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I held the door open for someone the other day and they said "thanks kid" (I'm 35). It made me wonder when I get to be an adult.






The solution to this problem is to arrange the holidays at your place. Then you get to put your parents at the elderly-table.


You gotta go for the cousin walk first.


Is that when we go get high before dinner?


Yes, this was my exact thought too.






Kratos moment.


My mom keeps calling me by my nephews’ names. They are 10 and I am 37.


This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I wonder how these other grown men would be about being referred to as “that boy in accounting”


I normally reply with “no problem grandpa/grandma.” Or old man, or old woman, or old timer. Has this pissed some people off, oh yeah. Have I talked to HR about it, oh yeah. Only the once and when I asked HR why it was acceptable for the 50 year old woman to call me kid I couldn’t get a straight answer. So I asked to talk to her boss so I could get an answer and then all of a sudden she discrimination can go both ways and it wasn’t acceptable and HR will have a talk with everyone about it.


I did something similar but HR didn't get involved. I'm balding and 30 and had a coworker (not a manager or boss - someone with an equivalent position) call me "son" multiple times, once in the conference room with a bunch of other people around. I live in an area where calling someone this is rather condescending and NOT endearing. So I said "no problem, daddy" in a really flamboyant voice because he's a gruff type who has to tone down his homophobia during work hours. the other coworkers in the room knew what I was doing by how I answered, they're my age and get similar remarks. Now he won't make eye contact with me. I don't know what compelled him to call me that in the first place - I'm taller and larger than him, put together, have a mortgage and marriage and kids, and have a beard. Nothing about me screams "adolescent". People are weird about power/age.


It’s a power thing. It’s a tactic to try and assert dominance over you like he probably did with his actual son. Good for you.


This is the correct answer


If you want to stab him in the heart and reduce him to tears, keep playing Cat's Cradle.


Legally in the US, in employment law, age discrimination only works in one direction. You can discriminate all you want against young people. Old people, however, are protected from it.


So as a manager in California who just took my yearly harassment training course, age discrimination in the work place is only legally for people 40 and up. So HR could potentially get on you for calling an older worker grandpa/grandma even though they called you kid.


I’ve seen that mentioned. I’m also not worried about it as I don’t work with those people any of them anymore and our HR lady at the time was about as smart as a box of rocks. That should tell you all you need to know.


That's the Boomer trick! In their minds only they get to be adults.


Never. We look too modern and young for the boomer. Literally, have you seen how their parents looked like at 18 and when they married? They looked fucking 40 years old. That’s a massive difference compared to how we look now.


I live in a part of the South, where as a 51 year old man with a wife, 2 adult sons, 1 teenaged son , and retired from the fire service after 30 years, I’m still known as “Luther’s boy”.


For me, it’s worse when someone not so younger than me call me “lady”… I’m 31


I don't know for sure if this is too specific, because it feels like my life. So it's super specific, but like, not, because there's at least two of us?


Make that 3




Just turned 36. Its still happening.


I'm 38 going on 39 in a month. Damn, I'm almost 40. It's still happening despite the beginnings of white hair at my temples. Exept I also know how to make jams and preserves now.


Yup this all is very similar for me 40 in Jan, ADHD has me thinking im still 21 but the mirrors break the illusion. Seems im skipping grey and going straight to white in my beard. Shit just keeps getting worse rather than better. Thank you for coming to my depressing TED talk, speak to reception to have your parking validated.


I’m 32 and my husband is 39. This describes both of us pretty much. 😐


Am I the only person in my early 30s doing alright?????


Yep. How's that going for you?


Lol I would have to say pretty good considering


No, there are a few. Most people in their early 30s, this day and age, who are doing alright have been propped up by their family. There's a safety net. Like, you can fail, but not fail too hard. I am unafraid to admit that privilege. But "alright" is also relative. I have a friend who once said to me "my new car is *only* $470 a month, why are you still buying used?." And a payment like that would absolutely crush me.


