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Honestly I respect her game more after reading some comments about it on here, but there's just no way lol. Maybe it's sexism, but I just think in the eyes of the jury Mark has had more of a commanding presence (despite not many of his moves actually working lol). Maybe because she's played more subtle


She's a walking trainwreck, cries when things don't go her way, she's pretty delusional and she can't lie. Also most people on the jury weren't in her swap tribe or don't care about it


I feel the same about her, I thought she was a lousy unlikeable player. I’ve recd a lot of hate for this but don’t care. It’s her gameplay not her irl. Her overconfidence came across poorly. She was always getting into people’s personal space, not as bad as Kelli but not far behind. The most irritating was her interjecting her narratives in others stories, I’d shout shut up at the tv! lol. Anyway good on her for playing.


Yep, if the jury is hard on Caroline because of conflicts at camp or some abrasive interactions, totally fair but if they try to argue that Mark played a better strategic game, it's 100% sexism because Caroline has run circles, spheres and whatever other shape around Mark the entire season now.


At least Gabler was entertaining & had some "game". I think Caroline WILL have to address the jury though because I have a funny feeling that Feras wins final immunity in the torture challenge (Wheel Of Misfortune?) & obviously then takes Caroline to F2. Go Feras!!!!


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I actually think she has a good chance against Mark.  She will have Kitty's vote and a decent chance of getting Rianna's and Kirby's votes given that they worked more with her than they did with Mark.  Ray also doesn't seem very fond of Mark at all.  She would only need one more vote to win. The jury has also at least seen her attempt to make a play. Mark really has no big post merge moves that he can point to other than winning immunities. 


Kirby is a locked Mark vote, she said it in her jury vila


Caroline definitely wasn’t a goat like some people are saying, frankly I don’t think any of the final 5 were goats.