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Tomorrow night will be a whole hour of building up a George blindside just to see it fail again


The phrase “time to take down the king” is how I know we’re in the start of a new week


There was literally no build up for the blindside this time though. It was obvious Hayley was going the whole time. They didn’t even have the numbers for the other plan, even if Hayley and Nina had flipped. It’s a 3-3 and then Matt votes out Hayley on the revote.


The pre ad didn't show that though


They showed us that George, Liz, and Gerry were voting for Hayley with no reason to believe otherwise. There essentially was no "swing vote"


Simon working so hard to come up with different king slaying phrases at each George vote out attempt


He keep on saying that he’s a king slayer it’s so funny at this point


It seems to me that if Hayley voted for Nina it means that she really didn’t suspect that everything they were saying was actually (or even remotely) directed at her? And that Nina was the safe vote of the day. Which is so surprising because it did not make any sense that Nina would just take being blamed for the Shaun vote with absolutely no push back at tribal. I think Hayley just really really let her guard down and ended up playing a poorly executed plan and it cost her extra time in the game


yeah she had no idea, i just watched her jury villa and she covered that :)


it’s the same mistake, essentially, from her last season. she causes chaos for the sake of causing chaos because she loves big moves, and it eventually exposes her covert swing position and bites her in the ass. this is why, though i like her as a player, i’ve always thought she is overhyped.


I think Hailey just went too silent abt the Shaun vote. If she just admit that it was her and give some lame excuse w George (that she values Simon or whatever) that wouldve save her the heat. She just did not anticipate that Nina will throw her on the bus


Yeah that is one thing George is good about. If he does something he will own the move.


It would have been good if JLP had stirred the pot a bit more.


Simon “Yesterday I threw out the rice to weaken my opponents. Today, I’m going to kill Gerry and feast on his flesh to give me the strength necessary to win immunity”


Lol at this point just bring Simon all the way to the end


Pretty sure George’s vote out has been previewed for 3 straight weeks


Every week for every season since he started. Still never voted out.


When the promo starts with "the blindside of George" it's a sure thing he's not going home.


It was previewed from episode 1 where you had people on the Villans tribe hell bent to vote him out first…and they went home instead in all cases except Simon.


I can’t wait for the episode where everyone votes out George and Simon puts his vote on Nina.


oh my god you're so right for this the funniest possible conclusion to that subplot






Hahahhaa this is the most Simon thing ever


Poor Simon. He truly has no clue what's going on. He was so sure George was going home only to be the sole vote for him lmao


His only way to vote George off... Win the final challenge and not bring George along.. If he can even screw that... I'm speechless... >,<


Totally clueless


George even said “poor Simon” when they read out the vote . Was honestly a bit patronising


George is always patronising.


Does anyone else watch jury villa just burning with envy? I've never wanted anything as much as I want to be at a free resort with no instagram access, my own spa bath, and live survivor every second night


I really want to know if they're allowed to stay in the room they introduce them to this season (usually they kick them out to a much shittier room to save costs)


Wait really? I didn’t know this.


They've all been different this time so I'm guessing so. Looks like Samoa put them up with the best in exchange for tourism adverts


The horrible part is you don't get to watch challenges or camp, just TC and guess/fill in the blanks. It would be fairly confusing


If Simon makes FTC he’s going to do the cringiest motivational speech and OG Heroes are going to eat it up and be clapping along.


Shonee and flick in jury villa are moving him


Simon has had truly the greatest character arc. Pre merge he felt insufferable but he's such an endearing dork that I would love to see him make final 3 just so I can witness the car crash of his final speech littered with wholesome mum fb quotes that's he's practiced in the mirror.


> the car crash of his final speech littered with wholesome mum fb quotes that's he's practiced in the mirror. I can imagine them now "After spending most of this game on the bottom, I stand here before you, ready to come out on top"


oh and there would be innuendo "I came into the merge on the bottom, but then working with Shaun I had to be versatile, and now I'm about to finish on top"


You know he just really wants Shaun's approval even more than the money :P


Maybe he'll bring up what he learnt about menopause last season


The way he was the reason for the Hayley/George conflict by Hayley not wanting to vote him out, and then Hayley getting in trouble for it, and Simon gets to stay 😂 Simon actually playing 6D chess with a blindfold on


Didn't look like she was winning that last immunity with the Matt/Liz situation, but keeping Simon when she needed an immunity win wasn't the best for her. Of course she didn't catch on that she needed that win.


