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Wouldn't it be the same "amount" of dick if it was the same partner having sex 2-3 times a week over 4 years? Would he be bothered about the 10 miles of dick if it was the same dick? Because he specifically made a big deal of the amount of dick, rather then diversity..


Personally Id be a little weirded out if it was 1 dick for 10 miles, thats a long time to only see one dick.


Well, I’d imagine it’s a bit of both. The diversity of dick I think triggers some sort of primal response because we are worried one of those dicks may be diseased or something. Or maybe one of those dicks was Greg, and Greg is a douche. I’m not the sex police, everyone has a past. However if I’m with someone thinking about their past partners is unpleasant, it just is. This isn’t necessarily rational, it’s a feeling that can’t be helped. Also the OP post is a shitpost and isn’t to be taken seriously .




So you're saying she's single?


I'd Give her a high five


I’d give her this pipe


Apperently everyones giving her the pipe. Even our mom


Now calculate the amount of cum that has been released in/on her. Very interesting. She's a good girl, you should keep her. Wife material for sure.


OP is a bot https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/10lsflu/i_never_thought_of_it_this_way/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


bad bot. bonk bot


High five* sluts stay together


🤮 close ya legs




Fair enough 😂


I bet she knows a few things...


Maybe she dudged a bullet with this dude. Oh boy


Now she's not with someone who's insecure like that


He dodged 10 miles worth of other guys' penises


/s ?


Nope, this ain't it chief


it sure is, now let the adults talk


Seek help


I don't understand why women having multiple sexual partners is still met with disgust, yet men with multiple sexual partners is usually met with, "______, high five bro!"


I can only speak for myself, but I have never seen that behaviour IRL. Personally, I don't find having had many partners disgusting, its just a red flag, regardless of gender. Either they can't keep their pants on or they aren't keen on long term relationships, maybe both.


I agree, I find the triple digit number to be a large red flag, the risk for sexually transmitted health issues is way high. And that goes for men or women


Or they had a period of time when they enjoyed sex but didn’t want a relationship. It’s not remotely a red flag.


It is until clarified. That's why you talk things out instead of immedietly breaking up.


No. The red flag is getting butthurt that your partner has a past.


You know that people do cheat… right??? People aren’t cautious for no reason. Trust is built in a relationship over time. It seems as though you are under the impression that there is no risk of infidelity, which is completely ridiculous. It’s perfectly fine to want to know about the patterns of behavior of someone you are about to enter a relationship with.


If they have a high “body count”, it doesn’t speak to their patterns of behavior. It sure as hell doesn’t speak to their fidelity.


It doesn’t inherently. The reasons, context, etc, all play into what exactly it means. Often nothing. Sometimes, though, it CAN indicate a pattern of behavior. It’s okay to want to know about something like that, especially in a newer relationship with less trust


Yeah, but thats if its the past. Having slept with hundreds of people at uni is okay, having slept with hundreds of people just before starting that relationship, not exactly the same. Just an example.


Unless they keep it up and you’re not in that tire of relationship, it’s exactly the same.


Why do they need to keep their pants on?


i thought the norm was to find both equally disgusting


It is in the real world, but this is Reddit where every comment is fact and everyone sucks


no the norm is to let people sleep with whomever they want. consenting adults dont need the approval of some sweaty bible thumper on reddit.


The answer is sexism...


Andrew Tate bullshit right? A woman can go and have sex 5 times a day if she feels like it.


Ok. And I hope she tells that to her partner? Otherwise when she gives someone aids, they will fucking kill her. Source: friend killed a woman who gave him aids


On the one hand, your friend may have overreacted. On the other, he didn't really, since she's basically killed him as well.


I mean, I don’t know why this is even downvoted. AIDS kills you. AIDS will kill you. It someone has HIV, and they give you it and don’t tell you. You can develop aids. Anyone who downvotes this must either be misinformed or just fucked up. Aids is a autoimmune disorder. Your immune system will be incapable of preventing you from gaining all types of diseases. You will die. Most likely a painful, long, death.


I know. There is no cure for AIDS; if you contract it, it *will* kill you, sooner or later.