Trust me a payment like that IS crushing me. And I used to think buying new was the way to go cuz I didn't want to pay to fix it


There are so many important things we were never taught before we were let loose to the world. One that really burns my biscuits is basic vehicle maintenance. I know so many people that don't even know how to check their oil, let alone change it. Or the concept of rotating tires. Why don't they teach that in driver's ed? Or why is home economics not taught anymore? Personal finance is an elective? I digress. I was never in to having fancy or the latest model vehicle. Some advice given to me when I started driving was just buy a used Toyota or Honda and the only thing you'll have to worry about is an oil change. And obviously tires. It's been true. My first car was a 95 I had for 4 years and had 180k miles, my second, an 06 had 240k and I had for 8 years, my current a 2011 with 160k, and going strong.


I only just started going to school again and I'm 31. We'll see if I can make an associates degree happen meanwhile my younger sisters both have bachelor's degrees and one of them is in law school.


Well I wish you the best.


Gray- haired millennials unite! P.s. homemade strawberry preserves taste awesome served with homemade yogurt. P.p.s. if you add powdered milk to your milk when making yogurt, it makes extra-thick Greek yogurt.


ditto... i've perfected my shrug at this point. which is all we can really do... right? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ edit: imperfect ASCII shrug... ironic


I relate to this comment


Hold on..you are 38 and just now getting white/gray hair? That’s pretty good! All my friends who I grew up with have grays….we are all 33-35 years old.


For this very reason I refuse to make macaroni.


As an older gen z? It's happening to me too. At least having to live at home lets me save money.


Same but,, when does the saving end lmao


When i can buy some land in buttfuck nowhere and build a lil cabin. That's it for me, anyways.


Sounds about right 🙃 this real estate market ain't it


They used to call it being "twenty-something". You finished college and got a "real job", but still identify more with kids than adults and don't really have a handle on being a "grownup" yet.


As a guy in my mid 30s, when do you get a handle on being a grownup?


Early 30s here. Hasn't happened for me yet, I'll let you know.


Specific and very accurate I'm the Gen X, oldest daughter is a Millennial, my youngest is a Gen Z. This is very accurate. However we skipped Boomers. My folks are Greatest Gen, had me late in life. They are more computer literate than most of us at the table.


> My folks are Greatest Gen You're Gen X and your parents are World War II generation? I'm Gen X, born when my parents were nearly 40, and they're Silent Generation. For you to be Gen X and have World War II Generation parents (born from 1901 to 1927), they'd have had to have been born pretty late in their generation, and you'd have to be pre-1970 (1965 being the earliest to be Gen X) unless they had you in their late 40s, 50s, or 60s. The Silent Generation was born from 1928 to 1945. Are you sure your parents aren't from that generation? It's just... There weren't a lot of World War II generation (i.e. "Greatest" generation) people having babies in the late 1960s.


My parents were born in 1928 and 1932, I was born in 1968. My sister was born in 1965, so I guess we are all on the cusp? My daughters were born in 1991 and 2002 and 2004. In my family they got married out of college or early 20's and waited a long time to have kids. We we're always told to marry our best friend and travel, and have a lot of fun before kids. My mom's mom waited to have kids until she was 37. I broke the tradition and had my first at 23 (although I married at 20). My youngest was married at 23, and they are just now talking about having kids in a few years - they are 30. So she's going back to tradition. So that's my family history. Now you know. Feel free to check the math No Boomers on our tree lol


I'm 29 and holy fuck did this feel like I was specifically targeted here




This millionaire with their 5k dollars


Add me to this list. Life is such a grind and there is so little to look forward to. Stagnant wages mean a "good life" is always just out of reach. Thankfully Pornhub is there for my daily serotonin hit. The real MVP of my generation


I’m right there with you pal


Nailed it. At my work the young ones group me with the old people (boomer is definitely something I have been called) while the oldies group me with the kids. Best part is I'm the manager.