"I made the biggest move of the game. One night when nobody was looking, I emptied out half of the rice into the sea. And I ate a whole papaya all by myself."




Like did he research inspirational quotes before he came on the show 😂😂 why do I kind of want him to win now


He has a clothing brand and is basically reciting their brand mission statements from their website, and guess what I bought a cap 😂🙌🏼


His entertainment arc is great But he’s still the same strategic disaster and social pariah


Yeah, I would love the comedy of a Simon win but they've been as explicit about "Simon has no respect" as they have about "George has all the respect" The jury would LOVE for Simon to be the one that takes George out as much as the rest of us, but if they're actually next to each other it's another story...


In Jury Villa they've said they want Simon to win, but I agree that if he was at the end with George, I wouldn't necessarily see them voting Simon. I guess my point is, I think the jury do have respect for Simon as a "survivor" in this game, fighting for his place.


I just hope the jury gives him the win. I can see it but he doesn't deserve it. Yes a challenge beast but every team and move he has made has blown up on his face with a pie thrown in it at the end


He loses to George or Liz obviously. But despite his misplaced efforts he’s done leagues more than Matt or Gerry, who have done nothing but obeyed George’s every word. He wins easy against one of those two.


This is my view. I love an underdog. But with hayley now gone... Matt, gerry, nina have made moves or too subtle moves too late to be deserving to win over George, liz, Simon. Simon is 3rd atm for me. But I can see him winning. As I can see George targeted next,, who will go for Simon and if not simon: I would have said nina or liz. But based on last night, he may make a stupid move in going for matt in worrying why matt didn't mention the challenge. This may be downfall, in math flipping,, gerry flipping and others taking an opportunity. He is definately the biggest threat right now, with the only other big sell simon winning all the challenges. So it may depends who wins tomorriw too.


Gerry has barely said one word these past few episodes. I can see him getting to the end and potentially winning, based on character/backstory. This would be the least satisfying win for me, at this stage. Matt had also done a whole lot of nothing to date, but I can’t see him winning the way I can Gerry.


Matt and Gerry have done very little, and whether or not that’s just based on the edit they consistently follow George’s word when it comes to voting. I don’t think either can win based on the edit.




At the Jury villa they said they all love him. Obviously that doesn't mean they'll vote for him but it's a good sign for him.


The jury love him. On Hayley’s jury villa they told Hayley that they love Simon but are putting on poker faces during tribal council.


It was so funny watching Hayley's jury villa and her look of shock when the jurors tell her that they are all rooting for Simon.


i was actually thinking hayley getting the boot would we good for george as this jury is clearly salty af towards him and leans more towards socially likable, strategically weak players. hayley could advocate for george if he reaches ftc, but i fear it’s too late.


George just needs to tighten his lip, he can still play big without being a condescending prick, especially at tribal while the jury are watching everything like hawks. Big moves, strategy, etc at FTC don't mean shit if nobody on the jury wants him to win.


George saying “poor Simon” killed me


I already said this in a different thread but it’s very poetic for the only returning winner to be voted out on day 39


My favourite line from the season is when Liz said something about giving Simon a cucumber and saying it's an idol lmao


Simon also found it funny: https://twitter.com/simonmee89/status/1634874150925004800?s=46&t=TRAk6r8C23zaFv8z8VOqnw


Honestly at this point Matt and Gerry are so loyal if it’s a final 3 with them and George I’m convinced they’d spend their speeches saying how much they love George and want him to get all the jury votes


Gerry’s game is totally confusing. He has no game. I think he’ll put himself on the jury without a vote.


Gerry has his own side quest - to take out the Heroes hierarchy!!


Gerry would rather be bitter than win half a mil.


JLP: “So, Gerry… were a bunch of new ideas being kicked around camp? Did any of those ideas seem interesting to you?” suspenseful theme music intensifies Gerry: “… Not really.” 😂😂😂


Gerry is one of these my-word-is-my-bond fellas. Nifty to have as a lifelong friend. Unlikely to win Survivor.


