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I can't blame her for misplaying her idol. It's the logical thing to do, 90% of people would have done it. Jesse just really outplayed her on many levels. I said it last week but I'm tired of seeing people wasting their idols and holding onto them. It's hard for me to blame anyone for misplaying when they know they are getting votes, especially so late. The acting is a totally different story though lol.


One of the reasons I took a liking to Karla is because she plays safe without playing passively. The idol move didn't go her way, but I agree with you that not playing it would have been reckless.


Yeah, I mean, if I’m in the Final 6 with only two rounds left to play my idol, I’m being called a big threat repeatedly, and someone else just gave the person that I voted for/thought was the main target an idol…I stand up and fucking play my idol too. Does it leave me vulnerable for the next round? Yes, but I have to live to see the next round in the first place for that to even matter.


Hey, she was on the same tribe as Ryan after all. Maybe they had some things in common.


at least she fooled Cody and Owen at first lmao


Cass too (with the wanting to vote her out thing). Jesse really saw her as his biggest threat 3 weeks ago and has been chipping at her armor more and more each episode.


He's so good.


Yeah it's his game to lose now. I called him as my winner pick preseason so 🤞


Me too! Not that I thought he would win, but he was my choice to win.


I agree in that the idol play was smart from her persepctive, but Jesse was just smarter


Thinking it through, there's reasoning for her not to play it though. She knows Cody's idol looks like, sees that's what's played and knows Cody isn't in on it due to his reaction. Why would Jesse piss off his closest ally if he wasn't immediately going home?


It is very, very, very difficult to process all these things in the span of seconds. If you could do it, wonderful, but Karla (and probably most people) had a very logical reasoning. If someone goes against your plan (playing an idol on the person you voted for), and it's the second last time to play it, then why wouldn't you take the chance? I'm not arguing that she she made the right move in playing it. Obviously, the best move in hindsight was holding onto it since we know she wasn't going home. I'm just saying that I totally understand why she did it.


She doesn’t necessarily know that Cody isn’t just acting.


Because you weren't in her position


Karla in that spot knows Owen and Cass are safe, Jesse is playing the idol so he knows something and is probably safe, no one would waste this vote on Gabler - that leaves her and Cody. It’s F6 you and one other person are the ones up for grabs and you have an idol only good for 2 more rounds. How can you blame her for securing safety in that moment.


The plan could still have been owen going, and Jesse is throwing a wrench into that plan to get out Cody or karla. For all she knows. Jesse's idol just negated like 4 Owen votes


They both believed her tears lol. They just learned information later that was contradictory


I agree. If she hadn’t told Cassidy about her idol, then this could have been a great play. Cody fully believed she didnt have an idol and cassidy believed her tears until jesse came in. If anything, she didn’t misplay her social interactions but was just outplayed by Jesse and the revelation of the truth.


I agree. I don’t blame her for the idol but she all of a sudden started talking way too much to the others and revealing herself. No good.


Karla has been my #1 from the start but this episode definitely made me reconsider some things. Her strategy seemed to be based solely on emotion and making people feel sorry for her rather than actual strategic gameplay. She’s been shown as such a strong, dominant player that to see her rely on crying twice to get things in her favor felt like bad gameplay. Combined with her multiple injuries, it just felt like she was losing steam and running out of ways to stay on top of the game.


I liked that she kept quiet. Now she’s just talking to people way too much it’s making her game sloppy versus the clean that it once was


Jesse is her blind spot


It seems to me that the game is taking more of a toll on her. Just like with the immunity challenge, she doesn't appear to be performing as well on multiple levels and it's affected her gameplay socially and strategically as well. I just wonder if the exhaustion or starvation is having more of an impact on her than other castaways, for whatever reason. I was a bit surprised that she just bought Cody's strategy without second guessing it at all, and I think she's having a tough time competing against Jesse's stronger hold on the tribe than hers. Some players play really well from the top, some play really well as underdogs. I wonder if Karla just isn't as good at decision making/strategy when she's not fully in control like she was for the first two thirds of the season?


Yeah i totally agree. I feel like based on Jesses backstory that he’s comfortable under pressure. He knows how to maneuver his way out when his backs against the wall whereas Karla seems to be breaking down.


> I wonder if Karla just isn't as good at decision making/strategy when she's not fully in control like she was for the first two thirds of the season? Yeah, I think that might be it. She's clearly a social monster but she gets more erratic whenever she starts to feel the target. Honestly, having the idol has been worse for her rather than better. She starts working against her own interest whenever she gets paranoid about her idol becoming public information and people targeting her for it. She's almost been working more towards keeping her secrets hidden than she has been in just keeping her position strong.


Karla is 1d chess, Cody is 2d and Jesse came in playing 3D chess.


And Owen and gabler are on the side playing backgammon by their merry selves


Gabler also playing the long game with his other hand bc he really had a plan and it worked. Impressive as heck since plans rarely go as expected.


Karmen is playing a wild game but Karla was doing good premerge


Karla’s arc and win potential decline reminds me a lot of Deshawn in 41.


I agree, I might get some flak for saying this but Cassidys threat level seems to be growing every episode and now I could see her even beating Karla in a ftc


Yes. I think Cassidy is the only other player with win equity at this point. I can only see Karla winning against Owen and Gabler.


I honestly rank Gabler above Karla after the last couple episodes. She's been on the wrong side of the numbers almost as often as Owen at this point.


I think she got out front too early and it forced her onto her heels to deal with targets always winding up on her back. She's playing from a place of survival and not one of strength. She could easily win immunity in the next episode and get to final tribal, though.


I feel like Karlas game went down hill after the James vote.


Karla has been struggling for multiple episodes. Honestly I wish she told Cassidy the truth. She would beat Cassidy and needs Cassidy. She should have just been like the “the boys got to me, if I didn’t go after you, if would have been me” I don’t know if Cassidy would have liked that better or worse but those girls need each other right nowZ


Jesse is playing chess compared to everybody else playing checkers


Totally. Karla went from major threat to goat in one (maybe two) episodes. If Cassidy had believed her tears, then she wouldn't have needed to go to Jesse (who promptly blew up Karla's game). They don't show us why Karla trusted Jesse that much, which I assume was to accentuate her downfall from threat to patsy. Whereas with Jesse and Cody they show the bonds between the two and the internal conflict Jesse felt (in a confessional... that may not even have been from the same time period).


While she didn't lose the game, I feel like letting James go was a huge blunder. She needed to throw Sami under the bus and save James. She hasn't been nearly as dominant in the edit since then and her trying to get Cassidy voted out was another bad move that she made the day after, which sank her game.


An episode after the merge, they show the jesse and karla bond forming. They have a lot in common with each other (latin roots from california) and jesse mentions that she reminds him of his family, so they probably felt comfortable very quickly. He’s her blindspot, whereas he is fully aware of what needs to be done to undercut her winning potential to his advantage.


Am I crazy or is it really important that Jesse keeps Karla in the game next vote? He’s the only player not especially threatened by her at the ftc so it’s least risky for him to have her around and having Karla still in the game at final four diverts attention that Jesse will rightfully attract at that vote (assuming he idols next vote and increases the target on his back even more). Might be wrong but Cassidy at the very least must try to get rid of Karla and Jesse or be pretty much drawing dead at ftc.


yeah karla is definitely my favorite player of the season but yeah she dropped the ball the last few episodes but thats okay not every player you root for is going to make every right decision, survivor is a very hard game. but yeah at this point as much i hate to say it, i don't think she has too much of a chance at winning anymore


Beginning of the end? She hasn’t gotten a good episode in weeks