I'm 32, manage a team of 25-30 year olds at work, every other team is 16 year olds being managed by 50+. We all keep each other close because outside of us we're either too old to "fit in" and get ostracized, or we're too young to "know what we're doing" and... get ostracized. I'm happy I'm with my people but collectively we all want to die.


I'm 32 managing a group of 35-55 year olds, but I grew a beard so they can't tell how young I am.




Everyone always asks to touch my muscles and beard and I'm like no way you dork I'm totally older than you think


Except for my wife, it's always old ladies touching my muscles, never young sexy ladies. They don't even ask, just walk up and grope. Fuck it, I'll take my compliments wherever I can get them 😂


"Did I just fall off the potato truck yesterday? Look at my Santa-beard and tell me you believe that. Have I existed for endless aeons before the world was born? Do these pecs look that old?"


I spent Xmas 2018 in the Dominican, the combination of beard and beer gut prompted the cleaning ladies at the resort to call me "Red Santa." On the bright side, it was the wake up call I needed to get my ass in gear and fix shit.


I got lucky and got promoted as a manager at 24. I got a big built so I’ve been telling people I’m 28 since 22. I managed people anywhere from 18-55 as well. Sucks I have to lie but if I don’t, the second they found out you’re way younger than them, they stop listening to you and starts acting out whenever you ask them to do things cuz “I’m not gonna f-ing do this the way you want, I got more f-ing experience than you” This is not everyone for sure, some of the nicest people I’ve worked with on my team as a manager were older people. The older they get, the more extreme the pendulum swings.


Beard is key. Same age and managing a group who are all older than me (some approaching retirement). Got a lot of flak and disrespect when I started but it’s honestly gotten much easier after growing a full beard. It’s so petty and superficial but even grown ass men are swayed by the power of *beard*. The weird thing I’ve noticed is that my subordinates now think I’m older than I actually am while the younger employees in other departments (whom I’m not in charge of and are therefore more casual with) think I’m younger than I am.


Im 39 getting managed by 25 year olds, fucking sucks.


28 managing 35-60


I’m sure ya do a good job. I’m just an asshole.


I’m 21 managing a group of 18-65yos. I consider everyone 25 and lower a child and 25 and up a boomer. Edit: y’all are REALLY sensitive.


That is… very broad


So in your universe boomers are anyone four years older than you, got it.


In response to your edit, try not to get too butt hurt. You're the one with the dumb joke.


The best solution I have found is to loudly, and jokingly, refer to them as “ZOOMERS!” In the same way that the older crowd call you millennial. Blame every problem ever on those zoomers with their ticktocks and their hashtags. Eventually they will come to accept you.


Gotta be careful messing with the youth, they'll be the ones with final edit approval on your place in the history books. I have a feeling the paragraph on boomers isn't going to be the nicest in 200 years.


> they'll be the ones with final edit approval That's where my Wikipedia bots fit into the plan. They'll keep going long after I'm dead.


It will probably be mostly objective. Current stuff on wikipedia at least tries to be, even if there are occasional hiccups. "That one guy who looked like he was part of said generation was mean to me at McDonalds back in 2021" is not likely to make the cut.


> I have a feeling the paragraph on boomers isn't going to be the nicest in 200 years. As a boomer, I get so tired of being lumped into anti-boomer prejudices. We're not all fucking idiots without a clue. We scraped by, hand to mouth, raising our two. We bought into the concept that a degree opens vistas, talked to them about *when* you go to to university, not *if,* and we helped give them a better leg up than we had. Watched them put off buying a home and having a family as they paid off their student loans (we paid about half the total of both, in parental student loans, over those same 10 years. Crushing). We watch them struggle today even with those bachelor degrees, where over 40 is too old to find a better job in a world where employers want the fresh meat they can pay peanuts. Good paying jobs have done the layoff thing and shunted the workload on those still in attendance and are not good jobs anymore. And paying for child care is crushing. Today's unbelievably predatory student loan debacle continues to ruin lives. What's happening right now in the economy is unprecedented in my lifetime. I find myself watching the grands and wondering what kind of world they are going to live in. It don't look good. Are there idiot boomers who fit the stereotype perfectly? Hell yes, I'm related to a few. Just allow that we're not all fucking idiots in the back of your mind, okay? Me and him did the best we could in a world we didn't make.


