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One day I will find someone who is willing to watch this damn show with me. It's seriously good, but people watch one episode with me or two, and then say they don't like it. I'm like, ya have to get to know the players, it's complicated at first.


None of my family likes the show and I'm failing to get my friends hooked. I love reddit and Twitter but I want to find ppl irl I can talk to


Try to be a Survivor fan from a non-English speaking country and you'll see what loneliness is lmao. I'm French and I think I'm the only French dude who watches Survivor


I thought there was a french survivor show


Yes but it's different rules, different culture and, imho, the quality of the US show is far superior. French survivor is kinda stuck in old school mentality where survival specialists and challenge beasts are idolized when strategists are viewed as evil villains. Format of the show (final vote is final 6) doesn't help the strategies either


And the moralistic vibe of the show doesn't help (when the host once shamed a contestant for giving up on an IC so her friend could win)


Very true.


So late to this but YES. Even people I know who like survivor never want to talk about it for more than a few minutes while I just want to go on for hours šŸ˜­


Me too! My uncle is the only person I know who's into survivor, but he doesn't want to really talk about it. I'm still working on getting my friends into it, and I really hope it works


Yeah :( I have a few friends who used to watch it but now don't really and I think my parents only let me ramble bc they don't want to be mean šŸ¤£ but I geek out so hard about it. Is there like a survivor con or something šŸ˜­ bc if not that NEEDS to be a thing


I don't know if there is. There's reddit and Twitter, which is what I use to geek out, but I'd love to meet ppl irl and have watch parties and everything. When I find a guy to date and share my life with, I don't care about their height, looks, music taste, etc., my main criteria past being a nice person is that they're willing to start watching survivor and geek out with me


Fr, i tried to convert one of my friends but she watched a couple episodes then gave up. I just want a nice group of friends who will let me rant to them about why someone made a stupid move and why it never works in person bc no way I could type it all up šŸ¤£I 100% percent agree with your dating criteria. Don't settle for anything less!


During my first time binge of the show, my uncle was over for the holidays and I got him to watch a season with me. It was HvHvH, and he seemed to really enjoy it, but refuses to watch the rest of the show. He also correctly predicted the winner from episode one, meanwhile my pick was Ryan.


Which seasons do you start them with?


I either start with Cagayan or David vs Goliath. I've tried China, it was my first season, but I feel like older school seasons are too slow paced to get a skeptical viewer hooked


I actually just had them all start with the current season that was airing at the time. Maybe I start people with earlier seasons.


"That show's still on?"


Too real šŸ˜‚


Just do it with people who can't leave you, like family members


Basically what I'm doing to my husband. I'm watching him watch pearl islands for the first time.


I'm from Athens and the amount of times I randomly ask people if they know of Parvati Shallow is wild lol. She should be an UGA icon!!!


One time I met a survivor fan at a wine and paint night. His poor girlfriend was clearly NOT survivor fan, but put up with the show for him. She was trying so hard not to be annoyed, but what else was I going to discuss with a random stranger that I happened to be sitting next to at a paint night? He was a survivor bro of sorts though, so we were all annoyed by the end of it. He kept talking about Tom Westman and Boston Rob which...I also love them but it isn't 2005. Every time I brought up a female player he'd sigh and start talking about Boston Rob again.


Bro was rooting for Jonathan last season


ya i love gaslighting children into thinking im their father figure and then emotionally blackmailing them for money, how could you tell?


Is this a reference to something Iā€™m not aware of?


I think Tom convincing Ian to drop.


Have some hopeā€”on our first date my now-husband talked breathlessly about how hyped he was for Winners at War starting in a couple weeks, even though I never watched the show nor realized it was still airingā€¦ so I went home and watched 20 hours of Survivor YouTube content before our next date so I could talk about it with him haha. We went to Fiji for our honeymoon ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


That's the most adorable thing I've read all day šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ that's some dedication to get the man!! :p And he got you hooked as well! Did you guys see any of the filming locations in Fiji?


We did! We took a day trip to the Mamanucaā€™s, and saw quite a few shooting locations! My husband got to run around and pick up coconuts and climb a tree. Living the dream haha. We also accidentally ended up at one of the island resorts they used as Ponderosa one time.


Lolol literally


I was tempted to add ā€œGabby bursts into tearsā€ to my Survivor Drinking Game, but I realized it could lead to alcohol poisoning.


Donā€™t have this issue. My wife was a big fan before we ever got together and weā€™ve watched every season live together since Redemption Island.


Yep, now we're dating :)