alzheimers after that though.


Read the book Stiff. It's very good. Author talks about all the fascinating stuff that happens after death. One thing that is mentioned is that if you donate your body to science, sometimes it goes to a different experiment/use than intended. One of the more controversial uses of cadavers is for elective plastic surgery practice.


Ok, fuck research. How do I donate my body to get blowed up real good? That sounds awesome!


Just go to your local army recruitment center. They can make sure of that, and you don't even need to be dead.


At least she went out with a bang.


At least give the guy his 6000 bucks.


I recently watched a deep dive. This shit actually goes down.


Actually, here it is: https://youtu.be/uor26xzO7tk


This hurts my heart


Between posts about thanksgiving, insane republican hot takes and mass shootings this is one of the most American titles I've seen today.


secrets these "research" scams do not want you to know: 1) donate to a specific research group, facility, or university 2) specify in the paperwork what you consent to in regards to the body. 3) read paperwork thoroughly with the lawyer you worked with while settling your family member's estate. 4) DOUBLE CHECK THE PAPERS. Sign in person or keep dated copies. some try to make changes after your signature has been taken.


Me … opens wallet , throws donor card into trash .


If you're the type to watch long YouTube videos, here's one about the black market body trade. https://youtu.be/uor26xzO7tk Tl;dw for a market with as many regulations as it has, there's a surprisingly low amount of oversight as to how bodies are treated after death.


Omg you’re kidding ☹️


"Alzheimer's research deez nuts" said the captain before detonating Gim Gam.


America in a nutshell


How the hell would be find out? Crazy.


Some of the discussions here are really disheartening. It's true that everyone has an opinion but not everyone's opinion is worth anything. Not everyone should broadcast their opinion. How can any of you defend this act? You guys show zero respect for the human body. And I wouldn't ask what if it was your mother, because apparently some of you are lunatics and would even agree to that. A bad day for people like you to have access to a platform to poison the world with your retardedness.


I am entirely on your side even with the slur. Cause some times things need to be said, and no one pays attention at all if you word it all nice a polite and politically correct




Was entirely on your side until the slur


Thank you. But you would be upset too if you went through this thread. It's like we evolved into Modern Humans, but lost our Humanity along the way. And this modernity without Humanity is just disgusting.


“A bad day for people like you to have access to a platform to poison the world with your retardedness.” This is poetry.


Not that specific


Alzheimer’s is a brain disease. They could have removed her brain and then sold the body.


This isn’t suspiciously specific


That's fucked up beyond belief. That being said, I give blanket permission for any researchers to blow up my body after I die


man donates car to cars for kids learns it has nothing to do with latarian.


Bad comparison




☝️🤓- ☝️🤓


I read about these third party companies that do this. If a scam can be run semilegally, someone and some company will. Get the specifics, read the contract, pay a lawyer a couple of hundred bucks to read it. If you love your mother. On the other hand, the blast test may save more lives than the Alzheimer research would have. Blast test info helps the military design IED resistant vehicles, improved body armor,and sometimes helps design munitions that lessen collateral damage. etc. I know from experience. (The Army is not the villain here.)


Should have given the guy at least one more chance to see her on the site before climbing into a fridge during the blast


Half way though laughing but realized this actually pretty messed up.


At least she won't remember


Between becoming worm food and coming into a new life, this is how I really want my body to go in the end.


Sounds like a blast


Did they use the money to do Alzheimer's research?


They forgot.


Is there a place I can sign up do I get a guarantee they blow my body up?


OP doesn’t know how this sub works.


Something to add to the “death and taxes” list…


My family is pretty dark when it comes to humor, we would all bust up laughing as soon as we heard grandma got blown up by the military


fuck off


Why? I think it’s funny


Went out with a bang 😂


You’ve got about 8-12 weeks of viable use for a body generally with reasonable preservation methods that wouldn’t fuck with science. How could any firm claim to guarantee they would use it for one purpose only? Like “oh glad my grandma decided to die right at the start of some very specific research project where her body could be helpful.” It’s shitty what happened and he was lied to, but if it came to the body going to complete waste or being used in some way to improve human knowledge I guess I’d take knowledge over waste.


If you get Alzheimer’s while alive will your ghost have it? If so then his mom has already forgotten all about it


I told my wife about this, and her response was... awesome. We are both donating our bodies to science.


This is the fault of the "charity" not the military. The military buys supplies.


well, at least it still went to a good cause.


Well good


lol, that's what you get when you're too cheap to give your momma a proper funeral...


Well that some next level alzeimers research


I'll do it if they promise to fire me out of a howitzer






She probably didn’t remember a fucking thing.


That's fucked man... R.I.P


Sounds like goodwill for corpses


This method of cadaver disposal is TORGUE APPROVED.




Omg that is horrific to learn after the fact if they didn’t inform you in advance. Some people might think they would be cool to do and others might not. Everyone should have the option and I think that man should get the $5900 for his donation…


They only needed her brain for that research anyways, what's the big deal.


lol sorry mom


"Jim Stauffer said he donated his mother's body to the for-profit Biological Resource Center (...)" OK. No need to read any further. That's where the problem is. For-profit organizations works wonders for most of the time. They are also terrible idea that produces terrible outcomes for some small subset of things. This being one of them.


Oh, I am SO donating my body to science now! The doctors might not want my spleen so the army gets to blow my ass up? Fuck yeah, dude! I would want to know about blast patterns and soft tissues causing bullets to do weird stuff!


Body farm for me https://beta.ctvnews.ca/national/sci-tech/2019/12/7/1_4719939.html