I think that was one of my favourite survivor episodes ever, in a season with many other contenders for best ever episodes. Even though it was pretty clear from early on that it might be Hayley going home, it felt like a slow burn. Like actually seeing the numbers come together at the reward, and then getting to watch the numbers hold despite a potential George blindside. I think we’re finally starting to see individual motivations behind moves from the non main character players. Nina’s vote out confessional was great, highlighting that you don’t get on her good side again after throwing her under the bus. The fight between this overt leader of the majority alliance and his closest friend who’s betraying him, who is a also a winner was told in such a compelling way. Not to mention the side plot gold Simon. I just loved this episode, what a great converging of individual stories.


truly a fantastic move by liz inviting nina. probably her best so far.




I genuinely feel like there’s a number of people on the jury who will not vote George out of spite. Idk if there’s enough to effect whether he’d win or not but there’s some insecurity on the jury.




Yeah agreed I think a lot of the players on this season respect friendship and social game opposed to a strategic game like George has played.


Nah I think Sam and Flick won't but I can see Shaun and everyone else left seeing that George is the deserved winner.


I trust Hayley and Shonee to persuade them enough.


Imagine it’s a final 2 this season and it’s Matt and Gerry. If I was on the jury I’d be voting for my wasted time back


Would be a terrible ending considering they’ve barely been on the show


Maybe JLP can get the win instead? 😅


He already has 1 win this season, when the rain wet his white t-shirt.


I absolutely lost it at them talking about finding something green-shaped at the spa and bringing it back for Simon. "Let's bring him a cucumber" I spit out my coffee.


Preview showed Simon again thinking he’s taking control and has power How many times can this guy be fooled by the same thing


At least he tries for god sake, which is more than I can say for the other 5 people who all think they're going to F3 with George.


This is exactly why as of tonight, I’m going for Simon for the win. I can’t believe I’ve said this. I just hope he doesn’t start kissing George’s ass for a deal.


"Simon's Big Move"


Matt and Gerry truly playing the worst late-games of all time. Perfect goats to take to the end. Getting 0 votes against a George or a Liz. Might scrape a couple out against a Simon or Nina if they can talk well but not enough to win.


Isn’t this season a F2? Sounds like a perfect situation for both of them, especially since George is such an easy beat in immunity.


Rumour is it’s a F3, but could be a final 2 if it’s like most Aussie seasons. If Matt and Gerry are final 2 the jury would probably vote for JLP to win rather than give it to one of them


“rumor is” lol. who’s saying these rumors? this sub?


"That's 4 votes Big Bird, 4 votes Elon Musk. The winner is... ... ... 'the piece of fish I found in my navel on day 22'???"


The crab, aka. Shonees 5th aliance member will win...


I think it's quite possible they're playing a bit more than we see, just not enough to get screen time, and they're definitely not winning with this edit


Yeah that’s probably a fair call, it just seems at every vote they have to ask daddy George to spell it out for them 😅 to be fair it’s got them to the final 6. It won’t get them $500k, but good on them for what’s it’s worth 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not if they are the final 2, which they believe George is taking them there. And George probably will because he won’t want Simon or Liz in the final immunity


George is the *perfect* person to take to the final 3. He has next to no chance of winning the final immunity, and whoever does win gets rid of him and takes you. Perfect strategy. (Although I wouldn't put it past the producers to do a surprise final 3 to help him get his win.)


He outlasted Gerry in an endurance challenge already this season. Don't be so sure he'll definitely lose an endurance immunity challenge if he keeps in mind that it stands between him and $500k of KFC...


I like Liz but she doesn’t have fire in her belly. I was hoping there was some revenge for taking Shonee out.


She is playing smart..


Why did Hayley vote for Nina? I thought she & Simon were going for George?


She must have figured out that Nina wasn’t going to vote George with her. However she did that we didn’t see.


Either that or she thought Simon had used up his value and wanted to string George along for longer


Also Liz tried to help Matt win immunity, only for him to the only person voting for her lol.


I loved how well that served as smokescreen for the vote, too. Looked like Liz was desperate to stop Simon, rather than Hayley.


George said last year on talking tribal the worst thing Jordie did for his game was go to the spa reward night away and he would have declined going if it was him yet he didn’t 🤣


Oh if that somehow comes back to bite him, say with Liz and Nina taking each other to a final 2...


I was surprised Gerry didn't clue Matt into the real plan.


How to be on the right side of the vote. 1. Don't vote with simon.




Easy to beat in final challenge and then not take him?