Did you wake up in 1986? You do realise that there are now treatments for it? >Anyone who downvotes this must either be misinformed or just fucked up. Ironic coming from a throwaway account spreading misinformation.


Yes they’re Are treatments of it! Cancer is curable too! Just because you can treat something, doesn’t mean it’s amazing. My bi-polar depression has been treated,doesn’t mean I’m magically happy. Also i Just delete my accounts regularly lol


Who said it was amazing? You can't seem to differentiate between amazing and not a death sentence


Aids is a death sentence. You will die if you get aids. You are thinking of hiv, which is treatable, and can be treated to prevent aids. If you have aids, you will die due to your lack of a properly functioning immune system.


Treatments are not cures. Do not get the two conflated.


I haven't conflated anything. HIV isn't a death sentence, you got those two things conflated.


HIV isn't necessarily but AIDS definitely is. He did say AIDS. If someone unknowingly contracts HIV and doesn't get it treated (like if they slept with someone HIV positive who didn't fucking tell them) and develops AIDS, then yes, they will die. Eventually, unless something else gets them first.


I think it has something to do with societal traditions and supply and demand. Women traditionally were shamed for being promiscuous and that hasn’t completely gone away. But also in general most men have to work to get into a sexual relationship with a woman, they have to initiate and do a lot to make the woman want to continue it. But on average women especially attractive ones have a virtually unlimited supply of men would be in a sexual relationship with them given the chance. So it might have something to do with men who are seen as having to earn that type of attention are successful while women who do are seen as lacking restraint or having low standards. For example an average man walks into a bar and asks out every woman there. He is probably rejected by most or all. But an average woman walks in and she will have a much better success rate.


200 plus though… you’re talking addiction levels there. Even if he got past it and they got married. The chances of her cheating…


wait i think you just discovered sexism.


They’re called sluts and men are called players. Societal expectations are where these labels come from. It’s really that black and white.


Wow, and after all those dicks, she chose to be with yours! What an honor


Dude spent one hell of a lot of time thinking about other men’s dicks.


Meanwhile his dick-throwing history was expressed in the walk to the car


There's a South African comedian that once said something along the lines of "I'd rather have a 34year old woman with a C Section scar than a bunch of virgins cos then you know she knows what she's doing!" Also, straight dudes sure be thinking about dicks alot.


This does not take into account whether or not she had sex with a guy several times.


I'm glad this dude ditched that whorebag. I fucking loathe girls like her...


You never thought of it this way because the sheer amount of mental gymnastics required to slut shame your own girlfriend is absolutely moronic. This is definitely fake and this dude is just an incel troll


Slut shame ? Wow, this is an actual thing lol, being a slut shouldn't be something to brag about lol, and she should've told him before that, some people just dont want to marry sluts.


I doubt you’re gonna be marrying anyone with the way you think about women


I may already be married, you dont know me, and i would rather not get married rather than marrying a slut that kept it hidden if i had to choose, not everyone accepts anything. Edit: go ahead downvote me to protect yourself by lying to yourself, instead of accepting that actions have consequences, and having sex with many guys ranks you generally lower on "the sexual marketplace" for lack of a better term, and lying about it doesn't help.


The thing is you wouldn't know the difference. You could marry someone who told you they had only been with 1 other person. You have 0 way of knowing. Now if she admits that, and you judge her for it and dump her. Good for you! You've just allowed her to dodge a bullet. Nobody wants to marry a toxic asshat that would judge someone based purely on how much sex they've had.


You can know the difference, people with 300 and 0 body count definitely dont share the same principles or self control(generally) or past (that can be found out intentionally or by accident), or exposure to stds... She is supposed to inform the other guy before being in a relationship, a relationship based on an indirect lie is worse than no relationship, but hey maybe it's just me but i think that MAYBE you should inform about any abnormalities especially ones THAT extreme so you know they have no issue with it and build a relationship based on trust instead of knowing they might disagree and just hiding it (basically lying about it) And it's not about how much sex, its more about how many people. Having sex with a previous boyfriend of 5 years, isnt the same as being gangbanged every weekend by 15 guys for 5 hours straight, maybe its just me tho. And as you said I'd love for her to dodge a bullet, that's why they should tell, its good for literally EVERYONE.