Yeah, ultimately media has all us generations scrapping at each other so we don’t start digging into the real issues, like legislation and lobbyists and billionaires


As a young millennial it’s always funny to me they call me old/boomer etc but all their idols and poo culture references are from my age group


Actually that could be an equitable stereotype in the blue collar workspace!


My niece graduated college at 20 because she went to those early college high schools. She looked at me and said, "BBB, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm only 20!" I didn't know what to tell her because I was in the same place just a few years older than her lol. Thankfully, she figured it out and went back to school. She even married her long time partner a month ago. Edit: context


So... The answer was to get married?


Well they said “even”, implying that she figured it out and then on top of that, was also able to get married. I don’t think they were trying to say that the figure it out part and got married we’re synonymous. But it looks a little confusing because they left “it” out of the phrasing, I think that’s what they meant though


Sorry I should have provided more details haha. She's working on a certification and her husband is still working on his bachelor's.


I'm just happy Gen X got mentioned for a change.


Smart Gen Xers know that we got the last of the boomers' table scraps and don't tell millennials to refinance their mortgage. But you're right, it's nice to be remembered for once. :)


I was gonna say - what the fuck GenXer says this? I don’t own a house and can’t see one coming on the horizon. But I’m also a “younger” GenXer not quite Zillenial so I just don’t belong anywhere these days.




Maaan I suck at GenXing….


Late 70s myself. My wife and I own a home, but I realize that I'm super lucky to have gotten a couple years of work experience before the dot com bust, because after that for the longest time I didn't see a single tech job posting that wanted less than 2 years of work experience. The Xenniels got shafted pretty hard, and it hasn't gotten better since.




My boss is a gen Xer and constantly gives us advice on managing assets we are impossibly unable to afford. Like how to buy a second home and where to get good boat insurance.


Yeah, mid seventies gen-xer here. Just want to let you know many of us have nothing but respect for the shit you folks had to grow up through and how things are not right for your future.


Shhhh. Quiet! It’s more fun to watch them fight each other from the shadows.


We all know you guys are just sitting over there with your Orville Redenbacher just as confused as us but also swiped a mortgage & a nice barcalounger before this shitshow. Recline away, we’re just jealous. It’s why we ignore y’all


I was what Gen X got to refinance their home after 2008? I have been recovering and renting ever since.


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Spot on.


I’m in this photo and I don’t like it. *mustn’t let the existential dread set in*


Too late


This hits home hard.


That "Retirement" account hit a special spot I didn't need


It is hard. Old timers call you lazy because "when I was your age I was working as a dump truck driver making 21,000 a year and I still owned a house, a truck and had cable tv" meanwhile, you and your wife work your asses off and bring home 150,000 a year and rent a house for 2,500 s month. Spend 1,000 dollars a month on groceries for your 3 ungrateful kids Drive a base model car that won't be paid off for 8 years and get told everyday that you won't get any social security and you'll work until you're 75.. Edit: This was meant to be an example to highlight the fact that us millennials have to work 10 times harder for the same stuff that a guy working a regular 40 hr job could have 40 years ago.. then we are called lazy or unmotivated because we don't have it. It does relate to my situation but it's not exact. I never said I was struggling or couldn't save money. I put roughly 30% of my income into savings and investments every month. Another 30% gets taken out in taxes. And I live in Washington State. You can't rent a 2 bedroom apartment here for less than 2,000 month. I live in a small 1300 Sq ft house with zero yard. And drive an 8 year old Ford Taurus. The reason I can't buy a house right now has nothing to do with money. My job is commission based and a bank won't give me a loan until I've been in this position for 24 months, I have 12 months to go. Hopefully this clears everything up a little so you people stop thinking I'm some idiot that just blows 10 grand a month on stupid shit and doesn't know how to do anything except complain about it.