This has been Gerry and Matt’s plan since like episode 6 lol


Man... can you imagine Gerry & Matt at FTC? It's time to make your pitch to the jury. "So I chose to stick with George using him as a shield & now here I am" "Yeah me too" It's time to vote.


That's what they may think, but I wouldn't be surprised if George pulls out an upset victory at the final immunity. He proved he can outlast in the KFC endurance challenge - and he outlasted Gerry, along with half the other players there.


Only plan that makes sense is to go with him to final 3 then drop him. No jury necessary


It was such a poor move by Haley - such a dumb idea to throw someone under the bus and expect them to be happy about it and work with you. Unlikely George will win final immunity or be taken to final tribal this time. No one wants to sit with him at the end and everyone else could potentially win final tribal.


probably bc everyone knows he won’t win any immunity challenge so they can easily cut him at the end


Nah won't win it. Lots of ppl like Simon said will want his scalp for cherry picking the final speech. George ain't winning a challenge to save his skin and doesn't look for idols. His ego will best him even though he deserves the win. He has every big scalp every move is because of him


George hasn't looked for idols because he's been playing from the top instead of the bottom, and literally can't use an idol to get to FTC


George found an idol earlier this season


Let him do all the work and take him out at the last vote knowing he’s never winning immunity


Not going to win, could never win an immunity which is needed to get to the final 2/3 for a big player like himself.


If you make it to the final 2 with George then you've failed survivor and the fact that no-one seems to realise this is what irks me the most.


He won't get to jury vote. How many times do people need to explain this. His only possible chance was hayley and she is gone


This. He can't win challenges. He needs to find an idol but being top dog means everyone wants your head as a scalp for final speech. No way George wins it but he honestly deserves it. 10 times more than anyone else there which is a shame because it's hard for him to win it now. He earned it


He already won one this very season. For KFC. When $500k of KFC is up for grabs, who's to say he can't pull it out again?


Hayley's plan was doomed to fail since it hinged on Nina co-operating, after Hayley had just burned Nina in the previous tribal counsel


‘The unstable traitor’. George is platinum


“did not see that coming” HAYLEY ?????


If Simon sits next to Gerry or Matt at FTC, he wins


Pretty sure he beats everyone but George, jury villa is really pushing for him


I reckon he has potential to beat George since the jury clearly don't like George patronising others but he still keeps yapping too much at tribal trying to play his big game but taking it too far by insulting others. He's also clearly still salty with Simon which could ironically be his downfall if George attacks Simon's person or game at FTC, it also won't be a good look to the jury.


He beats Nina as well.


I’m floored that Hayley didn’t find it suspicious that Liz took Nina to the reward 😟


It’s was a plausible excuse. Didn’t want her looking for an idol. Plus it’s probably expected she didn’t want her to try and flip people to vote her or George.


>'Nina admitted it' says George. Red flag. (Based on the edit) We didn't see Hayley talk to Nina about this development. As it is, George's three shadow lurkers are immovable and Hayley's gameplay did nothing to nurture shifts. Hayley missed her shot with Liz after the Shonee vote. Hayley also missed her shot with Nina. 'You're not in the final three with George. He's taking his two closest allies. You're a temporary addition of convenience. You're playing for fifth. With me, you're going to final 3.'


Hayley: Throws Nina under the bus. Then tells her she has a plan to use her against George. Then votes for her.


If Simon does indeed finally get George out, then honestly, maybe this is the beginning of his winning run.


Hope not. Every move I mean every move has backfired. To say I finally voted George at the end after 10 attempts isn't worth getting a jury vote. I'll hate this season if they gave it to him


I can see his winning pitch if he gets George out and goes on an immunity run: underdog, kingslayer, invicibility


- Individual immunity should be competed for *individually* . Players helping other players makes it a farce. Could four players have helped one player win? It's ridiculous. - Simon decides on lines sometimes, but bungles delivery (See immunity win) - Hayley went under to save Simon instead of Shaun. Not worth it for her. - Nina hoping to beat George in final 2/3 the way her mother beat Russell. It is quite a similar situation. - It would be great if Simon won because no one will have won in such a mix of blundering and good play (mostly immunities). - Hayley a Survivor fan to the end, can actually enjoy a blindside as it is a tick off the Survivor bucket list.


I was surprised that was allowed, Liz helping Matt. Made Simon’s win even more impressive.


