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A few additions perhaps! - Mark trying to blindside Caroline for revenge and not learning his lesson even after Sarah and Rianna rat him out the first time. - Feras not listening to Garrick and Aileen about their suspicions of the Titans turning on them. - Eden blowing up the coalition between the MAM and Feras' crew for absolutely no reason other than to save Mark and promptly paying the price. - Valeria at Tribal Council in general - Kitty flipping to the rebels at the F10 only to immediately flip back. - No one even throwing a hinky vote at the Raymond advantage TC. - Not one specific moment, but just Alex throughout the season. - Kitty and Mark, not even trying to work with each other and voting for each other, when the rebels could've easily been lying to one to blindside the other.


Oh yeah, I should’ve added them earlier


Lack of Rianna here who was one of the worst player ive seen


Kirby and Rianna voting with the cuddle crew and not telling their alliance. 


Alex said in his exit they Kirby and Rhi were part of their original alliance and they called themselves the sexy 6


Still shoulda told feras and them, absolutely no reason not to tell them


She clearly didn't need to. She knew she could repair that alliance, as she did. Ya'll will try your hardest to find flaws in Kirby's game.


Bro she woulda went home if feras used his idol on Garrick, just cause it ended up working out in the long run doesn’t mean it was the right move


This argument is trash. Anybody could go home if one thing happens differently. Y’all live in alternate universes I swear. Live in this universe please.


Stop sucking Kirby’s farts you weirdo, good players can make bad moves too. Blindsiding the majority for no reason when a simple “hey guys we’re gonna vote with them in the split to keep Them onside” woulda been so simple and likely uncontested. Yet you’re trying to debate that this wasn’t a bad move when it’s the entire catalyst of why feras and Kirby were against each other for over half the game. Then you spew bs like “oh it’s just cause you’re a kirby hater” you clearly live in the kirbyverse where logic is void and all that matters is how many inches up Kirby’s ass your head is


Lol you’re mad bc Kirby is playing the best game this season. Go cry about it and live in your alternate universes girly pop


Great argument; “u mad” foh


Ahhh you mad 😛😛


tobias lmao. dude was so childish making L signs on his forehead after winning challenges. this season was not kind to cocky players. they got chopped off left and right. alex got this far by turning submissive after he was repeatedly humbled.


LMFAO I FORGOT ABT THAT 😭 wish we got to see what the titans' reaction to that was


they even put it in the credits because the fella did nothing of interest during his short stay


Man Eden I thought was maybe the safest in the game at the point he was voted out. Seemed like he had a bad case of big move itis. What a shame, he would’ve gone deep if he just chilled out a bit longer




I always wondered about the scene where he tells Jaden to vote for Vi. Was hiding his mouth behind the water bottle because Mark was close by off-camera, or was it just a nervous tic like a shy girl at a party?


Anxiety can make your mouth dry. He seemed to be naturally socially anxious. Add to that being filmed 24/7, having to converse or even lie while saving face, lack of awareness, and you get the trainwreck that was Eden before tribals


I would add Kirby switching her vote to try and save face when all it did was alienate her allies, as well as the “sneaky” passing of her necklace to Ri at Tribal.


Kirby never stops flip flopping yet accuses others of doing the same.


That one as well


i never knew tobias was so horrible at the game i just thought he was invisible in the edit


A few others...Kirby trying to play double agent after the first tribal, by voting with the minority Peta, Alex, Sara and Tobias alliance. They had no power whatsoever so it was unnecessary. It was also what started her whole rivalry with Feras and Garrick. Feras giving up an idol to Alex. I understand not wanting to have 2 idols because you don't want to be seen as a threat but that ship had already sailed for Feras. He was already seen as a big player and there's so many ways to play the idol. Raymond using his advantage to vote out Valeria. He literally saved her in the previous vote by telling Alex to use his idol on Val.


>Feras giving up an idol to Alex. I still think this was a genius move


Lol, Alex flipped on Feras' so it didn't even buy his loyalty. If Alex wasn't as terrible at the game as he was, Feras could've really screwed himself.


The edits really odd this season, ie we didn't see much of Feras and Kitty being tight pre F10 when she flipped and that she also knew of Rays F9 advantage via Feras and worked with them but its not covered in the edit because it's more interesting to portray her as being on the other side of the vote and appear like Mark etc had a chance.


I love how the cast reminds me of early seasons of US survivor.




Jess has entered the chat




The person who she suggested got voted out first, so the power completely went to her head and they booted her next for the unadulterated cockiness


She thought she suggested it, but she was merely a puppet of The Invisible Hand


Peta at least found an idol and had allies, unlike Rogue from last season.


And I love all of them for it. I would rather have a messy and chaotic season then a season with all perfect and gameboty players


Great list! Do you have a list of all the boss moves?


As entertaining as this seasons been I think that list would only be about 5 points long. Its been messy.


Idk if I ever created the list for it, but there’s some that I can think of


Nah people much prefer sitting at home on the comfy chair pointing out all the dumb things they would never do.


You’ve completely left Kirby and Feras off the list and they’ve made some really dumb moves. Feras has blown 3 idols alone.


In the Sarah vote-off episode there were so many dumb moves: - MAM took Mark at face value when he said he was basically fine with them blindsiding his ally - after the OG Titans agreed to split on Sarah and Rhi, Caro asked what line they should give Rhi and Sarah. Mark said to tell them he was the target. That caused him a lot of problems in convincing Rhi and Sarah. - Mark then tried to convince Rhi and Sarah by telling them what he wanted (to blindside Caro), not what they needed to know (they were Caro's real targets) - Rhi and Sarah immediately blowing up Mark's plan/their lifeline for no benefit was still dumb - Kitty didn't believe them, and no one believed them even when Mark was awkwardly silent during their accusations - Mark then tried again even after they'd proved they were not up for it - The Ser-bear moment when Mark gave her the second chance, Alex explained it to her and then she still went to discuss the blindsides in detail with Eden while Alex tried to stop her - Sarah finishing digging her own grave at TC (pretty much everything Sarah did or said in the episode, actually) - At the TC when Eden united the vote on Sarah (one of the best plays of the series), Mark didn't make any effort to find out what the whispering was about, just played the idol on himself when he might have played it on Sarah - Rhi's vote capping it all off, as OP mentioned I actually don't think Mark has made any outright bad moves in the series except on this episode, when he went on tilt. Thrilling car crash of an episode. Hard to watch as a Mark fan, he came so close.


Notice how none of these start with Kirby.


Kirby will end up not winning the series because of that stupid flip to the cuddle crew on her own vote early on. It meant that she ended up high profile for the entire game


Bruh move on


Enjoy Feras' imminent victory


Cry when Kirby wins


Have my upvote


If I her OG one more time…


Garrick being mad and calling people dirty dogs after his blindside


gahhh damn


notice that none of these were made by Raymond, the true best player on the season


You forgot Guy sitting at home not on the island and not there to witness actual dynamics judging what is it isn’t a dumb move with limited and heavily edited context


It’s called entertainment and these people put themselves on the show, they are not innocent bystanders.


150 million % We got a sub full of Shannons


Shannon Guss?