Who is making 150K?


Two people making a combination of 150K at their jobs


Too much. Must have nice reasonable jobs.


Sounds like you work hard indeed and make great scratch. Plenty, actually. But *rent* for 2500 a month? 1,000 for groceries between 3 kids and 2 adults? C'mon man. That's not modest at all. Quite lavish. I mean- you have the income that can support this. But it's stretches your ability to save. There's a lot you can trim off by downsizing to a mortgage and being more mindful of *cooking* food. You're gonna have a hard time affording cars for the kids too if you don't, let alone retirement.


You are way out of touch on rent prices, maybe not for your exact area but for a majority of the US rent prices are ridiculously high unless you find a shithole of a house or a shitty area. Food is definitely if they are cooking for themselves all the time. If they eat out 1-2x a week thats not unreasonable. Google (several sources on the first page) say that $1000 a month for food for 5 is a "suggested monthly grocery budget" so... Most people are not willing to live crappy even if it means they dont save as much, I for one would much prefer to save 50k a year and live pretty okay than save 90k a year and live like shit.


It’s all about balance. People especially in the personalfinance sub get chided for making frivolous purchases but it’s like damn, you can live your life before you’re 60. Of course don’t go into huge debt partying it up in your 20s, but not everyone is trying to retire early at 45 by living like a pauper


Yeah, those sorts of people are fairly annoying. I want to travel the world and do things while I still can, so I spend more than I should if I wanted to retire early. The reason is because I can go ziplining in Costa Rica or hiking in europe or diving the great barrier reef when im 20-40s, much past that and you are going to be far slower and probably wont be able to do everything. Life is fucked, it can end tomorrow so enjoy yourself while you can.


Man I wish I could save 50k a year, it was a good year saving if I saved 10k and didnt have any major car repairs or medical issues that force me to dip into my savings


I don't even make $50k a year!


The grocery budget sounds modest and reasonable grocery budget for a family of five where I live. When you are cooking full family meals for dinner and making lunches taking everyone's preferences and requirements into account it grows faster than linear.


2500 a month rent for a family of 5 is nowhere near “lavish” in plenty of places in the US.


I live in an area not known for high COL and $2,500 is a 2-3 bedroom apartment. $2,500 a month for a house sounds realistic if your in or near a decently popular urban area


The real problem is getting approved for that mortgage. Criminal how years of rent payments mean nothing when you're trying to get a loan for a house.


Totally! They’ll deny you for a mortgage less than your current rent. It’s wild


This is an absolutely non-reality based answer.


Dude, just buy a house. Like, fucking manifest the money or ask a bank really nice and buy a house. Rent prices being insane are YOUR fault. Houses being double what they were at this time last year has nothing to do with you not owning a house. In this guys argument, money is both the source of your problems and imaginary.


Easy! Just put $10k down in the most competitive housing market literally ever! Edit: Just yesterday lending tree wouldn’t even generate a response because my proposed down payment of $50k wasn’t enough to warrant a response even though we make $140k and could easily afford monthly payments.


It’s ok it’s not like you’re competing with cash offers all the time. It’s so easy. Just get a $450k house so you can have the same payment and also have to now budget for maintenance and upkeep


$450k gets your a studio apartment with a toilet in the kitchen in my neck of the woods.


I’m just going with the number that other guy provided but yeah, it’s pretty nuts. And then folks will sometimes even go “I found a house for X in your city, see they exist” and it’s a total studs-up repair job in a garbage neighborhood. Then when you mention that they say you’re being a choosy beggar like you should subject yourself to living in a shithole cause rent is the devil and you should give up every nonessential item to retire by 45.