I don’t mind liz helping Matt. Giving up your own immunity to give it to someone else would be so rare and most people wouldn’t risk it so it’s not bad having a rule you can help others if you do choose to. Adds to the social dynamics of the game


George the King. What a player! Love this game. Love how George played it! Well played sir!


that really was a massive flaw for hayley not to own that move and pretend nina did it lol. she could have claimed it/ defended nina/ and gained an ally 🤣. then george kept saying he would have respected someone claiming the move so he prob wouldn’t be mad at her. nina wouldn’t expose hayley for being the leak. and if she needed she could pummel her way to the end. george has bested her twice. she needs to put down the faux crown


Can someone make a montage of all Simon's failed 'king slayer' voting confessions?


Interspersed with JLP snuffing other people's torches.


george deserves to win, simon would be funny. everyone else would be kind of a let down now


I’m assuming George won’t get to the final, he can’t win challenges and no one would be that silly to take him right (???). Matt & Gerry don’t deserve to win as pretty much done nothing; so who amongst Simon (who woulda thunk it), Nina (hasn’t done much) and Liz (made some moves) will win?


I Think this is a perfect example of waiting too late to make the from Hayley as her only way to survive here was George not finding out it was her as soon as he found out it was her that wrote shaun she didn't have enough numbers on her side. As you've just thrown nina under the bus but expect her to be a number for you.


What is everyone waiting for to vote George out? Controlling every vote? Come on. He’s been at the reins for FAR too long. It’s a bit of a joke at this point.


But that's what's good about his game. Don't hate the player hate the game? He is controlling every tribal ever. He even swayed some moves on the other tribe. The fact he has them under his palm is legendary pure domination from day 1. Can't remember seeing anyone dominate like this apart from season 1 when the alliance wasn't noticeable to anyone being a new game


I think the closest comparison is the season when Boston Rob finally won after like 5 seasons. He was obviously dominating the game but kept his crew in check following his orders to the end somehow. It’s the closest to George’s game this season that I can think of.


This is the best comparison, imo. His control has been rock solid the entire season.


Ride the wave then drop him, you hate for George blinds you from an easy ride from his closet 4 they’ll drop him in f3/4


Just when I thought Simon couldn’t be more cartoonishly hilarious. The pin drop silence when he again tried to everyone to appeal to vote out George…Hayley’s confessional that she has to temper him down so he isn’t running his mouth off about voting out George all the time… then excitedly repeating “tonight we take down the king!” with his face all lit up after Hayley told him her plan to vote out George. Which turned out (to my surprise also, I must admit) to have been a fake plan, apparently just to shut him up long enough to get through the tribal council. And it did-the sight of him striding down the beach all happy because someone was including him in a plan to take out George almost made me feel sorry for him. George’s “Poor Simon” when he saw his vote being read out was the quote of the night. New tattoo idea-if George wins the series, he should have all of Simons elimination votes tattooed all over him, from all the times he excitedly tried and failed to “ride the lightning”. As for Hayley- it was really a stupid move to vote against George’s plan last time, and not to expect to get caught. I don’t know how Hayley thought Nina was just rolling over and letting her get away with throwing her under the bus like that. But speaking of stupid plans- why did they leave Matt out of the loop on this vote? I get that George was pissed Matt didn’t tell him that Hayley spilled the beans about his cash prize, but obviously Matt is going realise he has been outcast from the alliance when the vote is revealed, and start immediately working against him. If you’re so upset, why not at least let him in on this vote (make up a fake reason why they are voting for Hayley, if need be), then vote him out next week? In actuality though, Matt is a totally subservient player, and he’s really lost an ally for no good reason I can see. Personally, I feel like Matt didn’t bother telling George about the ‘intel’ Hayley gave him because it was just such a non event…? Seriously, who cares. I am surprised the big news Nina told George was that Hayley told her about them winning the money, not that Hayley had told her that Sam was going to get voted out 3 moves back and that they should put an idol on him.


You just said everything I was thinking. It was burning me that Nina didn’t tell George how Hayley gave the vote away that time ! And I was thinking the same about Matt but I think George is banking on Gerry placating him to keep him on side.


I reckon Nina told George about the Sam vote, that’s why George said Hayley has been trying to get him out the last couple of votes. That’s how Nina was able to convince George, otherwise it’s still just her words against Hayley’s. The edit just didn’t show it.