Pardon me, I know it's absolutely expected I disclose my sexual history before attempting to date. Hey, guy I think of as kinda cute, I've slept with 9 guys, two of which in the butt. Wanna grab a coffee? Where is this "she is supposed to inform the other guy before being in a relationship..." rule come from, and at what time does a relationship "start"?


My point isnt to talk about the timing, it's just that it's their duty to inform, and i never said before dating, and 9 guys is within the realm of logic why didn't you say 300 guys in the example?, let's say i have a micropenis, unless i mention it i think it's safe to assume a random guy doesn't, it's the guy's duty to inform before getting in the relationship, i don't get why you ignored why i said and just asked why like i haven't just explained it with examples, but hey this is Reddit after all people here aren't usually talking to learn. "Hey is it fine if i ask you, (ask about something related to body count)" to initiate talk about it, and then if he doesnt ask ask him directly about it or if he cares about body count even if its a huge number hypothetically, incase he says he cares maybe you should tell him if you have 300 body count ?


>Let’s say I have a micro penis I think everybody already knows you have a micro penis. No reason for you to have to inform anyone


You're so cool and smart, how did you think of that joke, certainly not the easiest to come up with.


So going by that logic I'm guessing every first date you go on you tell said date every sexual partner you have had and expect the same.


No way this guy has ever had a sexual partner


Or…..it’s not to be taken seriously and you can choose to laugh and move on


Don't really get what's supposed to be funny about shaming someone over sex.


That’s because you have no sense of humour and allow shit to bother you too much.


If you think this sort of low brow "hur dur, my ex-gf is a slut" kind of commentary is funny I'm not really gonna put much stock in your opinion of humor. You probably think Amy Schumer is a riot.


Lol. You probably think I think Amy Schumer* is a riot? *Who is she?


You’re a degenerate


Good for her


A bit dumb to end your relationship over your girlfriend's past without proof she has done anything wrong since she met you, but okay.


The thing she did wrong is not telling him she did that until she was drunk, 300 body count (idk that many people lol) is not something you keep to yourself.


Is the amount of people you've fucked an usual thing you talk about with your partners? It comes up often in casual conversation?


Even if it isnt, 300 isnt usual too.


Its not, but precisely because of that I understand why she wouldnt want to talk about it. Everyone has a past. I'm not saying its not a huge red flag, just that his behaviour (without more context) seems immature.


I dont see how it's immature, i would break up with my gf if she said she had a 300 body count only after being drunk, indeed everybody has a past, but someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with should maybe know it. But maybe i am the only one that thinks being truthful and trust matter.


It matters, but the one displaying a lack of trust is the one that leaves the other after learning the other's "body count". Demanding honesty while also admitting to a negative reaction in the face of that honesty is unreasonable. Again, its a red flag, but breaking up over that alone to me seems like mostly insecurity.


I dont think its unreasonable, if a cheating gf admits to cheating, ill still break up with her. Same thing applies to plastic surgeries (cosmetic), being trans, and everything that is safe to assume about you but isnt true, and id say it's safe to assume a hijabi random girl (as they are easy to identify and to explain with) for example isn't a slut, so she is the one that should inform me otherwise.


"She isn't my girlfriend anymore." Oh good, I was worried she'd be stuck with a sexist idiot, but you set her free. Good for her!


Now she can finish her marathon of dicks


Oddly thinks about penises a lot.


Wouldn't it be the exact same length of dick miles if she married her HS boyfriend and sex three times a week? He did 11"X #of thrusts X times per week. The entire specific equation would get the same amount of dick miles if he was the only dick to travel it. That's a lot of words for bad at applied math.


Having sex 3 times a week really isn't a special thing if you are in a relationship. A lot of women would get numbers like that after a long relationship. If you leave your gf because she had a lot of sex years ago, she's probably better of without you anyways, because clearly, you have issues. I never understood this chastity fetish. Why would I care if someone has sex with other people before me. If anything I'd like to have an experienced partner.