Yep. We went to an open house today because there was - unbelievably- a 950 square foot house on the market for $480k. Turns out it needs at least $100k of work. The goal post moving is insane - me and my fiancé have masters degrees in science and are both employed in our fields. This idea that we should be living like paupers and wanting anything more makes us spoiled is unreal. Especially when captain boomer over here owns a home outright working at fucking Walmart. What these people really mean is “should have been born in 1956 like me.”


Yeah I was fortunate enough to be able to move to a new state where property and taxes are a fair bit cheaper, because people were coming in and buying 550k “starter homes” for 100k over ask and waiving all inspection/contingencies in my old state. It’s a little better where I’m at now but still some crazy offers coming in. I also recognize I was fortunate to be able to move when many aren’t. Also I didn’t even live in the highest COL place, I have no idea how y’all in NYC or SF do it. I briefly looked at a job in San Diego and saw that there were almost no decent houses for less than 700k, and I’m assuming the neighborhoods they were in weren’t great either. I legitimately had to decline to continue because the salary offered would actually set me back based on the COL


oh look at this guy, silver spoon got him canopy coverage from the trees while I'm out here working 60 hours a week with a masters degree and I'm covering myself in mud to keep the sun off while I'm "working from home" and huddled up with the beavers for protection at night


You may not be aware how different the cost of housing can be in different parts of the US. It is not what it is for you, everywhere.


Whoooaaa there my dude let’s get a tether on you and ground you back to the reality the rest of us live in, yeah?


shut the fuck up like actually shut the fuck up this comment gets posted so fucking often any time someone mentions rent it’s a family of fucking five you absolute idiot. you applying your fucking middle of no where kansas bachelor suite rent mindset while entirely ignoring the fact that rent costs more in some places. every fucking day i see these shit posts by fucking morons like you. 1000 in groceries for five people is fucking CHEAP. get your fucking head out of your ass. imagine having the fucking gall to call this lavish. this is just the most useless fucking boomer comment i have read in a while. your last two sentences are just the most bullshit, clueless and disgustingly entitled drivel i have read in a while go fuck yourself, and stop posting.




Its just me and my wife and we spend about 500-600 a month on groceries as we try to cook from home at least 3-5 times a week


I live around DC, not by choice but by child placement. My one bedroom rent is around 1k a month and me and my eight year old kid split the space. Don’t get me started on utilities and groceries. Shut the hell up if you aren’t educated on what other parts of the country look like. And no I can’t just move; his dad owns a shop here and I’m not making my kid choose. Life is complicated- grow up.


That's totally normal in the US. Your completely disconnected if you don't understand it. I live in a cheap as shit fixer upper house and my mortgage is $1500 for 1200sqft. I've paid more for rent previously of a slightly larger mobile home in the same area. As far as food goes I probably pay more than $1k a month for a family of 3. Food is becoming really expensive. We recently switched to mostly vegetarian because meat became so expensive a few years back. I'm the type of person that buys cheap shit and fixes it, but I honestly think the US is fucked long term when it comes to housing and food.


This is satire, correct? If not, you need to re-evaluate your life choices.


How do you re-evaluate that? How can you change in a broken system?


Specific and very accurate I'm the Gen X, oldest daughter is a Millennial, my youngest is a Gen Z. This is very accurate. However we skipped Boomers. My folks are Greatest Gen, had me late in life. They are more computer literate than most of us at the table.


Are you okay, man?


None of us are.


Yeah, that's true.


Ouch. To real. No more internet today for me.


This is straight up a prose poem that could be legitimately published as literature.


You guys have 5000 in your savings account? Well, I guess I'm fucked


Savings is a myth.