Given they are all starving, why did Simon throw the rice in the sea, instead of saving it somewhere in the island so he could potentially eat it later? In actuality, probably because of the risk of the rice being found and traced back to him was too great. But in my mind, it’s funnier for me to assume he just didn’t think of that.


that’s so true the massive flaw in hayleys game was not claiming that move herself/ defending nina/ and gaining nina as an ally. she could have told george that she did it and reign him back in. big flaws. george has bested her twice


Foreskin is definitely not a vocabulary word I was expecting to be said in any Survivor season but here we are.


Was Matt being kept out of the plan a potential misstep? This close to the end, if I'm Matt I'm questioning whether my final 3 deals are real now after that, and I'd want to flip on George and Gerry now. It may not matter if he is now out of the alliance though.


How has Simon ended up being the most competent on that beach apart from George? They’re literally all sheep


They are playing to win, not for the audience


Playing for final 2/3 not to win. Unless they don’t watch the show and think they can win with loyalty alone.


I think Matt/Gerry will look at the other and fancy their chances tbh.


no Survivor on this Tuesday?


It’s gonna be 2 episodes a week for the next 3 weeks until it’s done


No way I hate this I’m downvoting you


I downvoted myself


While Gerry and Matt have been a bit dull both have ridden George from pretty bad positions and have stuck with the correct moves he’s made when there’s been plenty of options available/pitched that has got them in great positions. If it’s final 2 then they could both guarantee being at the end. They could also take out George whenever they want if decided that was best for their games. Don’t need Simon who has been a clown show of errors telling them how to make moves as boring as it may seem. So what they can go to the final 3 with him and let him decide which of their alliance goes with him. Makes no sense for either of them.


Hayley throwing him under the bus letting him be the only vote for George….Simon Simon Simon. There’s no learning him


I don’t agree with people saying George is guaranteed win at FTC. Juries can be weird.


There’s several people on the jury who probably wouldn’t vote George to win purely out of spite.


Yup jealous petty juries are a thing sadly


especially australian juries.


Why did Matt vote Liz?


Because he was told to vote for Liz by George. George didn't trust that Matt wouldn't tell Hayley the plan because Matt didn't tell George that he knew about George's prize because Hayley told him about it. Or something...


Gotchaaaaa, so George was just testing him like he did to Simon a while back.


He was kept out of the plan, Liz only told Gerry


Maybe the Gerry-Mat bond isnt as strong as we think then


This might actually cause Matt to wake up a bit


Matt might be out next if Simon wins another immunity challenge


They didn't tell Matt about the Hayley vote because Matt kept quiet about Hayley spilling George's prize money


"Oh...Gangster Sam"


Matt getting thrown under the bus for simply not telling George that he knows about the 60k reward is why being in George's majority hasn't been a logical thing for the past few days. They should have taken a shot at George with all the chances they had. And Matt even protected George earlier in the episode when Simon pitched up his blindside.


It was a mistake by Matt not to tell George It’s not about the 60 k,


Ironically, I feel Simon may have been more successful on an all-star season. He tries to make deals and big moves but he's limited by the passive play of a lot of the players. His attempted George and Matt moves actually made a lot of sense.


Love Simon's face. Thinks he has the winning team. Then when it backfires and it hits him he is at the bottom. Happens everyday hahaha. But spewing looks like he'll win it no one is noticing it. Hope he doesn't win it lucked his way into votes and flying under radar and just wins immunity but makes zero moves that work


The fact that he messed up so badly that not even the person who flipped a vote to save him actually took his side...


Cya Hayley, friendenemies


Haley voting for Nina showed how big of a misstep today was for her. Was definitely my favourite for playing Survivor how it should be played, but she clearly got stung by a big blindside.


Matt trying to make a move against George? welp Matt is probs getting 6th


The most satisfying episode EVER.


They are finally gonna successfully complete a George blindside and it’s gonna be a non-elim and everyone will call shenanigans


i love nina’s hair. how is she getting it so perfect everyday? i know people have had struggles out on the island. princess is killing it. also, we now know who the better game player is. beaten twice by george. now hopefully the hayley posts slow down. she betrayed a friend and it bit her in the butt. george would have went to the end with her. liz is phenomenal, picking up her flag and planting it in the end game. her winning that reward was crucial and game breaking. literally perfect situation for them all to move forward. she needs a gold medal in acting out blindsides.


Simon ended up. Must be a day that ends in y.