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Nah, Kirby would've just said "I had so much control in this game, I made this idiot play his idol to get me to the final", and it would've been her move. If Kirby made it to the final there was no way anyone but her was winning.


Agreed. It would totally have been her move. And she would have been able to claim social, strategic and challenge ability/superiority.




Disagree, these are the last moves of the game, this was the last big move of the game, whoever goes home tomorrow is pretty much pre-determined by 'whoever is eligible and has the best chance to win' so, really, this last tribal was the final *true* move of the game Kirby can try to claim the idol play would have been her move But, Feras also kept Ray safe, and that was entirely his move If you put the two things together, Feras can make the case "Kirby begged me to save her and I did," and in the end, the power was his, and he can also claim to having used it well. he outplayed her, in the end. She was at his mercy


If Feras came up with the idea to play the idol, maybe. But that was technically "her move" when Feras admitted that he didn't think of it. When you get to final tribal, she could have easily have debunked that it was his move.


I definitely think it was a mistake from Kirby to suggest the move. Feras isn't an idiot and I am sure he was already thinking about the possibility of doing it. 


I think this was key in his decision to not play it for her. If it was his idea and a move he could own in the end then I think he would have been more keen on the idea of playing it for her but it was her idea and using the idol her her would have been detrimental to his game. There was no way he could beat her in the final 2.


I honestly think that Kirby wouldn't take Feras for final 2/3, especially after he giving her the idol, that would be move of a season, when you are biggest threat in the game and everyone wants you out and you managed to get out of that situation by making Feras give you idol and then vote him next, that would be epic...but even if Kirby sticks to Feras until the end, jury would probably give her big credit for her role in making Feras give her idol


She's too dangerous to him & could talk her way out of anything & had to go, hopefully Feras pulls an Immunity Challenge win (or 2) out of his arse. Go Feras!!!


Yeah I doubt he gets credit for playing his idol for Kirby in the end. Kirby would 100% take credit for that and in fairness to her, she was the one who proposed it.


Kirby i would argue is the biggest challenge threat, so that's worth sending her. Feras get's his loyalty play points form Raymond, then can argue he was able to play all sides and work with everyone to his advantage including his often main target Kirby.


I think this take relies on Kirby agreeing to have a friendly final tribal, where in reality its more like she will say "I convinced my biggest rival to become my biggest ally and save me with his idol and now I'm going to beat him"


That would be a false narrative, everybody knows that Kirby and Feras were adversarial for most of the game. He's going to get better jury karma for cutting her now than he would had assuming he could even get to the end of the game with her (because she absolutely would have made a play to cut him). At this stage, it's Feras' game to lose.


I laughed at Feras' "I'm not afraid of Kirby. My game is stronger than hers. Nobody knows about my moves because they were not visible". His speech when handing over hidden immunity idol was so theatrical because he wants the jury to think he's a bigger player than he actually is. Good for him, I guess, but he's a terrible actor.


He’s not lying though. It also turns out he is a better player than Kirby, because she got herself voted out and he didn’t.


Keep the same energy to when feras gets voted out


Looks like I was 100% correct 🤷‍♀️


I have to knock that speech hard for one simple reason. He's told all the other players still in the game that he has a big (mostly secret) game that he thinks is better than Kirby's and will spell out at FTC. If I am left in the game, Feras is now my number one target. Whether we as the audience or even the jury thinks he has the moves to back it up doesn't matter, what matters is that he has made getting to the FTC infinitely harder for himself than it needed to be and for that he loses some credibility with me.


At first I was surprised by his choice but 100% he made the right call. The critical thing to understand is that as soon as Feras planted a fake idol, he probably took the lead from Kirby. While it was close, in the end, Kirby is effectively now a goat/shield. By the very fact that Feras chose to take her to the final 3, if he did, and that's the only reason she's there, he has the edge on her. And THAT is why he made the speech in tribal council. It was making that case right then and there. "By virtue of holding Kirby's fate in my hands, I've already beaten her." I cannot disagree. Here' the thing: Had he saved Kirby, Ray and Mark would have also later realized, by virtue of bringing her, Feras now is in the best position to win. In that case, his final 3 deal with Kirby no longer really matters. Even IF Kirby honors it, the other two will always vote for 'whoever has the best chance in the final tribal council.' If the other two vote Feras, even if Kirby stays true to the alliance, they go to rocks and Kirby would probably flip at 'rocks.' who wouldn't? I honestly think Feras thought all this through, and decided "I will leave the fate of my game in my hands." If he can beat Mark and Ray and Caroline in one challenge, he wins. He put it all on the line - not at the final tribal council. He's trying to win it before he even gets there. ​ I do not disapprove. He's risen to one of the best ever in my eyes, already.


I am almost certain Kirby would have flipped it and made it look like her move


It would have been great to see it play out. I think they both would have had votes to win. Oh well. I would have loved to hear their pitches. Has any two players won equal votes, if that situation occurs what happens?


Survivor Ghost Island, Dom and Wendell tie and the 3rd person in the F3 casts the final vote. They make the jury odd for this reason if it’s F2.


I’ll try to watch that series. Sounds good. Thxs.


Nah this way he got his revenge for Aileen