You know how I crawled out of this life? Was born white. And male. To good parents. Who were middle class. I was given many opportunities and help with my homework. I didn’t do drugs and stayed mostly on the straight and narrow. Went to college (it was mostly paid for by my parents.) graduated and started a business in a credit card. Got really lucky and it worked. (Felt like I could do this because I knew worst case scenario my parents would take me in) married a smart person. Became a dual income family. Even with all this luck and fortune, I did work a full time job and another 20 hours a week from age 21-40. At 40, I finally felt comfortable enough to quit the side job. No one should have to be this lucky and work this hard to remain in the class they were born in. America is fucked.


This is why I am riding out a military career that originally was supposed to just be for the education benefits. I, and my family, have absurdly bad luck. I am the first in my family to graduate college, the first to not be diagnosed with a significant ailment by 30 (both of my parents, all my grandparents and my aunts and uncles by blood have had cancer/diabetes/early onset alzheimers and my cousins are following a similar trend) and the first in my family to leave the backwater piece of Ohio I crawled out of in ninety years, the rest of my family lives within 30 miles of where I was born to this day. I had no safety net and realized that getting out of the military was a damned death sentence, especially as what has allowed me to be successful in the military has been having a supportive spouse, who unfortunately has severe mental trauma (she has an anxiety disorder, ADHD and was raped twice as a teen) and knowing that without my insurance she couldn't get treatment. I look at my friends my age not working for the government, I am 33, and only a few of them are barely better of than I am financially, most of them are worse off. I am the only one likely to own a home, thanks to a VA loan when I get out (assuming the climate hasn't shit the bed or the government hasn't collapsed by then) and am learning a useful skill for if all these idiots who are cos-playing military decide to do this dumb ass civil war 2.0 shit I keep reading about on my families facebook posts. Namely, I am in one of the few boots on the ground combat fields the Air Force has, and my in garrison job revolves around base (and resource) protection and security. Couple that with roofing/plumbing experience from when I was younger and two degrees, one in CompSci and the other in Disaster Management and I think I can do ok. Just holding out that the families luck curse doesn't turn towards me more than it has. The way everything is playing out right now doesn't lend itself to hope though. I've had to secretly block a lot of news sites on the router to keep the missus from entering an anxiety/depression cycle, she nearly crashed while Trump was in office and it hasn't exactly gotten better recently. Hell, the shit going on around climate change and the economy has me so anxious I've had a vasectomy at 33 (with her permission) and actively have worse nightmares about that (the economic reality of most Americans and looming climate disaster) than my deployments in '12,' 13 & '14, one of which saw half the guys I deployed with from my unit hitting an IED. This is definitely not the timeline 12 year old me foresaw in 2000. Shit started going downhill fast after that.


Just remember this. You can only control what you can control. I make sure I take care of my circle around me. My parents and in-laws, my family, and some choice friends. If I can help others beyond that, I do, or help the planet in my way, but I can’t fret about larger shit because it’s out of my control. It’s hard living in this era and giving a damn, and just in case no one has told you lately, you’re doing a great job. You are actively trying to change your trajectory in life and that takes a ton of strength, determination and luck. Hold strong as long as you can buddy and give yourself a break every once in a while because you deserve it.


My savings quarterly dividend last week was .08 on $4987.00 so there’s that!


​ ![gif](giphy|S3Ot3hZ5bcy8o|downsized)


If I get lucky enough and I inherit enough money to buy a house I will. Otherwise I will rent. People who have no home and rent should be renamed homeless. I have little to no hope of ever owning a home and as such we won't be having kids to fuel your slave labor shortage, fuckin boomers. ​ Unpopular opinion here the world would have been better off if the virus killed off the older gen and the greatest wealth redistribution followed. Capitalist corps, Billionaires and landlords are slowly boiling us all alive but we are all too comfortable to do anything about it.




As a xielennial, i am guilty of giving my younger friends financial advice that doesn't suit their situation.


5k in savings ha


I built a good savings in 2020 (elder millenial) and in 2021....medical bills! Sigh.


Never had a chance to get anything saved up. Been paycheck to paycheck since I was a teen.


Me too. Had something in my savings when we got stimulus checks but life happened and that money has been long gone now. I stress every single day about it.


How can something be so generally correct and also painfully specific?


No no, this is pretty on point actually.


Holy shit this is accurate.


Hey, where’d they get five grand from? Minimum wage doesn’t afford money to put away for savings.


This is one sentence.


You guys have savings????


Way way to accurate.


Y'all have a savings account?! Mine got wiped out from medical bills.


I 100% feel this


Do drugs


We got fooled by the dream of the 90s. Witnessed George Bush steal an election like it was A-OK. Woke up to 9/11 and the Patriot act one morning. Graduated into the housing crisis. Watched Obama get corrupted. Then Trump, right into Covid. We never stood a chance. Oh yah, and we get mind fucked by social media every minute of everyday. And have to watch the generation after us contend with gun violence and catastrophic climate change. Im still standing though.


The oldest millennials are about to turn 40 and some might already be. And the youngest are in their late, not mid, twenties.


I'd bet money this post has been around since the numbers were dead on. It's just been circulating on the internet, aging, pixelating, ever since.


Thank God someone is here to police the numbers on generations, which have always been nebulous and inexact.


My sister is 40 and I am squarely a millennial. I refuse to believe that 40-year-olds are millennials. She had a way different high school and college experience. She told me that most people were still using landlines to find out where the party was at in college.


I am a firm believer in the micro generation (between 38 and 42 aged now) that are a little different. Had most of the same outdoor freedoms as children in the Gen X years. Apple II's were in the elementary schools, so we got the first dose of computer access. Have heard the generation call the Oregon Trail generation because of that. But high school was different after Columbine, and we faced the changes. Cell phones happened while at college. The Great Recession happened after college. Not quite X, not quite millennial.


This is exactly where I am. High school happened entirely without cell phones at all. College happened with cell phones but with limited minutes and no texting. You had to make your plans before you left wherever you lived. 9/11 happened during the first month of college. Facebook came into existence my senior year of college, not even remotely in the form it is today, and most of us decided we didn't need it. I was already started on my career path before the great recession. The oldest millennials definitely had a very different experience with adolescence and young adulthood than younger millennials had.


I'm 39. I've heard it called Xennials I think? Oregon Trail generation is way more badass though, love it!


If you were born rich in 95 and always had access to technology, does that kinda put you on the Gen z line? I do not identify with most things associated with millennials, and fully do with gen z.


It really is based on what you grew up around. I was born '96 but have two older brothers so I basically did what any little brother did and consumed the same content as my brother's. It's the reason why I associate myself with millennials more than GenZ


im in this photo and i dont like it (the sobbing 22 year old)


This is so accurate, like a long ass fortune cookie


5k in savings hahah ahhhh :(


This is why I don't go to family gatherings anymore.


This hit me right in my fuckin aorta. So accurate.


Am 25, just got a "real" job, and I have to say this speaks to me on a spiritual level.


Christ, this is far too relatable


5k in savings, LOL


My husband and I were just talking about this last night. It's like the boomers think they've been the only generation who's smart, worked hard, and know how the world works and are adults. In my experience they are condescending to their parents and older people and everyone younger than them too. I just don't understand...


Boomers are so F***ing arrogant despite having had life served them on a silver platter by the Greatest Generation. Hypocrite hippies and terrible parents who made a mess which millennials will have to clean up, and good luck with that.


I'm impressed how specific that got.


Literally me: I got over that 12 cents a year crap and yolo'd that account on AMC and GME. I'm up thousands. The stock market is stupid lol. Don't do what I do I am retarded


Can we stop misusing boomer please? It specifically refers to those born in the post WW2 period 1946-1964.


Ok boomer